
New School with Kpop Idols?

I look at him and laugh. Everyone seems scared of Changjo but whenever I see his mad expression I cannot take him seriously. When I looked at him I saw him blush. He always does that maybe it makes him nervous that I'm the only one who ever reacts this way.

"Don't laugh at me and pay attention." Changjo said.

"Oookay." I said and made tiny paper balls and threw then and Changjo when he wasn't looking. He didn't seem to notice them at all till I hit him with three at the same time he turned around and make that cold stare of his. I wanted to laugh so bad because his stare is hilarious but I held it in and pretended I was paying attention. Sadly my poor Ricky looked at Changjo right when Changjo turned to look at whoever threw the paper at him.

"You..." he said angrily.

"W-what...Changjo I haven't done anything!!!" Ricky said pouting.

Aish I got my poor Ricky in trouble! I turned to look at Changjo and started staring at him putting my attention all on him. He looked at me confused.

"W-what? What are you doing???"

I stayed silent and just kept looking at him.



"You are cute." he said all of the sudden and I blushed because it was so unexpected and looked away and he smirked at me.

"Haha." he said and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Hey don't do that to Jini too!!" Hongki said in protest and stuck his tongue out at Changjo too.

"You three detention." the teacher said looking at us angrily.

"W-what? Can you even do that?" Changjo said.

"Yes and you three have it congratulations."

"B-but why?!" Hongki said.

"You guys have been talking nonstop the entire class."

"How does this detention thing even work?" Changjo said.

"You do to the detention room at lunch instead of going to lunch."


"Do you want it for tomorrow too?"

"A-aniyo!! Aniyo!!!" Hongki said putting his hands on his face.

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The bell rang and we went to the next class.

"Jini Jini!" Ricky said chasing after me.

I turned around and smiled at him.

"Hehe hello Ricky!"

"Awwww everything you say is so cute Jini!"

"T-thank y-..."

"Leave my girlfriend alone goodness Ricky don't you see how you're making her uncomfortable." Changjo said putting his arm around me. Ricky looked at me and I violently shook my head in protest. Ricky smiled and Changjo looked at me and I acted as if I was trying to massage my neck.

"I must of slept wrong" I said looking at Changjo.

"Yah see she slept bad and now you're making it worse for her so leave her alone" he said and we went to the next class. I put my hand on my back and shook it to show Ricky I was saying no and he laughed. When we got to the next class Changjo left to the bathroom and  I saw that Ari girl with Zelo and Ricky immidiately went after her. 

"Hey Ari!" 

"Hi Ricky..."

"Look into my eyes..."


"You will fall for me test it..."

"Ricky..." Zelo said pushing Ricky away from him.

"Aishhh owww that hurts!!" Ricky whined. I hated seeing someone hurt my poor Ricky so I went up to Zelo.

"Release your grip. Now." I said confidently.

"Haha who are you?" Zelo said.

"I'm Jini...Release him."

"...Why should I?" Zelo said laughing.


"HAAA you think I'm scared of you that you can just count down and I'll stop?"


"This is ridiculous. Who are you anyway."

"3..." I said and he let Ricky go and went to his seat.



"Well I did hear that they're going out..."

"They're so much alike"

"Aniyo shes just his friend." Ricky said smiling.

I smiled at Ricky.

"Thank you Jini I know you were suppose to be scary but you looked so cute doing it! I was dying inside from your cuteness!"

"My cuteness? You are the one who-..." I stopped myself and sensed Changjo coming so I went to my seat and it seemed I was right because in a few seconds he came in the class. He went to his seat and waved to me.

"Miss me?"

"Yup yup yup." I said smiling.

"A-ah why are you like that!"

"Like what?"

"You say the opposite of what we think you're going to say."

"Thats because shes cool." Hongki said.

"Thats true she is cool..." Changjo said.

"Psst Changjo" some girl said.

He turned to look at her angry because she interupted our conversation.

