Music Bank

When The Lights Go On

Seohyun watched me, as I intently stared at the poster in front of us.

"Wait, wait...I know this...hang on...this is...uhhh..." I gave up and then stared at her.

She sighed in frustration, "This is Donghae!"

I groaned as she started to rapidly point to each one of the member's face on the picture, while repeating their names (once again) in a really fast pace, "Leeteuk, Heechul, Han Geng, Yesung, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kibum, and Kyuhyun!" As I tried to go over those names once more in my head, she continued on, "There's also Zhou Mi and Henry, so you can't forget them either!"

Sighing, I then buried my face into my hands, and simply cried in displeasure, "Why does it feel like I’m learning about a baseball team?!”

After finding out that Dongwoon and Kikwang were from BEAST, I decided to fill in my lack of knowledge on the world of music, and what was happening amongst the industry. Seohyun had been more than happy to help introduce me to this new world, and instead of just knowing only DBSK and Big Bang (with a hint of SHINee from Kyoko and Minah), I got to eventually know a lot more of the other groups out there.

It was a strange yet amusing when we had watched a few BEAST videos together. Heck, she even showed me their Twitter pages, and it was funny to see them message each other even when they were one room away from one another. I remembered seeing a few tweets made by Dongwoon and Kikwang that caught my attention. One of Dongwoon’s had said, “If you manage to read this, please don’t cry anymore. Be strong, and remember, time heals all~”

Reading that was like a reminder, and how I needed to apply that to myself, which was actually working. It made me smile, but I felt bad that he ended up receiving a lot of concerned messages from fans, asking what was wrong and the lot. Kikwang ended up uploading that photo that I took of him happily pointing at the lizard, when we went to the garden together; “Hi-yeom! I had a lot of fun today, and would like to do it again~ ^^” was what was written there, and I was glad that he enjoyed that day.

Overall, to have met them in person and then to see them on my computer screen was...odd. I remembered back then when Seohyun had showed me them, (and this is going to sound pretty bad) but I never really paid any attention to Dongwoon or Kikwang. It was mostly Doojoon and Junhyung that caught my attention, (along with Yoseob and Hyunseung who Seohyun kept squealing about) that stood out to me. Now that I was friends with them, it was a different story; my eyes had always naturally wondered to them first on the screen, and this cheerful feeling would stir up inside of me, whenever it was their part.

Massaging my temples for a bit, I then waved my hands to tell the younger girl to stop, "Okay, I’m tired. You can teach me more later, because I think my head will explode if you attempt to shove another name into me."

"Okay then~" said Seohyun as she stood up, "I was starting to get hungry anyways," And with that, she exited my room and then pranced into the kitchen somewhere.

As soon as she was out of the room, a sudden buzz signaled me get up from where I was, and walk over to my phone on the table. Picking the device up, I was greeted with a text message from Dongwoon that made me do a double-take to make sure I wasn't seeing things. As soon as I read it, it instantly made me smile at his thoughtfulness; 

"Eunhee-ah! We're going to be performing at Music Bank in a week~ Are you going to come watch and support us? ^^"

I replied instantly;

"Dongwoon! Hi! Uhhh, I don't be honest, I've never really been to these things before, so I don't really know how it works ><" 

Re-reading the copper haired boy’s text message again, it made me realize how much I missed his company.

As I waited for his reply, I took the time to sit there and savor in all of the somewhat delightful feeling flowing through me right now. It has been quite a while since we last spoke to each other. Ever since he found out that Kikwang, he and I were all interconnected, he suddenly seemed to withdraw himself away from me a bit. I found it rather strange at first and tried to think of anything that I had done that might have upset him, but nothing came to mind. He saw how troubled I was, and told me that he had been busy, which made sense. A part of me believed that, but another part of me didn't seem so convinced. So because of this, I found myself talking to Kikwang more.

After a few minutes, the quick buzz snapped me out of my thoughts; 

"You're in luck, because I just managed to snag a pass from my manager! Kekekeke~ So will you come and watch us? ^^"

There was a photo attached to the message this time, which showed the copper haired boy with the pass squished comically next to his cheek. On top of that, he was also doing those pleading puppy-dog-eyes that were extremely hard to resist. I found myself actually laughing out loud when I saw how funny he looked, but then ended up smiling at the cuteness of the photo. Thinking about my answer for a bit longer, I eventually replied a 'yes' to him. The thought of doing something new excited me, but the idea of seeing my friends perform on stage had me even more excited.


