Chapter 2

A Living Drawing? Absurd


 *First off, I'm terribly for not updating this in a while. This is only the second chapter, too... I've just really been busy with school. I'll try my best to get chapters out as soon as possible for you guys. From now until further notice, my stories will probably be updated on the weekends. I hope that you don't mind that I keep on making Dongho's personality switch every now and then XD.*
I nearly ended up dragging Dongho with me the entire way to the art store, considering he kept on getting distracted at every little thing that we came across. A little dog, that a woman was walking, came up to us and started barking. Dongho completely surprised me whenever he stood in front of me protectively. "Don't worry, Master! I'll protect you from the vile beast!" he yelled out.
I just face-palmed. The woman stared at us weirdly, before saying, "How come our kids act like this these days?" She then walked off with a huff.
After that, I sprinted to the store, fearing that he might do something else to embarrass me. I took a deep breath before entering. I didn't want to socialize with anyone, but I was just so mad. Whenever I went inside and talked to the young teenager at the register about an old lady, he said that no one on their staff met that description. I continued trying to talk to him about it, but he kept on denying what I was asking him. Finally, I just gave in and told him about how Dongho came about, but all I got in return was a creeped out look.
"Are you sure that you're alright in the head?" the young boy asked. Really? So no one was going to believe me about this? "O-of course I am!" I snapped back. It took about five minutes of us fighting back and forth for the guy to tell us to leave. I complied after sticking my tongue at him (Dongho quickly copied me by doing the same). 
My feet suddenly felt sore from walking, so I marched over to a bench and sat down. "Are you tired, Master? Do you want me to give you a massage?" I heard Dongho's voice behind my ear. Without even thinking, I nodded. I mean it couldn't be all that bad just to get a massage, right?
I was wrong.
I mean-- he did a great job massaging my back and everything, but it was just a little too great. The way that his fingers rubbed, glided, and massaged over my knots was just phenomenal. Before I knew it, I let out a long moan. I abruptly sat up and covered my mouth.  
I caught an old lady from across the street scowling at me. God, this day just couldn't get any worse.
Dongho sadly looked at me. "Why'd Master get up? I thought that Master was liking it~," he seductively cooed. I thought that he was all innocent and stuff! Did he happen to have a hidden personality? How could a freaking drawing be a ?! 
I glared at him. "Let's just go home."
Whenever I got back to my apartment, I screamed out, "Why must my life be like this?!" I then slammed down onto the couch afterwards. 
Dongho sat down on the floor and looked up at me. "Is Master sad?" he asked with a pout. "Of course!" I shouted at him with a glare. "It's all because of you, too! Why'd you have to show up? Now I'm going to have to look after someone other than myself!" I snapped. Why'd I have to get stuck with him? I've been going through enough with my parent's divorce and he clearly wasn't making anything better. That old woman swindled me. I never asked for this. 
He just grinned. "I had fun today with Master, though~." I scowled in his direction. How could he be content with making my life a wreck? 
"You're not even a someone! You're just a drawing!" I found myself yelling.
Dongho gave me solemn look before saying, "...I'm the one who's making Master sad?" I nodded my head. He was making my life a living hell. "Master's right... I am not a human." He heaved out a sigh and studied his feet. 
Afterwards, my eyes found themselves staring into Dongho's. He looked so sad and I could even catch a glimmer of shamefulness. I couldn't help but feel bad for him, you know? It's just that I didn't have time to take care of him. He didn't say anything after that, and neither did I. I soon felt guilty after I said yes to his question. Why should I care, though? He was making me seem like a creep in front of everyone... 
My eyelids were getting heavy. I glanced at my watch and noticed that it was only noon. I let out a sigh. All of this running around and trying to get Dongho to leave was making me exhausted. I decided that it would be for the best if I just got some sleep.
I woke up and found myself alone. Dongho wasn't sitting on the floor anymore. "Good riddance," I let out though a huff. He had finally left. I sauntered over to my kitchen, found some fruit snacks, and ate them hastily. I looked outside and noticed that it was already dark.
