Chapter #2

Crystalline Planet [APPLY CLOSED SORRY!!] - An EXO Fic

The picture above is Urbis, in case your wondering!! ^^


Chanyeol and Luhan panted as they paused in their hour-long spar. They fell to the ground exhausted – Chanyeol trying to weaken Luhan’s brute force as the latter tried to defend himself from the taller’s elemental attacks with his weapon.

“Here you go, boys,” Suho commented as he walked in with two glasses of water.

Chanyeol smiled up brightly at his friend, “Thanks, Suho.”

“Thank you~,” Luhan sang out as he grabbed the water and gulped it down eagerly.

Suho laughed as he sat down in an available chair in the room. He looked around noticing some punching bags and a wooden case full of extra weapons. He was surprised that they found such a good place a long time ago. It had three bedrooms, four bathrooms, living room, kitchen, a spare room for whatever they needed it for which was for training, and a spectacular view of their city. He turned to the other two, “I feel like people are going to be visiting us tonight.”

Luhan fell back onto the floor still trying to control his breathing as Chanyeol widened his eyes, “Really? You think so? We haven’t had visitors in forever!”

Suho laughed and nodded, “Yeah… but make sure that the weapons cabinet is locked though.” He heard sirens sounding outside their huge apartment. “There goes the standard alarm.”

News! Suspected enemies coming towards Urbis!

All three of them turned their heads to the open door where the TV was still showing the news. Luhan looked to the younger two with a worried and surprised expression, “It can’t be them… right?”

Chanyeol turned to look at him, “They could get captured and killed!”

Suho stood up to go outside into the living room where the TV was still on and look out the window, “I hope not… For their sakes…”


Kai sighed as he watched his guide return to the sky then fell to the ground exhausted, “Why are there so many monsters in this area?”

“We really shouldn’t have summoned your guide…” Sabina said softly as she went to Yoon Ni and put her hand to her chest, feeling her heartbeat instantly feeling calm again.

“Why?” Kai panted out, trying to catch his breath.

Sabina sighed, “I hear sirens going off in the distance.”

“Great job, guys…” Sooyun muttered as she stayed near Soomin and Haerin.

Hyourin looked around their group before going over to Kai and giving him some water she brought in a container from her house. She had to refill it every time they stopped by some city, but she’s glad she did. “Here you go, Kai,” she softly said, handing him the container.

Kai looked up at the offer and broke out into a big smile, “Thank you, Hyourin!!” He eagerly grabbed it and gulped down some of the water before sighing satisfied and giving it back to her.

She looked at the container in surprise, “You… drank at least half of it already…”

Lay sighed, “You must’ve had a big workout.”

Kai pouted, “Because you made me fight that huge bird by myself!”

Kris rolled his eyes, “Let’s get going. The city’s just right there, but we need to wait an hour or so and enter in another way… They probably spotted your guide coming in and out of the sky.”

Kai groaned as Haerin laughed, “Come on. Let’s go.”

The former pouted as he held his arms up in the air. Kris knew what that meant, “Seriously?” All the other girls looked at the two in question as Lay hung his head low and just started to walk off in another direction, making sure to hold onto Sabina’s arm so she knew where she was going… and to try and keep calm himself.

“I’m tired!” Kai complained as Kris walked over, bent down, and then grabbed the former around the waist and the back of the knees before he had Kai on his shoulder and walking after Lay. “Hey!”

“I’m not carrying you bridal style. Either stay like this, or you walk,” Kris said firmly.

Sooyun looked at them with wide eyes, wondering what the hell are these types of people. Haerin just laughed completely amused with the whole scene as Yoon Ni snickered.

“Yoon Ni?” Soomin questioned softly, looking to her companion with a quizzical look as she walked next to Hyourin.

“Yeah?” the other responded with a smile on her face.

“Why are you snickering?”

Yoon Ni laughed at the question, “Because Kai would be the girl in the relationship!”

“Hey! I would not!” Kai protested, lifting his head up to look at Yoon Ni following behind them.

“Haha, whatever you say, Romeo,” the other responded back cheekily.

After about thirty minutes of walking, Kris suddenly dropped Kai to the ground. “What the hell was that for?!” Sooyun, Yoon Ni, and Haerin all busted out laughing at the sudden move.

