chapter 4

The Joker
It was like yesterday. I’m always afraid of the thunders, just like that day when both of my parents got killed. My mind ruined in that day. I just remember the part of both of my parents screaming and the peoples kept yelled about witch and stuffs. It makes me crazy. And i remembered one thing. The joker was behind that scene.




“Jeongminnnn !!! Are you listening ?!” Shouted Minwo.

“I’m sorry my master, i was thinking about other else”

“ahhhh.. it is my fault. No use to talk to you.”

“Don’t be like that my lord.”

“Shut up !! take me to Chief police”

            Minwoo take the horses carriage in rush. Something is missing. Something that he must knew from the first time. What is the motive !!!!. Minwoo take a deep breath try to control his mind and start to think clearly.


Minwoo’s POV  

First, this is a serial murderer. Second, the victims killed by unusual way. And last, the symbol. What is the meaning all of that. I’m sure that the murderer wants to be known. Is it related with something ? like Forbidden Sect that Her Majesty worried about. I’m sure i’ve heard about this inverted cross marked before. But, i can’t remember. And what about the snipers ? is somebody know about my secret ?...


“My lord ?? we’ve been arrived” Said Jeongmin

“Yes, i know. ” Minwoo tried to calm down.

Minwoo just took a few stepped from carriage but, he stopped by Donghyun. Jeongmin looked at Donghyun curiously.


“My lord, please come with me to the Baron Van Dough mansion. His daughter has been burned down and the symbol found at her back.” Donghyun tried to explain in a line.

“Another victim again ???” Ask Jeongmin make unbelief face.

Minwoo bite his thumb tried to hold his anger. ‘Who the hell do that

“Jeongmin, this is an order. Find all information from the victims. Its names, families, and whatever relates. All of it !!!!!” Shouted Minwoo

“Yes, My Lord”

Jeongmin bow to Minwoo and then he ask to borrow chief police’s horses carriage and left with speed of light.




“Is there anybody knew about my secret ?” Ask Minwoo

“Why, My Lord ? I don’t think so. I don’t talk to anybody else except Jeongmin”

“I know, both of you wouldn’t betray me”

Donghyun just nodded and look at Minwoo seriously.

“Is there that bothering you ?”

“Yesterday, 9 snipers tried to killed me”

“In the name of God !!! How can be happened ?”

“I don’t know either”

“I’ll sent my man to watch out your mansion, My Lord”

“Find out their master” Minwoo looked at Donghyun, giving him an order.

“As you wish”



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evecloud #1
thnx.... >.<
Chapter 4: Besides mixing the twins up in the first chapter this story sounds good