Chapter #4

Crystalline Planet [APPLY CLOSED SORRY!!] - An EXO Fic

Above is the middle area of the forest in case your wondering! ^-^


Three huge mutated cats jumped out of the forest the whole group was walking next to as Eun-mi stood in front of the whole group, ready to defend any oncoming attacks towards the front. The cats hissed and growled, baring their fangs and showing off the acid that dripped out of their mouths. Soraya, Star, and Tao stood beside her, as they all took out their weapons, ready to attack. Kris stood right behind Eun-mi as he casted protect over every single person in their group. Yuna unsheathed her sword on instinct, ready to pitch in whenever they needed her.

One of the cats jumped forward towards Eun-mi since she was the closest one to all three of them. Yuna sighed, “You need to stop being at the front, Eun.” All she received was a grunt in response as Baekhyun instantly shot a healing spell towards the elder girl.

Star and Soraya both ran forward towards one cat as Tao made flames engulf the ends of his spear before slamming it down hard on the cat that Eun-mi tried to throw off of her. The cat hissed as the latter moved her head out of the way when a drop of acid from the cat’s mouth landed on the ground next to her head. Yuna stepped in, as did Kyung-mi when they both took their weapons and slashed at the cat with brute force and poison.

Eun-mi rolled away as she watched Star and Soraya fight one cat each one-on-one. She faced her palm towards them and waved it, sending out a spell to increase their attacking strength. Kris grunted as he moved in front of Sabina, Yoon Ni, and Chaerin as the cat that attacked Eun-mi broke through their little barrier. Yuna followed the cat and jumped on its back, stabbing her sword in the middle of its back until it stopped moving completely. She turned to see Chanyeol, Kai, and Yoon Ni run forward to help Star, Soraya, and Tao defeat the other two cats.

Chanyeol took out his weapon and made electricity go through his weapon before slashing at the cat Soraya and Tao were fighting as Kai smirked when he put on his gloves while running, and made a non-elemental combo physical attack against the cat Star was fighting. The cat hissed, turning its head to try and bite Kai, succeeding and effectively causing acid to burn through his skin, “!” He punched the head of the cat as Yoon Ni stabbed it in the side, killing it.

Sabina saw a red light ball glowing suddenly and directed a healing spell towards it. She faced her staff in its direction and shot it, hoping it’d land on Kai, who she assumed was hurt from his curse. Star instantly ran to Kai, panicking about the latter’s severely injured arm. Yoon Ni ran around the cat’s dead body to Kai and focused her powers into healing his arm. She sighed relieved to see a little bit of it healed, thanks to Sabina.

Chanyeol switched his sword to have water running through it before slashing into the cat one last time as Tao had lightning go through his staff and slashed at the same part, causing the cat to be electrocuted. Soraya finished it off by slicing at the cat’s neck, dodging when acid flew off of the cat’s mouth and landed next to her.

They all sighed as Yoon Ni kept focusing her power into Kai’s arm. Star looked at it worriedly, never seeing something that bad before, but thankful that it looked like it was healing back. Kai sighed as he just stared at his own skin being patched up again, “Everybody okay?” He looked up to Star and Yoon Ni then at everybody else.

The people who were fighting nodded as they all gathered back into one big group. Kyung-mi walked back to her place in the back of the group as Yuna, Kai, Chanyeol, and Yoon Ni walked back to their small pack. Eun-mi sighed as she looked at the new scars forming on her skin. Baekhyun frowned, as did Soraya, when they saw her skin wasn’t healing completely.

“I’m fine. Let’s just go already,” Eun-mi stated as Baekhyun and Soraya looked at each other. The healer looked to Suho and Kris as they both shrugged and walked next to the eldest girl of the group.

After what felt like hours, Soomin looked to everybody around her, “I think we should eat something…”

“What?” Haerin asked, looking at her.

“We should eat in the forest or something… away from the sun,” Soomin added as she looked to her group mates for support.

Lay and D.O. opened their mouths in an ‘O’ shape until they heard Sehun’s stomach growl. Luhan laughed, “Guys! Ladies! Let’s go eat right on the inside of the forest!”