“You’re too heavy,” Kris bluntly explained as he started massaging his shoulder and stretching it. He looked ahead of him to see Lay happily talking about something with Sabina as the latter kept her hand on his shoulder to know where she was walking. He turned around to see Sooyun looking back to the rest of the girls to make sure they were all right and if they needed a break or something. He sighed before looking up at the sky, “It’s finally getting dark.”

Lay turned around happily at his friend’s voice, “It is!” Then he tripped on a fallen branch, luckily having Sabina just standing there completely confused as to why her human guide was suddenly gone from her touch. “Ow~,” the other murmured before Kris and Hyourin ran up to him, making sure he was okay.

Haerin laughed again as she saw Yoon Ni sigh then go help him heal the cuts and bruises forming on the other’s arms from that one fall. “You guys are too much,” she muttered, softly laughing behind a hand.


On the other side of the forest, Yuna and Chen grunted as they finished off a huge, mutated dog that suddenly jumped on them, tackling Eun-mi to the ground. Kyung-mi and Baekhyun instantly ran over to her when the first two managed to get the ten-foot dog off of their friend’s body.

“It’s going to take a while for the scars to heal, Eun…” Kyung-mi muttered as she tried to heal one arm all the way. Eun-mi’s outfit didn’t have sleeves, so it was pretty obvious whenever she was attacked.

Baekhyun frowned as he did the same with her other arm, “Your skin seems different.”

Eun-mi sighed, “I know. I scar easily, but it disappears after a while.”

D.O. walked up to Yuna and Chen and started healing their wounds as Tao, Mi Cha, and Chaerin stayed on high alert around them to make sure no other creatures would come out and attack them suddenly. Sehun sighed as he and Xiumin casted a spell to envelop each of their companions in a white shield before it disappeared. It only lasted at least thirty minutes each time that spell was placed.

“I don’t even think we’re halfway through this forest!” Mi Cha complained as she moved to lean against a tree.

Chaerin looked up into the sky, “It’s already getting late… If we get to the city by this time, we have to be extra careful. We’ll arrive there late, and if I remember correctly… they have guards walking around at night.” She looked down to see Eun-mi still sitting on the ground but stretching out her shoulders, “Your tattoo is covered in ice?”

Eun-mi looked back at Chaerin then nodded, “Yeah, it’s weird. Mine, Kyung-mi’s, and Yuna’s are still covered in it.”

“You never told us why yours is so different,” Soraya mentioned as she sat down next to D.O., who blushed a little bit but nobody could tell… except the ever-observant Kyung-mi who was just brightly smiling like the sun itself.

All the guys stared at each other, knowing only Xiumin, D.O., and Chen knew why. The younger two looked to the eldest to answer it. “Well…” Xiumin started.

“We came from somewhere else and were captured because of these tattoos,” Yuna started off smoothly.

“We managed to escape but somehow turned into crystals as we landed near D.O.’s village,” Eun-mi continued.

“And now, here we are!” Kyung-mi finished off happily.

“…That can’t be it,” Sehun muttered off suspiciously, staring at the three women as Mi Cha did the same.

“Well,” Eun-mi started off staring into each of Sehun’s and Mi Cha’s eyes, “You know that planet that hovers above this one?” She pointed up into the sky for emphasis. The others nodded at her, waiting for her to continue, “Well… we’re actually from that planet and crashed onto this one.”

“Okay…” Tao mentioned, getting more suspicious each time.

“And well… everything else is true. We managed to escape, and now here we are,” Eun-mi finished as she stared into Tao’s eyes.

“She can’t be lying,” Baekhyun mentioned as he looked to Kyung-mi and Yuna for supportive evidence. They each stared at him and the others in the eyes, waiting for them to make their decision.

Chaerin nodded, “She would’ve shown clear signs if she was lying. She was saying it straight to our faces.”

D.O. sighed, going up to Kyung-mi where she was standing next to Eun-mi and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, not liking feeling awkward being so close to Soraya, “Enough interrogating, guys. We need to go reach that city. It’ll take us most of the night before we reach our friends’ place.”

Sehun, Mi Cha, and Tao sighed. “I guess you’re right,” the latter muttered as they all started moving to stand back up again.

They all started walking again in a random direction as they followed Sehun to what they hoped was the city. Thankfully, they didn’t come into contact with any other monsters except when they could see the bright lights of the city between the trees about two miles away when three huge jelly-like things somewhat moved their way to stand in front of the group.

