(EXO) Acsoland {Hunhan} [ Part 1]

(EXO) Acsoland {Hunhan}

Title: Acsoland
Fandom: EXO
Word Count: 4200++
Quote from fanfic:

“Young forever?” repeats Sehun, pushing his pillow off of his head to look at Luhan.
Luhan smiles and replies with a firm but gentle voice, “Till the end of time.”

A/N: Inspired by 'Peter Pan' because he's such an awesome character!Please enjoy!


“Sehun! Chen! Tao! Wake up, it’s time for school!” yells Sehun’s mother from the kitchen.

Sehun blinks his eyes sleepily, and scans through his room, his brothers are still asleep. He got up from bed and heads towards the bathroom.

‘Another day has begun.’ he thinks to himself as he splashes warm water to his face to get rid of his sleepiness.

The smell of fried eggs and bacon welcomed him as he walks into the kitchen. His brothers are chatting happily with their father, but when Sehun sat down, his father stops chatting with Tao and Chen and faces him with a serious face.

“Sehun, you are graduating in a few months from high school.” His father says seriously. Sehun gulps and nods. “Have you thought about what you want to be in the future? Do you have any plans in mind right now?”

“Well.. I do have a few things in mind—”Sehun started to say.

“Ooh! Are you going to be a doctor??” asks his second oldest brother, Tao.

“Sehun, don’t be a doctor! Be a model! No agency is going to refuse your pretty face!” shouts Chen, his oldest brother.

“Quiet down, boys!” scolds Sehun’s mother. “You know how much our neighbours hate loud noises.”

“Sehun?” his father asks.

“Hmm??” Sehun is chewing on his bacon.

“Your plan?” his father continues. When Sehun looks up from his plate, he realises that all eyes are on him.

“Err.. I don’t have any plans yet.” he replies.

“Well, it’s no rush!” his mother says cheerfully. “Growing up can wait! Just enjoy your high school life while you can!”

“What do you mean growing up can wait?” started his father. “A young man should have dreams and plans in order to be successful in life! Sehun need to plan out his future, and start to make progress as soon as he can. No valuable time should be wasted!”

“Just relax a little, would you? Sehun’s only 17.” argues his mother. “And keep your voice down!”

“Mom? Dad? Sehun’s going to be late for school.” Says Chen. “I’ll drive him to school today. Tao, want a ride?”

“Yep!” says Tao as he swallows his last gulp of tea. “Let’s go!”


Sehun sat at the backseat in silence. His mind wandering far away… Why must he grow up? Can’t he be a teenager forever? Being a teenager is fun! He can stay up late at nights playing video games with his brothers, he can do stupid things with Tao, he can stay at home listening and recording Chen’s singing with his phone when Chen is taking a shower, he can wander around the city to have fun with his friends, AND, he can stay young and healthy when he’s a teenager.

Growing up means growing old, and that thought gave Sehun shivers.

“Chen? Tao?” Sehun asks.

"Yes?" reply his brothers together.

“Have you ever wanted to be young again?” he asks with a quiet voice.

“What do you mean?” replies Chen, confused.

Tao turns around and pulls off his sunglasses to look at Sehun, and says “We’re not that old, you sharp-tongued kid.”

Sehun tries to hide his grin from Tao’s comment and continues, “I mean, to be young and free again. Not having to be worried about the future, not having to be worried about how the society will judge you, just being a teenager, not having to be worried about anything that are related to growing up or growing old.”

Chen smiles and Tao laughs. “Just because you’re growing up doesn’t mean that you’re growing old, silly, and growing old also doesn’t mean that you are growing up.” Tao replies, still laughing. “Look at me and Chen, we’re grown-ups aren’t we? But are we really grown-ups by heart? We’re still in the same state of mind as you are, Sehun.”

“Tao’s right,” Chen says and continues smiling,” We might look like adults but in our hearts, we are still teenagers like you.”

