


“Woah!” Kai shouted loudly while sitting in front of the computer reading an article he found on a random news website. His loud ‘woah’ had caught his group mates’ attention as they all ran up to check if Kai was alright.


“Are you okay?” Kyungsoo asked the younger since he was the first one to reach him. Kai looked behind Kyungsoo, “Where’s Lay?” he asked the older. Kyungsoo turned his head around to see the rest of the members walking through the door and into the room. Kai sees Lay coming in with Suho beside him. He shoots up from his chair and ran up to the Chinese boy, “Dude you have got to read this,” he said loudly and pulled a confused Lay to the computer screen.


“What?” Lay asked Kai not paying attention to the computer.


“Look…read,” Kai told the older and forced Lay’s attention onto the bright screen. Lay read the title and his eyes widen, “What?!” he shouted loudly and practically shoved his face at the computer screen, “What?!” he shouts once more. Kai stood there shaking his head, “That’s what I said as well.”


“What? What’s going on?” Kris asked the two while squeezing his way through his group mates. He finally reached Kai and Lay and pushes both boys away from the computer screen to see what the ruckus was about. He looked at Kai and Lay before averting his attention to the computer screen. Once Kris read the title and looked at the photos provided, his eyes widens, “Lay…when? Is it true?” he asked the younger.


“Well…we did go out for a cup of coffee yesterday night but that was all, nothing more nothing less I swear,” he told Kris.


“We barely debuted and there’s already a scandal on one of the members,” Kris muttered and plopped down on the chair, “What will the entertainment say?”


Suho managed to squeeze himself through the crowd, “What’s going on?” he asked Kris.


Kris rubbed his face, “Read for yourself,” he told the shorter one. Suho glanced at the computer screen and read…


“So Nyeo Shi Dae’s Leader Kim Taeyeon and new boy group EXO’s Lay dating?”


Underneath the title were photos of Taeyeon and Lay walking together during night time and the both of them sitting in the café enjoying a moment together alone. “I wonder what the company would say about this,” Suho commented. Lay took a deep breath and ruffled his hair, “I’m going to bed guys,” he told them quietly and left the room. Kris watched as his best friend retreated quietly to his room before getting up to follow the younger man. Lay opened the door to his room and entered then closed it. He heads over to his bed and falls down on his face. Kris opened the door and enters without asking permission.


“What’s with the sad face Yixing?” he asked Lay. Lay looked up from his lying position.


“I’ve never been in a scandal before especially if it’s the girl that I really like,” he told Kris. Kris smiled at his worried friend and walked over to sit beside him. He pats Lay’s back with his huge hand, “So you do like Taeyeon noona then.”


Lay nods, “I do, but I don’t think she sees me the same way that I see her.”


“You may never know Yixing,” Kris tries to lighten up his friend’s mood. Lay lets out a long sigh, “She prefers older men,” he said and flips on his back, “And apparently I’m not older than her.”


Kris fell silent not knowing what or how to respond back, “I guess I’ll forever be a dongsaeng to her only,” Lay muttered quietly. Kris looked down at his friend and pats his head this time, “Don’t give up Yixing, why don’t you try confessing to her?” He suggested. Lay shook his head, “No, I think it’s best that it’s this way,” he said, “at least we have a scandal together…that alone makes me happy even if she’ll never look my way.”


Kris watched as his friend turned to his side, “I want to sleep ge,” Lay told the older. Kris nods, “I understand,” and with that the older left the younger to take an afternoon nap.




“Taeyeon unnie read this,” Seohyun shouted loudly from the living room. Taeyeon placed down the knife she was holding and made her way into the living room to see the maknae sitting on the sofa with the laptop on her lap.


“What’s up?” she asked the younger as she took a seat beside her. Seohyun shoved the laptop into Taeyeon’s lap.