“Uh…” Mi Cha started until she was suddenly struck with lightning, “Dammit!”

Chaerin and Soraya looked surprised at the sudden attack before Xiumin tried to counter it with a big aero attack. Kyung-mi instantly faced her palm towards Mi Cha to heal her. Tao extended his spear he took from a pouch on his lower back before it became a freezing temperature and he ran to attack one of the jelly-like monsters.

“Why does lightning like me so damn much?!” Chen hollered out as a lightning bolt hit his arm, instantly burning it, “That was the fifth time so far!” Eun-mi and Soraya laughed as Baekhyun instantly went over to heal his arm.

Soraya sighed as she unsheathed her weapon and went to go battle against the last jelly monster when a lightning bolt suddenly attacked her to her chest. D.O. panicked, watching her get hit before he took out his own staff, extended it, and instantly made poison drip off of the top and bottom of it before hitting the monster, making it moan in agony. The poison suddenly disappeared before he made it shrink back in size and put it back in its pouch before running over to Soraya, “Sora!”

Soraya gasped for air, as she smelled her skin sizzling from the sudden attack. She took in a deep breath when she felt a cooling sensation hit her skin. She opened her eyes to see D.O. concentrating on healing the upper part of her chest where the lightning bolt hit her and smiled softly.

“I see something you don’t!” Kyung-mi suddenly blurted out happily, causing D.O. to suddenly lose his focus and ended up hurting Soraya in the process.


D.O. gave a glare to Kyung-mi, to which she just smiled back cheekily, before turning to look back down at Soraya, giving her a soft smile, “Sorry…”

Soraya laughed, “It’s okay. Thanks, D.O.” She laughed again as she slowly sat back up with his help, noticing that Tao and Xiumin already finished off the other two monsters with Kyung-mi and Mi Cha smiling at her. Eun-mi and Chen were just smirking in her direction before they both led the group off towards the city.

“Do you two know that you have similar tattoos but on opposite knees?” Chaerin asked suddenly, remembering seeing D.O.’s tattoo once.

“What?” Soraya asked, completely surprised by that statement.

“Yup,” Chaerin smiled as she walked ahead of them, leaving both of them blushing like crazy and looking away from each other.


“Really?! We had to come in at this hour?!” Kai whispered loudly as he followed in the middle of the group after Hyourin, Soomin, Haerin, and Kris.

“Shut up!” Kris whispered back in annoyance as he turned back around to focus on sneaking around a building to try and find their friend’s apartment complex.

“Seriously?! They already caught sight of us!” Sooyun whispered in her place ahead of Lay as he rounded up the whole group.

“Well, we’re not getting captured!” Yoon Ni replied back heatedly as she held onto Sabina’s hand to guide her through a small alley they all found.

“Get back!” Kris whispered back, signaling with his hand for all of them to crouch low to the ground and in the shadows. They all instantly crouched down as Kai made sure that Yoon Ni didn’t crash into something. Sooyun grabbed Lay’s arm to pull him down before they all watched cars with lights and sirens drive past the alleyway they were hiding in. They watched in fear as more guards walked by their hiding spot, breathing a sigh of relief when they didn’t notice them. “They had to live in the freaking center of this huge city!” Kris softly yelled out exaggeratedly as they all stood back up again.

“Let’s steal some of their uniforms to make it easier,” Soomin softly suggested. They all turned to look at her with the exception of Sabina.

“That’s a good idea…” Haerin agreed, looking to the males of the group for advice.

Sooyun rolled her eyes, “Whose going to do it?”

Kris looked to her, Kai, and then Lay, “You three will do it.”

“What?” Sooyun asked surprised, “Why me?”

“Because you use physical attacks,” the tallest shrugged as he heard footsteps approaching again, “Hide!”

They all ducked again with Sooyun pulling on Lay’s arm, sighing inwardly, “This boy…

Kai signaled to her and Lay to slowly crouch forward so they could have a better view of their targets. They saw three men walking past them when they suddenly reached out and grabbed all three of them, quickly knocking them out and dragging them into the alleyway. Sooyun looked at the three knocked out men to grab the smallest one and glared at the men in the group, “Turn around. Peek and die.”

The men groaned as the girls turned around as well when they saw Kai and Lay removing the top parts of their clothing and putting on the uniforms. Sooyun frowned since she was facing away from the whole group as Kai and Lay were facing the backs of the girls and Kris.

