Ruby Wine

Ruby Wine

Kyuhyun stumbled up the staircase that lead towards their dorm - sweaty, tired, and aching. That last dance practice had taken a lot out of him.

He ran a hand through his sweat-soaked hair, trudging up the last couple steps.

God...he was so tired.

He had just gotten out of the hospital a little more than a month ago, but he had no idea that he could possibly still be this out of shape. It felt as though he were starting all the way from square one again.

The dance for ‘Don’t Don’ was certainly much harder than it looked too, which didn’t make it any better. It frustrated him that the hyungs had learnt it so much faster than he did too. Donghae and Eunhyuk had already mastered it.

I’m certainly not a better dancer now than I used to be... he thought to himself with some amusement. Eunhyuk-hyung has told me that a million times already.

The thought of his warm bed and covers nearly sent him running to the dorm’s door once it was in sight, despite how tired he was. Before he officially returned back to the team, his hyungs had saved their money together and went out to buy him a bed, forcing it to fit between Ryeowook and Leeteuk’s beds.

He smiled at the thought, as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out the key card to open the door.

It was nice to know that he was finally accepted by his hyungs - all of his hyungs. The first few months he had been a part of Super Junior, he had only dreamed of that moment. Now it was actually true and he basked in every inch of it.

He swiped the card through the slot and heard the satisfying beep and click that allowed him access. He smiled and opened the door.

“Hyungs!” He called the second he stepped in. “I’m back!”

He hadn’t really been expecting an answer, so he wasn’t very disappointed when he didn’t receive one. He doubted any of them were home. He had heard several of his band members complaining this morning that they had late schedules to attend.

He kicked his shoes off and slipped out of his coat, hanging it on the small coat hanger near the door, humming a soft tune to himself.

It was amazing how he immediately felt better once he stepped foot inside their dorm now.

He stretched his arms above his head as he walked into the living room.

“Hyungs?” He tried, one last time. He wanted to know if he had the dorm to himself for a couple hours. "Henry?"

It would be nice to have some peace and quiet. Maybe I can finally try that wine those fans gave me a couple weeks ago...or play some StarCraft...or do
both. I like that idea.

Again, there was no answer, causing him to grin.

“Yes!” He triumphantly threw his fist in the air, racing over to the couch and jumping onto it with a yell of excitement. “Finally!”

He was finally able to sprawl across the entire sofa, being able to stretch his legs out as far as he could without having to sit up to make room for one of the older members. He stretched his tired arms above him again before folding them behind his head, a content sigh escaping the maknae’s lips.

He removed one arm from behind his head after a couple of minutes of just lying there, to reach for the remote. He flipped the TV on and skimmed through the channels, his eyes blurring over as he fought sleep.

He couldn’t sleep now. He had a lot he wanted to do yet. It wasn’t often that he got the rare chance to have the dorm to himself.

Finally, after not finding anything worthwhile to watch, he pretended he was playing basketball and shot the remote towards the small recliner about five feet away from him. It spiraled in the air before landing right in the middle of the green chair. "Cho Kyuhyun has the ball! He shoots! Ooooh! And -" He whooped. “Touchdown!" He paused and hesitated. "...Or was it goal? Score? Aish...nevermind."

He rose from the couch with a groan as his tired muscles protested. He shuffled towards the small kitchen and reached over the refrigerator, standing on his tiptoes, trying to catch the handle of the cabinet just above it that contained his wine bottle. He managed to catch it, and once he did, he grunted in relief and yanked the door open.

He hated how they made these things so high up... He was tall, especially in his group, but he was just short enough to make getting into the cabinets hard. 

Now how was he supposed to get the wine bottle down if he could hardly open the cabinet?

“Damn Siwon...” He muttered darkly, scowling up at the wine bottle he could spot. It seemed to be taunting him, so far up there...
Why is he so tall?! And why did he hide my wine in the first place?!

Cho Kyuhyun glanced around the kitchen, looking for something, anything, that would allow him to gain a couple inches. There was no way he could stand on the counter to try and reach it. The cabinets weren't very safe places to stand and were very old so he would be liable to fall through them.

Plus, Ryeowook would kill him for stepping on the counters because: “Kyuhyun! That’s where we eat our food!”

“No it’s not! We eat at the

“I don’t care! Get off! That’s where I make our food then - and I don’t want your stinky feet on my counter!”

Sighing again, Kyuhyun searched around the dorm, looking for a stool or something that could help him up those few inches.

The chairs at the table where far too small and short, they shouldn't really count as chairs, they were more like stools, so those wouldn’t do.


I really don’t have time for this. They could be home any minute.

He smiled evilly when he found something that may help him.

Eunhyuk’s ‘treasure’ chest.

Eunhyuk had told him to never touch it, ever - but, Kyuhyun was called the evil maknae for a reason.

Kyuhyun raced into Eunhyuk’s room, which he shared with Yesung, and grabbed either end of the small, wood chest at the end of Eunhyuk’s bed.