Suho, Kris, and Eun-mi turned around at the sudden outburst. “Let’s do it,” Star said suddenly, liking the idea of having food in her stomach like any other human being. The other three nodded before they all started to walk into the forest.

“We only have enough food as snacks…” Suho mentioned as everybody who grabbed food took it out of his or her packs.

“Then we hunt?” Tao offered as they all stood in one big clump of a circle deciding on what to do.

Suho sighed as he thought for a few minutes, “We’ll have three groups of eight. One for cooking, one for gathering more firewood, and one for scouting the area and grabbing us some normal animal food.” Everybody nodded in agreement. “So…” he looked around at every one.

“I’m going scouting,” Sooyun immediately said, starting to walk off in another direction, wanting to get away from the huge group with half of the members being men.

“I’m going too!” Sehun exclaimed, following after her.

Suho looked to everybody else in question, “Well… Soraya, D.O., Tao, Kris, Yoon Ni, and Yuna. Go with them and spread out. Make sure no monsters are near us and try and capture us some food.” The people who heard their name nodded and followed after Sooyun who was frowning when Sehun started following her.

Suho nodded, “The ones in charge of fire and keeping it lit are… Chanyeol, Sabina, Luhan, Kai, Kyung-mi, Star, Xiumin, and Haerin. The rest will be in charge of cooking what we have and what we get.”

Everybody nodded as the firewood group set off and hurried back with some firewood all piled up in Chanyeol’s arms. “How about this one?!” Kyung-mi yelled out, picking up a big stick. Chanyeol looked over and nodded, smiling brightly… when the wood in his arms suddenly caught on fire.

“Dangit!” He yelled out, running quickly to their little base and dropping the firewood on the ground. Kyung-mi laughed before walking over and putting the stick in the pile.

“We’ll split up and get more. We’ll help the scouting team too,” Xiumin mentioned as they all separated into little groups to get more wood. Suho nodded as he turned to Lay, Hyourin, Baekhyun, and Chaerin, “What do we have that we can cook?”

Lay and Baekhyun opened up their bags and looked in them, frowning, “Some bread and vegetables… Chips…”

Suho sighed as Chen threw an arm around Eun-mi, “We’re going to have to wait until they get back, huh?”

Eun-mi sighed as she tried shoving off his arm, “Great.” Lay frowned at the close friendship his old friend and new friend had with each other. Soomin and Hyourin laughed softly, watching the whole exchange. Hyourin walked over to Lay, “It’s okay… They’re just like brother and sister…”

Lay was still frowning when he looked to the girl next to him, “How can you tell?”

Chaerin snickered next to him as Eun-mi groaned out, “You’re like the brother I never wanted.” They watched as Chen pouted and tugged on her to stand closer to her, “Come on~ we click so well together!”

“In your mind,” Eun-mi countered back. She looked around the group and noticed Lay frowning at her, “What’s up?”

Chaerin and Soomin busted out laughing as Hyourin softly laughed. Lay blushed before looking away and walking to go over to the fire. Suho laughed, seeing the whole exchange. He walked over and punched Chen in the shoulder, resulting in him whining and clutching his shoulder, releasing Eun-mi from his grasp. The elder turned to Eun-mi, “Go over there and comfort him.”

“What?” the eldest girl questioned being caught off-guard at the sudden order.

Chaerin laughed softly then continued for Suho, “Just go over there.” She turned back around to help Suho carry whatever they had over to the fire.

Eun-mi looked at them completely confused, then walked over to Lay who was poking the fire to make it bigger, “Um… Lay?”

The other looked up at his name and blushed, “Hey, Eun-mi.”

“What’s wrong? Why were you frowning earlier?” Eun-mi sat down on the ground a little beside and behind Lay since he was crouching next to the fire.

Lay watched her movements and smiled, “Nothing. You must’ve been imagining things.”

The other scoffed, “Whatever. I know what I saw.”

Lay laughed as he moved to sit beside her, “Did you really almost attack Chen when you first woke up?”

