Snapshot #1

Crystalline Planet [APPLY CLOSED SORRY!!] - An EXO Fic


“Hurry! Get them!”

“Don’t let them escape!”

Three women ran their way through various corridors, trying to avoid as many fights as they can. One slightly twisted her body to look behind her and wave her arm in the air, causing a spark of fire to land on an enemy’s chest. All of a sudden, another soldier came out from a side corridor and attacked one of the women.

“! Kyung-mi! Yuna! Hurry and find a way out!”

Both of the other girls turned around, stopping a few steps ahead as the first girl turned around to face their opponents. “Eun-mi!” they both yelled out.

“I’ll protect you, guys!” Eun-mi shouted back as Yuna forced Kyung-mi to follow her. The former turned back around to face her friends before facing her right palm out towards their backs and a white shield formed around them each then disappeared into thin air. She faced her opponents again before the same color white shield formed around her body and she used her weapon and arms to defend herself as she tried to let the other two get ahead of them. She winced when one of the four soldiers made a deep cut on her arms. She tried summoning the flower from the tattoo on her left shoulder to ask help from her guide but started to panic when nothing happened. All of a sudden, one of the soldiers fell to the ground, dead.

“Go!” a voice yelled out. Eun-mi looked up to see a young man cutting down his own soldiers. “Hurry up!”

She looked to the man questioningly before turning around and following after her friends. It didn’t take long for her to catch up to them since they were starting to get surrounded by more soldiers.

“Just go already, Kyung-mi! We’ll be fine. Find the way out!” Yuna shouted out as she killed one soldier and Kyung-mi already poisoned another. “Eun-mi! Let’s go already!” the commando of the group called out as she cut down another soldier and waited for her friend to jump over to their area before shooting out a huge fire spell towards the remaining soldiers.

“Eun-mi! I need to heal you!” Kyung-mi yelled out as they continued to keep running until they hit a closed corridor.

“Later, Mi! Let’s survive this first!”

Yuna instantly unsheathed her sword from her back with her right hand and stabbed it into an access control panel beside the door, causing the huge door to slide open. They stared surprised at the scene before them when they heard a bunch of footsteps coming up from behind them.

“Stop! You won’t get awa-!” a voice yelled out before being suddenly cut off.

All three women turned around at the voice to see almost all of the three soldiers already dead. “Who are you?” Yuna asked, keeping her sword out and taking a stance. She made sure she had bullets since her sword was able to shoot bullets as well.

“…A friend,” the man replied before walking up to them slowly. He stuck out his hand, “Hurry and lend me your focus.”

“Why?” Eun-mi asked as she narrowed her eyes, removing her double-bladed spear from her back and taking her stance on the other side of Kyung-mi, who took out a foot long metal bar with one sharp end from a pouch on her right thigh and extended it into a type of staff.

“You heard of those turning into crystals and disappearing after completing their focuses, right?” He quickly turned around to hear more footsteps coming their way. He turned back around, “Lend me your focus, and you three will turn into crystals. I’ll send you to where you three will stay safe until you completely finish your goals.”

The three girls stayed silent for a minute before Kyung-mi spoke up, “Let’s do it.”

Eun-mi turned to her friend, “How can we trust him?”

Yuna looked to the guy in front of her, recognizing him from somewhere in just the slightest bit, “Hold out your hands and direct it at him.”


“Just do it,” the other responded back, “We’ll be safe.”

Yuna and Kyung-mi slowly raised their hands and focused their cruel, destined focuses into the man’s body. Eun-mi frowned but followed her friends. Within the next minute, the black tattoos on each of their bodies turned white with a thin layer of what looked like ice completely covering it and felt their body start emitting a frozen temperature. The man watched as they started turning into crystal humans in a full crystal stone. He sighed as he summoned his own guide from the tattoo on his neck before a feather floated away from his neck and into the air.

The three women watched surprised as he grabbed the feather and threw it into the air. The last words they ever heard and saw were, “Good luck.”

The man’s guide fell from the sky and swooped into the large entrance that was opened by Yuna before grabbing the three crystals and flying away from the castle they were in. The man watched as his guide flew farther and farther away from him until he saw three glints of light fall and his guide fly back up into the sky.

“Where are they?!” a soldier demanded the man.

The man turned around to face his fellow soldiers, “I lost them. They jumped off.”

The soldiers turned back around the other way, “Hurry! They couldn’t have gotten far!”

