Chapter #20

Crystalline Planet [APPLY CLOSED SORRY!!] - An EXO Fic


Suho…” Chaerin mumbled out in the darkness as she held onto the other’s shoulder since they were pretty much walking around soaking wet in their house in the dark.

I got you. We’re almost there,” Suho whispered back as he held onto her hand on his right shoulder. He grimaced when all he could hear was the wet, soggy footsteps they were making on the wood floor. He sighed when they finally made it to their room, “We’re here.

Thank goodness…” Chaerin mumbled out again as she followed him into the room, closing the door behind her. All they could see were the faint silhouettes of Luhan and Sabina sleeping on the bed farthest away from the door.

Come on, Chaeri. Hurry up, and we’ll sleep,” Suho whispered as he took off the other’s hand off of his shoulder and let her go to feel around the room for something.

I can’t see anything though, Suho,” Chaerin pouted into the darkness when she suddenly felt someone grab for her right arm.

Shh, shh. Sorry, Chaerin. Here,” Suho quickly calmed down the other when he felt her jolt at his sudden touch.

Chaerin let out a sigh of relief as she grabbed whatever he gave her, “What about you? This isn’t mine, I don’t think.

I’ll be fine,” the other mumbled back just as they heard somebody else waking up.

Suho? Chaerin?” Sabina whispered out in the middle of the night since she could feel Luhan peacefully sleeping next to her.

Yeah, it’s us, sweetie. Go back to sleep,” Chaerin softly said back as the other kept hearing rustling in the room.

Are you two okay?” she questioned since… she couldn’t exactly see if they were or not.

We’re fine, Sabina. We can talk in the morning,” Suho quietly said.

Sabina could hear the other bed creaking, assuming the other two were getting into their own bed. She sighed softly, “Okay… Goodnight you two.

Goodnight, Bina,” they both said quietly. Sabina smiled before she went back to sleep.

By the time it was actual morning and sunlight was coming in through the windows, Luhan woke up to hear Sabina sleeping peacefully next to him on their bed. He turned to look down at her and smiled. She was sleeping on her side with her back facing him. He chuckled before turning around to hug her from the back until he noticed another two people sleeping in the room. He looked over and saw Suho and Chaerin sleeping peacefully in the other bed as well. He furrowed his eyebrows in thought, wondering when they both came in last night, figuring they must’ve come back during the middle of the night. He kept staring at them until he noticed something was… off.

Luhan quietly and slowly got off of his and Sabina’s bed before silently tiptoeing his way across to the other bed. His eyebrows furrowed together again as he stared down at Suho’s sleeping face, noticing the blanket up to his chest and Chaerin’s neck comfortably. They were sleeping next to each other on their backs. It was still raining when we went to sleep last night… But something looked off to him, seeing Suho’s arm outside the blanket. He slowly and carefully lifted up the blanket only to have his eyes widen.

Suho shifted, suddenly feeling cold as he opened his eyes to see Luhan staring back at him in shock, “Hannie?”

Luhan only opened and closed his mouth a few times, pulling on the blanket more to see Chaerin’s body, effectively making the younger man move his arm up and away from the blanket. He sighed in relief as he looked back to Suho, quietly exclaiming, “Why in the world are you shirtless?!

The other blinked up at him in confusion before looking down to his chest to see that he was, indeed, shirtless. He looked over to Chaerin who moved onto her side facing away from him and getting comfortable on the warm bed again. He sighed, “It was dark in the room last night so I really couldn’t see what I was grabbing. We were drenched and uncomfortable when we managed to get back home from trying to wait for the rain to lighten up so we took off our outer clothing and tried to find our spare shirts and everything before going to sleep. I gave her my spare shirt since she couldn’t find hers in the dark.” He noticed Luhan form a twinkle of mischievousness in his eyes before sighing again, “No, we couldn’t see the other’s body in the darkness. Please stop thinking about her like that.”

Luhan rolled his eyes before dropping the blanket back on his younger friend, “I wasn’t thinking of her like that. I don’t even think of Sabina like that. She’s too precious and beautiful to be able to be thought of like that.”

Suho mimicked the elder’s motions and rolled his eyes before turning on his side facing away from the elder, “Just let me sleep in peace, Hannie. We can talk later.”

The elder chuckled before nodding, “Alrighty, boss.” Suho chuckled as well as Luhan walked back to his bed and moved to curl up against Sabina’s back, “Love you, Bina…

Sabina smiled at hearing those words.


Soraya felt shifting around in the bed she was sleeping in before she finally decided to open up her eyes, only to see D.O. moving around the room finding a shirt to put on. She smiled, “Why are you up so early?”

D.O. turned around to smile at her before frowning and pointing to the other bed next to them, “Eun-mi and Lay didn’t show up at all last night. Something must’ve happened to them.”

His girlfriend widened her eyes at the news, “Do you think they’re okay? They’re both powerful… but…” She bit her lip, “What if they were kidnapped again?”

The other sighed, “I hope they weren’t. They might actually kill Eun-mi this time if they were…”

“What? Why?” Soraya questioned, surprised, while getting up from the bed too and walking over to D.O. She pecked him on the lips before she made her way towards the door with her boyfriend following after her.

“…She just provoked them a lot while we were there,” D.O. softly answered as both he and Soraya walked through the hallway, down to the living room, and were surprised to see nobody sleeping in there unlike the day before. “Did everybody find a room? Where did Kai go?”

The other looked up and behind her with the same curious look, “I have no idea. Maybe he’s sleeping in the same bed as Sehun or something.”

D.O. laughed before they heard somebody coming down the stairs behind them. They turned around to see Hyourin coming out from the hallway with Baekhyun yawning and following her down. D.O. and Soraya raised their eyebrows at the other two as Baekhyun said, “Hyourin wanted to cook breakfast for everyone.”

The other two nodded as Hyourin blushed before saying a soft, “Good morning,” and making her way into the kitchen.

Baekhyun stopped next to D.O. and Soraya though, looking at both of them confused, “Cooking too, D.O.?”

