Chapter 32 - Return.

♥One Year's Crush.♥


Krystal took a stroll with Amber on the beach while the others remained back in SM building.

"Unnie." Krystal called out of the silence.

"Yes Krystal?" Amber was glad she spoke up.

"Have I become really hopeless?"

"No you haven't!" Amber frantically shook. "Geez, what made you feel like that?"

"I just feel that I've let so many people down."


Amber was stunned for words.
A plane randomly flew past.

"Look at that plane soar so high." Amber pointed. "Like it, you are meant to go great heights!"

"But it looks as if the plane is coming down." Krystal negatively disagreed.

"Krystal..." Amber sighed.


What they didn't know, was that on that plane, someone was returning for her.
Hoping to pull Krystal back up to her former self.


-At SHINee's dorm later that evening.-

Jessica was devastated at how negative Krystal became.

"Krystal, what is wrong with you ?"

"Nothing unnie. People do change. I did too." Krystal replied coldly.

"Is it his death? Is that what made you like this?"

"Perhaps the only way to change me is to reverse time..."

"Krystal..please don't torture me this way.." Jessica cried.

"I can't help it unnie. I feared losing him, and it happened."


Seeing Krystal so cold, Jessica had nothing more to say and hung up.

"She doesn't even listen to me anymore." Jessica cried.


She started to pour out her troubles over the past year.

"This is really bad." Onew said after he has heard what happened to Krystal over the past year.

"Precisely.." Jessica whined. "That's why I am so stressed."

"We need to find a way. Krystal will be history if they decide to take her out of f(x)."

"I really don't know what to do."


The members of SHINee gathered around to chip in ideas.

"Is it possible to ask her to forget him?" The innocently silly Taemin asked.

"Yah. If it's that easy, Krystal won't even be like this." Key reprimanded.

"Please think before speaking, Jessica is already very stressed." Jonghyun sighed and shook his head.


Taemin felt really bad and uncomfortable.
Minho, seeing this, tried to play around with the maknae.


Out of a sudden, the door bell of SHINee's dorm rang.
Taemin decided to use this opportunity to hide his blushing from the embarressment he felt.

"Hello, wh- Yah! You can't just charge in like that!!" Taemin yelled.


Jessica and Onew turned around from the couch to face the intruder.

The intruder panted deeply, trying to catch his breath. "Hi..."

"Taemin, its okay... I know him." Jessica explained as she broke into tears. "Joon..Is that you?"

"Sica noona.." Joon answered.

"My dear Joon, You are alive!" She exclaimed as she went forward and hugged her.


This gave the SHINee members a shock.

Onew just smiled and whispered to his dongsaengs. "Here, before us, is the solution."

"Yes Noona. I'm back." Joon finally answered.

"You look so much better than lying in the ICU." Jessica teased.

"I know." He laughed.

"How did you know I am here?"

"Taeyeon noona told me earlier when I went to visit SM building."

"Have you gone to see Krystal then?"

"Not yet.." Joon quietly replied.

"Why not?"

"I heard that Krystal will have a final stage test. And if she fails this, it's over for her career.?"

"Yes..that is why I am so stressed." Jessica looked down to the ground. "I don't want to see her fall."


Joon stood there thinking, scratching his head as he thought about the best ways to make a comeback.
A while later, he just smiled and nodded.

No one knew what he had planned.
In the end, he finally spoke up.

"Let's do this Noona."


He started filling both Onew and Jessica on what he has on his sleeves. "And that's what we will do."

"You think it will work Sica?" Onew asked.
"Yes. I am sure she will budge." Jessica agreed. "I'm going to tell her the song to train for now." 


And she left the dorm in a haste.

"You really love Krystal that much huh?" Onew asked. "If not, you wouldn't have this idea."

"I do. That's why I am back." Joon said.

"I'll support you entirely. I hope this will work out." Onew smiled. 
"Recalling back, I'm really curious how you managed to know where she was when she got abducted?" Onew then asked.

"The ventilation of Air conditioners." Joon smiled. "While working there, I hear it often. That's why when I heard such a familiar noise in the background of that call, I knew she was there."

Onew and the rest of SHINee smiled and clapped their hands in applause, causing Joon to become shy.

"By the way, can I stay here for the night?" Joon asked.

"Sure you can!" Taemin smiled and brought Joon inside.


-Later at the Jungs-

"Unnie are you sure you want me to do this?" Krystal asked.

"Yes. Make me proud."

"I can't unnie.. I really can't."

"You will regret it if you don't do it." Jessica adviced. "This is all for your best."

"Okay unnie...I will do it."


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UnfaithfulLiar #1
Great story bro. I hope you make another one for SNSD members.
Chapter 34: I just finished it within only a day!! great story!!! this is the first story I read that the main lead is an OC.. But seriously, great story!!! I enjoyed it!!! ^ -^
Electric09 #3
Chapter 34: Congratulations :')
Haha I had a great time reading your fanfic!
Hope you will write more great fics ahead!
Eririn #4
Chapter 34: I did enjoyed this. every chapter was a good read :) I hope you continue writing more awesome Krystal fics.
Eririn #5
Chapter 33: Is this the end?
Eririn #6
Chapter 32: What is Krystal supposed to do?
Eririn #7
Chapter 31: Interesting twist. So it was a plan by sm after all. I didn't expect it to be one year already. Krystal will be overjoyed when joon returns.
Electric09 #8
Chapter 31: Glad he is alive!
Hope everything will be fine soon!
Hwaiting! ((:
Chapter 30: U changed a few parts,its good!