Best Friend Quarrel

It's Actually Been You

''Hyung, can we get this too? Please!!'' Chunji shoved a bag of mango strips in my face.

''Ani! Dad gave us enough money for what's on the list.'' I pushed him away.

''Then why don't we just take one thing off the list?'' He asked with a menacing grin. I had to admit those mango strips looked delicious, and as a teenage girl it's important for me to eat the right amount of fruit right? ''You know you want to~''

''Fine!'' I broke so easily, and threw out the bean paste. ''Come on let's eat it now, that way we can still get the bean paste.''

''Hyung, that's stealing!'' Chunji gaped. ''You're so bad!'' He laughed. We ripped the bag open, and dug into the mangos.

''One for you, one for me!'' I hung a strip over Chunji's mouth.

''Yah! Stop playing''

''Jinshim?'' A familiar voice made me drop the mango strip on the floor.

''Aish, bwoyah!'' Chunji sighed.

''K-Kai! Annyeong.'' Why did he have to come at my lamest moment?

''Hyung, annyeong!'' Chunji bowed. Seriously, that boy was cuter than me.

''What are you guys doing?'' Kai chuckled eyeing our open bag of mango strips.

''Hyung had a brilliant idea. If we eat these before we finish shopping then we can get the bean paste. Isn't it smart?'' Chunji grinned. I mentally face palmed. Now Kai thought...knew I was a thief.

''Oh, I see.'' He smirked.

''Jongin, ppali. You're father's waiting.'' The same lady I saw wearing an apron the other day strolled by us with the shopping cart.

''Ne, ahjumma.'' For some reason I got a feeling like that woman didn't really like me all that much. ''I'll see you at school Shim.'' He tilted his head before leaving.

''Wah, who do you think that lady was? He calls her ahjumma.'' Chunji kept his gaze on Kai as they walked off.

''I think she's a maid or something. I saw her with an apron the other day.''

''Aigoo, if someone wears an apron does that make them a maid?'' Chunji flicked my head. ''No wonder you're ranked 50.''

''Yah!'' I smacked his head.


''So you saw him at the super market? Why is that a big deal? Do hotties not eat?'' Kyungsoo asked sarcastically as I chatted with him on the phone. 

''Very funny smart . I was asking because he was with that old woman again. Do you know who she is?''

''Ani, I've never seen his family before. It was probably his grandmother or something. Who cares?''

''Ani, he calls her ahjumma. Do you think he has a maid? Maybe he's rich!''

''Yeah Shim, the son of a rich tycoon goes to Gahwa high school.'' He chuckled. Our school wasn't really known for acedemics.

''You're right I guess.''

''Yes! I'm always right, listen to me more often.'' Normally I took these things as a joke, but I could feel the bitterness in his words.

''Kyungsoo, why are you giving me so much attitude?''

''Attitude? Whatever do you mean Jinshim?'' One thing that gives me a big clue when Kyungsoo is mad is he always calls me Jinshim. Always!

''Yah! If you have something on your chest just say it! You don't have to be such a punk about it!'' I hated when Kyung, and I argued. I hated it so much that whenever things got heated between us even though I yelled my heart would shake on the inside.

''A punk? Who's the girl that couldn't even tell some kid her feelings? Is it really that hard?! Should I just tell him myself?!''

''Do what you want!'' I hung up feeling not nearly as confident as I sounded. 

We he really tell?

''Shim-ah! It's time for dinner.'' Kiseop said through my room door. 

Kyungsoo's POV

''Do what you want!''

''Yoboseyo?! Yobo-'' Ugh, I hated it when she hung up on me! Do what I want?! Does she really want me to do that?! What I want is for her to blush over me instead of that poser Kai! I'm the one she claims to get along so well with. I was the one telling Kai what to say on their date!

''Ugh! Why did I even agree to that plan?!?!''

.....oh yeah it was my idea. ''Asht! Molla!'' I sat up in my bed at a loss with what to do. My house was spotless so I couldn't clean...everyone already ate so I can't cook. Maybe I can bake? I jumped to my feet, and headed to the kitchen.

''Omo! Are you gonna bake?''

''Ne, eomma.''

''Is there something bothering you son?'' My dad asked from the living room. How did they know?

''Ani, I just feel like baking, wae?''

''Okay, just clean up when you're done.'' My mom smiled sympathetically. Did I really only bake when I was upset?! Naw!