“Read it,” Seohyun told Taeyeon. Taeyeon looked from Seohyun to the laptop screen and read the title, looked at the photos and then read the article. She smiled and gave the laptop back to Seohyun then stood up.


“Unnie?” Seohyun called for her, “unnie what are you going to do about it?”


Taeyeon looked at Seohyun, “Nothing,” she told the younger and then retreated back to the kitchen. Seohyun sat there with the laptop in her lap confused. Taeyeon walked into the kitchen, picked up the knife and was about to continue slicing the meat when she stopped.





“Taeyeon,” SNSD’s manager called for her. She stopped dancing and looked behind her, “Yes?’ she answered him. He motioned for her to follow him and she obliged. He led Taeyeon to a room and they both entered. Sitting in front of her was the CEO of SM Entertainment, Kim Young Min.


Taeyeon bowed as soon as she saw who it was, “Kim Taeyeon,” the older man began.


“Hello,” she greeted the head honcho.


He nodded his head back, “Kim Taeyeon, there’s a reason why I am calling you in today,” he started, “I want to discuss something with you regarding the new group EXO.”


Taeyeon nodded and sat down in the seat provided in front of her, her manager standing behind her listening as well.


“What we’re planning to do is give you girls EXO to promote since you girls are our biggest group right now. With you guys promoting EXO, it will give them a lot of attention and that’s exactly what we want, attention on them,” he explained.


Taeyeon nodded.


“Now here’s the thing. I’m sure you’re aware of it since you have been in the entertainment business for almost 5 years now. The thing is, once you girls starts promoting EXO and have collaboration cfs, stages, etc., there will be scandals rising as well and that is something we will not stop.”


“But why?” Taeyeon asked.


“That’s because we want attention on them Taeyeon, we want as much attention EXO can get from the media,” he explained.


“But they’re still rookies, wouldn’t it ruin their image?”


“It can go both ways. Yes it can ruin their image but it also gives attention to them from the media and when they gain more attention from the media, the public will notice them more, it’s all in the business mind,” he said and pointed to his head, “I’m aware that you girls has had been in scandal dating rumors before when you guys barely started. So I’m sure you’ll know how to handle once the scandals starts circulating on the internet.”

Taeyeon took in a deep breath and nodded, “Good, so from now on we’ll have you girls promote EXO then.”





Taeyeon opened her eyes, “To gain attention…eh?” She quietly told herself. She let out a long sigh before continuing with her work.  




“So are we heading to Japan with our sunbaes?” Chen asked their manager. Their manager looked through their flight schedule, “Seems like it,” he answered.


“Who are we flying with?” Xiumin asked.


“So Nyeo Shi Dae,” he answered.


Once Lay heard his manager’s reply, his body stiffens and his mind goes back to the article. He looked down at his hands and starts playing with them. Kris noticed his friend’s behavior and tapped him on the shoulder, “You alright?” Kris asked the younger man. Without looking up at his leader, Lay nodded.


Kris watched Lay for awhile, “Don’t sweat so much Lay, I’m sure Taeyeon noona haven’t read the article yet considering how busy they are every day.”


Lay let out a soft quiet chuckle before nodding.




“So I saw the article,” Tiffany began, “Seohyun ah showed it to me if you’re wondering how I found out.”


Tiffany was lying on Taeyeon’s bed playing with her peas while Taeyeon was packing up her bags for their trip to Japan, “How are you going to face Lay now?”


“It’s nothing really,” Taeyeon answered Tiffany.


Tiffany stuffed one of the pea back into the pod and zipped it up, “Nothing? You’re kidding me right? They just barely debuted and…”


“Attention,” Taeyeon cut her off.




Taeyeon nods, “Yes attention, that’s what EXO needs right now, attention from the media.” Taeyeon got up from her kneeling position and walked back to her suitcase with some pants in her arms.


“So is that’s what it’s all about? Attention?” Tiffany asked and Taeyeon nodded. She let out a sigh and went back to ping the pod, “Well…I heard from Krystal and them that Lay has a little crush on you,” she told Taeyeon with a girly giggle.


