Meet My *cough*NAUGHTY Boyfriend

My NAUGHTY boyfriend

Today was very sun day,maybe i should take a walk at the park,or i can play kite at park...or i can do something else.let me think..*thinking*.Never mind maybe i just walk there take a fresh air...Breath In,Breath Out,ha ha.

"Beep,!Song Iseul pick up your phone!Lazy BUM!kekekeke" i take my phone from my pocket.and yes that's my not-so-bad-but-naughty Boyfriend do it for me..and that's his voice.

"yeoboseyo?"i said

"Iseul-ah...what ca doing?i miss you?please open the door for me please~i got surprise for you!" a guy sound through my phone.

"OK.but you hold up.i need something to do"I said as i change my shirt.

"never mind i just wait at the park.your surprise can wait.see you at park soon.bye2~"the guy said back to the hung up the phone.

"What surprise?i hope it's good~i bet he is in the good mood~"i said to i finish dress up i put myself some lip balm and eyeliner i take my phone and wallet.

"umm...what should i wear...ok let's use this today."i said to myself again and take my  yellow sneaker and wear it.after that i lock my apartment door and walk to elevator and press the G button.

after i arrive at ground floor i walk to the park near my apartment and i saw a similar guy that i used to see everyday..

"Yah walk faster!"the guy scream at me but used to it.the guy with charismatic eyebrow,chubby cheek,y lips,sometime with glasses but today he not wearing one that's my boyfriend Yong JunHyung.hehehe

"yah stop screaming at me i know what i'm doing"i said back at him.

"oh right you the snail right here"he said meanly.

"yah i'm not the snail.i'm a human pabo"i said as i give him a pout

"omo,the shine it's to bright! stop the pout i might die due to  your cuteness"he said as he cover his eye with his hand.

i laugh at his reaction.if he make me mad or something..he make up my mind by his jokes.that's why i love him..hehe

"oppa,where are the surprise?"i said to him and give him my sweetest smile.

"oh,i brought you a latest bubble gum..there take it."he said as he give me the bubble gum called WitchFood..weird name.

"really?thanks oppa,you the best!"i said excitedly.i quickly take the bubble gum and open i open the bubble gum

"ahhhhhhh!COCKROACH!!!"i throw the bubble gum box and scream as loud as i scream...

"Bwoh..hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha!"JunHyung oppa started to laugh untill tears flow out...

"Yah Yong JunHyung! did you do that?"i said to him with teary eyes.

"no,i didn't buy that your brother give that to me so i give it to you.."he said as he still laughing.

"you....!"i said to him with piece expression and i stomp my feet and walk back to my apartment.

"Yah Iseul-ah,baby,where are you going?"JunHyung said with what-heck-just-happen expression.

"i'm going home!"i said and start walk away from him.

"Baby,i'm sorry.i'm really sorry.i promise i will not do it again"he said to me.but i just keep my mouth shut.

"i buy you chicken~and ice-cream"he said and he give his sweetest smile.

but i just keep myself silent.

"Baby...please say something~"he said as he give me a pout.

"Fine.let's go..i'm hungry"i said.

"yay,my baby talk to me!i buy you pizza after this~"he said as he put his hand on my shoulders.



here first chapter.hope you guys like it~Comment and Subscibe~i will update as soon as i can~ ^^^^

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FairyNHK #1
Wow *cough* Junhyung is naughty...hahaha
omg i love dis story it soo great lol keep on writting plz
OMO...Junhyung is so sweet..i really hope my boyfriend will be like that too..what a sweet guy...even he is naughty but he loves his "babo" girlfriend so much..i think that's my ideal type i love someone who is childish and naughty yet he is so sweet to his lover...geez....i think i'm starting talking corny hings already..btw..update soon..looking forward it so much and i think you should put 3rd person in the story so that it can show up junhyung 's love to know how much junhyung love her...HWAITING!^^
B2utySone #4
okay.basically i wassmiling reading your story! i want a boyfriend like JUNHYUNG. he's so sweet.. T__T lol
sujus_pylover #5
whoah....i love ur story line....<br />
double update please....
oooh~ Now i know why he's mad.<br />
Iseul! Why did you slept xD You should have enjoyed the movie and pretended to be soo much scared then Junhyung will hug you and then and then..... how sweeeet XD<br />
Update soon~!
DumbBunny #7
@k_dragon.Oh...his mad becausehe can't spend his time with iseul alone instant he need to spend his time with his friend and his girlfriend...i hope you understand this. and i will update soon
I'm confused why was Junhyung mad in the first place? Anyways update soon.
This is such a cute chapter, I wonder where he got the balloons from? I want one too. Junhyung is so so cute!!! Please update.
Junnie is so mean!!!! Awww, but so so cute!!!! ^^ Update soon!!