''Oppa, I want a really big slice!'' My little sister Kyungmi stuck her gross little fingers into the frosting.

''Yah! This isn't for you!'' I smacked her hand away.

''Oppa! I want cake too!'' She began to whine. ''Let me have a slice!'' Ugh she's such a brat!

''Kyungsoo, give your sister a slice. How can you make that in front of her, and not share?'' My dad didn't even look up from the television.

''Abeoji, this cake is for a friend! I can't just give it to them with a piece missing.''

''Aigoo! Oppa, and Jinshim sitting in a tree s.i.t.t.i.n.g!''

''It's k.i.s.s.i.n.g babo!'' I flicked her head.

''Ha! So you admit it, you like her!''

''I didn't admit anything, I just corrected you. I'll be back!'' I grabbed the cake, and raced out the door before Kyungmi could whine for a piece.


''Kyungsoo! Is that for me, you shouldn't have?'' Junho hyung tried to take the cake.

''I didn't. Are you guys eating dinner?'' I walked past him. There sat Shim stuffing her face with fried rice. Still looking angry.

''Annyeong abeonim.'' I bowed to her dad.

''Hurry, and grab a plate before it's all gone!'' He pulled a chair out for me. I grabbed it, and pushed it as close to Shim as possible. This seemed to annoy her which made me giggle on the inside.

''Watch it Kyung, a spoon can be a weapon too.'' She growled.

''Ara, ara.'' For the rest of the dinner I sat, complimenting the food, eating next to Shim who was silent.

''Kyungsoo, did you two fight or something? I don't see these cakes unless it's something big.'' Kiseop grinned.

''Ani, I'm not mad at Shim...'' I looked at her with my big round eyes that always got me what I wanted. Slowly the corners of her lips formed the slightest trace of a smile.

''Aish! You're lucky I love your cooking!'' She snarled before cutting into my cake. I knew that would win her over in the end.


''Why were you so pissy earlier?'' Shim shoved me as we sat on her porch.

''Who knows''

''Well we should have fights more often...that cake of yours is good.'' If she wanted I would make cake for her every day. I wouldn't stop making her happy because it made me happy as well.

''We don't have to fight for you to get cake.'' I grinned. ''Your wish is my command.''

''Chincha?!'' Her face lit up even in the semi darkness.

''Ne, anything you want.''

''Can you teach me how to make cake so I can give it to Kai?'' My heart fell a bit. It's not like I expected Shim to ask for a kiss or anything. Why would I think that? We're best friends, nothing more. We don't have a romantic relationship whatsoever.

''Oh, geurae? I'll teach you how to bake.'' I grinned through the let down feeling.

''Gomawo! I love you Kyung.'' She wrapped her arms around my neck. I hoped to god she didn't notice the hairs on my skin prickle from her touch.

''Yeah, I know.'' I tried my best to sound cool.

''Yah! That's when you say it back jerk.'' She punched my arm hard.

 ''Aish! Arasso.'' I in a breath of pain. ''I love you too Shim.'' I love you more than you'll ever really know.

A/N: Sorry fror not updating a lot. I kinda got stuck with this fic. I think I'm getting more ideas with where I want to go with this so hopefully it won't be long before the next update! Kamsahamnida!

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Kyungsoo so romantic >.<
what will happen if shim know he likes her? Can't wait~
Aww omg you're amazing
Kyungsoo is jealous~~~ kekeke>:D
Aigoo, I wanna know more about Kai! What's up with his family?! And yeesh, Jonghyun talking about studying like it's a fun thing..e_e
Anyways, can't wait to
Gosh, I really like reading Kyungsoo's POV. It was soo cute I can't help but smile like an idiot while reading it. It was just a little sad that Shim kept on bringing up Kai in their conversation but hey it makes things more interesting plus it brings Kyungsoo cuteness out :D

Good job on this chapter!!!! :D
Not that the story was bad, but I cannot help but notice that it is improving and the same goes with how you write too! Keep up the good work!!!!^~^

Thanks for the update!!!:D
Poor kyungsoo :(
this story remind me to my past
hope jinshim n kyungsoo will be together then
Oh wait she is going to be with kyungsoo, because of the title!!
Aww kyungsoo... I want him with shim!!
Aigoo~~~ Kai's so cute!>//<
Aigoo~ Ugh. Eli that .D:<
Kyungsoo's so funny~! Kekekeke