Ice Cream Time!

New School with Kpop Idols?

That sounds like...Ricky! He gets really close to my face pokes my cheek and smiles.

"Aha! Cutee! You will hang around ME from now on okay cutie?"

I blush and cover my face. 

"Cuteee!" he says trying to remove my hands from my face. Ahhh Ricky~~~

"Ricky!" I said outloud without thinking.

"Cuteeeeeee!! Cutie say my name again!"

"Ricky!" I said smiling.

A dark shadow comes from behind Ricky. Oh no Changjo looks mad. He grabs Ricky from his shoulders and turns him around. Oh no oh no Changjo friend what are you doing to poor Ricky. I look at Hongki and hes bitting his nails nervously again. A girl with pink hair comes into the class and Ricky moves Changjo and goes to her. Oh...its that girl Ari or whatever. I frown I have her for this class too? Why? Changjo turns around and looks at me smiling.

"Sorry if he was bugging you Jini" 

"Yeah..." I say trying to get a view of that Ari girl with Ricky.

The door opens again and Zelo from B.A.P enters.

"Aishhh Ricky why are you still acting like that?" he said moving Ricky away from Ari. WOOO I like this guy take Ricky away from Ari. Ari doesn't deserve my Ricky...or at least I think I don't want her to anyway! Besides...she has you Zelo WOOP WOOP GO CLAIM YOUR WOMAN!

"WAHHH I was just talking to her sheesh!" Ricky said pouting.

WAE? WAE YOU DO THIS RICKY? HE IS POUTING AHHH SO ADORABLE! How could that girl not keep looking at Ricky he is just adorable!!! Kyaaaa~~~ He is so cute!!

"He is so embarassing" Changjo said.

"Yah I kind of agree he is embarassing" Hongki said in a low voice so Ricky wouldn't hear.

He is cute. CUTE! CUTEEEE! I SAY! How do these people control themselves around Ricky when hes so cute! Must be some kind of witchcraft ...Must also take a lot of practice because he is so cuteee!!! I see him coming over to me.

"Heey Hongki can I sit next to Jini please?"

Hongki looks at me making a sad face and looking back at Ricky to see if we have some kind of connection and shakes his head violently.


"WAH... Wae? Wae wae wae?!!" Ricky said pouting.

AHHHH NO MORE POUTING! I wanted to move everything from my table and go "Hey you can sit on my table. Please!" but instead just sat there shrugging.

"Fine...but can you go with me afterschool to have a snack Jini?"

I looked at him wanting to say yes so bad but I kept thinking. Bros before Hoes Jini Bros before Hoes! Wait...WAIT  A MINUTE MY RICKY IS NOT A HOE HE IS THE CUTEST OF THE CUTEST!!!!!!! HE IS THE BEST HE... I want to say yes but I can't see I already said yes to going out for ice cream with Hongki and Changjo. I cannot blow off my nice friends! I was on my way to respond when...

"ANIYO ANIYO ANIYO" Hongki said.

"ANIYO!" Changjo said.

"She has plans with usss!!!" Hongki said in his whining voice.

"What..." Ricky said making a sad face. Awww Ricky don't be sad! Don't be sad Ricky I'll buy you some ice cream TT_TT!!!

"She" Hongki said.

"Has" Changjo said.

"Plans." Hongki said.

"Aishh...okay then!" Ricky said going to his seat. This day is so happy but depressing my first day and I blow off the love of my life. Sadness sadness! But I have awesome friends so I guess I'll be alright...





I hang out with my bros Changjo and Hongki for the rest of my classes while secretly and discreetly okay? Looking at the lovely and wonderful beauty cutie that Ricky is. Its time for the bell to ring soon and I look at Ricky for the last time and see him looking at Ari even though Zelo is with her. He...he won't keep his eyes off her. Why doesn't he notice that she is with Zelo?


"Time to go get ice cream!!"  Hongki says getting up from his seat.

"If we are fast enough we can ditch Hongki cmon Jini!" Changjo says grabbing my hand reading to run.

"Aniyo!" Hongki says pouting.

"I suggested going out for ice cream!!"

"Fine..." Changjo said letting go.

I followed them and we went to a small shop to get ice cream.

"Vanilla?" Changjo asked looking at me confused.