Sehun sighs. He should’ve known that his brothers are going to give him weird answers. The car has stopped in front of his school. Sehun grabs his schoolbag and walks out of the car.

“Hey!” Sehun turns around, Tao had pulled down the car’s window. “If you had become a scientist and had invented some kind of medicine that will stop humans from growing up and growing old, let me and Chen to have that pill first, okay?” With that, Tao winks at Sehun, and Chen drove off.

‘So you guys want to stop growing up too, don’t you?’ smiles Sehun bitterly as he sigh and walk through the school’s front door.


At night, Sehun iss tossing and turning in his bed, trying to sleep. For some reason, Sehun is sleepless, ‘It must be because of the growing-up-talk today’ thinks Sehun, as he shuts his eyes once more, trying to dream about a more wonderful place that will never require him to grow up.

“Click… click…” Sehun’s eyelids flew open. What is that sound he hears?

“Click… click… click… Bong!” A gust of cold wind burst into his warm room, and he knows that someone had opened the shut tight window. ‘Oh my god, it’s a thief and we’re all gonna be dead’ he thought, and he shut his eyes tightly, praying that the thief would be gone when he opens his eyes again.

He hears soft footsteps coming in from the window, coming closer to the side of his bed. ‘Please please please please please don’t let me die’ he prays as he shut his eyes as tight as he could. The footsteps moved to his brothers’ beds. Sehun instantly regrets having his brother sharing the same room with him. He felt guilty and scared that something would happen to his brothers, because it was his idea to share a room with them. The footsteps moved away from his brothers, and Sehun let out a sigh of relief.

He then heard the thief opening their drawers, going through all of their stuff. The thief is whispering, but Sehun couldn’t make out the words. He opens one of his eye and tries to peek at the thief, it’s a boy, no older than himself he supposes, but he couldn’t see his face because the thief’s back is turned towards him.

“Shoosh!!” whispers the thief. To whom, Sehun didn’t know. Sehun starts scanning around the room, trying to spot the other thief but nobody else was there. He made a conclusion that a self-talking, crazy young thief has broke into his house.

‘This can’t be the end of my life,’Sehun thinks to himself, ‘I need to protect Chen, Tao and myself. I need to find a weapon to protect us. Yes, a weapon.’ He looks around the room, trying to spot something sharp or hard, then he laid his eyes on Tao’s panda plushie. Sehun have been hit by Tao many times before with this plushie, and it certainly hurts him way more than a plushie should. ‘This is it.’ Sehun quietly reaches for the plushie near Tao’s bed while the thief still have his back turned to Sehun. ‘Got it!’

Sehun waits for a while and made certain that the thief is too concentrated to notice anything before tip-toeing out of his bed quietly. He creeps slowly and fearfully towards the thief, and raises the panda when he is near enough.

“I said shoosh, Yixing!” hisses the thief, still oblivious that Sehun is standing right behind him.

Sehun then closes his eyes and hit the thief on the head with all his might using Tao’s panda.

“Ow!” the thief turns around preparing to lunge at whoever that is attacking him. He snatches the panda away from Sehun, and hit him with the panda.

“Ouch!!!” Sehun was hit so hard that he lost his balance and fell on the floor. The thief moves away from him with the speed of lightning and glues himself to the wall. Sehun’s head is in pain and he feels dizzy. His mind was still trying to figure out how the thief was unaffected by the plushie when he suddenly felt dust falling all over him and starts to lose consciousness, he only caught glimpses of the thief before falling deep into sleep.

He felt the thief kneeling beside him,trying to lift him up before blacking out completely.


Sehun gasps the moment he opens his eyes. He’s still alive. He looks to his left and saw that his brothers are still sleeping soundly.

‘It must be a dream.’ Sehun sighs in relief and closes his eyes again.

“So, you’re alive right?” a voice asks, and Sehun sprang up, surprised to find the thief sitting on the end of his bed. The thief was so surprised by Sehun’s sudden movement that he jumps from Sehun’s bed and leans against the wall. The thief is a boy, no older than Sehun for more than a few months. He is wearing silver coloured clothing all over his body. His hair is brown and pushed back, revealing his forehead.

