Chapter 10

A ghost helped me to fall in love

A week passed since what happened to Anita. She still didn´t tell anyone about it, although she lied to Mirai, saying she told it Ai. She tried not to show everyone that she didn´t feel well at all. In the night she couldn´t sleep anymore. When she woke up, she put on a lot of concealer to hide her eye rings or when she forgot it, she said she learned till the morning. When she went home, she always with Ai or she asked Tomohisa or Rina to pick her up. One time, none of the 3 had time so she tried to call Seto, but he didn´t pick up. At the end she took all her braveness and asked Juri. Of course it was awkward. Juri asked her all the time if something happened to her. Out of all people, Juri saw that something wasn´t right with her, although she didn´t want to show it, especially to him.

It was already the 10th february. Soon there would be Valentine´s day. Girls were discussing which chocolate they should make for their boyfriends or crushs. Seriously, Anita didn´t like that day. Everyone got so hyperactive or when the crushs didn´t accept the chocolate, there would be a lot of broken hearted girls.

"Ah, it´s so annoying! Can´t they be a bit quieter?" Anita yelled and threw her bag on her desk.

"Hey, hey! Calm down. It´s only once a year. By the way, did you learn again late at night?" Ai joined her best friend and sat down on her seat. Anita nodded. She already got used to it.

"Soo. Do you want to give Seto chocolate?" Ai grinned. She thought that Anite liked him much, but it only showed that she didn´t know a lot about people and their relationships.

"No, why should I? I´m not interested in him and I hate Valentine´s day." Anita rolled her eyes in annoyment.

"Aw, why? I wished I could get some chocolate from you." Suddenly Juri stood behind her and smiled sheepishly. Anita got shocked.

"Because you surprised me, I won´t give you some chocolate anymore." Anita showed her tongue.

"Not fair." Juri pouted whereupon Anita giggled at his cuteness.

"Ok. I´ll think about it again." She gave him a warm smile and Juri smiled back.

"Hey! You´ll may give him chocolate, but not Seto?" Ai yelled surprised.

"Pssht, Ai! You´re too loud." Anita looked around and saw a lot of people looking at them.

"Ha, is it my fault that she likes me more than that Seto-guy?" Juri said arrogantly.

"Hello? He is way better than you, Mr. I can´t forget my dead love and search a replacement for her." Ai said too much. Both, Anita and Juri, looked hurt.

"A-Ai! You said too much." Anita said confused. Juri just clenched his fists and walked out of the class room and left Ai and Anita dumbed.

"But it´s the truth." Ai started talking again.

"No, it´s not! How would you know it? Do you even know, how it feels like to lose someone? Please be more sensetive towards people!" Anita yelled at her and also left the class room to look out for Juri.

She walked along the corridor, tried to calm down her anger against her best friend. She suddenly remembered that she was alone. Not having someone around who could protect her of Matsumura. She felt his presence and she also heard someone steps. Getting in panic she started to run, without a goal in any direction. She then bumped into someone and fell down. As she looked up her eyes rose. The person she bumped in was no other than Matsumura Hokuto.

"Found you." He smirked while bending forward to her. Anita stood up as fast as she could, but Hokuto pinned her already against the wall.

"Don´t worry, I won´t do anything to you today. Just saying that if you tell something what I did to you, I´ll kill that person whoever it is." He whispered in her ear. Anita just gulped and nodded.

"You didn´t say it someone yet, right?" He asked worried, but it sounded so fake. Anita shook her head st response.

"Good girl." Matsumura ruffled her hair.


Juri came back from the rooftop and saw Hokuto and Anita hugging? He didn´t believed his eyes and went nearer. Then he noticed Hokuto hassled Anita.

"Martsumura! What are you doing to Anita?" He asked suspicous with fierce eyes.

"Oh Tanaka! I only confessed my love to her." Hokuto answered and smirked. But Juri felt that it was something else. He could see the fear in Anita´s eyes.

"Go away." Juri talked calm, but when he saw Hokuto didn´t move. He yelled:"Go away!"

"Yeah, yeah. I´ll go then." Hokuto smirked and left. Anita didn´t have any strength in her legs so she let herself sank on the ground. Juri walked to her and wanted to help her to stand up, but...

"Don´t touch me!" Anita tried to cover her face with her hands.

"Anita! Did he do something to you?" Juri asked worriedly, but Anita just shook her head.

"Tell me." He sounded imperious.

"H-he didn´t do anything to me." Anita stuttered.

"You´re lying. Why don´t you just trust me?" He said hurtful.

"But...but if I tell you, he will kill you and I don´t want that, because...!" Anita covered . She blushed lightly cos she was about to say Juri got important to her.

"I´m not that easy to kill and if so I´ll protect you as a ghost." He smiled warmly. Anita sobbed and sniffed. Juri searched a tissue in his jeans pocked and gave it to her.

"Arigatou." She sniffed in the tissue.

