chapter 3

The Joker

“Why’d they have a gun ?!!” shouted Hyunseong. Kwangmin fight back, he shot the sniper and he did killed 2 of them.

!!! They still 5 more !!!’ Kwangmin is rushing run to Youngmin.

Jeongmin run out to Minwo and suddenly piggy back him. He ran so fast to the hall and keep Minwo’s safety, like a precious one. And then he put Minwo down to the garden maze.

“Keep your head down !! Don’t do silly thing !! Now, your safety is the number one”

Minwo just nodded.

“Here, take the gun..” say Jeongmin in rush.

Jeongmin begin to run to the forest near mansion. He found one of the snipers. It seems that the sniper doesn’t realize arrival of Jeongmin.

Jeongmin walks slowly to him, “How dare you to lay your hand in my precious”

The sniper seems very shocked and scared.

“But, my lord….” The Sniper begins trembling.

Jeongmin strangle him without mercy and killed him in second. ‘4 more people who must be killed

A few shot begin run out from the garden maze.

“My.. my.. this is annoying” Said Jeongmin in angry. Jeongmin run as fast as he can to the garden maze.

He found Minwo struggling with 2 snipers. One of the snipers is blocking his hand and the other one is begin to shoot right to Minwo’s head.

“You were here my lord, now you can watch his funeral” Smirk one of the snipers.

Jeongmin felt paralyze, his foots stoned and his mind frozen. He in panic, he doesn’t know what to do.

Kwangmin, Hyunseong and Youngmin appear, “We did kill the others, it’s seems 2 more people left.” Said Hyunseong.

Minwo smirked “Don’t look down on me”

And then, Minwo put the other gun from his coat and shoot right on the sniper’s head with speed of light.

“Don’t look down of The Joker” said Minwo confidently.

Jeongmin’s jaw dropped and he looked so confuse.

“I’m sorry of my rudeness my lord, but i thought you were so weak” said Jeongmin

“As I predict of my dongsaeng. It’s funny to watch you protect him with all of your strength, Jeongmin-aa~~~”

“Stop talk rubbish and go inside to the mansion, we must take care my butler first” order Minwo calmly.

Kwangmin nodded. He took small steps to Youngmin place and began to piggy back him. It’s annoying to watch Youngmin hurt and he can’t protect young master. He felt so weak and angry to himself.

“That’s alright. Don’t push yourself, Kwangmin” said Miwoo, suddenly. Minwoo caress Kwangmin’s hair tried to calm him down. Kwangmin thanks to Minwoo, he felt relieve a little bit.

“Take Youngmin to my room. I’ll take care of him personally” said Minwoo.

“I’ll take care you per-son-nally” said Jeongmin straight to Minwoo. “Don’t fool around Jeongmin” Minwoo blushing.

“Butler, tonight you have to take cares him by yourself”

Kwangmin stay silent. “Don’t do silly thing” Minwoo have no strength to talk back. His talk became whisper.

“You are so cute my lord. I want to eat you” Jeongmin pull Minwoo’s arm to his lap and begin to kiss him gently. Minwoo shock and push Jeongmin hardly. He ran off to his room. He doesn’t hate it, probably he likes it instead, but he can’t be honest to himself.

“Crazy Jeongmin !!!!”

Jeongmin smile in silent. Kwangmin is giving a glance to him and then he is following his master to the mansion to take care Youngmin.



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evecloud #1
thnx.... >.<
Chapter 4: Besides mixing the twins up in the first chapter this story sounds good