
Study... but why?


Oppa was sick. He’d caught a cold and had been stuck in bed all day, trying to play with DaDoong to make himself feel better but he was so weak and had no energy he mostly just lay there. 

“Oppa, are you awake? It’s me, _________-ah” you say softly when you open the door to his room. He looks pale. Much more pale than you thought he would. He looks really sick and you worry.

“Jagiya, don’t get to close, I don’t want you to catch this.” he says holding up one hand and coughing into another.

“I’m not afraid to be sick Oppa. I know you’d take care of me.” you sit on the edge of his bed and he rolls onto his side, curling up around you sniffling. He moans softly as you play with his hair and rub his scalp.

“That feels so good, my brains feel like they’re about to explode.” he said with a bit of a whimper. You were supposed to be studying for art history but Oppa was more important right now.

You rubbed his scalp with both hands, and moved down to his neck and shoulders, then back, and lower back, playfully poked him in the which made him blush and squirm, then rubbed his legs and feet. He smiled when he rolled back over and seemed at ease.

“Jagiya, can I have something to drink please? And can you find my cough drops in the bathroom? And can you get me a snack? Please?” he asked politely. Such a gentleman he was, even when he was sickly. You found all his stuff, made him some tea with honey and lemon, toast, and brought him a big mug of ice water for his throat. You gave him the bag of halls you found in the medicine cabinet and sitting on the bed by his feet, finally pulled out your art history book. DaDoong snuggled up against your leg, between Thunder Oppa’s feet and purred.

“Jagiya, can you read to me? I’m bored but I can’t look at the video game screen. It makes my eyes tear, but I’m bored.” he whined slightly. 

You make him take his medicine, and then open up your art history book and start reading aloud, drinking the ice water he didn’t touch, and soon the boring subject caused him to fall asleep. You stayed for awhile longer, and then convinced he’d sleep through the night, you turned his light out, petted DaDoong goodbye and closed his door. Sometime later at home, you recieved a Text message from Dara Unnie.

“Thank you for looking after my brother today. He’s still sleeping but I know you’d been here. Thank you for being so good to him. He really needs you. ^^”

You smiled.

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I love all the chapters, even tho i was actually looking only for Joon's part, i can't help but to read all of the versions.. I like Seungho's part the most :)
i love the final chpter :D *thinking of me as the girl :))*