lets be friends forever

The public bathroom isnt that bad

"sorry kibum... sorry if i have the same feeling for you too.. i'm sorry"

"its okay won , why are you saying sorry ..."

"it's just..  i really like you but i have rejected your best friend , i feel so bad right now"

"you mean kyuhyun? he confess his feeling to you too?"

"yes , i didn't mean to make him hurt but i can't lie to myself that i like him as a younger brother rather than a lover"

"i feel so bad too.. right now.."

"but i want you and you want me , but we have to take care of kyuhyun's feeling"

"i know what kind of person kyuhyun is , he will understand , he is a good boy , you know.. since we were young , he's the type that care for me like my own mother , because my mom is far , he is always been there for me.. i'm sorry i need to go home now since i'm confused with all of this , sorry to make you wait , i'm going to call you when i have my decision okay?"

"okay , i understand , i will wait , just dont push yourself too hard okay? *hugs kibum*"

kibum is confused whether he should be happy or sad with the truth that siwon likes him too but his bestfriend is hurt.. as soon as he arrived home he directly going to his room and laying himself on his bed , looking at the ceiling , thinking about siwon and him , suddenly he fell asleep

*phone ringing*

'yoboseyo?' kibum said

'what? he's not here with me , aunt.. he hasn't come back home? i'll look for him okay , you need to calm down , i will find him for you..'

its 00.37 am in the morning but kyuhyun hasn't returned home , he's not the type that wil go out at night , kyuhyun and kibum prefer to playing a game at home or reading some books together..

"kyuhyun-ah where are you.."

as kibum passing out the park he saw someone sitting on a bench , and he recognize him , cho kyuhyun

"what is that brat doing in here , its really cold in here" kibum murmuring as he walk towards kyuhyun

kyuhyun eyes is red as he was crying so hard..

"kyuhyun-ah.. why are you like this? mianhae.. please don't cry anymore , let's talk in your house okay" kibum take kyu's hand but he reject kibum

"i need to say something to you too.. i saw it when you were with siwon earlier , congratulation , i'm jealous at you , you always have what i don't , you always get what i don't.. do you know when we were still in junior high school , i have a girlfriend but when we break up she said she couldn't stand it anymore because she really likes you and only want to get your information by using me , ever since that i don't want to fall in love again , until i meet siwon.. but now , i understand , just like you said , i will understand.. sometimes not everything we like is going to be ours , we can't always get what we wanted right? so you should be happy with siwon now , okay? i'm happy to know that you're looking for me and you're the one who find me here" kyuhyun holding back his tears

"stupid.. you're stupid.. why don't you say all of this earlier , you're wrong , i dont always have everything you want , i dont have parents that always be there to cook me some food , to take me  on science trip , i can't do math , physics , chemistry as good as you , you're wrong , but all of this doesn't matter to me because i have you as my friend so we can share some food that your mom made , you can teach me how to do math.. i'm happy to have you as my friend , and i don't want you to get hurt anymore , if you don't like me i will stay away from you"

"who doesn't like you , you're the one who stupid , just please be happy with siwon , i've already giving up on him , so please make him happy , lets be grow old together okay?"

after that both of them start to crying and hugging each other.. as soon as they arrived at the apartment , kyu wants to have a night on kibum's house , before sleep they eat the cake that heechul made , and they share some stories before they're going to bed ,and realising all of this time they can't live without each other





what do you think? do you want me to continue this story or not? please give an answer :)

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an update >< i decided to continue this story , i'm in a good mood because tomorrow is my birthday~~


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i like this fic so much :'D
Chapter 18: What happened to Siwon?!?! I WANT TO KNOW~~!!!! Please updated soon ^^
bohyemi #3
Chapter 18: SIBUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bohyemi #4
Choco108 #5
Continue, I'm curious to what happens next, Is SiBum really become a couple or another will happen ^^
siwon407 #6
please do more fanfics about sibum\
Well, it would be nice to see kyu find love again :3 NOW THAT WE HAVE SIBUM~ ^_^ So if you want to, please continue OwO
THANKS FOR UPDATING~!!! <333333 ^.^
bohyemi #8
Ugh nooo~!!! I guess I'll watch Wonki..</3 THANKS FOR UPDATING~!!! <3333 ^_^
Are effing kidding me Siwon.?! -_-
Lol THANKS FOR UPDATING~!!! <3333 ^.^ update when you can pwease ^w^