He was all alone right now. Dongho obviously didn't know how the real world worked. How would he even be able to survive out there...? I looked outside and noticed that it was rather dark outside already. 
I shouldn't care, though. 
He should mean nothing to me. I've only known him for a couple of hours. If that's so then, why am I feeling this way?
I kept on wondering about how he would fair and eventually, more and more scary thoughts came about in my mind. I couldn't just let him go out there. He wouldn't be able to survive. I guess that I was just overreacting earlier... Dongho really wasn't much of a nuisance, he just did little things here and there. I'm the only person living here, considering my dad is out working on the new resort... He could just live here. I did draw him, so I should be held responsible for him. The more that my mind dwindled on the thought of Dongho, the more scared and I got. I gradually began to feel more and more responsible for him. 
I finally decided that I might as well go and at least look for him. 
Immediately after I decided to go and look for him, I grabbed a coat, along with my purse, and raced out the front door.
I began to check only a block away from my apartment. He couldn't haven't gotten that far in just a couple of hours, right? 
After hours and hours of searching, I knew that he had disappeared more than just a couple of blocks away. My chest suddenly clenched after I realized this. 
I asked multiple people on the streets if they had seen Dongho, but almost always I got a reply of, "Dongho? Like from U-KISS? What would a star like him be doing wandering around in a tiny city like this?" I then decided to tell people that I was just looking for a boy that happened to like the real Dongho, but I still didn't get any leads. I even went by the police station and filed a report, but they said, "That might be rather hard to do, Ma'am, considering all of us are currently busy with other missing cases at the moment."
I found myself slouching down on a park bench not too long afterwards. 
Poor Dongho... I shouldn't have acted like that. I said such mean things to him... They were hings that I shouldn't said to anyone--even anything. I hung my head low and began to awkwardly study my shoes. My eyes wandered off to the brick pavement, then to the bench that I was sitting on myself... I closed my eyes for a brief moment, then flicked them open whenever I noticed that this was the bench that the both of us were sitting on earlier.
I felt a pull at my chest as I recalled Dongho giving a massage and smiling. He was just trying to make me feel better and I...
I then decided to search even harder than I did before. I literally looked everywhere, though, and I still hadn't seen Dongho. I ran about the park that we were in earlier, went to the art store that I had gotten the notebook at, and pretty much everywhere else. I noticed that it was already 4 AM and I was still looking. 
Eventually, I realized that Dongho was no where to be found. I didn't want to give up on him so easily, but in every place that I looked, he wasn't there. 
I sauntered home afterwards, still worried. Maybe I could just look for him tomorrow. I'd wake up really early and search for him.
As I arrived at my door, I got out my keys and opened my door. I changed into my pajamas as soon as I got into my room and collapsed into my bed. I stared up at the ceiling and more thoughts came into my mind... Such as, Dongho being cold and lonely, him being stuck in a crowd of people and not being sure where to go, and him being just plain scared. My hands gripped at my comforter as I felt my eyes grow moist. I wasn't really much of a crier, either... 
Look at me; I've only know this boy for a day and he's already reduced me down to this state. As a tear fell down my cheek, I slapped it, telling myself to get a hold of my emotions. 
"Why are Master's eyes dripping?"
 I could feel my eyes bulge as I continued to stare up at the ceiling. My head then immediately turned over to my right side.
Low and behold, Dongho lay next to me with a worried look on his face. 
"Oh no! I'm making Master mad again, aren't I?" he gasped out. Dongho got up from the bed immediately and started making his way towards the door.
"YOU!" I screamed out. 
I mentally sighed to myself while furrowing my eyebrows at him. I felt enraged, yet strangely relieved at the same time. "Yes, you! Where were you? Did you know how worried I was about you?!"
Dongho stuck his index finger up to his cheek playfully while pondering the thought. "Well...I was the one who made Master mad, so I just got out of Master's sight for a while," he explained with a solemn look. 