“Wha—what do you want?” Sehun asks in a timid voice and points at Tao, “My brother right here knows wushu, so you better get out of our room!”

The thief stares at Sehun with his big eyes and is muttering something by himself. “I—” the thief replies “I’m here to find something.”

“Just take the money and leave would you?” shrieks Sehun “We don’t have anything that belongs to you here!”

“Money? What money?” blinks the thief, confused “I don’t want any money. I’m here to find my…my… wait, what was it again, Yixing?”

Sehun gulps, he is certain that nobody else is standing in the room. Could it be… Could it be that the thief is talking to a ghost? Sehun stares at the thief in horror.

“I remember now!” continues the thief cheerfully “I’m searching for a laptop!”

“So you’re stealing laptops?”

“Of course not, silly” laughs the thief, he has a cheerful and relaxed laugh “We’re only borrowing it for a while, we’ll return it before the owner wakes up. We only need it to quiet down the boys for a bit, they’re getting bored these days.”

“We?” asks Sehun in shock, “Who are you talking to just now? And what do you mean ‘we’? There’s only one thief in this room right now, and it is you.”

The thief frowns in confusion for a bit before smiling again. “Ah, I understand now. You can’t see Yixing right now. I’m so forgetful sometimes,” laughs the thief as he puts out his right hand. “I’m Luhan and I’m certainly not a thief.”

Sehun looks at the boy’s hand, not daring to shake it. Luhan retrieved his hand, but he is still smiling.
“Well, now that I’ve made sure that I didn’t kill you, I can go back now.” Luhan starts to head towards the window but stops. “Hey, can you lend me your laptop? I promise I’ll bring it back to you before dawn.”

Sehun stares at him in disbelief, “You just broke into my house and attacked me, and now you want me to borrow you my laptop? Just.. just get out of my room.”

Sehun gets up from his bed and starts pushing Luhan towards the window.

“No, no, wait wait,” protests Luhan, “I only need to bring it back to Acsoland for just a few hours, I’ll come back, I promise!”

Sehun stops pushing Luhan. “Exo-land? Isn’t Exo a boy group?”

Luhan laughs and steps away from Sehun and starts to search the drawers again, “Haha, you’re funny. No one has ever heard of Acsoland before unless I’ve brought them there. So where’s your laptop?”

“I don’t have a laptop.” replies Sehun, crossing his arms in front of his chest, “You won’t find it in this room. My parents don’t encourage us to dwell in the computer world.”

“Parents?” asks Luhan, pausing for a few seconds before adding “Do your parents control everything about you?”

“That’s a personal question, isn’t it?” replies Sehun, surprised.

“Then it’s true then,” smiles Luhan, “You’re already tired of your parents.”

Sehun sighs and explains while he walks towards his bed and lies down, “It’s not that I’m tired of them, I just wish that time would stop and I’ll stop growing up.”

“Stop growing up?” gasps Luhan, suddenly excited. Sehun can feel Luhan hopping onto his bed, so he sits up to look at Luhan.

“Yes, I wish to stop growing up” Sehun replies. He can hear Luhan whispering again, as if the’s arguing with someone else. Sehun rolls his eyes and says, “You do know that you’re talking to yourself again, right?”

“I told you, Yixing is here. You just can’t see him” Luhan says, waving his hands around trying to chase something away. “Ouch! Stop hitting me!”

Sehun eyes him suspiciously, he does look like he’s bothered by something small. “Is Yixing a ghost?”

“What?” laughs Luhan who had now gotten up from Sehun’s bed, waving his hands around trying to catch something. “ No! Of course he’s not a ghost. Just. A. Really. Annoying. Lost. Boy.” Luhan replies while he’s turning around in circles and jumping around, still trying to catch the so called ‘Lost Boy’.