The other shook his head, “We’re going out to find Eun-mi and Lay.”

“They never came home last night,” Soraya finished as Baekhyun’s eyes widened.

“Do you want me to go help you find them? What happened to them?”

D.O. sighed, “I don’t know what happened to them… We can go searching for ourselves. Go help Hyourin with breakfast.”

“Are you sure?” Baekhyun questioned doubtfully, “Let’s wake up some other people so they can help out too.”

The other two looked to each other and seemed to communicate with their eyes before Soraya frowned then looked to Baekhyun, “Let’s go wake up Kris and Yuna.”

Baekhyun nodded as all three of them went up the stairs and went to the only room on the left side of the hallway. The eldest amongst them softly knocked on the door before he opened it to peek inside the room, he smiled softly before opening up the door more and letting the other two in before closing the door behind them.

Soraya smiled softly seeing Kris actually cuddling up to Yuna’s side, surprisingly looking comfortable, on one bed and… Kyung-mi on top of Chanyeol’s back hugging him like a bear since he was sleeping on his stomach with his arm hanging off of the bed, “Do we really need to wake them up?” She turned to look at the other two guys with her, and then turned back around to look at Kyung-mi once again, “...Why is she on his back?

Baekhyun softly laughed, “I don’t want to, but we need to so we can find Eun-mi and Lay. And they just probably shifted a lot while they were asleep.

Baekhyun?” they all heard Hyourin’s voice call out softly throughout the house.

The said member turned around to open up the door. He walked outside before whispering back to the other two quickly, “I’ll be right back.

The other two nodded before looking back to the others. Soraya then looked to D.O., “Are you going to wake them up? Or me?”

Her boyfriend looked back to her before shrugging and going over to Yuna’s side of the bed where he deemed it somewhat safe, away from Kris’ anger if he was grouchy, “Wake up the other two as well.”

Soraya nodded before going over and trying to gently wake up Kyung-mi. She watched as D.O. gently tried to shake Yuna awake, which was actually pretty effective… just on the wrong person. “Why in the world are you waking us up this early?” Kris muttered out as he took his right arm off of Yuna’s torso so he could lie on his back. He glared at the younger, “Is breakfast even ready yet?”

D.O. just smiled at the elder, “Hyourin’s actually cooking it right now. Soraya and I just need yours and Yuna’s help.”

“What do you need our help for? I’m pretty sure you two can do it yourselves. You already have,” the elder replied back sarcastically. Yuna groaned in her sleep and turned to nuzzle her face into Kris’ side instead, trying to get away from the noise.

D.O. rolled his eyes, “Shut up, Kris. We really do need your help. Lay and Eun-mi didn’t come home last night. They weren’t in the living room either.”

Soraya frowned as she gently shook Kyung-mi, “Kyung-mi. Chanyeol’s going to be more sore than he already is if you’re going to keep sleeping on top of him like that.” She laughed when Kyung-mi rolled off of her boyfriend lazily and started shoving Soraya away from her, “Come on. We could use your help too. Did you hear D.O.?”

“Mm-nhff,” was Kyung-mi’s logical response.

Soraya sighed, “Lay and Eun-mi are missing.”

“What?!” Kyung-mi exclaimed out as she opened her eyes wide, focusing them to Soraya standing next to hers and Chanyeol’s bed.

“Yeah. We need to go find them,” D.O. muttered as Yuna finally opened her eyes and turned her head away from Kris’ chest to look at D.O.

“They’re probably in a training field or something. That’s where they were supposed to be yesterday morning anyways,” she mumbled as she moved away from Kris completely to stand next to D.O. beside the bed.

Kris groaned, slowly but surely following his girlfriend out of bed, “Why can’t they be a normal lovey-dovey couple that doesn’t like to fight at all?”

D.O. and Soraya laughed as Kyung-mi tried to wake up Chanyeol, “Channie, come on~! Wake up~!” She finally got him to turn on his back to face the ceiling when she noticed something, “Channie?”

The other four looked to Kyung-mi at her question then looked down to the second tallest member of them all. Soraya and D.O. squinted their eyes before Kyung-mi softly asked, “Why is his face pink?”

Soraya moved her right hand to gently touch the other’s forehead when she winced and drew her hand back. She frowned, “It seems like he has a fever…”

“What?!” Kyung-mi exclaimed once again as she moved to kneel on the bed next to Chanyeol’s torso. She used both of her hands and gently cradled his face between them.

“I told you that you were going to get sick if you stayed out in the rain too long,” Yuna frowned, as one of their more upbeat friends was now really sick with a cold and fever. She sighed, “Kyung-mi, stay here with Chanyeol. Kris and I will go out with D.O. and Soraya and find our good-for-nothing friends.”

Kyung-mi giggled as Soraya softly laughed, despite the situation. Kris chuckled as he walked over and slung his arm around his girlfriend’s shoulders. “Take good care of Channie, okay Mi? We’ll be right back.”

The younger girl frowned and nodded before looking back down to Chanyeol. She got up off the bed as she followed the other four out of the room and down the stairs to go into the kitchen to tell Baekhyun what they were all going to do. They all walked into the kitchen only to be surprised into laughter.

“Baekhyun?” Soraya laughed out as she covered .

Kyung-mi’s eyes sparkled as she ran forward towards Baekhyun and Hyourin and turned the former around, “He is wearing it!”

Baekhyun and Hyourin looked shocked as they both stared at her and then at the three guys standing in the doorway. The former blushed, “What are you guys laughing at?!”

Kris smirked with his arms crossed in front of his chest, “Why are you wearing a pink apron?”

Baekhyun blushed even more as Hyourin giggled, “I thought it looked cute on him. So I made him keep it on.”

The other hung his head as he groaned out, “Only for Hyourin…”

The others laughed as D.O. pushed Kyung-mi further into the kitchen, “Go get a cold wash cloth and put it on his forehead. Take care of him until we get back, okay?”

