InYoung's Wedding + Meet Chicken Guy~

My NAUGHTY boyfriend

"Iseul-ah i forgot to tell you this"SeungHyun oppa said as he eat his cereal.

"what is it oppa?"i said as i eat my cereal too.

"you know what maybe tomorrow i'm going back to Japan for a while i just need to complete my work there"SeungHyun oppa said.

"oppa do you know InYoung unnie's wedding this saturday?do you think you can make it?"i said as i take a another bite of cereal.

"yea i'm sure i can make it..please don't tell appa and umma..they will kill me if they know that i'm going to Japan again"he said as i take another bite of cereal.

"so what are you up to Japan?and is Jinki oppa coming?"i said to my brother.

"band stuff.yup he is coming.he will stay here a untill the wedding ceremony end "he said dramaticly

"Wow that's great.we can hang out more!"i said  excitedly then i stop a mommet when Gina unnie send me a text massage

From:Gina Unnie~

Text:Iseul-ah! wanna go shopping with me?i'm bored~

then i reply the text massage.

To:Gina Unnie~

Text:Sure!i love to~so where can we meet?

From:Gina Unnie~

Text:i pick you up..i'll be there in 10minute be ready~

To:Gina Unnie~

Text:ok!see you soon~

i press SEND button and i walk to room and change into this


"yah where are you going?"SeungHyun oppa suddenly ask me.

"i'm going shopping with Gina Unnie.why?"i said as i put some eye liner and lip gloss on my face.

"you always left me alone at house.fine i'm going to hang out with MinHwan!"SeungHyun oppa said as he give me his pout.

"araso..i'll be back by 10"i said as i wear my sandal."bye oppa"i said to my oppa.


Gina unnie came with her bodygurad and  her limo too..(in here Gina Unnie is rich~)

"Iseul-ah~you look cute today~"Gina unnie said.

"Thanks look nice too~"i said honestly

both of us when shopping about more than 5 hour than we went eat dinner together.after we eat dinner Gina unnie send me home.

"Thanks Gina are the best!bye"i said to her 

"you welcome honey~say hi to your brother okay~Bye~"Gina unnie said to me and i just nodded.

i walk to the apartment   suddenly i hear male voice calling for me i turn around and it's Jinki oppa.

"Oppa!you just arrive?"i said excitedly as i hug him.

"ya..i am.yah Iseul-ah i heard that you already got a that true?"JinKi oppa said to me.and i just nodded

"you should meet him...he really nice~"i said as he put his arm around me.

"daa his your boyfriend girls always say their boyfriend nice"he said sarcasticly i just hit his arm playfuly and make a face.

"araso.i'll meet him"he said to me .

we walk untill infront of the apartment door.suddenly JinKi oppa wisper to me"whose that guy waiting infront of the door?is that your boyfriend?"i just give him a nodded.

"don't do anything  oppa..or else i don't...."i said as he cut me.

"oh hello~are you friend of SeungHyun?"Jinki oppa said to JunHyung.

"yes..but i'm not here to meet him.and who are you?I'm JunHyung,Yong JunHyung"JunHyung oppa said seriously as he look at JinKi oppa's arm still on my shoulders.

"oh hi JunHyung my name is Lee Jinki but you can call me Onew..and why are you looking at my GIRLFRIEND like that?"JinKi oppa said as he look at JunHyung and than he look at me.

"BWOH?GIRLFRIEND?"both JunHyung oppa and me said in the same time.

"ya she is my girlfriend do you get a  problem ?"Jinki oppa said sacasticly.


"OUCH!ISEUL-ah why did you hit me?"Jinki oppa said to me.

"i did nothing! SeungHyun oppa did that!"i said as i show him at SeungHyun oppa face.

"Hey!long time no see hyung!"SeungHyun oppa suddenly said.well i know that Jinki oppa will hit him back so he did.

"hi!Long time no see dorky!"he said as he hit again at SeungHyun oppa arm.

"So JunHyung you already meet our cousin?"SeungHyun said.

"he is your cousin?"JunHyung said furiously

i just nodded. "you should say thanks to me..he really overprotective over Iseul in dating thing"SeungHyun oppa said to JunHyung oppa.

Jinki oppa hit SeungHyun oppa's arm again and  said."you shouldn't be her brother because you are not protective at your younger sister"

"araso!so stop hiting me!it's hurt~"SeungHyun oppa whine at JinKi oppa as he help JinKi oppa carry his bag and start to pull him inside the house,only left me and JunHyung oppa outside of the house.