“Okay..” says Sehun slowly, still looking at Luhan jumping around the room, “So if he’s a boy, then why can’t I see him?”

“That’s because. He’s in. His tiny. Form. Right now.” answers Luhan , who is now trying to slap the tiny lost boy with Tao’s panda plushie.

Sehun giggles at the sight of Luhan trying to fight off something that he can’t see.

“Do you want me to get you a flyswatter?” jokes Sehun, laughing at his own joke, not realising that Luhan’s eye had widened with shock.

“No Yixing, NO!” yells Luhan, leaping onto Sehun’s bed, trying to pull Sehun away. But Yixing was faster.

“Ouch! Ow Ow Ow Ow, stop it!” screams Sehun because something tiny had grabbed his hair and is now pulling him around the room.

“Yixing, STOP IT!” shouts Luhan, and he threw the plushie as hard as he could in Sehun’s direction. The plushie was only a few millimetres away from hitting his face. Sehun hears a squeaky yelp, and the pulling stopped.

“What the heck was that, Luhan?” yells Sehun in shock as he quickly takes the plushie and hides behind Luhan.

“Shh, shh!” Luhan shooshes him, as he bends down to pick something up.

“Oh my god,” gasps Luhan as he stares at the little figure in his palm disbelievingly. “I think Yixing fainted. Do you have a small pillow for him to lie down?”

“What?” Sehun stammered, looking around trying to find small pillows before handing the panda plushie to Luhan “Err.. He can sleep on this plushie’s tummy.”

He watches as Luhan lay the tiny figure on top of the plushie’s tummy gently and sits beside the plushie, staring worriedly at the tiny figure.

“Umm, is he alright?” Sehun asks in a soft voice, looking carefully at the little figure for the first time. It really is a tiny boy! No bigger than the size of a thumb!

Luhan glances at Yixing before looking up at Sehun and smile. “He’ll be alright. It’s just that I’ve never seen him faint before, I guess I hit him harder than I thought.”

“So what exactly is he?” Sehun whispers, still afraid that Yixing would suddenly wake up and start pulling him around the room again. “And why is he attacking me?”

“You called him a fly,” laughs Luhan, “and this little guy here hates being called and insect whenever he’s in his tiny form. He’s a lost boy, like me! But I’m in charge and he’s not.” adds Luhan with a smug grin.

‘Okay, this boy is definitely nuts.’ thinks Sehun quietly to himself.

“Then why is he tiny and you aren’t if you’re the same as him?”

“That’s because we have different powers,” beams Luhan “and he doesn’t always look as tiny as he is now. He only shrunk himself so he can travel with me more easily.”

“Powers? Then what are your powers?” asks Sehun, curiously. Sehun is suddenly finding Luhan’s words really easy to believe in.

Luhan only continues to smile at Sehun, and Sehun couldn’t help but blush a little. Seconds later, he felt something light and soft landing gently on his head, Sehun let out an astonished gasp as he looks at the flower petals falling beautifully and gracefully out of nowhere in his room.

“I can move things with my mind,” replies Luhan finally with a smile. “The petals you’re looking at now simply came from the flowers outside your house.”

“So.. You’re a supernatural?” asks Sehun, still amazed by the falling petals.

“Nope, but I cannot die since I’m not growing old.” replies Luhan happily.

“You cannot grow old?” Sehun’s eyes widened, “But how?”

“Creatures from Acsoland do no grow old if they don’t want to. But some creatures choose to grow old for personal reasons. I never understood them, to be honest.”

“What is this ‘Exoland’ you speak of?”

“It’s Acsoland. Ack. So.”Luhan smiles, “But it does sound like ‘Exo’ if you pronounced it quickly.”

“So Acsoland is basically like Neverland?” laughs Sehun, shaking his head, “So what? Are you like Peter Pan now? This is all a joke.”

“You’ve heard of Peter?” Luhan smiles excitedly and jumps up, “It’s been such a long time since I’ve heard of him! How is he now?”

