G.O / ByungHee

Study... but why?



You hated this subject. Hated it with a passion that rivaled the flames of HELL! Well maybe that was being to dramatic, but you did dislike this subject. It was boring, the reading was dry, and your teacher was a nutcase. Flitting around the room like a total flake and putting maybe one or two words on the board, non of which would be on the test.

“Oppppaaaaaaa!” you whined as you let your head hit the table. He was in another part of the apartment doing his own thing, trying not to disturb you while you studied. His head popped into the doorway.

“Jagiya, how’s it going?” he asks. You lift your head, your eyes hooded with frustration and immense dislike. He lifts his eyebrows and blinks.

“It can’t be that bad.” he says. You glare further at him. “Okay, okay it’s the worst thing in the world. But you still have to study for it.” You make a face and fold your arms looking at the book with severe distaste.

“It’s the worst subject I’ve got. It wouldn’t be so bad if the teacher wasn’t such a weirdo.” G.O laughed and came further into the room.

“Why are you like this? You know you have to do well or you won’t get into the school you want. Aren’t you the one who’s always telling me, even though I don’t like subbing meals for that horrible powdered drink, or staying up really, really late to practice til my legs fall off, I still have to do it because it’s part of my job?” he lectured and it just made your afternoon more distasteful. 

“Are you gonna lecture me all afternoon or do something useful?” you asked. This subject really put you in a sour mood, and even though you knew you’d just been really mean for no good reason to him, you couldn’t unfold your arms. 

You fully expected him to leave the room, and he did. But only for a minute. He came back with a candle, it was scented with florals and chamomile, meant for a soothing bedtime candle but he lit it anyways.

“Maybe this will help your sour mood.” he said. Before you could retort, you felt his powerful hands on your shoulders. His palms flat against them, he worked your muscles and skin in a near magical combination that soothed your feelings and relaxed you. When he stopped you looked up.

“You want anymore, you’ll finish your study. I’ll be waiting to finish.. the rest of you.” he said and winked. The book never seemed more interesting to you than it did in that moment.

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I love all the chapters, even tho i was actually looking only for Joon's part, i can't help but to read all of the versions.. I like Seungho's part the most :)
i love the final chpter :D *thinking of me as the girl :))*