Eunhyuk had called it his treasure chest, but Kyuhyun knew that all it contained was fan mail and little things he didn’t have a place for. He really didn't know why Eunhyuk made such a big deal about him not touching it.

He had seen Eunhyuk lift it once, when he and Yesung were re-arranging their rooms to adjust with Henry joining them by making space for him to sleep on the floor, so it shouldn’t be that heavy right?

After all, if Eunhyuk could lift it, surely could he!

Kyuhyun grunted with the strain as he tried to lift the actually heavy wood box.

He had only managed to get it about a foot in the air, hardly above his knees, before he had to set it back down again, huffing and puffing. He clutched at his chest, wincing. 

Gee whiz. Since when has lifting things been a problem for him? When he was in high school, his job for the summers was to help his neighbors out. They paid him generously for cleaning their garages. He had been forced to lift heavy objects by himself, so he should be able to handle it now, though, right?

Was the Cho GameKyu finally getting old? He chuckled at the thought. No. It’s probably just my muscles week after being in the hospital for so long. The doctors probably wouldn’t want me lifting things anyway...

He pouted and went to go look for something else he could use. He thought about giving up, but then he remembered that beautifully, sweetly-shaped, aged, and wonderful wine that was just barely out of his grasp and decided he shouldn’t.

I really want that wine.

God must have smiled on him just then and sensed just how much he wanted that wine, for He shown His light (well, it was actually a car light turning down their street showing through the window in their room, but he gave God the credit for it anyway) on Donghae and Sungmin’s empty suitcases in the open closet door as he wandered into their rooms.

That’s it!

He grabbed Donghae’s suitcase first and placed it flat on the floor. 

Despite how bulky the suitcase was, it was hardly enough for Kyuhyun to be tall enough to reach that far up. It only got him about three inches off the floor. Sungmin's suitcase wasn't going to be tall enough for his to work. 

Frowning, he went to his own room, shared with Leeteuk and Ryeowook. He shuffled through the closet the three of them shared before he found Leeteuk’s maroon colored one. That one would work.

He yanked it out, making several of his own things clatter to the floor, and raced to the kitchen again. He placed that bag on the other one and slowly, steadily, stepped onto the wobbly tower of suitcases.
He gripped onto the refrigerator tightly, praying that he wouldn’t fall.

The members, plus his doctors and the managers, would murder him if he hurt himself again so soon after getting out of the hospital.

He winced, just thinking about the impact on his hip. He had already shattered it once, he didn’t want to do it again.

Shuddering at the memory, Kyuhyun forced himself to focus back on that beautiful wine just inches away from his fingertips.

He brushed at the cork with his middle finger before forcing his arm to stretch just a little more. He bit his lip, beginning to sweat when he felt the bags below him sway, but then, with one last effort, he managed to grab hold of the wine bottle.

A relieved smile on his face, Kyuhyun examined the bottle.

Yup. Everything’s good.

He grinned to himself.

About time. Now I can play StarCraft!

He lowered himself carefully down off the suitcases, then, without bothering to put them away, too busy eagerly awaiting to try his wine, he practically skipped over to the table. He set the wine down before going to get his laptop from his room.

He set the laptop down on the table, plugged the charger into the wall, set up the wireless mouse, then went to go get a wine glass.

Only minutes later, StarCraft was up on his screen and he was already engrossed in the game. He yelled into the headset as enemy soldiers came into his camp and he lost several good, and quite expensive, troops.

Glaring at his game, he poured the wine into his cup, his eyes only briefly leaving the screen.  He brought the cool glass to his lips and took a long sip, relishing in the taste and smacking his lips together in satisfaction.

Yup. This was pretty damn nice.

He was so into his game that he didn’t hear the front door open and a pair keys jingle as they were tossed onto the small windowsill near the front door.

It wasn’t until the person spoke that he realized they were even there. He nearly jumped two feet in the air and spilled the wine leftover in his cup all over himself.

“Kyuhyun? What are you doing here so early?” It was Sungmin.

The older boy grinned at the reaction he received from their maknae and sat down next to him, leaning over his shoulder to watch him play.

“What time is it?” Kyuhyun asked, trying to focus his attention back onto the game in front of him.

“About, um...” Sungmin pulled his sleeve away from his watch, frowning. “About eight. Why?”

Kyuhyun hmmed. “I got home about an hour and...a half, I guess, ago.”

Sungmin nodded.

“Are you winning?”

“Of course.” Kyuhyun snorted, rolling his eyes.

Sungmin smiled and shook his head at his behavior, rising from his seat.

“I’m getting a glass of water,” he called over his shoulder. “You want something?”

Kyuhyun only briefly looked at him from over his computer screen. “No thanks, hyung,” he said, distractedly. He held up his wine glass, taking a quick sip.“I’ve got wine.”

If Kyuhyun would have been paying attention, he would have seen the way Sungmin’s eyes lit up childishly. “May I share with you?”

Kyuhyun clenched his teeth as he just narrowly escaped having his whole base blown up.

He really didn’t want to share such good wine.