Taeyeon stopped packing her bag and looked at Tiffany then smiled, “That’s cute,” she commented before going back to packing. Tiffany gave Taeyeon a quick glance before looking away, “How do you feel about him?”


“About who?”


“Lay dummy.”


“Oh…,” Taeyeon paused and looked up to think, “He’s a nice boy…” she answered.


“You don’t like him?” Tiffany asked the obvious question that Taeyeon was trying to avoid. Taeyeon chuckled and looked down, “Like…in what ways?”


“More than a hoobae?...Maybe?”


“Possible,” Taeyeon answered her friend before heading back to her closet. Tiffany flipped herself around so she was lying on her stomach. She places both of her hands under her chin, “So you do like Lay then,” she teased the older.


“I never said that I disliked him,” Taeyeon simply stated.


Tiffany smiled, “Why don’t you go out with him then? After all he’s seems to be a nice boy.”


Taeyeon pulled out a shirt from her closet and headed back to her suit case, “That’s because my dear Tiffany,” she began, “I’m a part of SNSD and he’s a part of EXO, that alone should tell you why.”


Tiffany watched Taeyeon without saying anything and then she smiled, “I get it,” she said got up from Taeyeon’s bed, “Maybe one day then,” and with that Tiffany left Taeyeon alone in her bedroom to pack.




EXO were the first ones to arrive Incheon airport. All 12 boys stepped out of their vans and waited for their managers to come out as well. The back door of the vans opened and luggage were pulled out and placed onto a stroller.


“We’re going with SNSD sunbaenims,” Baekhyun said, “but I don’t see them anywhere,” he looked from side to side down the street for SNSD.


“They’ll be here in a bit,” EXO-K’s manager told him as he counted all the suitcases just in case one was missing. He nodded signaling the workers that all the suitcases were there, “Come on,” he told the group and walked across the street once the walking pedestrian light . EXO along with EXO’s two managers crossed the street and entered the airport.


SNSD’s van arrived seconds later. The door opens and each girl steps out with their bags slung over their shoulders and ear phones plugged into their ears. The girls waited as their manager talked with some of the airport workers before leading them across the street to the airport’s entrance. Once the girls entered the airport, a few feet ahead of them were their hoobaes, EXO, waiting for them. Tiffany spotted Lay standing beside Luhan and she smirked. Since she was the one standing closest to Taeyeon and the one who discussed with Taeyeon about Lay, she nudged her best friend on the arm. Taeyeon looked up from her iphone to Tiffany, “What?” she asked the taller one as she pulled out her earphone, thinking that her best friend has something important to tell her.


Tiffany nudged her head towards Lay’s direction. Taeyeon looked at the direction Tiffany was nudging to and her eyes lands on Lay who was having a funny conversation with Luhan because the both of them were laughing. Taeyeon shook her head, stuck her ear phones back into her ears and ignored Tiffany for the rest of the time. Their manager returns to them and leads them towards EXO. Once the girls reached EXO, Baekhyun being the fanboy he is, hopped over to SNSD.


“HI SUNBAENIMS!!” he greeted them rather loudly. The girls chuckled at Baekhyun’s cute action and greeted him back. Taeyeon pulled the earphones out from her ears and bowed back to Baekhyun. Baekhyun hopped over to Taeyeon, “What are you listening to noona?” he asked.


Taeyeon smiled and offer Baekhyun one side of her earphones, “Want to listen?” she offered. Baekhyun smiled hugely and took the side that Taeyeon offered and plugged it into his ears. Taeyeon pressed the play button, “Ah I know this song!! Just the way you are by Bruno Mars,” he said excitedly and Taeyeon chuckled.


“Yes Baekhyun ah,” she answered him while nodding.