"sorry about that oppa..JinKi oppa always like that..sooo...why are you here?"i said sweetly

"Yah that's the way you said to your BOYFRIEND?why are you here?i'm here to see you snail~anyway i should go now.JunSung(JunHyung's brother) already called me.bye"JunHyung oppa said as he turn around ready to walk away.

What the heck he doing here?just want to see my face that's all?WEIRD?

"oh one more thing "JunHyung said as he turn back to me and he came near me.then he kiss me 

"BYE GIRLFRIEND~"he said as he waved happily.

>>>>SKIP>>>>SKIP>>>Saturday on the wedding day.

"Iseul honey can you wear this dress.."omma suddenly rush towards me and i just give her a face.

"Omma~i don't like wear dress you did know that~"i said whining.

"Iseul-ah you promise that you will wear dress on my wedding day.don't you?"my sister InYoung suddenly said as she finally finish with her hair done for her wedding.

"araso.fine.i'll wear it..just for today"i said as take the dress from omma.

"that's my girl.hurry up try to wear it"omma excitedly said.

i wear this dress


"OMO!you look so cute!you should make put some make up on to make you more prettier.oh i need to do something."omma said as she leave the room.

my unnie sudenly said."i bet that JunHyung will drooling over you after this"

all i do is blush.

"omo this is the first time i see you blush.hohohoho you like JunHyung that much huh lil' sis?"my sister InYoung tease me.i just blush non-stop blush.

"Yah stop teasing me..just worry about your wedding unnie~"i said as help InYoung unnie wear her veil

"araso~Iseul-ah do i look pretty?"InYoung Unnie said as she adjust her veil.

"really beautiful ..i bet my brother-in-law  will smiling like a manic when he see you after this"i said as i giggle a little.

>>>SKIP>>>SKIP>>>at the wedding party 

No One POV

"yah did you see Iseul?i haven't see her everywhere."SeungHyun oppa said to JinKi oppa

"i  just talk with her about 10minute ago than she gone.did you see Iseul?"JinKi oppa said to DooJun oppa

"i think i saw she with JunHyung under the tress at the garden."DooJun oppa said.

"really?i wanna join them!"Jinki oppa suddenly said.

"no...don't bother them.. how about we talk about........ chicken?"SeungHyun suddenly said 


Normal POV

wow the weather today was nice..i think i should take a walk for awhile.i just walk in the garden and sit at the bench.

"Yah come you can seat here when everybody enjoying their time taking picture with a bride and you there something wrong?"i knew that voice i turn around and guess what my babo boyfriend that have charasmatic eyes JunHyung.

"what are you doing here?"i said curiously

"why i'm not invited here?"he said childishly.

"no,that's not i mean.never mind"i said.JunHyung oppa just sit next to me at the bench.

"what's on your mind baby?tell me.oh by the way my baby look beautiful today.this is the first time i see you in dress..kekeke "JunHyung oppa giggle as he put his arm around me.

i give him stren look."yah don't give me that look~i tell you the what's in your mind again"JunHyung oppa said

"araso~i tell you.there is a guy that always came to me and talk about stuff that i didn't even know.he even want me to meet his friend.i don't want to so i run away from her and sit here"i said

"WHAT!that guy did what?"JunHyung oppa said furiously

"do you want me meet his friend?i heard that he so cute"i ask him back.

"do you want me beat that guy and his friend too?"JunHyung oppa said questionly

"yah don't be overreacted..i know you just kidding"i said as i hit playfuly his hand

"if he do something I WILL DO THAT and WOW that girl so YYY!"JunHyung oppa said as he saw bunch of girl walk at the garden

"yah Yong JunHyung that's my cousin i'm talking about babo!Y?"i pull his right ear.

"arghhh!that's hurt!"he said as he touch his ear.

"you just ruin my mood on the wheather today.i'm going back inside and eat.go start flirt with that Y girl!"i said grumpy and walk away from him

"Yah Song Iseul did you treat your BOYFRIEND like that?You know i was kidding right?oh you like wheather than me huh?and stop sulking!"he said pissed.

well we often lovely-dovely but sometimes we OFTEN fight~guess who always give up first?

i walk to the kitchen take a plate and i put all kind of food that will dine on the table.i sit at the kitchen counter and starting to enjoy myself eating alone in the kitchen.

why does he always make me pissed with him.what a jerk boyfriend i have!he always ruin my mood.after done eating i went to change my normal clothes and sike out of the window .then i call GikWang for company me eating ice-cream after that text my brother that i'm going home ..and yes i always do this when i was sulking with JunHyung oppa.

i went to GiKwang oppa favourite ice-cream shop called "Pinky Berry Scope"well that ice-cream shop he own.i just order my favourite ice-cream cookies tiramisu ice-cream and i sit at the best shop near the window.this is my dessert for today eating my favourite ice-cream.