So he'd been here the whole entire time? I looked around for hours and hours and he was at my apartment the whole time. I let out a sigh. I didn't want to end up yelling at him and making him run away again. Who knows? He might actually go farther away than my apartment. I couldn't take the risk of having to feel like that again. 
"Does Master just want me to leave?" Dongho suddenly asked.
I bit my lip and looked at the ground. I could tell that he was making his way over to the door for a second time by the sound of his footsteps.What should I say? 
"No, please!" I yelped out as I made my way over to him, grabbing his arm in the process.
Dongho gave a childish smirk. "Heheh. Master doesn't want me to leave~."
I smacked him on the arm, even though he couldn't feel any pain. I rolled my eyes at him. "I'll tell my dad that I have a friend in some financial trouble and that she'll be staying with me for some time until she gets back up on her feet," I told Dongho. 
His expression brightened and he went back to his cute self. "Master really does love me!" he sang out while hugging me. 
"D-Don't touch me!"
You made a friend? My father asked from the other end of the phone.
"Oh, yeah! She was in one of my classes last year. Economic--umm--Designing! Yeah, that's it!" I shook my head in disbelief at my recent choice of words. 
Well, I guess that I'm okay with it. Just as long as her parents know about it.
He fell for that...? Oh dad, you're way too gullible. "Oh yeah! She already talked with her parents and they were just waiting on the okay from you!"
She can stay, then. I hope that you two won't get into too much trouble. Don't do drugs or alcohol...Oh, and remember to always use protect--
"--Dad!" I interrupted. I could feel my cheeks redden. "J--just stop, okay?" I glanced over at Dongho. He was turning the knobs on the gas stove and was gasping at the sudden bursts of flame emitting from it. "Oh crap, Dad! I've got to go!"
What for?
I bit my lower lip nervously. "Umm...My favorite show is just starting! G-gotta run!" I immediately hit the end call button and pulled Dongho away from the stove. He had on a giddy expression. "Master! This contraption makes bright lights!"
I shook my head. How can he be this clueless about the world...? Well, I guess that he was born just yesterday, so it makes sense that he doesn't know what a stove is. I guess that I better explain. "That's a stove, Dongho." He cocked his head to the side at the mere sound of the word. "Sh-toh-vu?" he tried to repeat, but the pronunciation came out terribly wrong. Oh, Dongho.
"No, no. Ssstttoovvee."
Okay, I guess he's a slow learner. He knows how to speak basic Korean (AKA; English in this, but it's set in Korea, so yeah...) pretty well, though. Maybe it's just the technology that we've invented that he doesn't know. "You know how to pronounce an 's' sound, don't you?"
He nodded his head profusely. "Yessssssssss."
"Good! Okay, stove starts with that sound. Then after that it's a 't' sound." I feel like a freaking Kindergarten teacher. 
"Ooo! Ooo! I know that one!"
I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. "What is it then, Dongho?"
"Tuh! Tuh! Like in tuh-morrow!"
I continued with the same method of teaching until he could say the word correctly. He knows how to pronounce the letters, he just doesn't how how the new things are spelled.
"Stove! Sttttooooveee~!" Dongho began shouting out once he could say the word correctly. "Do you want a stove? My Master has a stove! Maybe she'll let you borrow her stove.You'll have to ask for her permission first to borrow her stove, though!" 
How could he be this adorable?! 
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Chapter 3: update soon!!!! love the story!
NicLuvGuiLun #2
Chapter 3: PLEASE UPDATE >_< it's getting sooo exciting xD
Hope you'll update soon!~~ love your story btw ;)
New reader here!!
AdinaAin #3
Chapter 2: Can you actually update this? ):
Chapter 2: Oh my, this is sooooo cute! Kyaaaaaa! X3
Very very interesting.... I LOVE IT!! Please update soon
bean98 #6
So cool!
bean98 #7
This is