Jinyoungs secret

That moment when your dream starts to be a nightmare

After Jinyoung and you were sitting under the sky a while, you two decided to go home.

You went to bed first and you fell really fast asleep.

In your dream you heard Jinyoung say:

,,I'm sorry, I couldn't tell you yet.

Don't worry. I will take care of this."

On the next morning you woke up early.

It was only 6am, but since you couldn't fall asleep anymore you just washed up and went to the kitchen to eat breakfist.

You went to the rooms of the other member, because you wanted to know if they are still sleeping.

The others weren't in their rooms.

So you thought maybe there was still a shedule left.

By the way, is Jinyoung still sleeping?

He wasn't in his room.

Didn't he say they didn't have any shedule this week?

You dind't want to think too much about it and decided to watch TV.

It's an interview with B1A4!

,,Jinyoung-Shi, there are some rumors about you lately." The MC said.

,,Really? What kind of rumors?" The others asked.

,,Some fans saw you with a girl in the past few days. Is it maybe your girlfriend?"

Jinyoungs face was blank.

He didn't know how to answer.

Yes, it was his girlfriend. But he couldn't say that.

Sandeul saw Jinyoungs face and tried to help him:,,Of course not. Jinyoung isn't interested in this kind of things. Right?"

Sandeul give the others the play-along-look.

The others immediately said things like:,,Thats right" and ,,Of course."

Jinyoung just nodded and tried to fake a smile.

Then the MC asked a few more questions and the interview was over.

When did they do this interview? I think it was in the past few days, since I was his girlfriend already.

I thought it would be okay to deny our relationship in publicity, but why is my heart hurting now?

You wondered when the others would come back.

Should you just call them?

Maybe they are doing something important right now.

You just watched TV and after some hours you fell asleep.

Suddenly you heard the voices of the others.

It seems like they returned.

You wanted so greet them, when you heard them talk about something.

So you pretended to sleep.

,,Hyung, are you really going to do this?" You heard Gongchan ask.

,,I have no other choice if I want to stay with _____." Jinyoung answered.

,,Yah! What are we supposed to do without you?" Sandeul asked with a shaking voice.

What are they talking about?

,,I'm sorry guys. But I will return soon. You know what to say to our manager right?" Jinyoung said.

,,Yeah, I hope this will help you to make the right decision." Baro said.

,,We will talk with manager-nim. So don't worry:" CNU said cheering.

You couldn't take it anymore and went to the kitchen where the others were takling.

,,Yah! What are you guys talking about? Where is Jinyoung-Oppa going?" You asked.

The others looked a little bit shocked when they saw you.

,,Good morning princess. Did you sleep well?" Jinyoung smiled to you and give you a kiss on the cheek.

,,Answer my question!" You was a bit scared of what Jinyoung would say.

,,I'm going to do a vacation ... With you." Jinyoung answered while still smiling to you.

,,Vacation? Why?"

,,I want to have some time with you. Just the two of us."

,,W-what? Don't you have any shedules?"

,,No, manager-nim gave me some time to think about the band and our relationship."

,,So ... it's ok if we leave just like that?"

,,Yes it is. So pack your bag and get ready to have some fun."

Jinyoung kissed you again.

This time on your lips.

,,Hyung, we're here too!" Gongchan said and playfully pushed him.

,,Have fun on your trip!" The others said before leaving.

,,When will we come back?" You asked.

,,I don't know yet. Maybe in two weeks."

You went to your room and started to pack your bags.

Here is something fishy ... but wait! Am I really going to go on vacation with Jinyoung-Oppa?

Just the two of us. Alone?


Hey Guys! Here is Twinkle97. :)

I just want you to know, that i can't post on the next two weeks, because i'm going on holidays. ^^

And I want to thank my first subscribers. ^-^

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Chapter 40: Duh~!Wow it's wonderful!!!...I don't realize that i will end read it just one day i thought it will be a long day....thanks for the nice story and..not just nice it's....i don't know what else could i say...but's I really really reallly LOVE it...Hwaiting for your others stories..>^^<
moofin99 #2
Chapter 40: BEST FANFIC EVER!*^▁^*
Chapter 40: DAEBAK!! MAKE A SEQUEL!! ><
Chapter 40: Awesome story! Enjoyed it alot!:D :D Thank you author-nim for the awesome story ^^
infinitemblaqb1a4 #5
This was a really nice story! Sad that it's over :( But thanks for this cute fanfiction!!! :)
minhojong #7
BabyKyu321 #8
Chapter 36: Why are her parents here??? Omg, update soon :D
Chapter 29: O.O minhyun save her >< why his father like that ><~~!
Chapter 25: omo~~!