
Why it’s only me?


Chanyeol p.o.v

What the hell is that?!!

Chanyeol mentally cursed at himself.  He has been getting so easily angry for a couple of week recently. And that was all, strangely, because of none other than his blonde hyung, Kris. He got that touchy feeling about everything related to Kris and he hated that. He began keeping a distance with the Chinese rapper and acting so cold toward him. It was one of the way out so he didn’t get those touchy feeling again, Chanyeol thought it would work out, but it didn’t.

And now those touchy feeling took over Chanyeol mind, again, when he accidently saw Kris’s head on Suho’s chest as he called the two for their planning to go the beach. He got blank for a sec and hardly said anything, he was just too shock at the scene in front of him.

The ! They’re just so close to each other!

He mumbled and managed to say sorry then he ran away to his share room with Baekhyun hyung. He slammed the door forcefully and fortunately no one was near enough to hear that. Then he locked door preventing anyone to enter the room. Angry took over everything and also hurt. He breathed heavily as if he had run for a couple of miles. He threw himself at the bed as hot liquid started to blur his vision. He slide down from the bed, he could felt his hit the cold floor. He wrapped his arm around his legs and sobbed quietly. But the pain he felt didn’t vanish and remained there, in his heart.

For God sake! Why It’s hurt so much!

He stayed at that position about a minute or two till he heard a knock from the door. He hoped, Chanyeol hoped, desperately hoped that the one who knock the door was Kris. And soon after he heard the Chinese rapper’s voice calling out his name, he smiled. He stood up, wiping his tears away and tidied up his clothes. His foot only an inch away from the bed when he heard the Chinese mentioned Joonmyun’s name. The smiled at his face disappeared instantly and anger took over him. He approached the door with his was burning in anger. He unlocked the door and twisted the doorknob harshly. He yelled in anger to the older. But the older seemed didn’t really gave an attention to his high tone, he realized Chanyeol had cry instead. Chanyeol said, almost shouted, to Kris that it was not even his business and about to close the door. Kris managed to hold the door open and pulled Chanyeol closer while closing the door behind the younger. Chanyeol was dragged out of the villa by Kris’s hand on his wrist. He tried to let it go as his heart beat was about to kill him, but Kris was too strong and didn’t let Chanyeol go from his grip.

Oh God! Let me stay alive longer.

Kris touch on his wrist felt like somewhat fire, it burned him down, at different meaning of course. He begged to Kris to let him go making Kris stopped suddenly. Then Kris, again, mentioned Joonmyun’s name and that’s, again, burning Chanyeol in anger. Chanyeol was burning by the close distance between him and Kris as his body was pinned at the door, and he was also burning by the mentioned of Joonmyun’s name from Kris. He pushed Kris’s body away and went to the beach without having Kris dragging him. Soon after he left Kris behind, he felt a little bit, just a little bit of regret for letting himself free from Kris.

What the is wrong with me?!

He felt a relief, soon after he met the others, cause he didn’t have to be alone with Kris. He’s back to normal again. He didn’t even angry to Joonmyun hyung as he angry with just the mention of his name a while ago. He was playing happily with Kyungsoo and Joonmyun when he saw his iPod in Kris’s hand.

Oh !

It’s not like Chanyeol was hiding something, actually he just didn’t like anyone touching his things, mostly his iPod. Cause there was a picture of Kris that ‘accidently’ he took and he didn’t know why it was so difficult to delete it. His legs stepped over to get closer to his hyung. The Chinese was into the iPod when a hand grabbed it from his hand. Chanyeol’s eyes captured Kris’s angry eyes as Kris turned his view to him. Chanyeol could feel his body get closer as he heard Kris yelled at him. He didn’t like the Chinese yelled at him and just walked out, leaving the dumbfounded Kris. But Chanyeol smiled as Kris threw him a towel, for unknown reason. He chuckled to find Kris hiding behind the magazine after giving him a towel. He dried his hair and get drowned his foot in the sea. He had a good time. He was.

 W-what the?!

With his own eyes, he saw Kris walked closer to him, no, it’s not him but Joonmyun instead. Kris was playing happily with Joonmyun, he was apparently keeping Joonmyun for his own. Chanyeol couldn’t even believe when he saw a smile forming on the Chinese’s y lips while he spending his time with Joonmyun.

I had enough!!

He was no longer in the safe line. Chanyeol, for the umpteenth time, already cross the line. He got those touchy feeling back, and it’s burning him rapidly. The scene where Kris’s face was so close to Joonmyun’s made him furious. The way they held each other hand, looked at each other with smiley eyes irritated him. He’s hurt.

Get the hell out of mind! Stupid Kris!

A footprint of him was leaving the beach. His legs felt weak. His grip strengthened, sinking his nail on his skin. His view blurred as a hot and salty liquid streaming down. He cursed mentally, non-stop.

The door closed with loud noise as he finally stepped in his room. “it’s.hurt.so.bad.” he hit his chest as he felt hurt.  


Chanyeol stayed till. For a couple of minute he was crying like there’s no more tears left. Then the thought of him get caught red-handed while he was crying by his bandmate frighten him. He can’t let anyone see him cry. He can’t.

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I hope i could update tomorrow.. hufh~ kind of feel sick


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Chapter 11: pleaseeeeee update soooooooon... ;;__;;
Chapter 11: Please please update soon
KrisYeolforever #3
Chapter 11: uwaa~ it's so great!! ^o^ i wanna know how will kris react?! >.<
Chapter 11: N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ! ! ! ! ! !
what is this?why so short updates *paces back & forth in the room,mad buffalo*

I N E E D M O R E T O R E A D ! ! Y O U H E A R M E ! ! ! I W A N T M O R E ! ! ! *sobs*

finally Chanyeol!! finally you admitted your feeling(????) ..I guess ^^;;

I hope Kris has the same feeling as Chanyeol & will be able to hold the Phoenix in his arms *being cheesy*

KrisYeol!! ftw!!
Chanyeolbelongtokris #5
Waa update soon~
I'm so interesting with the game..
Cant wait
yuu8713 #8
omo omo this is interesting!! an idea,eh? umm..let me think..how about..those who stripped had to pose as models & do some catwalk around the room? *grins* the others would vote for the winner.. *lame,huh?*
ChocoAikocream #9
/pat channie shoulder/ patient channie ; - ;
and wow! kreaseee! *-*b
DoubleYsYeoja #10
i wish i could see duizhang like that...*gets bricked*