Chapter 2

Ruby Wine

Sorry for the long wait. I was on a trip, visiting my grandparents~ :) I worked on this next KyuMin one shot while I was there though, so I could give you guys an update! I hope you like it! I would like to thank SJheartKM for commenting last time and giving me ideas~! :D And I would also like to thank thederpchaneyeol for making this awesome poster and background for me! Thanks to all my readers and subscribers too! I love you guys!

"Where are we going?" Sungmin peered up at Kyuhyun curiously, watching as his boyfriend searched around for their destination as they waited to cross the road. 

Kyuhyun hummed quietly, a small smile on his lips, but didn't respond right away, only squeezing Sungmin's hand and pulling him across when the Walk signal flashed at them from the other side.

When they reached the middle of the road, and Sungmin made for sure all the cars had stopped because Kyuhyun hadn't bothered to look, Kyuhyun looked at him and smiled. The maknae's eyes were twinkling.  Sungmin's heart fluttered at his smile like usual. His heart ALWAYS fluttered, even though they had been together for years.

"It's a surprise." He said simply, shrugging a little while he tried to look nonchalant. His eyes betrayed him though. Sungmin could tell that he was excited about something.

They crossed the road safely, Kyuhyun swinging their arms back and forth while humming Andante. 

Sungmin stared at Kyuhyun for a little while, drinking in ever little detail, from that one misplaced strand of hair on the top of his head to his shining eyes. He smiled to himself, realizing that he couldn't ever be happier and that Kyuhyun was all he needed and would be all he ever needed. 

He focused his attention back on their surroundings, wishing Kyuhyun would at least tell him what the place looked like so he could help. He looked around at all the bright street lights and stores in amazement. He had never explored New York city before.

"You're...not taking me to an arcade...are you?" Sungmin asked warily after they passed a gaming store, slightly surprised that Kyuhyun hadn't wanted to go inside. "You get so serious when you play games. It's scary."

Kyuhyun glanced at him, grinning . "Why? Would you like to go to one?"

Sungmin shook his head, smiling. "I know you would, but I don't want to. Games aren't really for me."

Kyuhyun laughed, leaning over and down to press his lips against Sungmin's cheek in a light, chaste, kiss, making Sungmin's smile bigger and the crowd around them stare in disgust. They ignored them though and Kyuhyun whispered in his ear before he pulled away.

"You just don't like them because you loose."

Sungmin laughed. "Yah!"

They laughed together, traveling down a street lit with neon lights and loud music.

"America sure is loud..." Kyuhyun murmured after a little bit, looking slightly uncomfortable in the busy, noisy atmosphere or New York City. Sungmin felt the grip on his hand tighten. He scooted closer to Kyuhyun, clutching the younger boy's muscular arm, feeling just as uncomfortable.

Sungmin wasn't a person that got claustrophobic and he never minded crowds - but here, there were so many people around him, pushing, shoving, and yelling, that he figured it wouldn't take much time until he did start to become claustrophobic. Kids were screaming and crying. There was a fight going on somewhere ahead of them that Sungmin could only hear, not see, because of the gigantic mass of bodies. Sales people were calling out their merchandise.

It was overwhelming.

He had never understood Donghae's fear of crowds, but now he knew exactly why he hated them so much.

Kyuhyun clung to Sungmin. "Let's not get separated in here...we'll probably never find each other again if that happens."

Sungmin nodded, even though he was already as close to Kyuhyun as he possibly could be. He just wanted to get out of here.

At one point, as Kyuhyun continued searching for the place they were going and the crowd thinned out a bit, Sungmin felt safe enough to release his hold on Kyuhyun's arm. He still kept close to him and held his hand though, just in case.

They had been just about to turn on to another street, thankfully not at all as crowded as this one, when someone bumped into Sungmin rather rudely, which ended up separating him from Kyuhyun, their fingers slipping from each other.

"Wha-! Hey!" Sungmin cried angrily, trying to find his balance. He ended up running into another person, who yelled at him in English, spitting at him, before shoving him again, this time to the ground. 

He cried out in pain, feeling sharp pain like needles along his palms and knee caps. He hissed through clenched teeth and rose to his feet, feeling his eyes well up slightly.

What did I do?

He rose to his feet shakily, standing on his tiptoes to look over the crowd of people for Kyuhyun. He didn't see him anywhere.

"Kyuhyun! Kyuhyun! Where are you? Kyuhyun!"

Sungmin felt panic rise in his chest, when he looked behind him and to the sides of him and still did not see his boyfriend.

"Kyuhyun!" He screamed as loud as his lungs would allow, causing a couple of people to look at him in confusion. 

The tears in his eyes grew larger until they eventually fell. 

Where was he?



Kyuhyun felt Sungmin's fingers slip from his own and at first was confused. Had Sungmin found a store he liked? Why didn't he say something?

But then, he looked around and didn't see him.


He frowned. "Sungmin? Where are you? Hyung?"

Suddenly feeling like a parent whose child had raced off to play with something, Kyuhyun walked around, looking for his boyfriend, calling his name.

"Sungmin! Sungmin!"

He began to feel panicked after not finding him. Sungmin hadn't brought his cell phone and Kyuhyun's had died before they had even left the hotel they had been staying at. What if he couldn't find him? Not only would the managers and the rest of the team murder him, but - they didn't even know New York City. Plus, it was so big that they might not ever find him.