The day that BEAST was going to perform on Music Bank had finally come. I was now sitting in my seat, as more and more people began to pile through into the room. Banners, fan shirts, balloons, and glowsticks were commonly found in the hands of the fans. I found myself snickering to myself as I read some of the signs that said something along the lines of, "Oppa, please have my babies!" Aside from those sort of comments, the other banners had something encouraging such as, "BEAST is the BEST!" and so forth.

Dongwoon (and also Kikwang) had specifically told me to dress in something 'nice', but that was also easily spotted amongst the crowd. As much as I wanted to just rock up in a simple jumper and some jeans, I had put on a white dress with a red belt, and some white flats. I don't normally wear such bright colours, but white was a colour that was easily spotted in a sea of people, right? 

Anyway, the room had now filled up, and one by one, performances were being fulfilled. I felt the excitement building up inside me, as the lights started to dim, while the stage lights . The various screams, squeals, and fan chants overflowed the room whenever a different group was up on stage. Before I knew it, it was now BEAST's turn. 

As the six members stood on the circular stage in a row, they were all dressed nicely in a suit. Each suit was different in some way, so that meant that each member had their own special outfit. Junhyung had a suspender over his white, polo-looking shirt, that had one or two buttons undone. His outfit matched well with his 'tough-bad-' image, as his hair was styled to the usual perfection.

Kikwang was next to him, and his 'suit' reminded me a lot of a priest of some sort. I guess it was the way that the jacket was designed, but the thought of him walking around, and pouring holy water onto different people, was an amusing thought. Yoseob's outfit looked as if he was going to be attending a wedding, but it looked nice. As the music started to play, he cutely bobbed his head along to the slow melody that crept through the speakers, while Junhyung began to rap the introduction. Hyunseung and Doojoon's suits looked professional and business-like, while Dongwoon's one...Dongwoon's one made him look like a butler.

When he began to sing his part, I felt my breath freeze up in my throat; I just didn't imagine his voice to be like this in person. As he continued to sing, I could see how his head was scanning around in the audience, and when our eyes met, his smile brightened up, and I smiled back. The girls around me were swaying along to the melody, while holding up their signs and banners. Other girls were squealing, despite the song being a slow and soft type of song; I still remembered it to be the same song that played at the sushi train when I had taken Seohyun out.

"Oh, oh, lights go onnnnn, again~"

When the song came to an end, the stage lights turned off with a loud 'click' to emphasise on the dramatic feeling. Suddenly, the blue and green-ish aqua background lights slowly turned into a pink-ish purple colour, with some gold flecks here and there. As a more upbeat tune started up, the fans around me squealed extremely louder than usual. The group spun around, and then instantly broke off into a dance.

"Yeah yeaaaah, oh yeah yeaaaah, woaaaah, baby baby girl...Nan niga jeil joha!"

From what I was seeing, lets just say that the sudden bubbly, and more playful atmosphere made me felt as though my heart had just exploded into a million rainbows and cotton candy. With every twist that they did, the happy expressions upon each male's face couldn't make me stop grinning like a crazy person. When it was Kikwang's turn to sing, he pointed at my area and gave a wink, which made the girls nearby jump around excitedly.

"Omo! I guess we picked a good spot this time!" exclaimed one of the fans.

Junhyung started to rap his part, and seeing what the other members were doing next to him made me laugh in amusement. Hyunseung was pretending to play an invisible violin, while Doojoon was strumming an imaginary guiltar. Dongwoon and Yoseob were hitting some non-existant drums together, as Kikwang was jamming along to it. They then all sprung up at the same time when Junhyung's rap was over, and Kikwang went back to singing with Yoseob, here and there. Whenever he looked over at this way, he didn't make it too obvious, something that I was glad about. I gave him a little wave, and that made his smile more cheery, as he shaped his hands into a heart shape, inserting it into the dance.

The performance soon ended, which made a round of applause burst from the crowd. As soon as the boys bowed and then got ready to leave the stage, my eyes met with Dongwoon's, and his head sort of pointed to the side. I gave a quick nod to let him know that I acknowledged what he was talking about.

Quickly getting out of my spot, I then made my way towards the back stage.


