Breakable Thread


 "I'm such a breakable thread."-Avril Lavigne

Silence and then anger. It shred the whole happy atmosphere into two in just a split second, but it wasn't her fault; it never is.

"W-Why are you so upset Kris?" She asked, her thin voice breaking into each word. She just didn't understand; it was just another hundered dollars she borrowed, nothing much. Not much at all compared to the usual amount she borrows. 

Kris shut his eyes tight before opening them up slowly, he was trying to control his temper once again but he rarely did a good job at it.

"You don't get it do you? You don't ing get it! You owe hundereds of dollars! What happens if they come after you again? Am I going to be able to save you this time? Am I going to be there for you when you're in that dark ally? I don't ing think so! Get it through your head that he doesn't love you. He doesn't want you to stay with him, be with him. He just wants you to stop wasting your time and your money!"

A deadly amount of seconds filled the air, yet there were no words spoken, nor a single shredding tear. He's lying, I'm just showing my love. He doesn't get it.

"I'm getting exhausted, I think I'm going to head to bed now." So Min announced. Kris stood there in utter belief. H2ad she not heard every word he yelled? Had he not stressed the fact that he cannot save her anymore? 

"All this over some dumb kid." He mumbled, pushing the door open to go to work. He owed one hundered more dollars.


"Lu han, your lover is here~" Se hun sang, giving Lu han a small smirk. Holding in the temptation to slap his best friend, Lu han turned to see So Min walking inside the scool gates wearing one of her many stylish outfits. Carrying a small bag in hand she slowly approached Lu han's table with a meek smile; she was excited to see his expression.

"U-um, I got you something. It only cost me one hundered dollars this time, I wanted to give it to you first thing in the-

"Stop, can you just stop? I told you not to give me anything anymore so can you just go away?" He snapped, trying to sound as harsh as he could with his light voice; it didn't work.

"I'll just leave it here then." She meekly whispered, leaving it on the bench next to him before skipping away happily. How dense could she be?

"She just doesn't give up, Lu han." Chanyeol piped in, smiling at the others flustered face before picking up the new clothes Lu han had just recieved.

"At least you get tight clothes, I mean, I would love a girl who would buy things for me like she does for you~" Se hun cooed, about to try on the vest before Lu han snatched it away with a glare.

"It's not like that, do you know how much this girl must spend on these items. I added it up and it's like 1,000 dollars per weeks, her brother works as a bar tender. She must be borrowing money from some seriously-

"Why do you care? You get free ." D.O piped up, smiling at Se hun and Chanyeol.

"I care because...I just..." Don't want her to get hurt "I just don't want to see some girl dead because of me, okay?" He lied, biting his lips. He had had just enough of all this badgering and questioning. Anymore and he was going to go crazy.

"Lu han and So Mi sitting in a tree, K.i.s.s.i.n.g!"

"Shut the hell up!" Lu han yelled, grabbing his backpack and going to his first class...with So Mi.


You are everything even though I am nothing

You are the only thing that fills the empty space in my heart

You are more pure than the whitest of snow

You are mine.

"So Mi! I called your name at least twelve times, what are you writing in that journal that is so important?" One of her limited of numbered friends whispered. Closing her poetry book shut, hard she bit her lip letting all her thoughts come back to the boring reality. 

"Nothing at all." She lied, sipping her banana milk, she could tell Eun Ae wasn't buying it but she wasn't going to argue either. It was their first conversation that didn't involve Lu han or money. It was nice in her mind but bad in others.

"Hey...are you okay? You look pale." Eun Ae questioned, not able to get a legitimate answer before So Mi grabbed her bag and bolted from the cafe, down the street and into the abandoned allies. Someone was chasing after her. Someone dangerous and this time, Kris wasn't there to save her. 

Not having time to think, So Mi looked behind her, noticing five guys tagging behind her, getting ready to really sprint. At a loss of breath So Mi felt her legs giving in to defeat but her lips calling for someone to help her.

"Lu han! Kris! Someone, please!"

No one was there.

More importantly,

Lu han wasn't there.

They grabbed her, pushed her against the wall smirking their evil smirks along with their erted hands tracing her thin hips. 

"So Mi, how much do you owe us now? Give us a guess." His disgusting cigarretted breath clung inside her nostrils. She felt horrible.

"M-More than 2,000?"

"Exactly, we've been nice...a lot more than we should have. So now you owe us." He whispered, the feeling in So Mi's stomach was evolving. She was going to hurl.

"P-please don't hurt me. I promise I won't ask for anymore, j-just don't sell me." She pleaded.

"I don't think I want to let you g-


So Mi wasn't even able to acknowledge who made the hurried move until she saw four more guys fly into mid air and fall deeply into the ground. They were knocked out cold.

"L-Lu han?" So Mi's quivering voice question.

The man stepped out of the shadows...


I don't know about this chapter :/ In fact I hate it but I was just so excited to update!

*pulls theninjafailX3 out of the corner*

This is my bestie Tina and she's my editor/ Co author/ puppet/ slave/ daughter so be nice to her.

If this story blame her :D 

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IHeartLoveMinho #1
Unnies, please update soon! It's been seven MONTHS since the last update! ^.^
itsjustmecindy #3
Chapter 2: Please update soon ^_^
so mi =_= she never learn her lesson ~ uhhhh, poor kris. well, sometime love could overcome your fear ~ duhh. update soon ^^
poor kris ><" he has to deal with such situations and why the heck did so mi become like that? there must be something behind her obssession? nevertheless, update soon ^^
sharky #6
ommgg this is a good chapter :3
Okay, i'll blame Tina XD, I like this chapter. It was nicely written :)