Chapter 2

The Lost Pianist.


HyunKi: Noona! Where should I put this bag?


HyunKi, Hana’s youngest brother.  Hana only have 2 siblings.  Hana and HyunKi.  All of her family work together on the day she move in to the her new house.  Her mother busy on the cleaning the whole house whiles his father busy takes out her things from the van.


After 3 hours, all the works done.  All of her family relaxing in the living room even it is small.  Her mother also had prepared some snack for them.  They enjoy the snack while watching television.  Hana feel really grateful because she had found a fully furnished house and the rent is not really expensive.

At 5 o’clock, her family decides to go back to their house.


Umma: Take care Hana, don’t forget to lock all the windows when you are alone or not at the house.

Hana: Deh umma.

Appa: Don’t open the door if you don’t who coming ok?

Hana: Arasso appa.

HyunKi: Beware noona, you will sleep alone tonight!

Hana: Yahh, are you trying to make me afraid.

Appa: HyunKi, you should not do that.

Umma: HyunKi just joking Hana.

Hana: I know, HyunKi take care for Umma and Appa for me!

HyunKi: Arraso noona!


Hana get in the house after her family’s car disappear from her vision.


Hana: Ok, what should I do now?  I still get one day free tomorrow before I start working.


She looks at the clock.  Already 6.30 p.m, she decides to take a bath and prepare some simple dinner for herself.  While she taking a bath, she can hear someone playing piano.  It is really beautiful music.  Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven.


Hana: I wonder who is playing the piano.


When she out from the bathroom, she cannot hear the music anymore.  Maybe someone from the neighborhood play it.  She thinks by herself.  Finish preparing for dinner; she brought it to the front of television.  She is having her dinner in front of television.  Hana decides to enjoy watching television tonight.  While watching the television, at the same time Hana also take times to look below the coffee table.


Hana: There are some books here.  Classic music, maybe the last tenant is the owner.  He really loves classic music.  Tomorrow I will keep all the things belong to the old owner.


After a while, Hana become sleepy.  She decides to sleep in her new bedroom.  She switches off the television and move to her bedroom.  Lying on her bed waiting for the right time to sleep.  The moment she want to close her eyes, suddenly she hear the music again.  Still the same music.  Hana didn’t have any problem listening to the music when she went to the sleep because always done it.  Hana also have some interest with classic music.  Hana’s eyelids become heavy as she listens to the music.


‘ Hana wake up as she hear the music has shift into another song.  Fur Elise, if she is not mistaken.  From her bed, still inside her room, she can see there is a young man playing piano beside her bed.  The way he plays the piano is really beautiful and graceful plus the music is already beautiful.  Hana try to look at his face but seems like she can’t move from her bed.  The young man is really spellbound with his piano as he didn’t realize Hana was there to.  Finally the music end, the young man stand up and….’


Hana awake from her sleep.  She looks at her phone.


Hana: Eh, already morning?


Hana keep on thinking about her dream.  The dream seems real.  The dream happen in her own bedroom.  Who is the young man who is playing the piano.


Hana: What a weird dream.


~ ~ ~

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mylittleelmo #1
Chapter 44: damn !! i cry at the end of the story! good job! (waa, need more tissues)
Chapter 44: aaaaaaaaw...its the end already! congrats authornim :)
Chapter 37: kekeke., you cant have her minhyuk bcuze she's already someone's and that's Top.
Dun knw but i want her with seungho though. N i know that'd not happen. Sigh :/
Woah~ its no doubt that Miss Kwon was all behind this. I cant wait for your update. Im so curious. . But each chaps are short and i hope that you can write a little longer. . Hehe, but i appreciate it. Hwaiting!
Chapter 33: ahahaha!blockB helping out Seungho's case (^^)
Of course I will keep supporting you. LOL you don't need to tell me xD as long as you update I'll be happy. Update soon ;)
seungie_mikro #7
@xLeilaRose: keep on supporting me!;)
Haha no problem author-nim I like the new update ;)
seungie_mikro #9
@xLeilaRose: thank you for reading my story! i will try my best!
I find this getting more and more interesting I hope to see a new update soon ;)