“I don’t know him in person, I’ve only heard stories about him. Everyone have heard stories about him.” Sehun replies, still unable to believe what Luhan had just said.

“Ah.. That means Wendy have told stories about him.” replies Luhan happily. “Interesting buddy, that guy. Always seeking adventures, never a dull moment with him.”

Sehun stares at Luhan blankly, speechless. “So why is Yixing suddenly bothering you when we were talking just now?”

“Ooh! I almost forgot! I was going to ask you if you want to come back to Acsoland with us!” Luhan’s face is now only inches away from Sehun’s, looking at him with hopeful eyes. “Come! We’ll have lots of fun together! You can meet the other lost boys too!”

“Are you crazy? How can I just leave with a stranger that I’ve only known for a few hours?” replies Sehun, moving away from Luhan, “And what about my brothers? I can’t just leave them behind!”

“Your brothers can come too! Come on! I promise you’ll love it there! And didn’t you just say that you wish to never grow up? Acsoland is the perfect place for you to be in right now!” Luhan’s eyes are gleaming with excitement.

“You’re talking crazy talk right now. You don’t even know my name! I’m going to bed, you and your tiny friend can leave through the window.” Sehun says as he crawls into his bed. He can see Luhan edging closer to his bed through the corners of his eyes. Luhan is now sitting on his bed, looking at him quietly. Sehun puts his pillow on top of his head to hide his face.

“What’s your name?” Luhan asks with a soft and gentle voice.

“If you must know, it’s Sehun.” Sehun murmurs under his pillow.

“Sehun.. Sehun..” Luhan whispers to himself, trying to remember the name. “Sehun?”

Sehun shuts his eyes, trying to ignore Luhan.

“Sehun, come with me. You don’t have to worry about the future, don’t have to worry about growing up, don’t have to worry about anything when you’re with me.”Luhan whispers by Sehun’s pillow, “We can have tons of adventures together that other people would kill to have. We can run as freely as we can in the woods, not having any adults who are trying to control our every single decision. We can be young forever.”

“Young forever?” repeats Sehun, pushing his pillow off of his head to look at Luhan.

Luhan smiles and replies with a firm but gentle voice, “Till the end of time.”

Sehun sits up, “Tao and Chen can come too, right?”

Luhan turns his head to look at his brothers for a moment before smiling at Sehun again, “It might be a little hard for us to fly all at once, but yes, they can come if you wish.”

“Did you say fly?! Tao! Chen! Wake up!” Sehun jumped from his bed and shakes his brothers with all his might, “Wake up! We’re learning how to fly!”

“Go back to sleep, Sehun.” replies Tao sleepily, “I don’t smell breakfast so it’s definitely not time for me to wake up yet.”

“Did you have a bad dream my baby brother? Go eat some candies and go back to sleep.” murmurs Chen, still half-asleep before drifting back into his dreamland again.

“I do not eat candies when I have nightmares!” Sehun shoots Luhan an angry and embarrassed look, as Luhan is trying to muffle his laughter with Sehun’s blanket. “You guys, wake up!”

“Umm, Sehun? Let me wake them up.” says Luhan, hiding his mischevious grin.

Sehun watches in horror as Luhan picks up his pillow and slams it into his brothers’ faces. Tao, who is now fully awake threw a mighty kick at Luhan’s direction, but Luhan is faster. He successfully dodges Tao’s kick and leaps into the air. Luhan is now floating above Tao’s and Chen’s bed, grinning at all three of them. Sehun’s jaw fell opened, and his brother’s eyes are now as big as meatballs.

“Holy Swiss!”Chen gasps, “How did you do that?”

Luhan grins at them proudly and winks at Sehun, who’s mouth is still opened. “It’s easy, I just lift myself into the air with my mind and there, I’m ‘flying’. I can lift you guys too if you want.”

“Sehun? Who is this kid?” asks Tao, eyes still staring at floating Luhan.

