
That moment when your dream starts to be a nightmare

It's been already a week since you and Jinyoung live together in the forest.

Everything was perfect.

Today Jinyoung asked you to go out with him.

He found a restaurant out of the forest.

You are really excited.

You never had a real date with him.

You didn't know what you should wear, because you don't have any nice dresses.

After a while of searching you finaly found something and waited for Jinyoung.

He went out before to call the restaurant.

,,_______ ! You can come out now!" Jinyoung said while standing by the door.

When you were staying on by doorframe you could see a limousine.

,,Eeeeeeh !? Is it for US ? Why ? " You couldn't believe your eyes.

Jinyoung chuckled and graped your hand while walking toward the big white limousine.

,,Yes, this is for us." He gave you a smile before you two entered.

Woooooow ! It's so big !

It was your first time driving in such a car. It was amazing!

There was everything you need to survive.

There was even a small TV.

,,Is it ok, if I turn the TV on? I didn't watched TV since like forever! " You asked excited.

Jinyoung nodded and smiled because of your childish behavior.

You switched from channel to channel till you saw there was something about B1A4 in the news.

Jinyoungs eyes grow bigger.

As fast as he could he turned the TV off.

,,Yaah! What are you doing? I wanted to see this!" You yelled dissapointed.

Jinyoung started to smile awkardly.

,, Uhm ... I just thought since this is our first real date we shouldn't waste time with the TV." He chose to say.

,, O-ok  ... then let's not watch TV." You said with a calm yet sad voice.

Jinyoung gave you a kiss and then just embraced you.

The rest of the ride none of you said something.

You just thought about earlier.

You could hear a little from the news before Jinyoung turned the TV of.

,,The rumors aren't comfirmed yet. But it seems like B1A4's charming leader Jung Jinyoung will .... "

That's all I could hear ... what will he do? Should I just ask him later?

You didn't know what you should do.

You really wanted to know what's up.

You didn't believe that Jinyoung turned the TV off just because he didn't want to waste time.

He is hiding something.

WAIT ! "the rumors arent comfirmed but it seems like he will -" ... Oh no! He won't leave the band, right !?


Hey Guys, here is Twinkle97 ! ^-^

First, sorry for the short chapter.

But today I will update some more chapter, since I didn't update for a while.

So i hope you look forward to it. ^__^

And I really want to thank my subscribers:



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Chapter 40: Duh~!Wow it's wonderful!!!...I don't realize that i will end read it just one day i thought it will be a long day....thanks for the nice story and..not just nice it's....i don't know what else could i say...but's I really really reallly LOVE it...Hwaiting for your others stories..>^^<
moofin99 #2
Chapter 40: BEST FANFIC EVER!*^▁^*
Chapter 40: DAEBAK!! MAKE A SEQUEL!! ><
Chapter 40: Awesome story! Enjoyed it alot!:D :D Thank you author-nim for the awesome story ^^
infinitemblaqb1a4 #5
This was a really nice story! Sad that it's over :( But thanks for this cute fanfiction!!! :)
minhojong #7
BabyKyu321 #8
Chapter 36: Why are her parents here??? Omg, update soon :D
Chapter 29: O.O minhyun save her >< why his father like that ><~~!
Chapter 25: omo~~!