Who will be my boyfriend?


25 Days Later…


you POV.


We just like you official couple eventhough we haven’t start yet, I slowly opened my heart for him, I think he’s more better for me since he already known me everything, give affection everyday like me (okay, he had done for past 1 year), came to me when luch time and feeding each other, asking for hang out. Kyaaa I’m blushing. I don’t know why I ask to him court each other first, maybe i haven’t sure at the time. But now… It’s different.


I haven’t see Changmin had free times for past 5 days, I knew his assignment is getting increase day by day, well me too, even I can’t saw him not smiling a lot in recent days. He just came to me, me then go home. Always ask him to not forget eat via text. Ugh… I miss him so much. Those assignment such er for us.


I think today is time for accept him, although Changmin haven’t ask me to be his girlfriend, or should I start first? It’s now or never.


I’m on my way to his faculty, I slowly  walked to his class, but the class is empty and came to locker room, but he’s not there. Or may be he’s on rooftop? But then I heard some people talking attract my thought.


“You think Changmin will perfect for her?” the girl said to her exclaimed to her friends, I think she indicate towards me because I’m round. But she’s not.


“Yes, they are so perfect, I knew they just close each other for few days. But if they become couple, it could be sweet.” Her friend reply to the girl.


“I guess so.” The girl said, she looks into her watch and widened her eyes. “Oh, c’mon we are late.”


I snapped from my thought, could it be the girl is me? AAAA I can feel my check become red. Then I know how to find Changmin.

I’m on my way to rooftop, slowly run over my excitement to not make any noise.


I knob the door handle, there… I found him.




He’s not alone, a girl company him.


They sit together facing the sky, I’m behind them, so he can’t see my presence. Why I feel jealous towards the girl next to him?


“Oppa… I think, I like you.” The girl said to Changmin, I can feel anger boiled rush to my body. She cannot be with him, he’s mine right? Eh -_-


Silent for a while…


“I like you too.” Changmin answering her, HE… WHAT?? He accept her, but… “Although we just known each other for recent days, but I sure with my feelings.”


The girl is so shy. She closed her face with her plams.


“So, Do you want to be my girlfriend?”


Changmin POV


She confessed to me that she likes me, I can feel butterfly is stomach. The girl next to me is Tiffany, she’s majoring Korean Literature in the same faculty with me, well she attracted me so much for recent days. We just talking each other but I feel the same, for past 5 days I giving my time for her. Yeah, I think I like her too.


“So, Do you want to be my girlfriend?” I asked shyly.


She nodded. “I will be honor, oppa.”


Then I heard ‘bang’ door rooftop, we looked to our back. I found nothing, ahh… maybe it just wind. But then I’m thinking of someone… could it be?


“Tiffany, sorry but I have to leave you”



you POV


How can be? How can be him accept her even ask her to be his girlfriend? He should be with me, I ran away to the stairs and I can’t hold my tears. I’m jealous, broken hearted and I feel betrayed by him. Isn’t he should be escorting me? Then why he choose another girl instead me?


I arrived at lobby and still running, I heard Changmin voice calling on me. I ignore continue to running. I don’t want to meet him. But he did to catch me outside the faculty.


He grabbed my arms, makes me her facing me “ you -ah, please don’t cry.”


I held my arms to get off his hands.


“Why you betraying me? You choose her instead of me? That’s why you never appear in this past few days?”

He didn’t answer my question, not able to speak.


“So, you are tired to escorting me? You don’t have any feeling again for me? You have waiting too long for me, so that’s why you choose her?”


He still not answering.


 “Actually I’m about to ask you first to be my boyfriend, I had opened my heart for you. But now I realized… you don’t deserve me and my love.” I continue to fallen my tears.


He makes a fist in his hand.


“FINE.” He shout makes everyone looked to us. “If I’m not deserve for you then never come closer to me even dare to speak with me, because I don’t want to.” The he left me.


I feel broken hearted into pieces, torturing me so badly, he even didn’t makes me stand for him. My eyes swollen due to tears and cry, I slowly back to my faculty. I don’t wanna be like this. If he doesn’t want to speak with me again, then our friendship is ended too. Love can break anything include your friendship.


Few days later


Siwon POV


I came to class kinda late even the lecture already at class but Mr. Shin haven’t started the class yet so he allow me to enter. There’s 3 rows in this class, I sit on the back right corner, since my body is tall and kinda big because of my muscle, I’m prevent to my friend didn’t saw what lecture teach in the front.