“Oh, ho~… you remember that? I thought you were pretty forgetful,” Eun-mi teased, a smile on her face and a glint in her eyes.

“Really? I don’t remember when I would’ve been forgetful,” Lay playfully teased back, putting on a thinking face.

Chen watched with a smile on his face at the scene of his ‘sister’ and Lay talking by the fire. He looked around and noticed Soomin staying a little away from the group and near Hyourin who was helping Chaerin with something. He walked over to her, “Soomin? Are you okay?”

Soomin looked up and squeaked, running to stand next to Chaerin, “I’m… fine.”

Chen looked at her confused, wondering why she ran away from him. “If you’re sure…” he said slowly, “You can always talk to us, you know… I won’t hurt you.” He smiled at her softly before turning to Baekhyun to help him.

“Hey, Chaerin. Do you think we should cook all of this?” Suho asked as he walked over to her with a bunch of vegetables. Chaerin looked down to Hyourin who was able to summon a ball of water to stay in midair. The former smiled at the latter’s talent, “It might go bad later, right? We can wait and see how much food the other team brings for us.” Suho nodded as he walked away to go to Chen.

“Do you need help?” Baekhyun questioned happily, as he sat down near the girls. Hyourin looked down to her side and lost her focus on the ball of water, dropping it to the ground. She frowned. “I’m sorry!” Baekhyun suddenly exclaimed, “I didn’t mean for you to lose your concentration!”

Hyourin smiled sadly, “No… it’s my fault…”

Baekhyun stood up, “No, no! I’m sorry! I’ll just go sit with Chen and Suho!”

Hyourin watched a little sadly as the other quickly walked over to the other two men and sat down. He gave her a thumbs up before turning around to pay attention to his other two friends. “That was great, Hyo,” Chaerin commented softly.

Hyourin looked to her side and frowned again, “But it fell…”

“Things always happen, Hyo. Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Chaerin commented before looking to the group of guys.



“Why are you following me?” Sooyun grounded out as she kept scouting the area, looking for any traces of good food.

“Why are you so mean to me? I’m just trying to be friendly,” Sehun said calmly as he kept on the lookout for any food.

“It’s your kind,” the other growled out before seeing what looked like a wild animal run around through the trees. She sprinted off after it as Sehun followed her.

“What about my kind? Guys? Why do you hate us so much?” Sehun caught up to her and saw her cornering a deer.

“I don’t have to answer to you,” Sooyun mumbled as she tried to capture the deer. Sehun sighed as he took one of his huge metal stars, aimed, and instantly killed the deer that was against the tree. Sooyun frowned again, seeing that the male actually killed it before her.

“I’m not that evil,” Sehun muttered, trying to step closer to her.

“Right,” Sooyun said sarcastically, moving away from him and going towards the deer.

Sehun frowned as he walked past her and grabbed his star before cleaning it off on the grass and returned it to his back, “You know, you can always tell me whenever you’re ready.” Sooyun frowned as she moved to grab the deer and throw it over her shoulder. “Let me carry it for you,” Sehun interrupted.

The other scowled, “Like I’ll ever tell you…”



With D.O. and Soraya, things were… awkward.

“So…” D.O. started out, “Ah…” Soraya suddenly started laughing causing the other to look at her with a weird look, “What’s so funny?”

Soraya kept laughing as she said, “We’re so awkward with each other. Why?”

D.O. chuckled, “I don’t know.” He paused a bit, “How’s your wound?”

Soraya looked at him questioningly, “What about it? It’s fine.” She smiled at him, “You did a great job.” D.O. smiled back at her as they continued to walk through the woods, careful not to go out too far. “Are our tattoos really similar and on the opposite knee?”

D.O. nodded as he lifted up his right pant leg, “Mine’s on the right side of my right knee.”

Soraya widened her eyes as she looked down to her own left knee, “…why?”

“Hey, you two! Find anything?!” Yuna yelled out as she saw D.O. and Soraya walking near their area. She watched as D.O. shook his head. She frowned as she rolled her eyes, “Would you just stop?!” She turned to look up at the tallest man of their group, “Why am I with you?!”