"Do you tell it me now?" Juri asked carefully. Anita wiped away the tears and nodded.

"Do you remember the day, where you came to me? When we said good-bye at the train station, I met Matsumura and he was really strange. He said crazy things and came nearer and nearer. I tried to run away, but he grabbed my hand and pinned me against a wall. Then..." She gulped:" Then he bited in my ear and covered my mouth with a tape. And started to caress my . I...I felt so weak. It was so terrible. And I was so scared to tell anyone and now he made such an announcement to kill every person whom I told. And I just told it you and now you are also in danger." Everything just bubbled out of Anita´s mouth. She was crying hard. Juri felt the anger growing in him. He wished to punch Hokuto right away for doing something like this to her.

"I´m killing that guy, before he kills me or tries to you again. That´s unforgivable!" He said in serious voice.

"No, Juri. Don´t do that! I won´t forgive myself if you killed someone because of me. Anita begged and stood up again.

"But...he isn´t it worth to live." He tried to control himself. Anita took his hand and hold it again her cheek.

"It´s okay, Juri. Just be there and protect me." She said calmly. Juri looked dazzled to her and nodded slightly.

*She is so weak yet sometimes so strong.* Juri thought sad.

"Let´s go back to class. And from now on, I´ll always bring you home and pick you up for school." Juri said already walking to the class room. Little he knew that behind Anita smiled brightly because of his sentence.


In the evening Anita layed in her bed playing with her phone. She remembered what happened today.

"So how was your day today?" Mirai suddenly appeared. Out of shock Anita dropped her phone.

"Mirai, don´t surprise me!" She said angry.

"Sorry, sorry. So how was it. You have an idiot grin since you came back? Is it because Juri brought you home?" Mirai said in a teasing voice.

"No." Anita grinned again as she remembered Juri.

"But it has something to do with him, right?" Mirai asked curious.


"Come on!" Tell me the whole story!" Mirai whined.

"Ok, ok. So it started like that..." Anita told her the whole story. Mirai´s expression switched always to surprise and angry.

"Seriously! That guy is such a freaky . I hope Juri can protect you." Mirai said worriedly.

"Don´t worry! I´m sure he will try his best." Anita comforted her.

"By the way, do you admit it now, that you are in love with Juri?" Mirai asked suddenly. Anita´s face blushed and was red like a tomato. It´s true, she is in love with Juri. She has to admit it. Juri is funny, cute, yet strong and serious and always caring. She also liked the little ert side on him.

"Yeah. I admit it." She finally confessed.

"That´s great! Do you know which day would be perfect to confess to him?" Mirai clapped her hands and winked at Anita.

"Which day? But I can´t confess to him. It is too early. And... and...AH! Just say they day!" Anita gave up searching an excuse.

"Valentine´s day." Mirai said triumphally.

"Don´t kidding me. I hate Valentine´s day."

"What? How can you hate it? It´s perfect. I wish I could had confess to Juri on that day." Mirai remembered the old days.

"When did you confess?" Anita asked curiously.

"On my birthday. The whole birthday was messed up and I thought, why don´t you try and make things worser and confessed to him. I was so shocked when he told me, he loves me too." She told her story.

"Wow. That´s so cute." Anita said fascinated whereupon Mirai bursted out in laughter. Anita stood up and walked out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Mirai asked.

"I´m going to the next konbini to buy chocolate of course." Anita smiled brightly.

"You can´t do that! What do you do when Hokuto appears?" Mirai asked worriedly.

"Don´t worry. It´s just around the next corner. And you can come with me of course. Didn´t you save me last time and also you know Juri´s favourite chocolate." Anita explained. Mirai gave up and both of them went to the konbini. Thanks god nothing happened to the way there. So now they were choosing Juri´s favourite chocolate.

"Why do you suddenly decided to make chocolate for him?" Mirai asked curiously.

"Shouldn´t be the first confession a memorable thing? Anita asked back.

"Yeah, wait! Did you say first? You didn´t confess to a boy yet? Juri is your first love? Oh my god! That is so awesome." Mirai squealed around.

"Now, stop! You´re getting annoying."

"Sorry, sorry. Are you done now?"

"Yeah. Let´s go back."

At the way home nothing happened also. Anita got back a bit of her confidence to be alone. At home, she started preparing the chocolate. Mirai observed her meanwhile. Anita was like a professional, like she did only do that for her whole life.

"Why are you so talented in it?" Mirai asked amazed.

"My dad was patissier. He taught me a lot o things." Anita smiled of the sweet memory. After an hour the chocolate was done. It smelled so adorable and it looked so good.

"Oh my god! Juri will love it!" Mirai praised the good work. And Anita smiled.




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Ai Hashimoto *^*
arashiakb48 #2
Chapter 12: Omg i love it. It's got mystery and like romance in it. U just don't know what happens exit. I'm definently looking forward to the next update
AikoChanLove123 #3
Sugoii!! XD <3 can't wait for the next!! Please continue!! FiGhTInG!!