Mr. Shin started the class explained about substances polymer chemical, but then I looked into a girl who sit in the left corner. She has been seating in the back from past few days, I noticed her eyes always swollen. Is she has been crying overnight?


Well, I still waiting for her eventhough she has rejected me, but my dad said a special girl is worth to wait. She’s my special girl since high school, I’m just his stalker. His high school is next to my high school and I’ve been watching her for all over years, the reason I entered SM university and took Chemistry major is because of her. I’m good in every subject when I was high school even I’m thinking not to continue to college, but she changes my mind without she realized. So, here I am.


I wonder what makes her crying, who’s the person who hurt her? If I stay beside her, I promise to kill that person. But she just quite and don’t get along with us anymore, she prefer to be alone and quite.


“Okay…” Mr. Shin surprising me. “So now, I want to you pair in group, two of you makes summary about what I’ve explained just now and gives the example of stuff by your own.”


I snapped my thought, I’m thinking about her too much until I didn’t notice what’ve Mr. Shin explained.


“Siwon-sshi, would you like to join with me?” I gasped to the soft voice, that’s her. She asking me to be her partner.


“O-Of course…” I answered her.


Kyaaaaaa I can’t believe it.


She asking me? Well it rarely happened, since I confess with her, me and her like kinda awkward together, but she’s so nice always giving her curve smile if we met.


She moved to the next to me, then I can saw my friends in the front teasing us, Cho Kyuhyun and Do Chisan are the most evil among them. I give glare “Don’t-do-that.” to them. They are understand even continue smirked, but you seems don’t care about that.


I pulled out paper from my bag and give it to her, she discussing something about substances that she got from book and what Mr. Shin explained before. She asking me about the stuff, I just answering “a pan” for cooking as the example. We are done within 5 minutes.


“It seems you daydreaming when Mr. Shin explained about this.” She said while put her pen in table, ehh… she noticing?


“You notice?”


She nodded. “And you looked to me too, are you thinking about me?”


Snap, even she realized. Stupid you Choi Siwon.


I give her little smile. But then I admit it to her. “Yeah, I just wondering why you prefer sit in the back these days, I also noticing your eyes swollen. Something happened with you?”

I make move to know everything about her these days.


She bent down her head, giving soft sighed.


“If you don’t want to tell, it’s okay.” I continued.


“Siwon-sshi. Are you broken heart when I rejected you?”


Her question makes me blink my eyes twice, I shook my head. “Nope, I appreciate your decision if you won’t to be my girlfriend. But I still waiting for you.”


She rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to wait me, if you broken heart because me, I will never forgive myself.”


I’m touching with her words, Her heart is very kind, even she thinking about my feel. Makes me more falling with her, but I knew her heart is fragile now.


“Don’t worry about me, as long as you happy. I will happy too. And if you’re sad like now, I feel sad too. So, don’t sad anymore. You can count on me, and all of friends here would makes you cheer up. Especially those evil person in the front” She looked into people who keep teasing us, Cho Kyuhyun and Do Chisan wave to us. “Yeah eventhough they bit annoying but in the bottom of their heart, they want to see your laugh and your happiness.”


Then she turning her lips to smile, finally. “Thank you.”


“Nah, that’s better.”


She seems better after talked with me, I feel grateful I can saw her smile again. I don’t like seeing her sad and quite like before.


“So, you have to pay.” I told her.



Kyaaa... miss me? LOL

I will update one part left for ending in one hour, i'm writing the last chapter anyway.


Thanks for the subs, give me feedback your comment please!

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FishyDreamer #1
Chapter 4: The ending was so unexpected. I thought that she would end up with Changmin! But anyways, author-nim, it was great!
Chapter 4: Wkkwkk...I knew it, she will make it with Siwon!!! Like this story ♡(●^―^●)♥
kaijje #3
Oh i guess 'i' will end up w Changmin ):

and i feels bad...........why didnt changmin and i still become friends ?
well.. unexpected ending ~!
kaijje #4
mhm..... shud i listening to Changmin's confession song while reading it? Hehe.
Thats one of my fav song~ *who ask you?* Kekeke
wow what abeautiful story^^
sequel please?^^
Awww siwon always the gentelman!! Update soon!
I do hope Siwon would be the main character.