Apology Rejected

My Bodyguard Princess

The EXO-K princes were used to Baekhyun and Byul bickering around. However, having a cold war was something entirely new.

The princes joined Baekhyun at his residence while Princess Dahae had gone visiting her parents and relatives.

They were surprised to find the atmosphere unnaturally tensed, even for the Baekhyun-Byul context.

Byul pouted and blew a raspberry, struggling to get a response from Baekhyun. However the Crown Prince made it clear that he was hella pissed at her for irking him and didn't even grunt back a reply.

"Ddong-ha, you want to go for a walk around the gardens?" Byul suggested, being nice for once.

Baekhyun ignored her like she didn't say anything, wasn't standing beside him with those large eyes of hers, like she wasn't there entirely.

Byul puffed her cheeks desperately. She saw the princes coming in and gave them an annoyed and frustrated look.

Suho blinked at his dongsaeng, wondering if the rage would be directed at them as well.

"Oh you're here!" Baekhyun smiled pleasantly at once, turning to the princes. Byul frowned and jutted her bottom lip out. *Talk about 180 degree change in attitude.*

Kai eyed Byul and Baekhyun to and fro, trying to figure what was up. From what he saw, Baekhyun was miraculously the one being angry with Byul and Byul was the one trying to patch things up. Woah.

"Where is Dahae today?" D.O. asked. "Not visiting her at her quarters?"

Baekhyun smiled at the name of his beloved. "Nope. She's gone visiting her parents and her relatives since she just returned." he explained.

Sehun clapped. "Good!" he blurted, not thinking.

Baekhyun eyed Sehun with raised brows and Kai whacked Sehun on the head to remove suspicions. "Aish he meant good because we can have you by ourselves, hyung." Kai fibbed.

Sehun blinked in confusion. "No I don't mean-" he blabbered and Kai slappe his palms against the maknae's mouth to shut him up.

"So uh...what do you want to do today, hyung?" D.O. asked in a desperate attempt to change the topic.

Baekhyun shrugged and propped his chin up with his elbows. "I don't know. It's boring without Dahae." he sighed.

Kai rolled his eyes and Chanyeol winced. Talk about deeply in love.

"How about we let Byul show us some of her swordplay moves?" Chanyeol suggested, noting the stiff tension between Byul and Baekhyun and hoping to ease it.

Baekhyun snorted and didn't even bother looking at Byul. "There's no need to ruin my appetite before lunch." he muttered.

The EXO-K princes were surprised indeed. The Byun Baekhyun they originally knew didn't act like that even in his worst days.

"Hyung you're so mean!" Sehun blurted again. Kai slapped his palm to his face, shaking his head. No saving the maknae now.

"No I'm not." Baekhyun defended. He shot Byul a glare and huffed, standing up. "I'm going out." he growled, storming out of the room.

The princes looked at each other shocked. Byul let out a sigh and wrinkled her nose. Eotteohke?



"That Ddong-ha better accept my apology this time." Byul murmured, mixing the red layered batter after finishing with the pink and orange ounces.

She had gone to the Imperial Kitchen while Baekhyun was having lunch, canceling her usual meeting with Chanyeol. She begged the maids to reach her how to make desserts, knowing how Baekhyun liked those.

The Han Eunbyul who never did anything feminine like sewing or singing or dancing, this Han Eunbyul was actually willing to step into the kitchen for Baekhyun.

She felt oddly out of place in that small area, and she had no idea what to do there with the pots and pans and a hundred different types of ingredients for her to mix up with.

"You're doing it too strongly Byul!" the maid that was coaching her, Luna chided. "You're practically smashing the bowl!"

Byul pouted and softened her touch, mixing the batter as gently as she could. They were doing colorful buns, three layered with red, pink and orange and a single lotus seed in the middle.

Byul found that her usually skillful and agile hands that were totally capable with swords and arrows, was unable to cope with such minuscular work.

She made five odd shaped buns and sent them to steam, wiping drops of perspiration on her head.

"Why did you want to make these buns anyway?" Luna asked curiously. "For Chanyeol-gun?"