Kris shrugged, “I don’t know, but I like your hair.” He kept touching the ends of it since they were the same color as his hair.

“My God…” Yuna grumbled as she tried to walk further ahead of the other man, making him drop his hand back to his side.

“Hey! You can’t run away from me. I don’t know why women would want to,” Kris smirked as he caught up to her easily and slung an arm around her smaller shoulders.

“Get off of me,” Yuna grounded out through clenched teeth as she was trying to remove his arm from her shoulders.

“Come on~, women usually can’t resist me!” Kris said indignantly, showing her his charming smile.

Yuna scoffed, “Because of your pretty face? Please.”

Kris frowned as he saw another deer running next to them, “If I kill that deer before you, you have to let me bother you all I want.”

Yuna smirked, “And if I kill that deer, I’ll say a certain word whenever I feel like it, and you have to proclaim I had beaten you in a fight.” She finally shoved off his arm and unsheathed her sword with her and Kris both having a determined look in their eyes, “Go.”



Xiumin smiled to himself as he heard Haerin hum a soft tune as they both surveyed the area, picking up various sticks. He looked over to see her with a content look on her face, walking a little away from him to pick up a stick, “So, what are you thinking about?”

Haerin quickly looked to her side, seeing the other smiling at her gently. She smiled back, “Just everything that’s happened so far.”

Xiumin kept smiling as he started walking again when the other came back to stand next to him, “Really? Is it weird?” He puffed out his cheeks when one of the sticks he was carrying fell to the ground.

Haerin laughed at the elder’s attitude, thinking he was really adorable. She looked back to her surroundings, “Yeah… it kind of is.” Her facial expression suddenly saddened when she remembered everybody’s names.

Xiumin instantly noticed this when he stood back up and faced her, “What’s wrong?”

Haerin shook her head sadly, “It’s nothing…”

“With the look on your face… It’s not nothing,” the other said gently, looking at her face for any more indicators. He thought back to before, “Does it have to do with Chaerin?” Haerin shot her head up to look at Xiumin with a surprised expression. The elder nodded, “Has she done anything to you?”

Haerin quickly shook her head, “N-no… It’s just… It’s nothing… I’ve never met her before we all met up at the apartment…”

Xiumin was about to question her a little bit more but was cut off when he heard a stick breaking in the distance, and then Yoon Ni’s yell. “We’re running again!” she loudly complained since Tao beat her again. They were competing with who could win in a race.

“Come on! We have to focus on finding food!” the other yelled back, panting in the slightest bit.

Yoon Ni frowned, “Not until I win.”

Tao sighed, “Fine…” He looked around their area, “First one to that tree wins, okay?”

Yoon Ni looked to the tree and threw her spare dagger at the designated tree, “That one?”

The other sighed, “Yes.” He looked to her then at the tree, “Ready? …Go!”

They both took off in a full sprint until about halfway when Tao started to slow down ever so slowly. Yoon Ni reached the tree first and rejoiced, “I finally won!”

Tao smiled at her happy smile and attitude, “Okay, okay. You won. You finally beat me.”

Yoon Ni stopped jumping in the air when she gave him a suspicious look, “…You didn’t let me win… did you?”

Tao frowned, “Now why would I do that? I love winning as much as you do.”

Yoon Ni smiled proudly as she took out her dagger and walked off in another direction, intending to find some type of food for them, “Good! No offense to you, of course.”

Tao chuckled softly, smiling that she believed him, before following after her, “Mmhmm.”



“So…” Kai said as he was looking around for more wood with Star, “You won’t tell me why you’re called Star or your real name?”

Star shook her head, “Nope.” She looked to her right and saw a rabbit hopping around next to some bushes, “It’s a rabbit!”

Kai laughed as he watched her run off in the direction of said rabbit, “Give me the wood you’re carrying before you run off!” Star stuck her tongue out at him, running back to throw the wood at him, and then going back to the rabbit. “Jeez… a simple and polite ‘Thank you, the very handsome and gorgeous man, Kai’ would’ve helped too,” he laughed as Star just stopped then looked back at him.