From afar, Lay stood next to Luhan watching the scene in front of him. Luhan looked at Lay and then at Taeyeon and Baekhyun then back at Lay. He then nudged Lay towards Taeyeon’s direction, “Go talk to her,” he suggested but Lay stood rooted to the ground. Luhan sighed and decides to ignore his friend. Kris walked up to Lay and pats his shoulder, “You’re not going to discuss it with Taeyeon noona?”


Lay shook his head, “No reason to ge,” he told Kris.


As if Taeyeon heard them, she looked up towards Lay’s direction and sees him looking at the ground. She smiled and handed Baekhyun her iphone, “Here you listen to it,” she told the younger boy. Baekhyun nods, takes the phone from Taeyeon’s hand and stuffs the other side into his other ear. Taeyeon then made her way towards the quiet Chinese boy. Luhan noticed Taeyeon’s presence and backed away from Lay’s side. Kris did the same as well.


“Hey Lay,” Taeyeon greeted him. Lay looked up and sees Taeyeon standing right in front of him with a smile, “You look down today, are you okay?”


Lay shook his head but quickly nods, “I…I’m fine,” he lied. Taeyeon chuckled, “You shook your head first and then nod, noona isn’t buying your lie you know that right?”


Lay sighed, “Can we talk noona?”




Lay then leads Taeyeon to a secluded area, “What did you want talk about Lay?”


Lay took in a deep breath, “I…I…”




“I…I saw an article on a Korean website…and,” Lay fidgeted with his feet, “and well…the article was about us…”


“Ah~, you must be talking about that scandal article that came out yesterday,” Taeyeon said and Lay nods. Taeyeon pats his shoulders, “Don’t worry about it Lay. Medias are like that, they will do anything just to get juicy gossip on idols like us. So don’t worry about it too much okay?”


Lay opened his mouth to speak but quickly closes it and nods. Taeyeon lets go of his shoulders, “Was that the only thing bothering you?” she asked him.


“Well…yeah but, how do you feel about it noona?”

“How do I feel about it?” Taeyeon taps her chin, “Well…to be honest with you, I’ve been through so many of these scandals that…well it’s pretty normal to me.”


Lay’s heart constricted, this wasn’t the answer he wanted to hear from her. He wanted to hear words along the lines of ‘I’m worried…I’m worried but I want it to come true…’


He gulped. Lay grabbed the hem of his shirt and spun his back around on Taeyeon, “Lay?” she calls for him.


“Noona…what do you think of me?”


Taeyeon up an eyebrow, “What do I think of you? Well I think you’re a really good and nice dongsaeng. You’re nice to everyone you know and very respectful. You bow to everyone when you see them even if they’re younger than you. You’re….”


Lay lets out a loud sigh, “I’m nothing more than just a dongsaeng to you huh?” he murmurs quietly.


“Hm? What did you say?” Taeyeon asked him. Lay spun around, smiled and shook his head “Nothing noona,” he lied, “well…it was nice talking to you about it, I think my group mates are calling for me,” he quickly told her and retreated. Taeyeon stood there alone, “I know what you were getting at Lay…but…you’re still young and new to the Korean entertainment world…,” she sighed and decides to head back as well.




Throughout SM TOWN concert, Lay purposely avoided Taeyeon because he couldn’t stand how his heart would constrict every time she was near him. After the concert, Lay excused himself from his group and went outside to get some fresh air. As he was heading towards the exit, he passed Tiffany who had just finished using the restroom. Tiffany had already know what was happening since she forced it out of Taeyeon when they were alone in the airplane together. She smiled and decides to follow Lay. Tiffany opened the door which led outside and sees Lay sitting down on the stairs looking out into the distance. She walked up to the boy and sat down next to him.


“Tiffany noona, I didn’t see you there,” he said surprised. Tiffany chuckled, “I actually just got here,” she told him, “mind if I sit here?”


Lay shook his head and look back to the middle of no where, “What’s bothering you Lay?” she asked him.


