Chapter 41

The Lost Pianist.


Hana just arrive at the office,




All her officemate run to her.


Seungri: Are you ok?

Jiyong: Did you hurt?

Hana: I am ok, look at me.


Top: Hana, why you didn’t ask someone to come with you?

Hana: I never thought Miss Kwon will be inside my house plus I just want to take my usb.  Top did you hear our conversation?

Top: Not only me but all of us because I make it loudspeaker and all of them had recorded it.

Hana: Wah! Good! You are amazing!


Hana, without realize jump and hugging Top.  While Top blush hard because of Hana, the others feels like want to laugh when they look at Top’s reaction.


Daesung: Aigoo, Top~hyung change into tomato!

Seungri: Aigoo our hyung is really cute.


All of them laugh at Seungri’s comment while Top glaring.  Hana stop hugging when she realizes what she had done.


Top: EHEM, Hana you should inform Jihoo and we should meet him as fast as I can.




Jihoo: Hello!

Hana: Ah, Jihoo! Did your partner call?

Jihoo: Deh, that is why I come here. 

Top: Thank you for coming.

Jihoo: My pleasure, actually my partner Kyung, he guiding your house Hana, most of the time and just now he keep on listening to your conversation with Miss Kwon.

Hana: Ow, by the way what is his name?

Jihoo: He is Kyung.


Jihoo introducing Kyung to Hana while his eyes eyeing the statue beside him who is still shock to see Hana hugging Top in front of his own eyes.


Hana: Hi Bbomb!

Bbomb: Hi.

Hana: You look bad, are you ok?


Bbomb nod his head while Jihoo smile because he knows the reason why Bbomb look bad.


Top: Why don’t we discuss inside my room?

Jiyong: I think, all of us want to know about this Top.


Top look at Jiyong and others, they look like little children who are waiting their mom to give permission to go play with friends.


Top: Alright.


They begin their discussing session, Hana feels happy because all of her friends ready to help her.  Hana also feels happy because she can help Seungho.


Top: Jihoo, how long we have to wait until you can arrest Miss Kwon?

Jihoo: We will try our best to gain as much as possible evidents that we can relate her as a murderer.

Hana: Jihoo, I actually forgot to tell you about the diary I had found inside the toilet.

Jihoo: Really? I believe you already read it right? Is there anything that interesting about Miss Kwon?

Hana: We just read it halfway but Seungho also experience the same thing like I experience today.


Bbomb just stay silent and keep on listening to their conversation.


Bbomb: She said ‘we’ that must be she and Top (inside his head).


I am back!


Seungri’s voice makes everyone surprise.  Actually Top had asked favour from Seungri to buy some drinks and foods.  Hana quickly helping Seungri to serve the drinks and foods.


Top: Is there anything else that you want to share.

Jihoo: By the way, my friends got to go inside Miss Kwon house and they found one room full of Seungho’s pictures.

Taeyang: Woo, that is creepy.

Jihoo: What make me feels weird is, as you know Seungho is not here anymore, but she still keep his pictures.  Ah about the diary, can we keep it? I am afraid if something bad happen to Hana if she know you keep Seungho’s diary.

Top: I agree with you.  Hana give the diary to Jihoo.


Hana pouting because she wants to keep on reading it. 


Jihoo: Don’t worry Hana, after this entire end; I will give it back to you.


Hana smile when she heard that.  Jihoo decides to take a leave because he wants to check the diary as fast as possible.  Jihoo and Bbomb walk out from the office, they hear Hana call out for Bbomb.


Hana: Bbomb, here take this.


Bbomb surprise when Hana giving him a chocolate.


Hana: You look bad today; I hear chocolate can help to light up mood!

Bbomb: Thank you Hana.


Hana is smile and wave at them.  Jihoo just smile to see Hana innocent action.


Bbomb: Jihoo, she gives me this.

Jihoo: Tchh.

Bbomb: I will keep this as a memoir.

Jihoo: Aish, please.


~ ~ ~

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mylittleelmo #1
Chapter 44: damn !! i cry at the end of the story! good job! (waa, need more tissues)
Chapter 44: aaaaaaaaw...its the end already! congrats authornim :)
Chapter 37: kekeke., you cant have her minhyuk bcuze she's already someone's and that's Top.
Dun knw but i want her with seungho though. N i know that'd not happen. Sigh :/
Woah~ its no doubt that Miss Kwon was all behind this. I cant wait for your update. Im so curious. . But each chaps are short and i hope that you can write a little longer. . Hehe, but i appreciate it. Hwaiting!
Chapter 33: ahahaha!blockB helping out Seungho's case (^^)
Of course I will keep supporting you. LOL you don't need to tell me xD as long as you update I'll be happy. Update soon ;)
seungie_mikro #7
@xLeilaRose: keep on supporting me!;)
Haha no problem author-nim I like the new update ;)
seungie_mikro #9
@xLeilaRose: thank you for reading my story! i will try my best!
I find this getting more and more interesting I hope to see a new update soon ;)