“Yeah, right,” she turned back around to follow the rabbit.

Kai pouted, “Come on~ it’s not so hard, right? Star? Star!” He started screaming seeing his partner disappear behind some bushes, “Star!” He ran to where she disappeared and sighed with relief.

“It’s a whole family of rabbits!” Star exclaimed happily as she picked one up and started petting it.

Kai laughed as he just admired her sudden change in attitude from when they first met, “They’re cute.”

Star looked up to see Kai staring at her and then at the rabbits before blushing, “Don’t think you’ve risen up on my list.”

The other’s eyes brightened, “I’m on your list.” He winked at her before going off to get another piece of wood he saw out of the corners of his eyes. Star’s blush deepened before putting the rabbit back on the ground.



“Hey, Kyung-mi!” Chanyeol called out as he grabbed at least ten pieces of branches and sticks.

Kyung-mi turned around from picking up a stick and blushed, “Wh-what?”

Chanyeol ran over to her happily, “Do you think this is enough?”

Kyung-mi looked a little down to see the pile in his arms since he was so tall, “Maybe?”

The taller nodded furiously, face slightly scrunched up thinking of whether he needed to get more or not. Kyung-mi just stared at him, completely entranced by the taller male’s childish notions. Chanyeol looked to see her staring at him, “Hi?”

Kyung-mi was thrown out of her thoughts at the sudden deep voice talking to her again. “Hi!” she smiled brightly. Chanyeol smiled back at her, showing his perfect teeth when she backed up to distance herself from him to keep from blushing anymore when she tripped on a rock behind her. She squeaked when she fell to the ground on her , tears forming in her eyes, “Ow~…”

“Kyung-mi!” Chanyeol yelled out, putting down his stack of sticks and reaching out to her, “Are you okay?!” He looked her legs and arms over when he saw scratches on the side of her left leg, “You’re hurt!”

“A-ah… I’m… I’m okay!” Kyung-mi squeaked out at the closeness Chanyeol was providing. She quickly waved her hand over her ankle, hand glowing white and instantly healing the scratches in the process. She scrambled backwards to try and stand up.

Chanyeol looked at her confusedly, “Kyung-mi? Come here… I’ll help you up.”

Kyung-mi squeaked as she fell again before the taller laughed and walked over to her with his pile of sticks. He threw the pile of sticks onto her lap before he moved around and suddenly picked her up bridal style. Kyung-mi’s face flushed a deep red, not believing what was happening. “You know… I don’t know how you were able to heal yourself that quickly… But I’ll let it slide for now,” Chanyeol stated lightheartedly as he started to make his way back to their base.



“Um… Sabina?” Luhan questioned softly as they were walking around getting some firewood and seeing if there were any monsters nearby.

“Yes?” the other softly questioned, her hand resting on his arm so she knew where she was going.

“I uh… I didn’t mean to make you touch my face when we first met…” Luhan trailed off, blushing as he looked away from her.

Sabina blushed too but the other didn’t see it, “It’s… okay…” She suddenly turned her head to the side when she heard a branch crack.

Luhan felt the sudden movement and looked down at her to see her stiffening up with her head turned to the right, “Sabina…?”

Sabina frowned as she closed her eyes in concentration, “I think there’s something near us…”

“What?” Luhan said while taking out one of his swords with his left hand since his right arm was preoccupied with making sure Sabina knew where she was. “Where?” he whispered dangerously close to Sabina’s ears.

Sabina frowned, ignoring the closeness, “I don’t know… It’s coming this way…”

“Are you sure it isn’t one of our friends?” he looked around the area, making sure to keep Sabina very close to him.

The other girl nodded, “It’s not one of our friends…”

Luhan panicked when one of the same mutated cats from earlier jumped out at them. He quickly turned and grabbed Sabina before falling to the ground and rolling away from where the cat landed, dropping all their sticks in the process, “Sabina… what are your methods of attack?”

“Magic-dealing ones…” Sabina said softly as she held onto Luhan’s shoulders as he unsheathed his other sword, both of them kneeling on one knee and facing the cat.

