When The Lights Go On

“You know her?!”

YOU know her?!”

“Uh, so what’s happening...?”

“Say what?!”

The different outbursts went on for a while, as I quietly stayed in my spot in the testosterone filled room.

"This is so weird," I mumbled.

My eyes seem to be glued to the the half dranked cup of orange and mango juice in my hands.

And it was all because of that one word, 'Beast.'

When I was further explained to by the four boys (well more like it was two of them talking over each other, as they eagerly danced and sang different parts of familiar songs, while the other two that I wasn't very familiar with, just stared at them as if they were crazy), bits and pieces of my memory of Seohyun forcing me to watch one or two music videos with her that featured these six rather attractive boys, came to mind.

"Unnie, come and watch this with me!" chirped Seohyun, as she tugged onto the sleeve of my shirt.

"Alright alright, hang on," I said, while quickly typing in a 'be right back' to the messenger conversation box.

Minimizing the window, I got off my bed and then followed the overly excited girl. Once we were in her room, she started talking so fast, that all I managed to catch were, "New group", "Beast", and "Fatty". When she finished, she looked at me expectedly, but the truth was, I wasn't sure what I was suppose to say after all of that.

"Um, okay then...?" I replied, hoping that, that was what she wanted to hear.

"YAY! I knew you'd think that they sounded interesting!" exclaimed my sister.

I nodded slowly, still having no idea what she was on about. My theory was, if you didn't know what the person was saying, simply agree and nod your head and you would be able to get away before they knew it. Although in this case, it sort of back fired on me, as she held onto the sleeve of my shirt, gluing me to the monitor's screen with herself. I looked at the screen and saw how she began to click the 'play' button on a video.

"Every day, I just can't control..."

On the screen showed a male wearing dark clothing, as he laid on a table of some sort. He had blonde hair that was slightly leaning towards a grey-ish colour, which contrasted to his attire and the environment around him. As he continued to sing, the electrical wires from the place slowly s around his body.

Seohyun giggled and then pointed to the dirty blonde haired boy, "He's my favourite."

I didn't say anything, but continued to watch what was happening on the screen. The song first broke out into a rap, and the guy rapping showed a really intimidating aura. He looked like the type of person I wouldn’t have wanted to bump into, at a dodgy alley late at night. As the next rapper jumped into the scene, something immediately pulled me towards him. Maybe it was the charisma he showed? Or maybe he was just overall, good-looking. But for some strange reason, I was reminded of Big Bang's TOP. It was probably just the way that his dark hair was styled, or something.

As we continued to watch the music video, I admit that I was being pulled in. Seohyun had told me who was who whenever they popped up onto the screen, but it was going to take me a while to remember, if I wanted to know which member was which. Throughout that, she had briefly mentioned to me how one of the members in the group could have had a possible position within Big Bang. She then proceeded to tell me how another member had debuted as a solo artist, but things didn't seem to go so well for him. I could tell that the younger girl had probably hit the replay button more than ten times by now, considering how she was singing along to the song.

"Ileol geomyeon neoleul jabasseul tendeeeeeh~" she suddenly broke off into a giggle fit after singing that in her most 'deepest' voice.

"This Oppa is the youngest one in the group, but he has such a deep voice, its crazy!" she cried. 

I chuckled at her exaggerated expression, and then watched her mimic how the other members would sing in her weirdest voices. 

My mouth formed a perfect 'o' as I clapped my hands together to show them that I knew.

Dongwoon and Kikwang’s faces both lit up at this, and then went to animatedly talk to the other two males; probably filling them in on what was going on. While this was happening, I took the time to take in the event. I thought back to the time when I first met Dongwoon, and it made sense as to why he was so cautious about saying his name, and how the people would stare at him as we walked to the cafe. My thoughts then moved onto how I was with Kikwang at the garden not too long ago, and the way that the ticket lady appeared to be star struck by his presence.

" are a very stupid girl, for not knowing that your two friends are part of one of Korea's top boy groups!"

I continued to ramble and mentally kick myself for being so clueless; so clueless to the point where I may as well just live under a rock like how Dongwoon had said earlier. This made me want to go back to all those times where Seohyun was squealing at something that most likely had to do with an idol or a group, and actually pay attention to what she was saying.

Looking up, I watched as the boys were all talking to each other about something. The younger looking male suddenly turned his head away from the other three, and into my direction. I slightly jumped at the thought of how obvious my staring at him was, and then blushed from embarrassment. When he saw this, he gave me a friendly smile, before walking over and introducing himself. Seeing this, the other male came over and introduced himself as well. 

Yoseob and Doojoon were very friendly people, and it made me feel a little bit more comfortable. Kikwang and Dongwoon looked excited to see me talking to their Hyungs, and vice versa. It was mind-blowing to find out that Yoseob was an Oppa to me, and that Kikwang was younger than him by two months or so. Placing those two next to each other made me think of it as the other way around, and they laughed.

“Yoseob-sshi...” I began, only to be interrupted by him.

“Just call me Yoseob~” he said.

Doojoon then spoke, “Yeah, I don’t mind if you call me by my name either; a friend of Kikwang and Dongwoon, is a friend of ours as well!”

I smiled at this, and saw how Dongwoon and Kikwang were nodding their heads confidently behind their elders. Still smiling, I simply told them both to call me by my name as well, and not to worry so much about the honorific. The two younger males behind instantly stopped nodding as soon as Yoseob spoke, “But if you don’t like calling me by my name, you’re more than welcome to call me ‘Oppa’~”

He grinned, but was then suddenly bombarded with Kikwang and Dongwoon’s incoherent rambling, which left Doojoon and me to stare at the three strangely. He shook his head at them, before turning his attention back to me, “So...” he began, trying to start some light conversation, “Who’s your favourite in BEAST?”

