Changjo Vs TOP

New School with Kpop Idols?

He stopped the video when he saw my teary eyes and walked over to me and hugged me. "I'm sorry, I know this is selfish of me to bring back all these unfortunate memories but I want my little sister back. I've been looking for you for years and gave up hoping somehow I would be able to meet you again."  I just sat there frozen not knowing what to do or what to make of things. My parents...were they really all that awful? I could never think of them to be so awful. Although theres no denying it now with the sufficent evidence. I hugged him back and felt an instant connection. I felt as if there was something between us but my mind felt too foggy to be able to clear it up and find out just what that memory I had in mind was. I felt him hug me tighter release me. He looked me in the eye and smiled. 

"How about I take you out to eat so you get to know me and relax?"

I looked at him smiling and nodded. What once had seemed like a crazy desperate man now seemed like a very kind brother figure. Its odd how quickly I began to trust him when before I did not even wanna look at him. I guess with all that evidence and sincerity in his eyes I could no longer be so cruel. He has not done anything forceful besides trying to tell me this information so, why not trust him. As I got out of the room I saw Changjo and Hongki eyeing the hallway. Their eyes widened when they saw me walking out with TOP and they instantly ran towards us.

"Hey!!!" Changjo said.

"Hey what where are you going without me?!" Hongki yelled speeding up  to Changjo.

I stopped and turned to TOP.

"Can they come?"

He looked at me and whispered in my ear. "Do you really want them to come or are they your friends out of pity?"

I pushed him playfully and called Changjo and Hongki over to come with us. I had expected to be taken to a super cool fancy celebrity restaurant and instead I got an old family restaurant that I had never seen before in my life. It was not even decorated nicely, well at least not in my opinion. The walls looked dirty and were dark green. The tables looked old as well and not even the menu looked like it had been updated. I looked at Changjo and he was looking at the menu confused.

"What the heck is this?" he said and Hongki looked at him smiling.

"This is the best food ever!" Hongki said.

"What? I've never heard of this food..." Changjo said.

"I'll pick it out for you if you want Changjo. I know of a lot of these and that they're really delicious" Hongki said.

"What am I 5? No, I'll order on my own thank you..." Changjo said.

"But you don't know what any of these are l-..." Hongki said.

"No thank you."Changjo said.

TOP put the menu down and looked at Changjo angrily.

"Whats your problem?"

Changjo looked extremely irritated by TOP's response and ignored him. TOP waited a while and looked back at Changjo closer looking him in the eye.

"Hello? Are you deaf? What is your problem?" TOP asked.

Changjo looked at me and back at TOP putting his menu down gently.

"No, I'm not deaf clearly. I'd like to order on my own thank you." Changjo said.

"I didn't as you th-..." I put my menu in TOP's face and started asking him questions about the menu and what would be a good to order. He helped me order and I helped Changjo pick out something for himself. When we got the food everyone seemed pretty pleased with their food besides me and Changjo.We just sat there staring at the weird food we had been served and pushed it aside. Changjo making a more innapropriate response pissed TOP off. He pushed the plate so far it fell on the floor breaking the plate and dropping the food all over the place. TOP immediately looked at Changjo and stood up about to grab him by the collar till I stood in front of him. Hongki stopped eating and began bitting his nails nervously. Not knowing what  to do I just hugged TOP which felt really weird hugging a stranger well not a stranger I guess since we're blood related, but I don't feel I know him well enough. TOP hugged me back and gave Changjo a warning sign. When they finished eating TOP paid the check of course paying for the plate Changjo broke which seemed to be worth more than we had thought. Heading back to the car TOP got close to Changjo and looked him dead in the eye "You pull one more thing I won't let you off the hook. You little piece of sh-..." I quickly pulled Changjo by the hand and led him to go inside the car. Before I got in the car myself TOP looked at me serious and closed the doors to talk to me.

"Listen Jini I don't like that kid at all and I don't care if you guys are friends, but that kid has no manners and seems like a bad influence. I don't want you hanging out with him. Hongki on the other hand is a good guy and I'll allow that." TOP said.

"What are you talking about you'll allow me? Just because you are my older brother and found me all of a sudden does not mean you are allowed to tell me what to do and who to hang out with. Changjo was my first friend at school and is very nice. He just was not comfortable here. I wasn't comfortable here either I don't blame him this place is weird. Don't talk to him like that anymore he is my friend."

"I'll let it go this time." TOP said.

He looked at me serious and just went in the car in silence.



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Chapter 9: ehmmmm..... what just happend?
why is TOP so mean to Changjo...Hinki is as cute as ever =^^=

Update sooon^^
Chapter 8: Omg top is her brother :):):)
I'm soooooo excited Update soooooooon:)
Chapter 7: O.o bfdjnfdnvionsdiog;vsfvdnf This is sad and now I feel like jumping off a bridge! I want to know what's going to happen next
Liyanamyssha #5
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH. TOP IS HER BROTHER????!!!!! ㅈㅁ됴ㅐ? Update soon..
Kinda cute :P