“Are you done, Sooyun?” Lay’s gentle voice asked before she nodded and turned around.


“Okay… Now…” Kris started off, “Kai will lead all of us, Sooyun following him, and then Lay.”

The three nodded before Kai looked out of their alleyway and motioned for Sooyun and Lay to follow him. They resumed the position of walking down the street where the two men knew their friend’s apartment complex was in. Yoon Ni led the other members as they stealthily followed the three-person group with Kris watching them from the back.

After another hour of ducking and pretending they were guards, they finally made it to the apartment complex. They took the elevator with Kris wearing a hat and standing in the view of the security camera in the elevator to block the images. They sighed when they finally reached their friend’s floor and knocked on the door.

A tall man opened the door with an audibly gasp. He threw his arms around the tallest male, “Kris!” He pulled back after the elder laughed at the man’s same antics from years ago, “Why are you wearing a hat?”

“Chanyeol? Who is that?” Suho’s voice rang out from inside the apartment.

“It’s Kris, Kai, and Lay!” he looked back to the big group, “…and a bunch of random ladies?”

Sooyun groaned, “More men… wonderful…”

Chanyeol ushered them into their apartment with the news still showing on the TV. Kris and Kai both hugged Luhan, Suho, and Chanyeol finally seeing each other after a number of years since they all separated. Soomin and Hyourin timidly walked into the apartment after Sooyun and Haerin who just looked around the place. Yoon Ni led Sabina to stand in front of the TV next to Lay as she went to go explore with Haerin as Sooyun just frowned the entire time. Sabina and Lay gasped when they heard the news, “People who have been proven to have Faults have been captured.

Sabina, hearing Lay’s gasp next to her, reached out to try and find his arm. She frowned when she didn’t recognize his energy or skin. “Um, Bina?” Lay said softly, “That’s not my arm…”

“Wh-what?” Sabina questioned completely surprised. She was sure she heard Lay to the left of her, “Who is it?”

The male laughed, “My name is Luhan.” He noticed her cloudy eyes, as he suddenly felt interested in her. He also saw her staff and wondered aloud, “You can fight?”

Sabina blushed and nodded, “Yeah…” She kept her hand on his arm and softly questioned, “Can I…?”

Lay laughed next to them, “She needs to see if she can trust you.”

Luhan nodded, understanding. He reached with his free arm and grabbed her hand on his other arm and brought it up to his face to touch the side of his cheek. He kept her hand there with his on top of hers and watched her face for any signs of emotions and laughed when he saw her turn a shade of pink. “Do you think you can trust me?” he asked lightly to which she nodded slowly.

“Um… yeah…”

“Luhan!” Kai called out, going over and slinging an arm around the elder’s shoulder, “Can we please eat something? I’m starving!”

Luhan laughed, leading Sabina to sit on their couch as he left to go with Kai and Lay to the kitchen. “Has she done that to all of you?” he asked the other two as he opened up all their cabinets and everything for Lay to see what he could cook with.

“Hyourin~!” Kai called out, “Can you help Lay too, please~?”

Hyourin tensed up a bit at being called out but smiled nonetheless, “I’m coming.”

Lay laughed, “She has. But she’s only ever really touched my chest to feel my heart. I didn’t force her to touch my face.”

Luhan blushed at that, “I thought they needed to touch people’s faces!”

The younger laughed again as Hyourin came into the kitchen, deciding not to comment on his friend’s actions. Outside, Sooyun was frowning as they all introduced themselves to their old friends.

“Hello, my name is Suho. He is Chanyeol,” Suho started off as he pointed to the taller man next to him. Kris smiled as he looked to the women in the room as they all introduced themselves, albeit with Sooyun growling her name out to the new guys.

“We were all told to come to Urbis for some reason whether it was in our dreams or if we were conscious,” Kris started out, “We’re not sure why though…” He watched Suho nod as Chanyeol looked around, interested in all the various weapons everybody was using then turned towards the kitchen where Luhan suddenly joined them.

“I’m Luhan!” the other yelled out happily as he came back out with food with Lay, Kai, and Hyourin in tow. Hyourin smiled softly seeing Sabina blush the tiniest bit when the other heard his voice. She did just overhear the whole conversation of Kai and Lay teasing the older member after all.

“Okay, guys!” Suho started.

“And girls,” Sooyun muttered.

