

Running away was the best idea Yixing ever had, and walking into that bookstore was the second best idea.


Happy birthday to my darling Fiona! Go check out her stories, because I'm obsessed with them. She's a big Krispy Lays shipper and I'm a big Taoris shipper so it makes for interesting discussions that usually go something like "YOUR SHIP IS SINKING, TAKE THAT" or "MY SHIP JUST BLASTED A HOLE IN YOUR SHIP SO THERE." 

Fi, I know that you asked for something else, but when you asked, I'd already been working on this one kekeke. I've had this planned for a very very long time. You thought I'd never write Krispy Lays, didn't  you? I suppose I did say that I just couldn't see it as anything more than a bromance, but I did a lot of research (meaning I read some Krispy Lays fics that I kept a secret from you). And this turned out to be a lot of fun to write anyway. I didn't think it would be hahaha. I tried so hard not to make it fluffy, because I wanted to do something different for a change, but apparently I can't write anything but fluff. Ah well. I hope you enjoy it anyway. It's my longest oneshot to date. I thought it'd be like 2000 words or something but it just kept getting longer and longer and I think it's like 6500 now. Kekeke. Until two days ago it was called "Quelque Chose de Nouvelle" but I didn't think it worked that well with the actual story.

Anyway, you're sixteen now! Sweet sixteen and all that. Do something fun. We should go hang out this summer when you get back. 

I hope you're having a lot of fun in China (did you meet Exo/Han Geng yet?) and I can't wait for you to get back so we can fangirl again :)

Much love,

♥ Your darling Exie

P.S. You may know this fic as "Super Secret Project #2." That's right. That's what I've been referring to all this time. 


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liquorandice #1
I think this might be my favourite of your oneshots
Chapter 1: Oh man I remember reading this when it first came out, and I just love it even more now
Adorableadorableadorable ♡♡♡♡ all the fluff is making me squeal inside ; u ;
Oh how i wish there is a sequel to this ♡
Chapter 1: LdjjkkfjfskdjKAKSDJJFDKSKFJFK OMFGOFKOFFM the oo pan killed me
Chapter 1: Fufufu I just found this good kray story. Lulu why so mean to lay:<< I really enjoyed reading this bec i'm a hardcore shipper of KRAY. I liked this story and also your writing style. Good job author-ssi~
Chapter 1: You have no idea how much I yearn for a Krispy Lay fiction. I ship them a whole lot and not liking the idea of Taoris. XDD

Love this one-shot! YAYYYYYYY KRISPY LAY FTW!
Just read the translation that was done and became one of my favorite Kray! is very beautiful~
I guess that is not the same as reading directly from English, but i really liked the story and the way you describe it :)
En un momento llegue a odiar a Luhan u.u pero después el amor volvió xD