Byul blinked. "Why Chanyeol-gun?" she asked, confused. She shook her head. "Nope it's for the stupid Ddong...I mean Jeonha. It's for Jeonha."

"Really?" Luna asked, surprised. "I thought you two were never at peace."

"Not exactly. We were always in peaceful war. But now it's kind of a disturbing cold war." Byul sighed. "I said something wrong and he's angry with me. As much as I'd love to hit his face, I admit I was too insensitive. I have to say sorry somehow." she shrugged.

Luna giggled and wriggled her eyebrows knowingly, but not saying anything. Byul just scratched her head, totally confused.


Byul looked at the plate of colorful buns that she had managed to make. They weren't exactly the prettiest of the sorts but it was her best.

Luna had managed to find some elegant looking china plate to put the buns so that they looked better.

For her first attempt in the kitchen, Byul would have to say she didn't do that badly. She bit her lip as she walked towards Baekhyun's quarters.

She found Chanyeol with Baekhyun instead of the whole EXO-K prince gang, which was fortunate since she didn't want to apologize in front of everyone else.

She inched towards the two princes and cleared . "Ahem."

Chanyeol saw her and brightened. "Byul. You're back." he grinned. His eyes fell on the colored buns. "Wow and you brought dessert! Looks good!"

Byul pinked. "Really?" she smiled, glancing at Baekhyun who hasn't looked in her way all the time.

"Uhm Ddong-ha, I uh...I made these for you." Byul murmured. "I'm sorry for what I said. I was too insensitive and I didn't mean it. I just didn't phrase my sentences better and I'm sorry you're offended." she peeked at him.

Baekhyun looked at the buns for a bit and rolled his eyes. "What ugly buns."

Byul's face fell. "Yes they aren't exactly pretty but I did spend a lot of my time making them!" she protested.

Baekhyun snorted. "If you think a few petty buns can make up for what you said, you're underestimating me." he retorted. "Apology rejected, Han Eunbyul."

Baekhyun stormed out of the hall and into his room. Byul sighed, slightly annoyed but knowing she deserved the cold shoulder.

"What did you say that made him mad anyway?" Chanyeol asked curiously.

Byul pouted. "I was about to comfort him about Dahae gongju actually." she explained. "But I guess I didn't go about it well enough. I started by telling him how Dahae gongju seems to like you instead of him and he didn't even listen to the rest of my explanation."

Chanyeol winced. "Well hyung likes Dahae a lot." he shrugged. "And I have no idea why Dahae still seems to favor me over him but I wish she wouldn't do so. It's obvious he's hurting."

"I know." Byul sighed. "I shouldn't have been so insensitive with my words."

Chanyeol put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, don't be sorry. It was your slip of your tongue but you made these to make up for it didn't you?" he pointed at the buns. "And if I didn't remember wrongly, this would be your first time attempting to cook. It's Baekhyun hyung's loss if he doesn't want to accept your apology or the buns."

Byul pouted. "Perhaps..."

She looked at the buns and made a face. "Now who's going to eat these?"

Chanyeol beamed and took one. "Me!" he declared cheerfully, taking a generous bite. He closed his eyes, smiling all the way.

"Hmmm! It tastes wonderful!" he praised.

Byul laughed and rolled her eyes. "Flatterer."

Chanyeol smiled back. *Nope I'm not. I'm completely truthful Byul. It's really delicious because it's made by you.*

He took another bite and bit his lip. *Too bad these were originally made for hyung instead.*


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Hey peeps I posted both 45&46;! I posted 46 first Aigoo Mianhae, please don't be confused!


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Chapter 75: Thank you so much for sharing this royal tale of a love between crown prince and his able female bodyguard.
Chapter 36: "i don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to you." Was that Baekhyun realizing something he never acknowledged before?
qinwang #3
hashiraz #4
illuminies_ #5
789ten #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh this story makes me feel so nostalgic. i'm gonna reread this again for the third time, i think. this story is so good i can't even get sick of it ;; aAAAA IT'S BEEN SO LONG
JustCrazilyDumb #8
OMG!!! This story is still here!! 😲 Brings back so many memories of my high school years. I feel so old re-reading this story again.