Damnit! I should have never brought him out here...

He rushed up to a sales person along that street who was selling sushi. Kyuhyun couldn't exactly tell whether or not the woman was Korean, Chinese, or Japanese, but he bowed to her anyway, praying that she was Korean so he could communicate with her.

He bowed low to her, much to her surprise. 

"Anyeonghaseyo, Ahjumma."

He got nothing but a blank look.

"Sorry?" The woman said in English, surprising Kyuhyun. He his lips nervously, wiping his sweaty hands on his pants. 


Chinese then...

"Ni hao."

The woman still seemed to be confused.

"Konnichiwa?" He tried.

Still nothing.

Kyuhyun hid his frustration.

"Hello." He said in English, really wishing she would have known Korean or Chinese. He didn't know Japanese and he wasn't very good at English.

"Hello..." The woman said warily, staring at him weird.

"My name is Kyuhyun." He said in broken English.

"Hello, Kyuhyun. May I help you?"

He then proceeded to use whatever strangled English he could to ask the woman if she had seen Sungmin and describing him to her. He had a feeling that most of his words didn't make sense, but he felt that he had at least got his point across.

She took a little time to think, but then slowly shook her head.

"I'm sorry."

Kyuhyun threw his hands up in the air in frustration. He was even more worried about Sungmin now.

He remembered his manners and bowed hurriedly to her, thanking her, before resuming his search for Sungmin again.

"Kyuhyun!" A desperate cry, sounding far away, reached Kyuhyun's ears. It sounded like Sungmin.

Beaming, hardly daring to hope, Kyuhyun raced off towards the direction the yelling of his name had come from.


Kyuhyun kept yelling, wanting Sungmin to yell back, not only because he wanted to use his voice as directions but also so he knew for sure that Sungmin was there and it wasn't just his mind playing tricks on him.

Kyuhyun didn't care that he was shoving people out of his way to get to Sungmin. He didn't care that he was being screamed at. He didn't care that he was being rude. He just wanted Sungmin.

"Help!" Sungmin's voice was close by and Kyuhyun was positive it was him now. "Help..."

He searched the area around him, pivoting in a complete circle, before the crowd shifted for a second and Kyuhyun was able to see Sungmin, sitting on the ground, his knees pulled up to his chest.

"Sungmin!" Kyuhyun rushed to Sungmin's side and threw his arms around the older boy, hugging him for dear life. "Sungmin...oh God, I thought I'd lost you."

"Kyuhyun." Sungmin looked up at Kyuhyun once they ended the hug, tears rolling down his cheeks, his eyes bloodshot and his lower lip trembling. 

Kyuhyun hugged him again, his heart pounding.

"I was so scared..." Kyuhyun admitted, kissing Sungmin's cheek, his nose, his forehead, his hairline, his neck, and lastly his lips, trying to reassure himself that Sungmin was safe.

"Me too." Sungmin whimpered.

They both were crying and shaking now.

"What happened?" Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin, searching his eyes.

"I a-accidently ran into someone w-while we were walking. H-He shoved me which made me run into someone e-else who shoved me to the g-ground. I-I couldn't find...I couldn't find you..."

Kyuhyun felt anger rise up in his chest, threatening to consume him.

His clenched fists where shaking at his sides, but a gentle hand on his cheek made him calm down immediately.

Sungmin shook his head, smiling sadly.

"I'm okay now, Kyuhyun."

Kyuhyun shook his head and wiped his eyes with his sleeve."I know, but that guy needs his whooped."

Sungmin's smile grew. "I know he does. I wanted to give him some whopping too, but we're idols Kyuhyun. We'd probably get fired."

Kyuhyun sighed and nodded. The guys still deserved it.

He helped Sungmin up to he feet, and once there, Sungmin threw his arms around his neck in a hug.

"I love you, Kyuhyun."

Kyuhyun smiled. 

"I love you too, Sungmin."

Kyuhyun placed his hands on either side of Sungmin's face and kissed him, hard, making sure to put all his feeling into it so that Sungmin knew just exactly how worried he had been.

They ignored the sounds of disgust from the passer bys, probably yelling at them for being gay, but they ignored them, too busy caring about each other to care about the people around them. Though their were people that called them cute and were supporting them.

Sungmin pulled away from Kyuhyun, smiling.

"I really love you."



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Chapter 3: THIS IS AWESOME! so adorable!
Eunli_umma #2
Chapter 3: "Screw you!"
"Haven't you already done that?"
OH MY GOSH! I CRACKED UP! I love this Update soon! Author-nim!
ichathoriqlover #3
Cute minnie...he sure does loves bubble tea so much he isn't shy in kissing kyu on public...update sooon please
Poor Sungmin, how scared he must have been D: & Kyuhyun too, he probably felt responsible for it... I'm glad he eventually found Sungmin! finding him in a crowd and in NY city nonetheless: fate always brings them together 8D
(and I agree with them, the man who pushed Sungmin deserves a good punch 'cause no one messes with Minnie!!!!!!)

<333333 :))
ichathoriqlover #5
And I love it...from all the mishap that could happen, being separated from ur love like that is scarry, good thing kyu found minnie and hold him securely...more please???
I like it very much!!!! ^^