“Come on Kyu~!” Sungmin seemed to notice the reluctance in Kyuhyun’s eyes. “Please? I promise I won’t take all of it! I just really need wine right now...”

Kyuhyun’s eye twitched.

I really wish he would let me focus on my game...I’m being slaughtered because of him!

“If it’ll shut you up - Yes. Fine. You can have some.”

Kyuhyun saw Sungmin smile at him from the corner of his eye.

“Thanks, Kyuhyun!” Sungmin went to the kitchen to get his own wine glass, returning after a couple of seconds, and sat down on the other side of him, much to Kyuhyun’s annoyance because he was breathing down his neck again.

“Oh yeah,” Sungmin seemed to remember something. “What’s the deal with the suitcases in front of the refrigerator?”

Kyuhyun didn’t like the laugh he heard in Sungmin’s voice and scowled. Cho Kyuhyun wasn’t short!

He didn’t answer, which probably confirmed Sungmin’s suspicions, if his little laugh was anything to go by.

Once things seemed to calm down a little in his game, Kyuhyun finally looked away from his screen, turning in his chair to look at Sungmin, who was busy pouring himself another glass of wine.

He raised an eyebrow at him. “Sungmin, said you wouldn’t drink it all. There is hardly anything left!"

“But I’m not!” Sungmin cried. He moved the bottle a little closer to Kyuhyun, waving a hand dismissively. “There, there. The rest is for you.”

Kyuhyun smirked. “It’d better be. Or am I’m going to have to make you regret taking all my wine?"

Sungmin grinned back, a mischievous light entering his eyes. “Oh really? What are you going to do to me, Cho Kyuhyun?”

Kyuhyun slowly reached over and tucked Sungmin’s bleached hair behind his ears. The stylists had allowed him to grow it out a little longer than usual, which Kyuhyun liked. He knew that they were going to cut it once the music video was going to start being recorded, but right now he didn’t care.

He just wanted to kiss the daylights out of Sungmin. That adorable look on his face was just making it harder and harder not to want to.

They were both staring at the others lips, leaning closer and closer to one another before their lips touched. The kiss started off as gentle, passionate, but slowly escalated into one of lust and hunger.

Kyuhyun had long forgotten about his game, didn’t even care that he could hear things being blown up, all he could think about was Sungmin and taking this damn shirt off.

“Kyuhyun?” Sungmin’s breathe whispered against Kyuhyun’s lips when they pulled away slightly. Kyuhyun felt a shiver travel through his spine.

“Mmm?” He stole another quick kiss from Sungmin, before the other drew away again. He fought the urge to whine.

“What about your game?”

Kyuhyun chuckled. “Screw my game.” His voice was husky with longing.

Sungmin grinned. “I never thought I’d hear you say that...”

Kyuhyun smirked. “There’s a first time for everything.”

He eagerly attacked Sungmin’s lips again and was glad when the older boy let him this time.

After several heated minutes, Sungmin pulled away from Kyuhyun. They were both panting hard and their lips were swollen, but neither seemed to really notice.  

“Kyuhyun...I think you’re losing your game.” Sungmin smiled at him, staring into his eyes.

Kyuhyun his lips. “Didn’t I tell you not to worry about my game?”

Sungmin just smiled at him, picking up his wine glass and taking a sip. Kyuhyun returned back to his game, frowning when he saw how much damage had been done to his base.


His anger didn’t last long though. Sungmin was so worth it.

Not bothering to save his progress, Kyuhyun shut down the computer and returned back to Sungmin’s perfect, pouty lips - until Leeteuk and Eunhyuk returned from Sukira.

As they were taking their shoes off at the door, Kyuhyun and Sungmin quickly fixed their shirts and ran their fingers through their hair, trying to look normal so that no one suspected that they were up to anything.

“Hey! Why are there suitcases in front of the refrigerator?” Leeteuk called from the kitchen, confusion and exasperation in the leader’s voice.

Kyuhyun and Sungmin shared knowing looks.

“Is that my suitcase?!”

Sungmin snorted, hiding a laugh behind his hand, and Kyuhyun just grinned.

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Chapter 3: THIS IS AWESOME! so adorable!
Eunli_umma #2
Chapter 3: "Screw you!"
"Haven't you already done that?"
OH MY GOSH! I CRACKED UP! I love this Update soon! Author-nim!
ichathoriqlover #3
Cute minnie...he sure does loves bubble tea so much he isn't shy in kissing kyu on public...update sooon please
Poor Sungmin, how scared he must have been D: & Kyuhyun too, he probably felt responsible for it... I'm glad he eventually found Sungmin! finding him in a crowd and in NY city nonetheless: fate always brings them together 8D
(and I agree with them, the man who pushed Sungmin deserves a good punch 'cause no one messes with Minnie!!!!!!)

<333333 :))
ichathoriqlover #5
And I love it...from all the mishap that could happen, being separated from ur love like that is scarry, good thing kyu found minnie and hold him securely...more please???
I like it very much!!!! ^^