Kyung-mi nodded while still laughing at Baekhyun’s cute attire before D.O., Soraya, Kris, and Yuna turned around to leave the kitchen. “We’re going to find Eun-mi and Lay, you three. We’ll be back later,” the tallest informed the rest in the kitchen.

They walked through the living room and out of the house, stopping in front of it since they didn’t really know where to start. Kris sighed as he casually put his arm around Yuna’s shoulders again and started walking off in a random direction, “Split up. Soraya or Yuna can run and find the other if one of us finds them first.”

Yuna rolled her eyes as she leaned into his side, “Why would I be the one running?”

“You better keep your mouth shut, Kris!” D.O. laughed out behind them as he turned the other way and grabbed Soraya’s hand.

Kris turned around to look at him confused before realization dawned on him, “Oh…”

Yuna glared up at him, “You better not be thinking it’s because I’m a girl.”

“I’m not,” he immediately replied back, earning a punch in his side from his beloved girlfriend, “Ow! Okay, okay! I really am not any more!”

“Good,” Yuna smirked as they looked throughout all the open areas on their side of the town. They got the bigger side of the town as the other two got the smaller side.

After a few minutes, Kris thought of an idea. He looked down towards the top of his girlfriend’s head as he smiled, “Want to have another bet?”

Yuna looked up, clearly interested in what he had to say, “Another one? I’m just going to win.”

The taller sighed, “And my friends think I’m the cocky one.” The shorter just smiled cheekily, waiting for him to continue on. “Whoever spots Eun-mi and Lay first wins.”

Yuna nodded, thinking it over, “And the prize?”

“The loser has to give ten compliments to the winner.”

The younger pondered it, thinking over her chances before agreeing, “I’m going to win again.”

Kris smirked as he took his arm off of her, “No running around like a maniac unless you’ve actually found them and have one of them with you.”

“Deal,” Yuna smirked back as they shook hands then split off into different directions, thinking they were each going to win.


“Where do you think they are, D.O.?” Soraya questioned as she linked her fingers with his. She was looking on her right side while he was looking on his left side.

“I don’t know. They were probably in a training field around here I think,” he mentioned as they kept walking around, not seeing any sight of them.

“Did they really not stop all day at all? They didn’t even come back home for lunch or anything.”

The other shrugged, worry evident in his features, “They’re idiots…”

Soraya laughed as she patted his shoulder with her other hand, “They’re not complete idiots.”

D.O. laughed at her response as they continued walking around, “I missed you.”

The other just smiled as she leaned up, signaling for him to kiss her on the lips. D.O. chuckled before stopping, tilting his head to meet her halfway, and pecked her on the lips. Soraya’s smile softened, “I missed you too.”

“Excuse me… are you two looking for your two friends?” an elderly woman questioned, smiling as she saw the pair share a sweet moment together.

Their eyebrows rose in question and surprise. “One’s a woman with black hair… down to her shoulders now, and the other should be a man with dark brown hair… slightly curly?” D.O. questioned as he mentioned how they somewhat looked.

The elderly woman nodded, “I saw them in front of the entrance to the town, so I was going to get my grandson to go get them. I saw you two first though and recognized both of you. You know them right?”

Soraya nodded, “Thank you so much. We’ll go get them now. Did they look okay?”

The elder laughed, “They look perfectly fine. I think they’re just exhausted.” She started to frown, “Hurry up though. It rained heavily last night, and they looked soaked.”

The other two’s eyes widened before they thanked the lady again and ran to the entrance. Sure enough, Eun-mi and Lay were lying down by the side of the entrance pathway, passed out. Eun-mi looked like she kept pushing Lay away from her in her half-asleep state though.

“You’re wet and uncomfortable…” she mumbled as Lay tried to move closer to her.

“I’m freaking cold, Mi…”

D.O. and Soraya sighed. “You two are idiots,” the latter muttered as they walked over to them. She looked to D.O., “Carry Lay back? Eun-mi seems like she’s more awake. I’ll help her walk.” She looked down to Eun-mi and put her hand on her forehead. She frowned, “Eun-mi, wake up. Let’s get you back to the house. You have a fever.”

Eun-mi groaned as she opened her eyes, “I heard that… I know we’re idiots…”

Soraya laughed as she first helped Lay onto her boyfriend’s back before helping Eun-mi sit then stand up and put one arm around her shoulders, “What in the world did you guys do all day and night yesterday?”

Lay groaned as he slightly opened one eye and glared into the side of his girlfriend’s head, “Aggravate me and make me fight her to get all the anger out of my body.”

The two conscious, healthy people laughed. “Seriously? You guys fought all day and night?”

Eun-mi chuckled before she started coughing a bit. The other three looked at her worriedly as Lay opened both of his eyes and picked his head up to stare at his girlfriend. Soraya stopped her and Eun-mi from walking as she softly rubbed the elder’s back. “I’m fine,” Eun-mi breathed out after a few minutes, “We stopped in the middle of the afternoon… but we were too exhausted… to do anything so… we just laid there on the ground. I guess we both fell asleep until this morning when we heard a lady trying to talk to us.”

Soraya sighed as they all started walking again, feeling the other’s wet clothes dampen her own. She looked to D.O. as Lay easily dropped his head back onto the back of the younger’s neck, “I’m freezing, D.O.”

Eun-mi sighed, “Same here. But you were really wet and cold and just not comfy earlier.”

Soraya and D.O. slightly blushed before they both laughed, “You guys are insane.”

Lay and Eun-mi both groaned as they all made their way back to the house. They came home to some good-smelling foods coming from the kitchen before they made their way to their bedroom. Before they could make it to the hallway though, Baekhyun came out of the kitchen holding a plate of bacon while Kyung-mi came back down the stairs to ask some water for Chanyeol. Both of them stared dumbfounded as they watched Soraya and D.O. ignore them and continued on their way to their bedroom so they could change the other two members’ wet clothes into dry ones.

Kyung-mi was the first to snap out of it, “Eun-mi!?” She ran forward and grabbed her cousin’s other arm and wrapped it around her shoulders and helped Soraya into the room.