“You can see it, right? Even the tiniest bit?” Luhan started frowning when the cat growled at them and advanced on them slowly.

“Only slight black balls of energy… I left my staff at the campsite… I see better with it…” she tried focusing her power into attacking the cat but missed. The cat hissed then lunged at them. Luhan cursed as he ran forward and jumped up, kicking the cat on the side of the face, causing it to fall to the ground.

“Try again!” Luhan yelled out as he ran at the cat and aimed to slash at the cat’s side. He faced his palm to Sabina before putting a spell to protect her and then on himself as he also casted a spell to increase his attack power.

“I might hurt you!” Sabina protested. The cat growled before lunging at Luhan again, some of the acid landing on the man’s thighs as he jumped back from the attack. “Ugh…” he grunted at the sudden pain before running again and jumping over it to attack the cat’s back. The cat roared for a second before Luhan ran at it again and cut at its mouth.

“Luhan!” Sabina yelled out frightened, “I hear something else coming!”

Luhan grunted in response, as he quickened his pace and was able to stab the cat’s left side, causing it to roar in agony. He used his sword in his left hand to cut at the cat’s neck, killing it. He turned towards Sabina and ran to her, “Who?! What else is coming?!”

“Luhan!” Kai yelled out, carrying his pile of sticks in one arm, as he already put on his right glove, ready to battle. He looked around to see Luhan standing in front of Sabina protectively, and the cat that attacked them already dead. He sighed as he stood up fully with Star running in behind him, “Killed it already?”

Luhan sighed relieved, as he sheathed his swords back on his back and stood up completely, wincing when he realized acid was still working its way into his body, “Crap! Yeah…”

“Luhan…?” Sabina questioned softly, her hands glowing white as he guided her hands to his thighs where they started healing back up.

Kai and Star watched with relieved faces as Luhan stood back up again, bringing up Sabina with him. Sabina was shaking the tiniest bit as Kai told Luhan, “Let her feel your heartbeat.”

Luhan looked at him questioningly before gently bringing Sabina’s left hand to rest on his heart. He watched her curiously as her face looked instantly relaxed at feeling it under her hand. He smiled, “So you do this to calm yourself?”

Sabina blushed, “…Yeah… sorry…”

Luhan and Kai laughed. “It’s completely okay. At least you didn’t get hurt,” the former said softly as they all walked back to the campsite. Sabina nodded slightly as they ignored Kai teasing Star about rabbits behind them on the way back.

Tah-dah! So most of you guys wanted the next chapter so here it is!! Sorry if it's confusing!! ^-^

Anyways, SOOOO MANY COUPLE MOMENTS!!!!!!! >////////////////<

/le dies of fangirl happiness

If you guys go through this chapter squealing...just wait till the next chapter. My goodness, I died so many times reading the progress of the next chapter.

/squeals again thinking about it 

Okay, *wipes imaginary sweat off* so back to this chapter! We included all of the couples in some way, shape, or form. :]

By the way! I'm not entirely sure who in EXO I've shown weapons with, so I'll just link everyone in EXO's weapons till the charts are done. We also changed Kris's weapon...I think I may have shown it in a past chapter...sorry for not remembering!! TTATT

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! ^-^ I can't wait to upload chapter 5!! Haha you guys will spazz/squeal/scream of pure happiness. Haha or maybe you did that in this chapter.

Kayyy, Bye Bye for now!!


Also, here's how we divided out for firewood (Scouting), hunting, and cooking team.


So~ here is the couple-y chapter! I hope everybody loved it as I did~. I'll try and put in the requested scenes when I can :3. Anyways... I'm not sure what to say except that the next chapter will be nice for some of you, if not all :3 I kinda focused more on a few couples in the next chapter just so they can have their own little special moment... you know~? So... I'll do that throughout the story :). I don't know what else to say... So enjoy! To those still confused and just waiting, just come and catch up whenever you feel like it's gone far enough into the story. Please wait patiently for that character chart :).