"Yeeeessss yumm..."

"Thats so simple though..."

"Aniyo leave her alone she is just that cool she doesn't like to be too out there you know."

" are just a rebel aren't you?"

"Haha no! I'm truly not!" 

"Look at her shes turning red!" Hongki says pointing at me. Changjo smiles and blushes too. Huh?


What? Thats Ricky's voice what is he doing here? 

"Great Ricky brought the rest of Teen Top over he probably didn't want to spend his own money so he used aegyo and is making them pay for his ice cream. Wow how pathetic I swear he doesn't do anything for himself."

I see Ricky...he was smiling and picking his ice cream. Then I finally notice the rest of Teen Top is there. .___. How can I take so long to notice them? Hhahahaha Ricky your presence makes everyone disapear from my sight! 

"You have some ice cream there..." Chunji said putting his finger on my lip and wiping off the ice cream I had on there and putting his finger back into his mouth. W-wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Changjo steps in front of Chunji looking at him angrily. 

"Mm...Vanilla" he says walking away smiling happily as if it was nothing. Aishh that guy really scared me I thought he was going to pull a Secret Garden move. Changjo goes to the front of the shop and comes back with a napkin.

"So that doesn't happen again here you go." he said handing me over the napkin.

"Thank you!" 

"I cannot believe he did that and acted like it was nothing...woah.." Hongki said.

"I was going to say something but he left like it didn't affect him..." Hongki said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yah he scared me I thought he was going to do the scene from Secret Garden!"

"WAHHH? MEEE TOOO!" Hongki said and we high fived eachother. Haha we are so immature with eachother.

"Hes just like that. He acts all cool but hes like a mom." Changjo said.

"Yah...I love ice cream thank you-..." Ricky stopped and saw us and came over to us.

"Heeeey!!!! Oh hey Jini! So cute you are eating ice cream!!! Can I have some?" he said reaching out for my ice cream. I was going to give him some when Changjo once again my overprotective friend stands in front of me.

"No. Get out."

"Aniya!!! Changjo why won't you let her be with me? Is she your girlfriend or something I really don't understand."

"De...She is my girlfriend you are right."


"She is my girlfriend why do you think I don't want guys around her." he says seriously.

"So I can't have her?"


OMO DID I JUST TURN INTO CHANGJO'S GIRLFRIEND? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! NOW RICKY WILL NEVER DATE ME!!! WAE WAE WAE THIS IS TOO SOON. ITS MY FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL ANIYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I look at my buddy Hongki and he has the most surprised/shocked face in the whole world that I can't help it and start laughing. They turn to me and look at me confused.


"Aish!" Ricky says and leaves with the other members.

Changjo gives him an evil smirk and turns to me.

"Sorry...We have to pretend to be a real couple okay?"

"Yes captain!" I say smiling.

"Aha great! You have no problem being my girlfriend?"

"Aniyo!" I say although I love my Ricky I cannot tell him that since he is my friend. My friend that hates my Ricky. Maybe one day we'll all get through this strange but since its like my first day I should calm down and go with it. Yeees good plan.

"Jini can still be with me though right?" Hongki says and Changjo goes up to him analyzing him.

"As a friend? Definetly! Be her best friend I don't care just not her boyfriend cause shes taken by me as of today okay? I'm sorry once again Jini but this is really the only way to get Ricky off your back otherwise he'd be annoying us every day. He loves cute girls.Thats why hes always bothering Ari even though she has made it obvious she is with Zelo and only wants Zelo. He doesn't give up."

"Then how are you sure he will give up on me? Even if I'm with you."

"He should give up since hes scared of me. If not? I'll show him..."


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Chapter 9: ehmmmm..... what just happend?
why is TOP so mean to Changjo...Hinki is as cute as ever =^^=

Update sooon^^
Chapter 8: Omg top is her brother :):):)
I'm soooooo excited Update soooooooon:)
Chapter 7: O.o bfdjnfdnvionsdiog;vsfvdnf This is sad and now I feel like jumping off a bridge! I want to know what's going to happen next
Liyanamyssha #5
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH. TOP IS HER BROTHER????!!!!! ㅈㅁ됴ㅐ? Update soon..
Kinda cute :P