"Okay, Beast...Beast...Beast...ugh, who knew the back stage could be so confusing?" I thought, while scanning at all of the bronze coloured signs on the doors.

I gripped onto the pass that hung around my neck with my left hand, as I quietly continued my search. Everything was white; the floor, the walls, and the doors. Even though it was like a hallway sort of place, there were many turns to take. It was very empty here, as fans were still watching the other performances being performed out there. I found myself slightly tensing up whenever a staff member would rush by, afraid that they would think that I was some crazy fan, who was loitering around. Some of them seemed to be in such a rush, that they didn't even notice me, while others took one look at my pass, and continued on with their business.

While mentally jotting down the signs on the doors that I was passing by, I came to realize that something wasn't right; in fact, something seemed rather off.

"Super Junior...SS501...SHINee...wait, what?"

The next thing I knew, something hard had collided into my face, which made stumble a few steps backwards. A squeal escaped me, as an unpleasant sting of pain was beginning to form on my nose. I immediately put my hands up to my face in discomfort, and tried to massage the hurting throb away.

"Whoa! Sorry, I didn't see you there!" said a male's alarmed voice. 


A/N: LOL, I'm glad you guys like Woon and GullableKwang, hahaha.

Anyway, how have you all been?! I hope everyone is still, you know, alive, after experiencing BEAST's comeback, hahaha. I bought the album and poster yesterday, and I'm still so mezmerised by it *____*

Anyway, I want to thank my loyal readers for their usual commenting, and have stayed subscribed! You know that overly happy face that SHINee's Minho pulled in 'Hello Baby'? It was when they were in the classroom, talking about tables or something...I can't really remember, but if you guys remember the one ':D' face that he pulls, that's what I look like whenever I see your lovely comments and new subscribers, LOL. And speaking about new subscribers, hello! :D

Anyway, just letting you know that I'm not really sure when the next chapter will be up; I have this project where I have to go through sixty friggin' artists, and it's due at the end of next month, and I am absolutely no where near finished x__x

If I don't work on it as soon as I can, I have a feeling that I would leave it to the absolute last minute, and pretty much die, hahaha. So long story short; if I don't update in a while, then you guys know that I'm either working like crazy, or...being a lazy bum somewhere, LOL. This month and next month are going to be pretty hectic for me, since I have a lot of assessments due.

Wow, this note is massive. *Dies* :D

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foreverlovingkris #1
Chapter 41: love this story!! ^^
Chapter 41: No sequel? TvT omg i am in loveeee with this story
Exo-bang #3
Chapter 32: Is there a seqel to this story?
Exo-bang #4
Chapter 32: Is there a seqel to this story?
SharonTheImaginator #5
Chapter 41: I love what you've done with the characters! It's really nice to see all of Beast interacting with one another AND as idols! Thought I've got to say, I was actually unsure about what each character is like. There's not a very distinct feature about each of the characters (unlike in 'Trouble in Paradise') , it would've been more interesting if each character had a contrasting personality that would give different impressions to the readers :)
Ah and I (again) love that Eunhee had a lot of thoughts and humour, audience pretty much understands what her head is goinf through and gets the reason for her actions (many writers make the readers go 'wtf was she thinking'?! But i'm glad you're not one of them! Thank you for making every single part of the story understandable, the relationship between Woon and Eunhee wasn't too fast neither was it too slow!
One more thing, I was actually unsure what the was :( Don't get me wrong, i loved the ending, the resolution fell perfectly into place and it was an open ending to many of the characters! But I couldn't really identify what was the 'hill' of the story. It felt like there was just a few downturns but nothing very intense or moving about the story. Though I completely understand if what you were aiming for is a light, enjoyable, fluff-y story
Overall, the story was ADORABLE, Dongwoon and Eunhee was ADORABLE and kikwang was ADORABLE, no doubt about those. You made the whole thing itself very lovable and I can tell why so many people loves it ;)
I look forward to your other stories!! Keep up the good work :D
Chapter 41: I just finished this story and then I saw the sequel and cried tears of joy. Very well written and I love dongwoon a little more now ;__;
Chapter 41: I actually subconsciously sniffed a little bit at the end where you were telling about the sequel. LOL. awesome story<3
ilove it it was awesome
Love it !!!!!! ^_^
Dagmar #10
Chapter 13: Oh you don't know me 'insert smirk here' :D love it! <3