“Lay!” Baekhyun yelled out as he put the plate of bacon on a table off to the side and ran forward to try and help D.O. Hyourin rushed out of the kitchen confused, watching as her boyfriend ran after the others. She frowned slightly as she went back into the kitchen to get something.

“Guys…” Eun-mi started out weakly.

“We’re fine,” Lay finished, just as weak, as D.O. and Baekhyun gently got him off of the other’s back and sitting on the edge of the bed. The elder of the two quickly caught Lay as he swayed off to one side from the dizziness he was suddenly feeling.

Soraya and Kyung-mi sighed as they got Eun-mi sitting on the other bed. “Do you have extra clothes?” the former questioned, looking around the room.

Kyung-mi frowned as the eldest closed her eyes, “No. Whatever I have left is on me or dirty or just lost somewhere from all the traveling.”

“I have spare clothes,” Lay croaked out, his voice slowly getting more hoarse.

They all looked to him as he pointed somewhere off to the side farthest away from the door. D.O. saw the bag and went to grab it as Baekhyun kept Lay sitting upright, “We need to change you two out of the wet clothes and let you lie down to rest some more.”

Lay sighed, “Normally I’m the one taking care of everybody else.”

You’re telling me,” Eun-mi muttered out as she started to rub her right temple. She turned to Lay, “And be quiet. You’re making your voice worse.”

Her boyfriend half-heartedly glared at her before he felt someone put a bag on top of his lap. He looked up at D.O. and Baekhyun confused before looking down and finally realizing that the bag contained his clothes. He sighed, “Leave the room for a few minutes, okay? We’re going to change ourselves.

Kyung-mi looked between the two sick people worriedly before they all heard the door open. They all looked to see Hyourin bringing in a tray with two glasses of water and what looked like wet towels on it, “…I figured you two were sick when I saw Baekhyun run after you. Maybe these will help.”

Eun-mi and Baekhyun smiled. “That will help a lot, Hyourin. Thank you,” the former softly said as Hyourin went further into the room and placed it on the bedside table.

Can you guys please leave now? I want to get warm,” Lay hoarsely voiced out, causing D.O. to laugh.

“We’re leaving. Calm down,” he turned to Kyung-mi, “How’s Chanyeol?”

Lay and Eun-mi looked curiously to the younger girl, “He’s sick too?”

Kyung-mi suddenly squeaked, “I need to get him water! He asked me to get him some thirty minutes ago!” And with that, she ran out of the room to go get her lovely boyfriend a glass of water. The others laughed as Lay and Eun-mi both started coughing. The other four frowned before they started to leave the room.

“Hurry up and get changed, okay?” D.O. ordered them as they all walked outside, “Just call us Eun-mi if you need anything.” Eun-mi nodded as they left the room and closed the door behind them.

Here,” Lay muttered, not liking that he was losing his voice. He was handing her one of his bigger shirts to wear as he started to take off his own clothes.

Eun-mi sighed, “Stop talking, will you? You sound horrible.”

Gee, thanks, love,” the other muttered again, standing up to take off his pants. He started swaying to the side when Eun-mi rushed over to him to balance him. He groaned, “How are you not as sick as me?

“Oh, I’m sick all right,” Eun-mi softly said, “I just don’t like showing it.” She watched her boyfriend’s face as he resumed taking off his clothes. When she was sure he was fine standing up by himself, she sighed before walking over to the other bed and faced the wall, starting to take off her own clothes.

Embarrassed?” Lay suddenly questioned, somehow already standing behind her, hugging her from the back.

“What the hell are you doing?” Eun-mi questioned back, looking up and behind her to not be able to see much since Lay buried his face into her neck.

No more wet clothes means I can do this,” he simply said as Eun-mi blushed.

“The first time we see each other is when we’re sick as dogs, and you still want to do something?”

Lay laughed before letting go of Eun-mi and turning around, starting to cough out his lungs. Eun-mi sighed as she quickly took off her clothes and put on the spare shirt before going over and trying to rub Lay’s back to get his coughs to go away. She admired his bare smooth back, “I really, really like your back, Lay.”

The other sighed as he finally got his coughs to subside before grabbing the rest of his dry clothes and putting them on. They were just a pair of shorts and a shirt. “Well… it won’t be so smooth one day in the near future when we’re not sick.

Eun-mi laughed a bit, letting out a few coughs herself, before going to lie down in their own bed, Lay quickly following after her, “You still are something else even when you are sick.”

Lay just smiled as he cuddled up to his girlfriend under the blankets for the much needed warmth, “I have to find a way to keep you with me somehow.


Chaerin woke up to somebody pulling her closer backwards to his chest. Her eyes widened before she looked down at the arms then relaxed again recognizing they belonged to Suho. “You’re awake?” Luhan suddenly questioned, causing Chaerin to look around the room until Luhan and Sabina walked in front of her so she could see them better.

She smiled, “Yeah, I am.”

The other two smiled. “That’s good. Are you sick?” Sabina questioned, going forward towards her to see if she can touch her forehead.

Chaerin smiled as she reached out with one hand and gently grabbed Sabina’s hand before softly pulling her to let her touch her forehead, “I don’t think so. I feel fine. Why?”

Luhan frowned behind Sabina, “Lay and Eun-mi were gone all day yesterday until this morning when D.O. and Soraya found them passed out on the ground. They’re both pretty sick from the rain last night. Chanyeol is sick too from playing out in the rain too long with Kyung-mi.”

Chaerin frowned but blushed when she felt Suho tighten his grip around her and hid his face in her hair. She sighed as she saw Luhan stifle a laugh, “I think we’re okay here. Thank you guys for checking up on us.”

Sabina stood straight back up as she smiled, “Of course. We were worried about you two.”

Luhan nodded, “We’ll go now, okay? We’re going to go out and get some stuff before we leave. Even when she’s sick, Eun-mi insists we leave at least by tomorrow or the day after.” Chaerin’s face had a look of confusion on it before he sighed again, “I don’t know. It might have to do with their kidnapping… We’re just going to go out. Just scream and somebody should be in here soon.”