“Nothing,” he said.


“You can tell me you know? I know that out of SNSD, you boys are much closer to Taeyeon unnie than us but since I’m also your senior, you can tell me things, I might be able to help you.”


Lay sat there in silent for awhile before nodding, “Fine,” he said, “since you’re Taeyeon noona’s best friend…”



Lay explains to Tiffany about the article and what Taeyeon and him talked about at the airport earlier that day. He tells her how he feels about her friend and how much he had fallen in love with Taeyeon without even noticing. Lay mentions about how he wants Taeyeon to look at him more than just a dongsaeng…to see him more than just a hoobae.


Tiffany smiled, “So…is that all?” she asked once he finished talking.


Lay nods.


Tiffany pats his shoulder, “I’ll tell you one thing about Taeyeon since I’ve known her the longest compare to the other members. Taeyeon unnie…she has been through a relationship where she had to defend herself from antis and from fans who were fans of that certain someone.”


“You mean…Kim Junsu?” Lay asked and Tiffany nods.


“Yes…him, anyways, when the scandal broke out about Junsu and Taeyeon. Taeyeon had no one to turn to. She couldn’t turn to Junsu because he was at that time too busy with his career life. At that time as well, Taeyeon along with us, we were new to the entertainment world. We didn’t know what to expect. At that time, Taeyeon went through a lot of hardships and rough times. There were moments where she’ll cry alone about what was going on. At that time we gained a lot of antis due to our childish behaviors and gained a lot of antis due to that certain scandal that broke up. I remember Taeyeon would come up to us and apologize for everything that happened. During that time she was in a big depression mode and SM Entertainment had to delay our album release…a lot.”


Tiffany looks out into the distant this time, hugging her knees in the process, “Taeyeon unnie is a person where…once she experience something, she doesn’t want her love ones to experience the same thing,” she glanced over at Lay with a smile on her face, “Taeyeon unnie sees you more than just a dongsaeng Lay, but due to the fact that we are very popular and everything that we say and due can backfire on us, also you guys are new. Taeyeon doesn’t want you to go through the same hardships she went through when she was still new to the entertainment world. So don’t worry much about Taeyeon seeing you as only a dongsaeng because I can assure you that she doesn’t. She sees you more than just a dongsaeng,” Tiffany explained and pats Lay’s shoulder.


Lay smiled, “So…I guess I’ll just have to wait then?”


“That’s up to you,” Tiffany says, “but…I hope I made you feel better.”


Tiffany stood up and stretched, “Don’t stay out too late, your manager might be looking for you,” she told Lay before heading back to the door. Lay stood up immediately, “Noona,” he called.


“Hm?” Tiffany answered and spun around to face him.


Lay bowed and smiled, “Thank you.”


Tiffany grins, “No problem,” and with that she retreated back inside. Lay watched as the door closed before looking out into the distance again.


“When the time is right, I’ll confess to you noona…just you wait…”

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Chapter 1: Laytae!!!!!! omg!! I like them <3
Chapter 1: Lay - Taeyeon asdfghjkl in first though, I think they'll be in a cute couples scene but lol i still love your story unnie. Please make another stories for LayTae keke~
my Taesu feeling :( I miss them too much :(( hope to see more TaengEXO fanfic
Beautiful~ Sigh, being an idol is so hard. Wish people won't become antis on a couple. Taeyeon, get your guy! :D
Lay have good eyes. Taeyeon is the prettiest female idol for me:P Lay and Taeyeon. Wow! Never though of them as a couple but they sure look good together:P BaekYeon!
naydsbeb #6
sequel pls???or part 2?????
TaeSu... :'(
Never really to get that ship because when I knew their rumors in 2008/9, Junsu already started leaving SM :'(
But somehow i like them, even I made a story about them :'(
sadly it ended :'(
Baekhyuntaengkris #8
I will wait for you're baekyeon update..LOL