”He—he uhh, he’s Luhan and he’s a lost boy.” replies Sehun, trying to explain further. “He’s taking us to Acsoland. He— Luhan, can you let us have a moment here?”

“Sure,” laughs Luhan, “I’ll just grab Yixing. I’ll be outside the window.”

Sehun shuts the window after Luhan left, and turns to his brothers.

“Okay, guys, I know this may seem crazy but he really is real and he can fly. He asked me to follow him to Acsoland where we won’t have to grow up and I couldn’t leave without you guys so I woke you up.” Sehun finishes his explanation in one breath, and looks at his brothers, hoping that they could understand. “I’m going with him even though you guys aren’t going to.”

“So you’ve made up your mind already.” says Chen, with a serious face.

“Yes I did.” Sehun swallowed.

“Then we’re going with you.” replies Chen with a sudden smile.

“Wait, what?” Sehun asks, surprised that his brothers doesn’t need any persuasion from him.

“If you’ve made up your mind, there’s no point in even trying to stop you,” Chen puts a hand on Sehun’s shoulder and continues, “we might as well follow you and look after you.”

“Yeah, plus, we can fly.” grins Tao, “That kid says that he’s gonna let us fly.”

“So you guys are really coming?” smiles Sehun happily, he feels so much safer whenever he’s with his brothers, “Then can I let him in now?”

“Sure.” smiles Chen.

Sehun half-runs to the window excitedly to let Luhan in. He opens the window and look out of it, trying to find him.

“What about mom and dad?” asks Tao to Chen quietly, not wanting Sehun to hear him.

“We’ll come back,” answers Chen with a confident smile, “they won’t keep us there forever.”

“Luhan! Are you still here?” whispers Sehun to the quiet night.

“Yixing is surprisingly still unconscious, what are we going to do with him?” Luhan’s voice came from above Sehun’s head. Sehun looks up and finds Luhan sitting on the roof.

“They’ve agreed to come with us!” says Sehun, happily.

“I’ve figured. No one has ever said ‘No’ to flying.” grins Luhan, “What are we waiting for? Let’s go now!”

“What? But you haven’t teach us how to fly yet!” Sehun panics.

“You don’t need to.” laughs Luhan “You are already flying now.”

“What?” Sehun looks at his feet, surprised to see that it’s not touching the floor of his room. He is now floating by Luhan’s side out the window, floating above bushes of flowers in his mother’s garden. Sehun shrieks in fear, afraid to fall, and hung onto Luhan’s shoulder.

“Why am I floating? I didn’t do anything!” Sehun asks, hanging on to Luhan’s shoulder for dear life.

“I just lift you to the air, didn’t I mention that I can lift things with my mind?” giggles Luhan at Sehun’s panicked face, “I know that this is not flying to be exact, but still, this is how me and Yixing came here and this will be how we go back to Acsoland.”

“You’re not going to drop me right?” Sehun asks, still unable to calm himself.

“Just relax, Sehun” laughs Luhan, his face suddenly bright red, “I don’t make the same mistake twice.”

Sehun stares at Luhan in wide shock, but Luhan looks away quickly and says,”Look, your brother’s enjoying it.”

He can hear his brothers laughing happily as they bounce all over their room with excitement. Sehun has never seen his brothers laughing so happily and freely like this since they were kids, and this sight warms Sehun’s heart.

“Are you ready, Sehun?” Luhan looks at Sehun with his pretty and glowing eyes, and Sehun nods slowly.

“Then, enjoy the ride.” smiles Luhan.

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Chapter 4's up! :) :) :)


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Thank you for the feedback ^^ I'll continue to work hard
Wuzzup #2
Wow! This is AWESOME!!! I love the idea! I wonder what went wrong between Kris, Kai and Kyungsoo and Luhan that they were banished....

Anyways, really intersting story! Can't wait to read more!!!! :DD
I will, thank you so much! :)
Wow I really really like it :)) I hope you update fast <3