Chaerin nodded as she watched Luhan walk forward and put his arm around Sabina’s shoulders and led them out the doorway. When they were gone, she sighed again, “You’re awake, Suho.”

The other chuckled as he moved back a bit to give himself proper room to breath, “How could you tell?”

Chaerin smiled softly, “You kissed my back.”

Suho blushed a bit but laughed anyways, “Sorry. I know you probably didn’t like that… it just happened.”

The other just smiled a bit bigger, not turning around to face him, “…It’s okay.

Suho’s eyes widened as he leaned in a bit closer back to Chaerin, “What?”

Chaerin sighed as she said a bit louder, “It’s okay, Suho. …I liked it.”

The other just smiled warmly at the back of her head before snuggling back in against her back. He chuckled, “I really like how you look in my shirt.”



Sehun smiled in his sleep, loving the feel of Sooyun in his arms… until he felt her turn away from him and started coughing… a lot. He opened his eyes to see her body shaking with each cough as he loosened his grip around her waist. “Sooyun?” he softly questioned as his eyes widened when she just started to cough more, “Sooyun?!”

Kai started to wake up to shouting in the room when he noticed Star still on his side, curled up against him. He smiled, thanking her internally for staying throughout the night, as he finally realized somebody was coughing a lot and somebody was screaming, “Sooyun!” He turned his head to the left to be surprised to see Sehun sitting up in the other bed and trying to comfort the other girl on the bed, “Sehun?! What are you doing here?!” He nearly threw Star off of him, not liking anybody seeing his own displays of affection, but opted to gently remove her from his chest and let her lie down by herself.

“Mm… Kai…?” Star mumbled as she turned around but frowned at hearing coughing and shouting in the background. She squinted her eyes open as she turned back around to see Kai standing behind Sehun as the latter was sitting up beside Sooyun who wouldn’t stop coughing, “Sehun? Why are you here again?”

“Again? You have been sleeping with Sooyun!” Kai exclaimed at Sehun while pointing a finger at him.

Sehun groaned, “But not with her. Please be quiet, Kai. She won’t stop coughing…” He frowned as he looked behind him to also see Star awake, “Hey, Star. Do you or Kai mind going down to get a glass of water?” He frowned as he kept trying to rub Sooyun’s back, “I’m sorry, Sooyun. I shouldn’t have made you stay out in the rain…

Star looked sadly at them before quickly getting up and out of bed and rushing out the door. Kai looked between the opened door and Sehun trying to comfort Sooyun who’s coughing finally calmed down a lot, “How did you two get so close so fast?

Sehun sighed as Sooyun fell back into an uneasy sleep. He stood up by the side of the bed before walking around it and Kai to go to Sooyun’s side and put the blankets high on top of her, “I could ask you the same thing, Kai. I told you she was warming up to you.”

“It’s only because I told her to please not hate me for what I was about to do,” the other muttered loudly just as Star came back into the room.

“Here, Sehun,” she said as she handed him the glass of water.

He smiled back softly, “Thanks.” He looked down to Sooyun who was frowning in her sleep, “Sooyun?” he softly questioned as she cracked open one eye. He showed her the glass of water, “Do you mind sitting up a bit? Drink some of this water, please?”

Sooyun frowned up at him before closing her eye again and slowly moving to sit up. Both Star and Sehun helped her sit up from opposite sides of the bed as the latter put the glass of water to her lips. They all watched as she easily drank half of the glass before she pulled away from it. She groaned as she fell back onto the bed, causing Sehun to softly laugh at her actions. He pulled the blankets up to her neck again as she her side facing Sehun and away from Star and Kai. She smiled as he gently felt her forehead and slightly frowned feeling it to be a little warmer than usual, “I’m going to let you rest, okay Sooyun?”

She frowned, only because Kai and Star were also in the room, “It has to be you?”

Star was about to offer when Sehun looked up at her with a knowing look in his eyes. She kept shut as she somewhat smiled, “I have to go downstairs and help Yuna and Hyourin anyways. So, it can’t be me.”

Kai looked between the two confused, “Well, I’m not staying up here. I don’t know what’s going to happen if I stay here, and I don’t know if I’ll like it at all!”

Sehun laughed as he held a look of mischievousness in his eyes, “So why were you and Star sleeping together on the same bed?”

“We were not!” both Star and Kai yelled out at the same time, looking to each other shocked afterwards.

The youngest laughed again, watching as both of his friends continued to glare at the other and argue as he started to watch over Sooyun. He sighed, “It has to be me because I said I’d take care of you, remember?

Sooyun looked up at him before she sighed, “…I know.”


“Baekhyun, can you bring this out there?” Hyourin asked softly as she continued to cook more for their whole group in the kitchen.

Baekhyun looked over from where he was slowly but surely cutting up some more vegetables from her, “Yeah. What? This plate?”

Hyourin looked over at him before smiling, “Yes, please.”

The other stared at her before smiling like an idiot, walking over to her, and carefully wrapping his arm around her waist so she didn’t hurt herself from cooking near the stove. “You’re so cute,” he happily said before leaning down and pecking her on the cheek.

Hyourin blushed before becoming modest. She looked up at him, “I’m not cute.”

Baekhyun had a look of feign hurt on his face, “You don’t believe me?” He leaned down and pecked her on the lips, which she quickly responded to before she looked back to the stove and he leaned his head against hers, “You really are, sweetie.”

She blushed even more as she softly laughed, “I don’t think I am though.”

The other sighed, “You’re beautiful, Hyourin. Don’t ever think otherwise.”

Hyourin sighed as she leaned into his side and continued to watch whatever she was cooking. Baekhyun started to hum just to fill in the empty silence until somebody broke it a few minutes later.

“Hey, Hyourin… Baekhyun. Is breakfast almost do- Nevermind!” Kai started to ask then suddenly screamed out, closing his eyes and turning to go out the door. Baekhyun and Hyourin looked back completely confused to have heard Kai talk and scream and only to see the kitchen door swing back and forth.