:3 Blueiris891~

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[CP] don't mind things with open endings*


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came back to this wanting to re-read again.
and realized that it will never be the same as before, but the memories are good enough.
can't wait to re-read all this. lol
Chapter 42: ah ma gash.. i know it ended like weeks ago but I couldn't bring myself to comment abt the ending... I don't want it to end..... plus i was re-reading it for a few more times TT_TT
I mean, this story was my favourite out of all the stories I applied for.. and the only one to finish properly.. sighs
back to the story.. Chen and the kids are sooooooo cute! ah.. thanks to this story, Chen is now in the top 3 of my bias list... x) KIDS-SO-SOOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!! nyakyakyakya!! History! Yuna beat Kris~!! every kid has their own special favourite couple too other than their parents.. xD
then the ending... it's sad to see that they might nevere see the group again but its gotta be better than staying crystal for eternity... but i dont get it.. the baby was growing inside of eunmi the whole time.. she gave birth to a full grown kid? =0
it's the end.. like seriously.. sighs... one of the awesomest story I have ever read.. Thank you~! =)
Chapter 42: aghh it ended. this story was really amazing! my favorite fanfic story ever! thank you for letting me be a part of it too! and like everyone else is saying, if there was an epilogue to this epilogue that would be awesome! XD
also i'd like to request a oneshot too! but not of the rated scene >< LOL just something with..already having the kid? since my pairing didn't have a kid in the story i would love to see interactions with a kid. but if that's too much it's okay too (: thank you so much for an already great story. ^^
Chapter 42: I love this story. Best story ever. I bet it could get published! I'm sorry for not commenting. @__@ I've been reading though! I finally managed to recover my password... Please update an epilogue of the epilogue! That would be great! This story is the best! <3 Thank you for writing it!
Chapter 42: Aww such a nice ending.:D I'm said this ended, but it was so nice that it was worth it. >:D
I would love love love love love for an epilogue of the epilogue. If you update one, you'll be the best of the best! <3
Would it be possible to have a oneshot but of fluff instead? xD
Awesome work dear authors! You guys are awesome! :D
Chapter 42: Ah! I'm soo sorry I didn't comment before ):.
Lay, Eun Mi, and Jun Hong are still alive?!?!? I don't know if you said anything about them being alive before but I was kinda shock and confused at the end. To me, it was like a movie reading this.
And when this part came up: -creepy music mode-. LOL, idk why.

You did amazing with this story! I would say I'm sad that it ended, but everyone says that. I feel happy (even though I'll miss this)!!
I think an epilogue for this epilogue would be cute. The children as teenagers... what if the hook up? (rambling out loud)
Since you didn't mention this, I think I'll just imagine TaoNi with a kid. A girl most likely, lol. I don't care if Minho would try to murder them, hahah! ;D.

Thank you for this story and choosing us! I also wish you good luck with your story! <3.
Chapter 42: not a fan of open endings, but at least all is well though.
and glad to see the other four have each other and although dn't have their memories of everything, they have something.
except minhyun, but in time he will.
anyways, Mina and Minjee should team up!
with RInne and Kyuri and can be the Pretty Gorgeous clan. lol
and awww, would be cute if XiuRin couple have a child!!
but anyways, this story has been pretty great to read!
it was definitely wonderful to have been through this journey!
and i think i gotta say this is my first time reading an apply fic that is completed! whooo!!
well... fully completed. lol
others have been complete, but that was more or less deleted, given up and what not.
but anyways, thank you for all the words, adventure, happiness, and the sadness of it.
i greatly enjoyed it, and i don't need a oneshot! it's okay! lol
but good luck in your future stories!
Chapter 42: awwwwww I am so sad it ended but it was awesome :D
I know I'm not a part of this story (but my Chinguu-ie is), but what does 'open endings' mean? Sorry for being clueless -.-.

It's alright if you don't answer me. I can wait to find out! I really admire your talent of writing... I've learned a lot here. This story also got me into liking Apply fics.. =3.
not a fan of open endings...
but since it's yours, i'll deal with it. XD
anywaysm, can't wait!