Chapter 2



JongHyun started up the engine and soon exited the university campus onto the road. He sped up deliberately to scare Krystal and slowed down, only to speed up again and swayed from side to side. He was easily bored, but scaring Soojung here and there seemed to really amuse him. 

JongHyun eventually pulled into a parking lot. He took off his helmet, ” Ready? ” He turned around to ask Krystal if she was ready to go, but to a not amused Krystal, all he thought was “oh ” in a split second.

She hit his arm with both of her hands with slight irritation, ” You did that on purpose! “

JongHyun rubbed his arm as though her fragile arms could do serious damage, quite exaggeratedly actually, but it made Krystal crack a smile, so his act was worth it.

” Anyways, ” JongHyun cleared his throat, ” you owe me one, so how about we grab a cup of coffee or something? “

Krystal complied to his request and the two strolled quietly to the cafe just a bit down the street. They sat at a small rectangular table for two right besides the window and the view of the street. JongHyun ordered himself a cup of coffee, no sugar, extra cream, while Krystal settled with a simple cup of iced green tea. 

” So what is it that we needed to talk about? ” Krystal propped her head on her arm that was sitting on the elbow on the table


“ Well, first of all, I think you should fess up about what you're up to, “ he seemed to know what the girl was up to, taking into consideration that she was more dressed up than she was on a normal day.


Krystal looked at JongHyun sheepishly, “ ...College party? ”


“ And you're thinking about convincing me to not tell your sister about this? ”


Her lips curved into a slight pout, “ Technically, you can just pretend like you don't know...but I figured that you're smart enough to find out anyways, so I asked for your help...”


Krystal put the palms of her two hands together, pleading him for this small favor, “ Please? ”


JongHyun stared straight into her eyes, then down at her hands, and his wall of resistance finally broke down, “ Fine, but I can't guarantee that I'm the best liar...”


Her pleading face changed immediately to a wide grin, “ It's okay, nothing's going to happen, so we're safe. Even if unnie gets mad, at least I'm not going down alone.” Krystal said overly optimistically.


JongHyun glared a bit in surprise, “ You're quite the evil one. So I'm in a lose-lose situation now, right? ”


She took his words into thought for a few moments, “ Not quite. But I can't tell you yet. If I tell you now, you're going to break your promise. ” Krystal teased JongHyun, but he wasn't quite amused. She laughed at his half-worried, half-nervously happy face, but the time caught her attention, “ Oppa, I have to go! ”

Krystal opened her bag to check that she had everything, then zipped it back up while standing up and pushing in her chair. She was half-way to the entrance before JongHyun stopped her, “ Wait, I'll take you there. “ JongHyun took one last drink of his coffee and caught up to Krystal.


Upon leaving the coffee shop, JongHyun told Krystal to stay while he fetches his bike. Within a few minutes, JongHyun was already back to pick her up and they were on their way to Krystal's college campus. While JongHyun's eyes were on the road, Krystal was smiling to herself underneath her helmet. She held JongHyun tightly; he always drove so fast. Krystal smiled about her sudden thoughts of JongHyun, how lucky she was to have someone like him in her life, not necessarily romantically, but as one of the people who genuinely cared about her. She was tempted to tell him something as they raced against the wind, but he wouldn't be able to hear her anyways, so Krystal kept silent throughout the entire ride.


JongHyun pulled into the campus gates and right up to the entrance to the party in one of the dorms of upperclassmen at Krystal's college. She took off her helmet and returned it to JongHyun, “ Thanks, Oppa. ”


JongHyun only let out a sigh, “ If something happen to you, I'll be the first one to get a heart attack, only to be then murdered by Jessica. ” He faked a shiver sarcastically, “ I'd die a terrible death.”


“ I'll be careful.” Krystal tried to assure JongHyun that he won't die a terrible death.


Even so, JongHyun wouldn't be able to leave without nagging a bit, “ Remember to not take already opened drinks or community containers. Don't leave your drink unattended. Oh, and remember not to drink. It's a college party, but who knows--”


“ Oppa. ” Krystal cut JongHyun off despite him just nagging out of worry, “ It's actually not my first party. Shh. ”


He stopped himself from making too many annoying comments about her lying, but he had to say one thing, “ One more thing. Don't go anywhere else, with anyone else. For my own well-being. ”


By the time he had finished talking, Krystal was already half-way up the stairs into the dorm. JongHyun was left to awkwardly finish his spiel about party-safety. He stood there for a few seconds, reflecting upon what he just did subconsciously.


He was nagging. Like the mother-type nagging he always hated in high school.


JongHyun let out a long sigh, “ It must be because of age...” He stared at the dormitory building Krystal entered for a few moments before he realized that he actually couldn't bring himself to leave, go home and sleep. He had to sigh again as he parked his bike besides the wall. JongHyun leaned against the brick wall and dug out his ipod.


If he was going to stay there until Krystal left the party, JongHyun mind as well make himself comfortable. 

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Chapter 7: LOL. it's okay! But I really really really love your story !
nerdscandy #2
I'm confused now... :O UPDATE? :)
Jongstal v.s. Jongsica.
Jongsica shall win <3
I like it ^_^ update soon
Annalise93 #5 this is goood so far....
now that u mention it...when u read it the first time..then think about makes perfect sense..the first time..i was confused L::D
please update :D