“What’s wrong with you?” Star questioned Kai as she walked into the kitchen to see Hyourin leaning into Baekhyun’s side embrace with his arm around her waist.

Yoon Ni followed her in, having met her in the hallway since Tao was slowly getting out of bed, “They’re just having a moment?”

“But it’s a public display of affection!” they all heard Kai scream outside the door.

And yet he wanted me to cuddle with him alone in my room. Star sarcastically thought as she yelled back, “It’s only a public display of affection because you walked in on them first!”

“No, it wasn-!”

“La la, I can’t hear you!” Star playfully yelled back, covering her ears as she walked over to Baekhyun and Hyourin who was laughing at her attitude with Yoon Ni standing off to the side, laughing, and watching all of them with amusement with her eyes.

“Hey! You too can hear me!” Kai yelled out behind the door. “Ow!” He turned around to see Tao smirking at him as he held a flimsy book in his hand after whacking the other on the head with it.

“Stop screaming, Kai. You’ll wake up the whole house,” he said as he calmly walked into the kitchen to join the rest of the group in there.

Kai pouted as the door swung shut in his face, “But the whole house is already pretty much awake.”


“Where are we going?” Sabina asked Luhan as she was being guided throughout the town.

“Errand shopping… and to get more clothes for everybody,” he answered back as they slowly stopped in front of a store.

He turned to ask Sabina a question when she immediately responded back, “I can’t see any of their clothes… remember?”

Luhan rolled his eyes before nodding, “I forgot. Sorry, Bina.”

Sabina just giggled as she wrapped her arm around his, “It’s okay, Luhannie.”

The other smiled at the small nickname. He laughed, “Well… they better like what I get them then.”

Sabina laughed as well as she just followed with him and touched all the material he held out for her. After spending at least an hour looking and feeling clothes, they were walking around to another store when Luhan softly asked, “Have you ever wanted to know what my past was like? You’ve already told me yours…

Sabina stood up straight as she heard his question. She relaxed again after a few seconds and smiled, still facing straight ahead, “Of course I’ve always wanted to know… but I wasn’t going to force you to tell me, Luhan.”

Luhan looked down to her, surprised, and smiled softly. He pecked her on the left side of her forehead, “You’re really too kind, Bina.”

She just smiled, “If you want to say it, you can. I’ll listen.”

Luhan nodded as he pondered it over, slowly stopping to a complete stop in the middle of the street. Sabina tilted her head curiously as she gently squeezed Luhan’s right hand since their fingers were laced together. He was carrying at least five bags in his other hand. “Luhan?” she questioned, wondering what he was going to do.

The elder smiled down at her, “Don’t take pity on me or something, okay Bina?”

The younger furrowed her eyebrows, “You know I won’t, Luhan.”

The other sighed before they slowly started walking again, “…Among the twelve guys, there’s only four of us who kept our birth names. I’m one of them.”

Sabina’s eyebrows furrowed even more, “Why did they not keep their names?”

“They wanted to hide… they wanted to hide away from the army and their pasts,” Luhan slowly revealed. Sabina frowned but relaxed her facial expressions as her boyfriend continued. “I actually still appreciate my name… since my parents were the ones who gave it to me.” Sabina nodded, indicating that she was listening to him to the fullest. “My name is Lu Han. It’s actually separated between the two syllables instead of combined into one… I was still called Luhan even in the army.”

“…How did you get into the army?” she questioned softly after Luhan stopped talking for a few minutes. He was looking around at the shops, taking note of which ones looked interesting enough to visit later.

“I was found by the army. I was on the streets after I ran away from home… My parents were abusive, Bina… ually, emotionally, and physically. I had to get out of there… so I snuck out when they were asleep and ran until I ran into an official by the name of Siwon… He saved me and brought me back to the army for protection. He said that I could become a soldier if I really wanted to. I really did too because I wanted to protect myself from ever experiencing something like that again…” Luhan sighed as he looked up to the sky, “I kept my name… because before I turned five… my parents appreciated me. They took care of me and actually loved me like a true son. I hoped… I hoped that one day, somebody would act the same way like that towards me again… with pure love with my full name.”

Sabina pouted, hearing his full story. She stopped walking, causing him to walk a step or two ahead of her and turned around to face her. He looked at her questioningly, “Sabina?”

She frowned as she reached forward and touched his chest. She closed her eyes as she moved her hand up towards his face again as she gently grabbed the side of his face and leaned him down towards her. She stood slightly on her toes as Luhan got the message and leaned down the rest of the way to kiss her on the lips. After a few minutes, they separated with Luhan staring into Sabina’s cloudy eyes, “What was that for?”

Sabina smiled before leaning her forehead against his. He closed his eyes at the contact. “I love you, Lu… Han.” She accentuated each syllable of his name, causing him to smile and peck her on the lips again.

“I love you too, Kwon Sabina.”


It was about three in the afternoon when everybody was wide-awake, had finished eating their lunch, and was just staring at the four people sitting on the couch with three comforters surrounding each of them. A few of their friends looked worried for them, a few of them looked completely amused, a few of them were just staring at them, while two of them kept arguing with each other.

“But you weren’t the one who found them!” Kris argued back, not wanting to give his girlfriend more compliments than necessary. He’d need those later on when he clearly has upset her about something trivial.

“Well, you didn’t find them either! Why should I give you ten compliments?!” Yuna screamed back as three voices groaned at the loud noises in the living room. The last one just glared at any and everybody, especially at someone who kept bringing her water and some fruits Luhan and Sabina bought earlier that day.

“So, what does that mean?! We can’t just nullify the bet!” Kris yelled back, throwing his arms around him everywhere, eventually hitting Kai on the shoulder.

The younger instantly grabbed his shoulder and glared at the elder, “That hurts, Kris! Stop moving your arms everywhere!”

