Chapter 8

A ghost helped me to fall in love

Anita starred at Juri and Mirai. She rubbed her eyes and begged, she just imagined it, but opening her eyes and looking to Juri, there still Mirai.

"Earth to Anita. Are you there? Where are you looking at?" Ai waved her hand in front of Anita´s face, but there was no reaction. She then followed the look of Anitas eyes.

"Don´t tell me you got interested in Juri?" Ai nearly yelled in disbelief. Juri of course heard his name and turned his head to the 2 girls. Seeing how Anita looked at him, he smiled and waved at her, she then finally woke up from her trance, now looking really to Juri and especially Mirai and turned her head to the front while shaking her head. Juri was disapointed and sighed while he turned back to his friends. Ai was the most confused person between those 2, so she just let it be, went to her seat and didn´t think about it anymore.


While classe started, Anita couldn´t think about anything anymore, only about seeing Mirai.

*That must be a dream a totally silly dream of me again. I can´t see her at all* She said in her mind all the time. Her body began shaking and heart was beating fast. She also looked really pale. Juri, who sat next to her, noticed it and looked worried to her.

"Yamaa-san, please come to the board and solve the equation." The math teacher said strictly. He noticed that Anita wasn´t here with her mind.

"Hm? Ah, Yeah!" She stood up, but suddenly in front of her eyes everything went blurry and then black. She fell over and Juri could catch her before she landed on the ground.

"Sakakibara-Sensei. I´ll bring her to the nurse office!" Juri said and lifted Anita up. Sakakibara-Sensei just nodded in shock.

"Juri, I´m ok. Let me down." Anita was fully awake again, but still didn´t feel well. She felt embraced, while Juri hold her like a princess.

"Juri, I´ll bring her to the nurse office." Ai suggested, but Juri shaked his head and rand out with Anita.

"What the... Such a stupid, stubborn idiot." Ai whispered to herself.

"Now, now, class! Calm down! We continue!" Sakakibara-Sensei said and continued the math lesson.


Anita layed in a bed, feeling totally uncomfortable, because Juri was starring at her.

"Could you please stop starring at me?" She tried to say it in an annoyed way, but it sound more shy and cute that Juri´s heart startet beating a bit faster.

"I don´t stare at you!" Juri defended himself.

"Sure, you do."

"No. Now let´s stop fighting! I suggest today you shouldn´t give me extra lesson and I also will tell the teacher that you can´t attend determination today." Juri said careful.

"But I already feel fine again. I´ll give you that extra lesson today." Anita tried to stand up, but Juri pushed her back.

"No. It´s okay. You also have to film today, right? And I have to clean the pool." Juri explained and ruffled her head.

"I´ll give you the extra lesson, no matter what! Come to my home this evening then, after I filmed." She said and pushed herself up.

*Aish, that girl is so stubborn. But still... Unbelievable cute. I think I´ll make something shocking for her.* Juri thought and smile devilish.

"Ok then I´ll come." Juri said, and he came really near to Anita´s face. Anita rose her eyes and her heart started to beat faster and she blushed all over her face. Both of them felt already each others breath and their lips were only 1inch apart. Anita closed her eyes and waited up, what would happen. But Juri loved teasing her and just stood still for some seconds till he moved his lips to her forehead and gave her a peck.

"I´ll see you this eveing then." He chuckled and left the nurse office. Anita sat there, touching the place where his lips touched her forehead.

*His lips are so soft. I wished I could feel them on my.... Aish! What are you thinking Anita!* There it was again, her conflict between her head and what her heart wanted.


"Haha! You already in the conflict, right?" A female voice said. Anita looked up and saw Mirai in front of her.

"KYAAAAH! Disappear! Disappear!" She threw her pillow at Mirai, but it flew through her.

"Hey, hey! Calm down! Didn´t you talk with me before?" Mirai pouted and turned her back to Anita.

"T-that was only a dream! And this is also a dream. You doesn´t exist anymore. You´re dead!" Anita said hysterically and tried to hide under her blanket.

"But this is the reality now. And I thought you wouldn´t freak out when I show myself in front of you. I´m really disapointed." Mirai sat down and showed her tongue.

"Why...why are you here and not in heaven?" Anita asked. She calmed down a bit, but her heart was still beating fast.

"I have to fulfill my wish of course. That you Juri would be also happy without me and find someone he can love again. And I decide it will be you. So I´m playing the cupid. Am I not nice?" Mirai said and twinkled, while smiling.

"No need. I won´t fall in love with Juri and he also don´t love me. Search someone else." Anita tried to sound ignorant, but she didn´t believe that her own words would hurt her so much and her expression showed it.

"Don´t lie to me. Do you think I didn´t see what happened between you and him right now?"

"But... That´s..."

"No buts. Whatever. I have to warn you. Someone tries to destroy you with all in his mind. He will take everything away from you, so he can only have you. Be careful." ANd with that sentence Mirai disappeared.


Anita were filming a scene right now, but she couldn´t concentrate at all. Everyone noticed it.

"Anita. I think you aren´t here with your mind today. Let´s stop here." Even the director noticed it and let her go earlier. Anita just nodded.

*This is all your fault, Mirai. Coming and leaving like you want* She thought and packed her things together.

"Hey, Anita! Are you alright? It doesn´t seem so I´m worried. Let´s go home together!" Seto came and bombard her with his talking. Anita just nodded in agreement.

"You know, you can tell me everything you want." Seto smiled warmly and ruffled her hair.

"I know Seto-san." Anita forced a smile. Together they left the film set and walked to the next train station. There was an awkward silence between them till Seto broke it:" Anita-chan, who was that boy, who we met last time? You´re boyfriend?" He said teasingly, but his face switched to surprise when he saw Anita blushed really hard and shaking her head really fast.

"No, no, oh my god no! He is just a classmate. Not someone special. Hahahaha!" Anita said fakely, but her eyes showed something else. Sadness, confusion and this glare every girl has when they are in love.

"Don´t lie to me! I see it in your eyes, that he´s someone special to you." Seto said in a soft voice, trying to calm her down. Anita stopped walking and looked down on the ground, thinking hard about something. Seto tilted his head and observed her.



"Would you believe me if I say a ghost is trying to help me to fall in love with Juri?"

"What?" Hearing that Seto was so confused. Did he hear right? A ghost? Do they even exist?

"Did you say ghost?"

"I see you don´t believe me." Anita smiled sad, being hurt by the distrust of Seto. Seto noticed his mistake and tried to find words to cheer her up, but he couldn´t find any. They already reached the house of Anita.


Juri was already waiting in front of Anita´s house. Finally he saw 2 figures walking to the direction of the house. He recognized Anita and what the hell? Was it this Seto-guy? Juri really hated him. How close he was always to his Anita?

*Wait! What am I thinking? My? Mirai is my one and only one. No one else.* He thought now looking up and saw Seto hugging Anita. Juri clenched his fist, walking towards them and coughed.

"Juri?" Anita voiced surprised.

"Come with me!" He sounded totally angry, feeling the jealous his whole body.

"Juri! Good-bye Seto! Thank you for believing me." Anita yelled and waved her hand. Then she disappeared into the house with Juri.

Comment, guys, comment :D and tell me what i can do better :D btw soon there are holidays so i can write much more *__*

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Ai Hashimoto *^*
arashiakb48 #2
Chapter 12: Omg i love it. It's got mystery and like romance in it. U just don't know what happens exit. I'm definently looking forward to the next update
AikoChanLove123 #3
Sugoii!! XD <3 can't wait for the next!! Please continue!! FiGhTInG!!