Rules of the house

That moment when your dream starts to be a nightmare

You was sitting on a bed in Minhyuns room, still shocked from what just happened.

Then Minhyun entered the room and put down something to eat on the table.

,,Aren't you hungry?" He asked while sitting beside you.

You looked confused to him.

Should I tell him? Rather not ...

,,Hey whats with your cheek? Are you okay?" He suddenly asked while gently touching your cheek.

You immediately pushed his hand from your cheek.

,,Oh sorry ... its nothing." You fake a smile and start to eat.

,,Are you sure?" He looked worried at you.

You nodded. ,,Im really ok."

,,Okay. Then lets eat and after that you can take a shower."

You nodded again and after you was done eating you take a shower.

You changed and went to the bedroom again.

,,Oh but Minhyun ... here is just one bed." You said while looking at him.

He was just done showering too.

Wow he is really handsome ... Waa stop thinking that _______!!!

He chuckled. ,,Dont worry. You can sleep on the bed. I'll take the couch."

Then you two went to bed.

You fell asleep pretty fast, because the bed was so comfortable.

The next morning you wake up you didnt saw Minhyun.

He is already awake?

After you changed your clothes and washed up you tried to find Minhyun in the house.

Unfortunately the house was bigger than you thought and you got lost.

After you searched a little you found the door of Minhyuns room again.

You opened and went in.

You started to chuckle and thought Minhyun would sit there.

,,I think I just got lost in your-" Your smile disappeared when you didnt see Minhyun but the man from yesterday.

,,Im sorry, I thought-" ,,Come in." He interrupted you.

You slowly enter the room and close the door behind you.

,,Im sure Minhyun didn't tell you about me. So let me introduce myself. Im Minhyuns father." He approached you.

,,N-nice to meet you. I'm-" ,,I didn't aks who you are." He interrupted you again.

,,I heard youre going to live here from now on."

You nodded.

,,Then you have to follow my rules.

1. You just talk, if I ask you something. If you do anything, that is too loud you will be punished."


,,Did I ask you something?"


,,Then why are you interrupting me ?" He yelled at you.

,,I'm sorry."

Minhyun, where are you? Help me!!!

,,2. You do everything I want from you."

Your eyes widden.

I hope with everything he want he dont really mean EVERYTHING.

,,If you follow this rules, you can live here peacefull. Otherway you will be punished.. Did you understand me?"

,,Yes, sir."

,,You can go now."  He said while sitting on his chair again.

You bowed and left the room.

Okay, now I understand why Minhyun run away.

After a while you finaly found Minhyuns room.

You entered but Minhyun was still not there.

,,________?" You hear a familliar voice from behind calling you.

You turn aroung to see Sandeul.

,,Sandeul? What are you doing here?"

Minhyun was standing beside him and explained:,,He was searching for you."

,,W-why?" You asked confused.

,,You know I'm actually here to-"

,,I won't come back again. So tell Jinyoung to stop and-" You interrupted him.

Then he interrupted you. ,, I'm not here to take you back. I just want to give you something."

He handed you an envelope.

You looked inside.

,,A ticket for Immortal song 2?"

,,B1A4 will have a special appearance. Please come. Not for Jinyoung, but for the the others ... and me."

You hesitate to answer but then you nod.

,,Okay, I'll come."

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Chapter 40: Duh~!Wow it's wonderful!!!...I don't realize that i will end read it just one day i thought it will be a long day....thanks for the nice story and..not just nice it's....i don't know what else could i say...but's I really really reallly LOVE it...Hwaiting for your others stories..>^^<
moofin99 #2
Chapter 40: BEST FANFIC EVER!*^▁^*
Chapter 40: DAEBAK!! MAKE A SEQUEL!! ><
Chapter 40: Awesome story! Enjoyed it alot!:D :D Thank you author-nim for the awesome story ^^
infinitemblaqb1a4 #5
This was a really nice story! Sad that it's over :( But thanks for this cute fanfiction!!! :)
minhojong #7
BabyKyu321 #8
Chapter 36: Why are her parents here??? Omg, update soon :D
Chapter 29: O.O minhyun save her >< why his father like that ><~~!
Chapter 25: omo~~!