“Then we’ll just give D.O. and Soraya ten compliments each!” Yuna concluded as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

D.O. and Soraya stared wide-eyed at the both of them, putting up their hands in defense, “We’re not getting involved in this.”

“Just nullify the bet,” Soraya suggested anyways as the other two turned and glared at her.

D.O. immediately stood in front of his girlfriend with his own glare directed towards the two, “If you need to seriously settle this bet, go to the elderly woman who lives by the entrance. She’s the one who actually found those two, not us.”

Those two?” two of the people on the couch echoed back, annoyed and glaring at everybody yelling in the room at the moment.

“Guys? I think we should let them just go back to their rooms and rest…” Hyourin voiced out as Baekhyun nodded beside her.

“They look miserable.”

Gee, thanks,” a deep, hoarse voice mumbled out, finally fully awake and sinking more into the couch as he wrapped his blanket tightly around him. His girlfriend sat in front of the couch, gently rubbing the outside of his thigh in comfort at his sad but slightly funny state.

Suho and Chaerin sighed, the latter one stating, “I’m so glad we didn’t get sick last night.”

Suho nodded, “Come on, kids. Let’s just help them get back to their rooms.”

Sooyun, Chanyeol, Eun-mi, and Lay, in that order, all glared at the parents, Yuna and Kris who were determined to find the elderly lady and were already going out of the door, Kai, D.O., and Soraya. The first two were wrapped in each of their own comforters while the latter two shared their own.

They all groaned out together, “Being sick freaking .”


“Oh my goodness…” Donghae breathed out a sigh of relief after he closed the door behind them and saw his little cousin hanging out in his and Kyuhyun’s shared room on the airship, “I thought Siwon did something to you.”

“No? Why would he?” the other questioned innocently as he lied back on Kyuhyun’s bed, “This is pretty comfy for an airship bed, Kyuhyun.”

The elder rolled his eyes, “Just take up all of it, why don’t you kid?” He gave a half-smile after though, “It’s nice to know you can still act pretty well.”

The other stuck out his tongue at him, “I’m not that naïve. Plus… Siwon is still pretty… Age is doing something to him.” He joked out, causing the elder two to laugh.

Donghae sat beside him on the bed as Kyuhyun sat in a chair next to a desk in the room. “How’s Skye?” the elder asked as the other sat back up straight on the bed. He scooted back from the edge and crossed them, putting his hands on his ankles.

The younger grinned like a cat, “He’s still good! I actually came down here to call him since Kyuhyun can make the call untraceable.”

The elder smirked, “Got that right.”

Donghae sighed as he shook his head, “One day, somebody is going to beat you at whatever tech stuff you do… and it’s probably going to be your own kid.”

Kyuhyun looked completely surprised as he stood up immediately, “No way that’s going to happen!”

The younger just laughed at their attitudes, “I missed you two.”

Donghae and Kyuhyun both looked to the younger before looking back at each other, smiling deviously. The younger looked between the two elder males confused before they suddenly attacked him, slightly dog-piling him and tickling the younger.

“Of course you miss your most favorite and beloved cousins!” Kyuhyun exclaimed out, laughing as the younger tried to get them back by tickling them too.

“We missed you too,” Donghae happily said as they continued to torture the younger for a few more minutes.

After a while, they let up and let the younger breathe somewhat normally again. He laughed, “I have to make sure that Skye remains safe though.” He looked to Kyuhyun, “Do you think you can connect the call real quick?”

Kyuhyun smiled and nodded before getting up and getting his computer and their normal phone. It took a few minutes, but he set up the phone call and the younger was quickly calling his cousin, listening to the phone line ring.

After a few seconds, the other end picked up, “Hello?

The younger male with Kyuhyun and Donghae smiled, “Skye! It’s me!”

Skye laughed on the other end, “It’s good to hear that you sound safe. Are you with Kyuhyun and Donghae then?

The younger smiled and nodded, having the elder two laugh slightly at his antics, “Yup! They’re next to me. Want to say hi?”

Skye laughed again, “Sure, why not?

The other laughed as he handed the phone to Kyuhyun, “Say hi!”

Kyuhyun laughed, “I swear, you two are like brothers.” He grabbed the phone and smiled, “Hey there, Skye. You doing well?”

Skye smiled from the other end, “Of course I’m doing fine. How about you two? Our sisters are safe and away from there, right?

The elder nodded from the other side, “Yeah, they’re gone and safe and living happily ever after for now.” The younger male with Kyuhyun and Donghae punched the elder on the arm. Kyuhyun pouted playfully, “I said ‘for now!’”

Skye laughed from the other side, “That’s good to hear.

Kyuhyun smiled, “Here, talk to Donghae too.”

He handed the phone off to Donghae who smiled too, “Hey there, squirt. Keeping yourself safe?”

Skye nodded, chuckling at the old little nickname, “Of course. I’m not going to be that easy to handle anyways if they come get me.

Donghae nodded in approval, “Good. We’re sending this one back to you soon anyways.”

Skye laughed as ‘this one’ pouted, “Hey! I have a name you know!”

Kyuhyun chuckled, “But we haven’t even said your name yet… in a long time in fact.”

The other groaned, “I know~!”

Donghae and Skye laughed, hearing his whine. “Hey. Has he told you of what might happen very soon?

The elder thought a bit about it before frowning and nodding, “Yeah, why? Is it soon? Can she handle it? She hates being alone…”

Skye sighed, “It has to be her though. Only her or her cousin can handle this… and her cousin has already been destined to sacrifice a lot more than her…

Donghae frowned, “So… that really is happening?” He looked to the younger and Kyuhyun next to him. The younger frowned, sitting back down on the bed as Kyuhyun sat next to him and wrapped his arms around him in comfort.

Skye frowned and nodded, “Yeah…. Hey, give the phone back to him. I need to go soon and get some stuff to eat for dinner tonight.

Donghae chuckled, “You’re a weird one, Skye. You know that?”

Hey, my sister is weird too, you know!” Skye tried to defend himself, only causing the elder to laugh more. He handed the phone off to the younger, as Kyuhyun kept his right arm around the younger’s shoulders comfortingly.