The other turned back around to see the curved expanse of the rest of their planet, “Hurry.”


**Quick AN! Thanks to KeyChained for the poster that you see above! Anyways, applications are to start closing little by little as we begin choosing people.... Don't worry though! You have two and a half weeks to apply still! I'll be shutting down specific members of EXO soon. So get your applications in!! ^^



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[CP] don't mind things with open endings*


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came back to this wanting to re-read again.
and realized that it will never be the same as before, but the memories are good enough.
can't wait to re-read all this. lol
Chapter 42: ah ma gash.. i know it ended like weeks ago but I couldn't bring myself to comment abt the ending... I don't want it to end..... plus i was re-reading it for a few more times TT_TT
I mean, this story was my favourite out of all the stories I applied for.. and the only one to finish properly.. sighs
back to the story.. Chen and the kids are sooooooo cute! ah.. thanks to this story, Chen is now in the top 3 of my bias list... x) KIDS-SO-SOOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!! nyakyakyakya!! History! Yuna beat Kris~!! every kid has their own special favourite couple too other than their parents.. xD
then the ending... it's sad to see that they might nevere see the group again but its gotta be better than staying crystal for eternity... but i dont get it.. the baby was growing inside of eunmi the whole time.. she gave birth to a full grown kid? =0
it's the end.. like seriously.. sighs... one of the awesomest story I have ever read.. Thank you~! =)
Chapter 42: aghh it ended. this story was really amazing! my favorite fanfic story ever! thank you for letting me be a part of it too! and like everyone else is saying, if there was an epilogue to this epilogue that would be awesome! XD
also i'd like to request a oneshot too! but not of the rated scene >< LOL just something with..already having the kid? since my pairing didn't have a kid in the story i would love to see interactions with a kid. but if that's too much it's okay too (: thank you so much for an already great story. ^^
Chapter 42: I love this story. Best story ever. I bet it could get published! I'm sorry for not commenting. @__@ I've been reading though! I finally managed to recover my password... Please update an epilogue of the epilogue! That would be great! This story is the best! <3 Thank you for writing it!
Chapter 42: Aww such a nice ending.:D I'm said this ended, but it was so nice that it was worth it. >:D
I would love love love love love for an epilogue of the epilogue. If you update one, you'll be the best of the best! <3
Would it be possible to have a oneshot but of fluff instead? xD
Awesome work dear authors! You guys are awesome! :D
Chapter 42: Ah! I'm soo sorry I didn't comment before ):.
Lay, Eun Mi, and Jun Hong are still alive?!?!? I don't know if you said anything about them being alive before but I was kinda shock and confused at the end. To me, it was like a movie reading this.
And when this part came up: -creepy music mode-. LOL, idk why.

You did amazing with this story! I would say I'm sad that it ended, but everyone says that. I feel happy (even though I'll miss this)!!
I think an epilogue for this epilogue would be cute. The children as teenagers... what if the hook up? (rambling out loud)
Since you didn't mention this, I think I'll just imagine TaoNi with a kid. A girl most likely, lol. I don't care if Minho would try to murder them, hahah! ;D.

Thank you for this story and choosing us! I also wish you good luck with your story! <3.
Chapter 42: not a fan of open endings, but at least all is well though.
and glad to see the other four have each other and although dn't have their memories of everything, they have something.
except minhyun, but in time he will.
anyways, Mina and Minjee should team up!
with RInne and Kyuri and can be the Pretty Gorgeous clan. lol
and awww, would be cute if XiuRin couple have a child!!
but anyways, this story has been pretty great to read!
it was definitely wonderful to have been through this journey!
and i think i gotta say this is my first time reading an apply fic that is completed! whooo!!
well... fully completed. lol
others have been complete, but that was more or less deleted, given up and what not.
but anyways, thank you for all the words, adventure, happiness, and the sadness of it.
i greatly enjoyed it, and i don't need a oneshot! it's okay! lol
but good luck in your future stories!
Chapter 42: awwwwww I am so sad it ended but it was awesome :D
I know I'm not a part of this story (but my Chinguu-ie is), but what does 'open endings' mean? Sorry for being clueless -.-.

It's alright if you don't answer me. I can wait to find out! I really admire your talent of writing... I've learned a lot here. This story also got me into liking Apply fics.. =3.
not a fan of open endings...
but since it's yours, i'll deal with it. XD
anywaysm, can't wait!