Chapter 1

How TVXQ and JYJ got back together to form DBSK

A/N: Ok before this starts.. Note this few things:

Those text appearing in the middle of the page


Like these ones , this is an example of the text..

Is a letter .  Or email . Or some online articles.


This is awesomely located at the left ~ I actually dunno what this is for but it looks awesome for me.. So just trying it out , and it is weird xDD


Ok now .. Let this Three-shot start ok ? Its more of a Cassiopeia wish then anything. I know...


And BTW any kind of links or website or location is fake . Dun mistake it . I made them up..



This letter is from the Cassiopeia official fangroup.

We want TVXQ , (U-know Yunho and Max Changmin) To attend the TVXQJYJ concert.

The location is at Korea Indoor Stadium , time 7pm until 10pm.


Cassiopeias started a petition online , once it reaches 800,000 signs , we will send it to the SM entertainment building.

The petition was created on 10thJune2012 , and is expected to reach 100,000 by August .

But the next day the admins checked , on 11th June , the petition came to nearly 900,000 signs.

So we decided to send this to SM.

Link: (Note above)

And , if you read the petition properly , ELFs , SHAWOLs , SONEs , Blackjacks , VIPs are involved.

And when you don't agree. We all will burn down SMTOWN. You cant go against a million of us. In red mask.



Lee Soo Man gulped as he read the email sent in by this weird person called Cassie900,000


He visited the website , and the signs are already going over a million. The email was sent in like ,  5 hours ago.


He sighed as he called over the announcement speaker , for SHINee's Lee Taemin.


Taemin arrived in after a few seconds and lowered his head as he walked in the office nervously.


"I need you to do something."


"Yes , Sir may I know what ?" Taemin mumbled as he was instructed to sit on the royal looking red chair with golden frames.


Taemin barely took up a quater of the chair , and more then half his was hanging off the chair as Lee Soo Man dropped himself fully into the chair opposite Taemin.


He called for one of his workers and arrived later with two cups of water.


"You must've heard about it."


"The Cassiopeia petition. SHAWOLS are involved. And they are all official SHAWOLs. If I was to disagree . SHINee will lose at least three quater of official fans , and Super Junior will lose like half , Girls Generation will basically lose all. And who gives a about Blackjacks and VIPs."


Taemin shifted uncomfortably as he heard about the bad news of SHAWOLs.


"I need you to tell Yunho and Changmin , I can't do that personally." He explained as Taemin nodded.


"You're dismissed"


Taemin nodded again as he stood up and left the office.



Taemin knocked on the practice room with the big sign : TVXQ as the door opened with a gigantic crash behind the door.


"WHO THE ... Oh hi Taemin." Yunho smiled as he crashed the door open .


"CHANGMIN CLOSE THAT LAPTOP!" Yunho shouted over to Changmin , who immediately smashed his laptop close at the first sight of Taemin.


"Hey .. So whatzzzupp ??" Changmin forced a smile as he desperately tried his after- face. Luckily this innocent boy was far too innocent to understand that face.



"Erm I'm sure you guys heard about the petition online right ?" Taemin tried to explain , but it was already too much.


"Nope. Hyung ? " Changmin asked .


Yunho shook his head.


Taemin approached the laptop that Changmin slammed down a few seconds ago and opened it.


Taemin went straight to google and searched in TVXQ petition , and immediately , of course.


"TVXQJYJ" Was the first one on the page . Taemin clicked on it and almost immediately.


                                                                     Petition for TVXQJYJ to reunite attend the concert

2,345,153 people signed this



Yunho's mouth hung open.


"The concert is like tomorrow night.." Taemin explained as he left the practice room , leaving Yunho and Changmin staring at each other.


"Jaejoong ? Yoochun ?! JUNSU ?!" Changmin looked at Yunho , as they both nodded.


"Im going ."


"No way !"






"Remember that time we had a live performance in Hong Kong ?"


"Yeah. I saw YunJae and DB5K signs."




"You Only Live Once."




"Settled. We're going."


"YOLO !"



"So Yunho and Changmin decided on going for the damn concert tomorrow night ?!!" Key gasped as Taemin nodded.


"I heard Yunho-hyung scream "YOLO" inside the practice room.. Me and Eunhyuk-hyung who was passing by basically jumped." Taemin explained as Jonghyun laughed.


"Well , if they seriously is going to attend that concert , I wanna see Jaejoong's reaction when he sees Changmin and Yunho." Minho laughed as Onew giggled with chicken in his mouth.


"Yo people !"


The door of SHINee's practice room almost broke as Sungmin , Eunhyuk , Donghae , Kyuhyun , Siwon and Leeteuk rushed in.


"So that two idiots decided to go ?!" Sungmin coughed as he choked on his noodles.


Taemin nodded .


"I heard that idiot scream YOLO ! Inside the room just now.." Eunhyuk explained as Donghae laughed.


"I kind of pity them.. I saw how happy Changmin was when he first stepped into SM.." Leeteuk continued.


"WAE ?! YOU SAW HIM ?!" Jonghyun pratically screamed.




"Epic fail. You debuted later ~" Eunhyuk laughed as Leeteuk gave him a punch on his arm.


"He must've regretted entering SM.." Taemin said as everyone else agreed.


"Nah who cares. The concert is tomorrow , and the whole SuJu is definitely going !" Sungmin annouced as Jonghyun looked at Key , they both smiled.


"The whole SHINee is going too !" Taemin announced as everyone nodded.


"We want to see them reunite!"


Forever DB5K !









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Chapter 4: I really love it. Your fic make my day. I hope like one day that gonna happen. Aktf . thank you.
Hope someday this would come true. I LOLed so hard when Yunho and Changmin were putting on make up!!
Sweet_Athena_07 #3
OH MY GOSH(。-_-。) I wish this will happen (soon) cause there won't be Cassiopeia with out DBSK, that's why we should ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH!!!!
(=´∀`)人(´∀`=) \(^o^)/
wow.. crosses fingers.. this could be one hell of a great concert! we sure have to be there on the front seats! thanks for sharing.. ^_^
~T_T~ I really hope it will happen
loved it thanks ...aktf........cassiopeia for ever
imcute32 #7
i'm waiting for this day to happen...i wanna cry... AKTF
asdfgasdasdf im loling at homin in makeup room XD..awwww hope it happens somedayyy......
Hope someday this dream come true
qualcuno #10
hu wuld not b bitter f the fans r calling sumbody else's name on deir concert?