“What’s up?” he questioned softly, causing Skye to sigh again.

Come back here soon, okay? So, I definitely know that you’re safe from the generals up there.

The other nodded, a hint of amusement in his eyes as he eyed Donghae and Kyuhyun, “So you don’t trust our elder lieutenant general cousins to take care of me while I’m up here?”

Donghae and Kyuhyun had a look of shock and feign hurt in their eyes, “We are taking care of you while you’re up here!”

Both Skye and the younger laughed at their expressions, the former practically hearing it through the phone line. The latter smiled, “I’m coming back there soon. Don’t worry, Skye.”

Skye chuckled as he turned off the TV in his living room, thankfully no news about the Faults that were their family and their friends. He walked around and grabbed his jacket and stood by the counter next to the kitchen, which was beside his door. He smiled, “Good. Come back soon. See you then… Zelo.


A/N: Herro, guys! Here is the latest chapter! I was too busy trying to write out the teasers for my other story that I decided to stop and finish this... so I'm sorry it took a while ;~; I think I'll just update every Sunday night (where I live: Texas), so I hope everybody is okay with that? Anyways, EUN-MI'S BROTHER HAS FINALLY BEEN REVEALED. Would anybody have thought that the brother would be Zelo? :3 Anyways, not much to say... Eun-mi and Lay were fighting all day the day before and just passed out because of how exhausted they were... um... Suho and Chaerin were just walking around the town and hanging out when it started raining... I'm not sure what else I need to explain... so just ask, neh? I'll be going now~! I'm going to start writing up the next teaser for my other story and actually start on my homework due tomorrow ><. See you in the next chapter!

:3 Mar

Oh! And since it's still October 7 where I live... but not anymore in Korea/China...

Happy (late) birthday, dearest Zhang Yixing! I'm so happy he had a wonderful birthday party with his fans and all of EXO :). He is so beautiful inside and out. It's amazing how there's someone like him in the K-pop industry. <3

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[CP] don't mind things with open endings*


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came back to this wanting to re-read again.
and realized that it will never be the same as before, but the memories are good enough.
can't wait to re-read all this. lol
Chapter 42: ah ma gash.. i know it ended like weeks ago but I couldn't bring myself to comment abt the ending... I don't want it to end..... plus i was re-reading it for a few more times TT_TT
I mean, this story was my favourite out of all the stories I applied for.. and the only one to finish properly.. sighs
back to the story.. Chen and the kids are sooooooo cute! ah.. thanks to this story, Chen is now in the top 3 of my bias list... x) KIDS-SO-SOOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!! nyakyakyakya!! History! Yuna beat Kris~!! every kid has their own special favourite couple too other than their parents.. xD
then the ending... it's sad to see that they might nevere see the group again but its gotta be better than staying crystal for eternity... but i dont get it.. the baby was growing inside of eunmi the whole time.. she gave birth to a full grown kid? =0
it's the end.. like seriously.. sighs... one of the awesomest story I have ever read.. Thank you~! =)
Chapter 42: aghh it ended. this story was really amazing! my favorite fanfic story ever! thank you for letting me be a part of it too! and like everyone else is saying, if there was an epilogue to this epilogue that would be awesome! XD
also i'd like to request a oneshot too! but not of the rated scene >< LOL just something with..already having the kid? since my pairing didn't have a kid in the story i would love to see interactions with a kid. but if that's too much it's okay too (: thank you so much for an already great story. ^^
Chapter 42: I love this story. Best story ever. I bet it could get published! I'm sorry for not commenting. @__@ I've been reading though! I finally managed to recover my password... Please update an epilogue of the epilogue! That would be great! This story is the best! <3 Thank you for writing it!
Chapter 42: Aww such a nice ending.:D I'm said this ended, but it was so nice that it was worth it. >:D
I would love love love love love for an epilogue of the epilogue. If you update one, you'll be the best of the best! <3
Would it be possible to have a oneshot but of fluff instead? xD
Awesome work dear authors! You guys are awesome! :D
Chapter 42: Ah! I'm soo sorry I didn't comment before ):.
Lay, Eun Mi, and Jun Hong are still alive?!?!? I don't know if you said anything about them being alive before but I was kinda shock and confused at the end. To me, it was like a movie reading this.
And when this part came up: -creepy music mode-. LOL, idk why.

You did amazing with this story! I would say I'm sad that it ended, but everyone says that. I feel happy (even though I'll miss this)!!
I think an epilogue for this epilogue would be cute. The children as teenagers... what if the hook up? (rambling out loud)
Since you didn't mention this, I think I'll just imagine TaoNi with a kid. A girl most likely, lol. I don't care if Minho would try to murder them, hahah! ;D.

Thank you for this story and choosing us! I also wish you good luck with your story! <3.
Chapter 42: not a fan of open endings, but at least all is well though.
and glad to see the other four have each other and although dn't have their memories of everything, they have something.
except minhyun, but in time he will.
anyways, Mina and Minjee should team up!
with RInne and Kyuri and can be the Pretty Gorgeous clan. lol
and awww, would be cute if XiuRin couple have a child!!
but anyways, this story has been pretty great to read!
it was definitely wonderful to have been through this journey!
and i think i gotta say this is my first time reading an apply fic that is completed! whooo!!
well... fully completed. lol
others have been complete, but that was more or less deleted, given up and what not.
but anyways, thank you for all the words, adventure, happiness, and the sadness of it.
i greatly enjoyed it, and i don't need a oneshot! it's okay! lol
but good luck in your future stories!
Chapter 42: awwwwww I am so sad it ended but it was awesome :D
I know I'm not a part of this story (but my Chinguu-ie is), but what does 'open endings' mean? Sorry for being clueless -.-.

It's alright if you don't answer me. I can wait to find out! I really admire your talent of writing... I've learned a lot here. This story also got me into liking Apply fics.. =3.
not a fan of open endings...
but since it's yours, i'll deal with it. XD
anywaysm, can't wait!