It was as though he had just said a forbidden word of some sort, because Dongwoon and Kikwang’s heads instantly whipped over into our direction. They then proceeded to shuffle in closer, with a confused Yoseob behind them.

“My favourite? Uh...I don’t really have one...” I said, slowly.

Doojoon raised an eyebrow, “Really? Well then who was the first person to catch your attention?”

I thought about this, as my mind lingered back into the time when Seohyun showed me their ‘Shock’ music video. My cheeks were starting to feel warm, as I realized that the answer was right in front of me. Kikwang and Dongwoon’s awaiting gaze made me feel even more embarrassed, and I guess they must have been over analyzing me, because they seem to know who it was. Either that or how my quick glance at Doojoon’s face was rather obvious, because they both then turned their heads towards him.

“Hyung?" said Kikwang, sounding rather disappointed, “You pick Doojoon Hyung?” 

Doojoon’s face lit up with surprise, “Me?”

I did a quick nod, trying to avoid the eye contact from everyone, “I-I guess...”

I wasn’t stuttering because I liked him or anything. No, it was just weird, because I don’t normally tell people out in the open if they’re good-looking and whatnot. The sudden pat on my shoulder made me look up to see a grinning Doojoon, “You did a good job picking me as your favourite!”

His grin was contagious, so I found myself smiling back.

“H-Hyung! I’m hungry! What is there to eat?” said Kikwang, all of the sudden; his eyes flickering over to Doojoon's hand every once in a while.

Doojoon pulled his hand away from my shoulder, and I saw how Dongwoon’s eyes followed it. He had an unreadable expression on his face, but something inside of me was making me feel this weird vibe come from him. As the other three boys talked about what they were planning on eating or if there were any leftovers, Dongwoon stayed quiet. I stared at him long enough until his gaze met my own. His eyes slightly widened, as if looking at me had snapped him out of some sort of deep thought. I then gave him a tiny smile, to which he returned shyly, before Yoseob had asked him a question.

Turning my head away from the two, I saw Kikwang’s head jerk into another direction all of the sudden, as if he didn’t want me catching him looking at something.

I raised an eyebrow, “I wonder what’s up with him?”

Doojoon’s voice then brought my attention over to him, “Since there’s nothing to eat at home, we’re going to be going out to eat. You’re welcome to join us if you’d like? Since you didn’t get to meet Hyunseung and Junhyung, they’ll be joining us there, because they stayed back to do some extra work.”

He then went on before I got to speak, “But if you’re busy, then it’s alright.”

“No no, I’m not busy...I—“

“Oooh, eat with us!” said Yoseob all of the sudden, as he happily clapped his two hands together.

Kikwang eagerly nodded in agreement, “Yeah, come with us; It’ll be fun!”

“Well...” I trailed off, not really sure if I should take this offer.

The possibility of being chased again made me feel uneasy, and what if someone were to make up some stupid rumor about them? Not to mention, the thought of my life being put on the line against all of the daunting fangirls out there was rather scary. My eyes found their way to Dongwoon’s as they all waited for my response. The look he gave me instantly made me agree on the spot. Hearing this, Yoseob and Kikwang cheered together, as Doojoon simply smiled. Just like before, I found myself exchanging a warm smile with the copper haired boy.

And just like before, I caught Kikwang’s head quickly turning into the opposite direction when I looked over at him.

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foreverlovingkris #1
Chapter 41: love this story!! ^^
Chapter 41: No sequel? TvT omg i am in loveeee with this story
Exo-bang #3
Chapter 32: Is there a seqel to this story?
Exo-bang #4
Chapter 32: Is there a seqel to this story?
SharonTheImaginator #5
Chapter 41: I love what you've done with the characters! It's really nice to see all of Beast interacting with one another AND as idols! Thought I've got to say, I was actually unsure about what each character is like. There's not a very distinct feature about each of the characters (unlike in 'Trouble in Paradise') , it would've been more interesting if each character had a contrasting personality that would give different impressions to the readers :)
Ah and I (again) love that Eunhee had a lot of thoughts and humour, audience pretty much understands what her head is goinf through and gets the reason for her actions (many writers make the readers go 'wtf was she thinking'?! But i'm glad you're not one of them! Thank you for making every single part of the story understandable, the relationship between Woon and Eunhee wasn't too fast neither was it too slow!
One more thing, I was actually unsure what the was :( Don't get me wrong, i loved the ending, the resolution fell perfectly into place and it was an open ending to many of the characters! But I couldn't really identify what was the 'hill' of the story. It felt like there was just a few downturns but nothing very intense or moving about the story. Though I completely understand if what you were aiming for is a light, enjoyable, fluff-y story
Overall, the story was ADORABLE, Dongwoon and Eunhee was ADORABLE and kikwang was ADORABLE, no doubt about those. You made the whole thing itself very lovable and I can tell why so many people loves it ;)
I look forward to your other stories!! Keep up the good work :D
Chapter 41: I just finished this story and then I saw the sequel and cried tears of joy. Very well written and I love dongwoon a little more now ;__;
Chapter 41: I actually subconsciously sniffed a little bit at the end where you were telling about the sequel. LOL. awesome story<3
ilove it it was awesome
Love it !!!!!! ^_^
Dagmar #10
Chapter 13: Oh you don't know me 'insert smirk here' :D love it! <3