Fireworks [One Shot]


All Kris wanted was to play with fireworks. That's all. But does it work out? Of course not, because nothing ever works out for Kris.



"Hey, I have an idea," Kris said one night.


Eleven pairs of eyes looked at him with interest. One of them, Kai, urged him to tell them what he was thinking. "What is it?" He couldn't hide the excitement in his voice. All the boys were bored to death and were just waiting for something fun to happen. And Kris' ideas were always fun.


"We still have those fireworks from Leeteuk hyung's birthday party right?"

Just a little one shot about the boys playing with fireworks. I wrote it while I was bored during 4th of July since we weren't allowed to light fireworks in my state because of the hot weather, so instead, I wrote this! Well, I hope you guys will like it. It'll be posted soon, so stay tuned!<33

Just posted it! I hope you guys like it!


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ayrie08 #1
Chapter 1: This story is so cute. <3
Haha, this was funny! Oh Kris... >.< So cute! XD
bookworm58 #3
XD that was a cute story. Poor kris, he tries so hard
AWWW LOL KRIS'S MOOD SWINGS ^-^ Love the one shot hope u write another one soon
Cute <33 on the fourth I was mostly in the ER getting my burns checked. I shouldent light fireworks myself... :|
AWWWW!! Hope U update the first chapter soon i want to see them up to mischief soon ^o^
I was bored on the 4th to! Its illegal to have fireworks in Iowa to because of some fore that got started downtown because of fireworks!