Suho looked to Kris who shrugged, “She doesn’t really like men. The only one she tolerates right now is Lay.”

The shorter nodded, a bit confused before continuing, “Well… There are three bedrooms… The guys can just sleep out here and in the training room while the girls take all the beds. We have a few spare mats we can use as beds.”

Chanyeol pouted, not liking that he just lost his room so easily, before going into the hallway where his room was located and grabbing his blanket and pillow. Luhan went and did the same thing with Suho as they both introduced which room was whose. “Okay, choose any room you want. I’d just prefer if nothing really gets messed up in there,” the latter mentioned as they showed them all around the apartment.

After relaxing for another hour or two, it was almost three in the morning when they all decided to go to bed. Luhan told all of the girls if they needed anything, to scream out loud. “And you guys call me the Romeo of the group…” Kai muttered as he watched the other returned back to the living room. Luhan blushed as the former instantly turned off the light and they were all out within ten minutes.

It was about four o’clock in the morning when Lay kept hearing noises coming from the front door and kitchen but completely ignored it to go to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. He was mindlessly walking around trying to find his way when he heard a click from the front door. His mind went on alert mode before he grabbed some weapon that was next to him, which was his gun he left on the table next to the front door and quickly turned around only to lose his balance and fall against somebody.

“Dammit!” a female voice screamed out, falling onto her back at the sudden movement. Lay grunted as he fell on his hands and knees, gun pointing to what he assumed was the woman’s head, and Baekhyun suddenly the lights.

“Baekhyun?” Lay questioned, not believing he was seeing his old friend in the front doorway.

“What’s going on?” Suho questioned, being woken up by the sudden light.

“Um… Eun-mi?” Kyung-mi squeaked out as she blushed.

“What is it?” Eun-mi grounded out, her eyes adjusting to the light and seeing a new face hovering above her body… and a gun being pointed at her. “I didn’t think somebody as handsome as you would try to hit on me so fast.”

Lay blushed as Chen screamed out annoyed, “But you kept calling me annoying and everything when we first met! You almost attacked me!”

Eun-mi rolled her eyes before pushing the new man off of her, “And this is what I get for getting us in here while they were asleep.”

“Chen?” Lay questioned, his brain still trying to function from landing in an awkward position then suddenly getting shoved off and onto his .

Kai whined as he rubbed his eyes, “Even Lay already got a girl~.”

“Seriously,” Sooyun grumbled as she walked out of the hallway, “Guys, shut up. We’ll introduce everybody tomorrow. Go to sleep.”

Yuna whistled at the sour attitude before shoving some tall blonde male off of a couch so she could sit, “Well, well then.”

“Hey!” Kris yelled out, not liking being easily shoved off of something.

“Hey, yourself,” Yuna bit back as Tao closed the front door behind all of them.

“Ugh, guys, just shut up, and go to sleep,” Suho grumbled as he lied back down on the floor and turned around.

“He’s still the same grandpa,” Sehun laughed as they did as their ‘grandpa’ said, leaving the introductions to the morning.

“You weren’t kidding when you said we were going to have visitors tonight…” Chanyeol mumbled as he turned around again and instantly went back to sleep.


"Reunited and it feels so gooooodddddd~~~~!"

You have no idea how much fun it was to read/write this. Haha so muching laughter came from myself and Blueiris.

If you're wondering, I feel embarrassed every time I read the part where Luhan lets Sabina touch his face...haha I always burst out laughing and having to regain composure.

We dropped a hint about the importance of the tattoo placements in this chapter. If you over looked it, go back and read D.O.'s parts...^-^

No joke guys, you have no idea how much we love this story. Every time we write a new chapter a lot of squealing and laughing happens. Anyways, I love everyones interactions! Couples are slowly being hinted stay tuned!!

Also, if you are a silent reader, or are someone new who decided to read this fic, be sure that you READ ALL OF THE SNAPSHOTS!! They are all pretty important, and if you don't read'll be pretty lost.

Well! That's about it for now! Bye Bye!!


Hello~! I know some couples are being hinted at or just being full blown-out "We're already a couple!" kinda deal... but I promise each will have their own little screen time if not hints or little scenes throughout the whole chapter. Some are going to be a bit harder to get to... but I'll make sure to include it and everything. And... if some characters don't get as much screen time... I'll make up for it in the next chapter. It's 24 characters, and you can only make a chapter so long >.<. Anyways~ tattoo placements are hinted at why they're located where they are :3. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let us know if there's anything you found funny or squeal-worthy :3. Thank you all for the lovely comments and feedbacks so far~ Skye will be included in the next chapter as well... a little snippet anyways :D.