"Jini is she your girlfriend?" the girl asked.

"Yes." Changjo said.

"No wonder she is just like you!"

"W-what? What do you mean she is just like me?"

"Just now she stood up to Zelo for Ricky."

In the background me and Hongki kept making signs to the girl to make the girl shut up but she kept going on to tell Changjo. Ugh that girl.

"She even did the count down like you do to Ricky."

"Oh...she did?" Changjo said turning to look at me.

I blushed and hid my face accidently hitting my face on the table.

"O-wwie..."I said.

"Aha Jini don't defend Ricky or this kind of stuff happens to you." he said patting my head.

Ricky heard me hit my face on the table and came to me and looked at me worried.

"That was loud Jini are you okay?"

"Aish back away from my woman Ricky!" Changjo whined.

"Shes not even your girlfriend you have done nothing to prove it!"

"Really? How about this." he said and got up and pecked me on the lips.

"OMO OMO OMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hongki yelled.

I turned immensely red and he let go and I stayed there with a shocked expression on my face. How dare he do that! In front of my Ricky now Ricky will never want to be with me!!

"W-what!" Ricky said with a shocked expression on his face.

The bell rang and it was lunch time but sadly me, Hongki, and Changjo the guy who ruined my life in the matter of seconds making my Ricky probably never want to even look at me ever again or ever think of loving me or proposing or having my babies...oh off topic. We have detention. We went together to the detention room and we turned out to be the only ones there. We sat down and I looked at Hongki.

"I didn't think you and I would be the only ones here huh Hongki?"

Hongki turned and looked at Changjo confused.

"Oh so now you're not acknowledging my presence?"


"It was just a slight peck on the lips Jini!"

I looked away and ignored him.

"I felt like I was in a drama when I saw it..." Hongki said looking at us as if we were some couple he was proud of.

"You are not helping Hongki..."

The door opened and Ricky came inside.

"Ugh what are you doing here Ricky are you our punishment or something?"

He looked at Changjo angrily and ignored him and grabbed me by the hand.

"W-what hey what are you doing with my girlfriend!" Changjo said.

"N-no its not me her manager is here to see her!"

"She is not even an idol Ricky..."

"What?? But you are so cute Jini!"

"I know thats what I said!" Hongki said.

"Oh...well someone is asking to talk to you outside I'm not sure who he is but he says he needs to talk to you now!"

I nodd and follow Ricky outside and he takes me to a class room. I look around and see no adult inside.

"Is this the right classroom?" I ask Ricky.

"I lied..."


"I got you out of detention be happy!"

"O-okay..."I said smiling. I am so happy right now Ricky you have no idea how happy I am to be with you right now.

"Jini are you an angel by any chance...?"

"Yes..." I said blushing.

"Ahhh! So cute!!"

"You are cute Ricky!" 

He blushed and pointed to the food trays on the tables.

"Lunch!" he said smiling.

"Ooh thank you Ricky!" I said and sat down to eat.

"Uh...Jini are fan?"

I looked at him smiling and nodded.

"Yes I am a very big fan of yours Ricky..."

He blushed and got up and hugged me.

"I knew we had some kind of connection!!"

"Why do you hang around Changjo though?" he asked.

"Changjo is very cool I like him a lot he is my friend."

"Oh..." he said frowning.

"So it is like that..."

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Chapter 9: ehmmmm..... what just happend?
why is TOP so mean to Changjo...Hinki is as cute as ever =^^=

Update sooon^^
Chapter 8: Omg top is her brother :):):)
I'm soooooo excited Update soooooooon:)
Chapter 7: O.o bfdjnfdnvionsdiog;vsfvdnf This is sad and now I feel like jumping off a bridge! I want to know what's going to happen next
Liyanamyssha #5
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH. TOP IS HER BROTHER????!!!!! ㅈㅁ됴ㅐ? Update soon..
Kinda cute :P