"Yah what did just happen before this?"GiKwang oppa suddenly came from behind.

"omo!you scare me"i said as i almost choke my own food.

"Iseul what happen between you and JunHyung hyung?did something serious again?"GiKwang oppa said as he take a bite of my ice-cream.

"nothing we just talk and then some girl came at the garden.JunHyung oppa just said WOW THAT GIRL SO YYYY"i said as i imitate JunHyung oppa voice .GiKwang oppa just laugh at my imitation.

i hear a beeping sound it's GiKwang phone."omo it's JunHyung hyung text"Gikwang oppa said.

"what did he said?"i said curiously.

"he said do you with me?what should i text back?"GiKwang oppa said.

"just said no..said that i'm going to JiYeon's house to sleep over"i said quickly and GiKwang oppa just give me a nodded.then he text back to JunHyung oppa.

"So...why are you run away from him?"GiKwang oppa suddenly said as he just finish text JunHyung oppa.

"run away?you gotta be kidding me?i'm not run away from him just don't wanna see his face even i miss too"i said as i give a awkward laugh.

"stop lying to me Iseul~i know are jeleous?"GiKwang oppa said as he talk a bite of my ice-cream.

"huh!me jeleous?not at all!"i said.

"yes you are jeleous when JunHyung hyung said that girl is y~"GiKwang oppa said.

"Okay! i'm serender!yes i'm jeleous...are you happy now"i said.

"hey just be cool.i think he just like to tease you so don't be too upset.just don't run away from him"GiKwang oppa said.

"alright.sure,i will do that"i said.

after i finish the ice-cream,i wanted to pay my ice-cream but GiKwang oppa give it free.What a lucky day.

i walk at the park near my apartment.i shouldn't be jeleous too much.

"Yah are you done with sulking?"someone said from behind,than i turn around and yes that guy do know how to make me jeleous.babo guy~

"hey baby,i'm sorry..i didn't meant to make you hurt"JunHyung oppa said as he wrap his hands around my waist.

"it's okay.i'm not hurt at all.i'm okay now."i said softly.

"saranghye"JunHyung oppa wisper to my ear and kiss my cheek

"na doo..saranghye oppa."i said softly.


wow..cheesy chapter~i'm sorry for super super late update.i think about 3 weeks or more i'm not update anything but today i'm update this!hope you guys like it^^i'm sorry again if i got some@more grammar mistake and spelling..i'm sorry~okay i'm have some ideas to make special's GiKwang's BIRTHDAY Special!do you like it?and please comment to show that you loveee~this ff~and subscrib~one last thing i wanna said THANKS FOR READING MY FF~

one more thing please choose this guy that will be in this story~


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FairyNHK #1
Wow *cough* Junhyung is naughty...hahaha
omg i love dis story it soo great lol keep on writting plz
OMO...Junhyung is so sweet..i really hope my boyfriend will be like that too..what a sweet guy...even he is naughty but he loves his "babo" girlfriend so much..i think that's my ideal type i love someone who is childish and naughty yet he is so sweet to his lover...geez....i think i'm starting talking corny hings already..btw..update soon..looking forward it so much and i think you should put 3rd person in the story so that it can show up junhyung 's love to know how much junhyung love her...HWAITING!^^
B2utySone #4
okay.basically i wassmiling reading your story! i want a boyfriend like JUNHYUNG. he's so sweet.. T__T lol
sujus_pylover #5
whoah....i love ur story line....<br />
double update please....
oooh~ Now i know why he's mad.<br />
Iseul! Why did you slept xD You should have enjoyed the movie and pretended to be soo much scared then Junhyung will hug you and then and then..... how sweeeet XD<br />
Update soon~!
DumbBunny #7
@k_dragon.Oh...his mad becausehe can't spend his time with iseul alone instant he need to spend his time with his friend and his girlfriend...i hope you understand this. and i will update soon
I'm confused why was Junhyung mad in the first place? Anyways update soon.
This is such a cute chapter, I wonder where he got the balloons from? I want one too. Junhyung is so so cute!!! Please update.
Junnie is so mean!!!! Awww, but so so cute!!!! ^^ Update soon!!