:3 Blueiris891~

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[CP] don't mind things with open endings*


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came back to this wanting to re-read again.
and realized that it will never be the same as before, but the memories are good enough.
can't wait to re-read all this. lol
Chapter 42: ah ma gash.. i know it ended like weeks ago but I couldn't bring myself to comment abt the ending... I don't want it to end..... plus i was re-reading it for a few more times TT_TT
I mean, this story was my favourite out of all the stories I applied for.. and the only one to finish properly.. sighs
back to the story.. Chen and the kids are sooooooo cute! ah.. thanks to this story, Chen is now in the top 3 of my bias list... x) KIDS-SO-SOOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!! nyakyakyakya!! History! Yuna beat Kris~!! every kid has their own special favourite couple too other than their parents.. xD
then the ending... it's sad to see that they might nevere see the group again but its gotta be better than staying crystal for eternity... but i dont get it.. the baby was growing inside of eunmi the whole time.. she gave birth to a full grown kid? =0
it's the end.. like seriously.. sighs... one of the awesomest story I have ever read.. Thank you~! =)
Chapter 42: aghh it ended. this story was really amazing! my favorite fanfic story ever! thank you for letting me be a part of it too! and like everyone else is saying, if there was an epilogue to this epilogue that would be awesome! XD
also i'd like to request a oneshot too! but not of the rated scene >< LOL just something with..already having the kid? since my pairing didn't have a kid in the story i would love to see interactions with a kid. but if that's too much it's okay too (: thank you so much for an already great story. ^^
Chapter 42: I love this story. Best story ever. I bet it could get published! I'm sorry for not commenting. @__@ I've been reading though! I finally managed to recover my password... Please update an epilogue of the epilogue! That would be great! This story is the best! <3 Thank you for writing it!
Chapter 42: Aww such a nice ending.:D I'm said this ended, but it was so nice that it was worth it. >:D
I would love love love love love for an epilogue of the epilogue. If you update one, you'll be the best of the best! <3
Would it be possible to have a oneshot but of fluff instead? xD
Awesome work dear authors! You guys are awesome! :D
Chapter 42: Ah! I'm soo sorry I didn't comment before ):.
Lay, Eun Mi, and Jun Hong are still alive?!?!? I don't know if you said anything about them being alive before but I was kinda shock and confused at the end. To me, it was like a movie reading this.
And when this part came up: -creepy music mode-. LOL, idk why.

You did amazing with this story! I would say I'm sad that it ended, but everyone says that. I feel happy (even though I'll miss this)!!
I think an epilogue for this epilogue would be cute. The children as teenagers... what if the hook up? (rambling out loud)
Since you didn't mention this, I think I'll just imagine TaoNi with a kid. A girl most likely, lol. I don't care if Minho would try to murder them, hahah! ;D.

Thank you for this story and choosing us! I also wish you good luck with your story! <3.
Chapter 42: not a fan of open endings, but at least all is well though.
and glad to see the other four have each other and although dn't have their memories of everything, they have something.
except minhyun, but in time he will.
anyways, Mina and Minjee should team up!
with RInne and Kyuri and can be the Pretty Gorgeous clan. lol
and awww, would be cute if XiuRin couple have a child!!
but anyways, this story has been pretty great to read!
it was definitely wonderful to have been through this journey!
and i think i gotta say this is my first time reading an apply fic that is completed! whooo!!
well... fully completed. lol
others have been complete, but that was more or less deleted, given up and what not.
but anyways, thank you for all the words, adventure, happiness, and the sadness of it.
i greatly enjoyed it, and i don't need a oneshot! it's okay! lol
but good luck in your future stories!
Chapter 42: awwwwww I am so sad it ended but it was awesome :D
I know I'm not a part of this story (but my Chinguu-ie is), but what does 'open endings' mean? Sorry for being clueless -.-.

It's alright if you don't answer me. I can wait to find out! I really admire your talent of writing... I've learned a lot here. This story also got me into liking Apply fics.. =3.
not a fan of open endings...
but since it's yours, i'll deal with it. XD
anywaysm, can't wait!