Chapter 3

A Living Drawing? Absurd


Haha... It's--ummm--been a long time, right? Sorry! T-T. I feel really bad. I hope that this chapter will make up for my absence :3 It's kinda short, but I wanted to hurry up and get something out for you guys. There might be some errors in it, considering I really didn't proofread it as much as usual. How're you guys feeling about the new comeback? I love the album! Dongho's hair is a little blech, but I still love him anyways. Anyways, have fun reading!
I decided that if I showed Dongho around my town, it might help him learn some things that happen daily in the real world. We were currently walking down an outlet mall district, taking in all of the things in that the shops had to offer.
I glanced back at Dongho. He stared at everything with wide eyes, occasionally letting out a gasp. I couldn't help but admit to myself that he looked cute. My mouth let out a chuckle as we continued walking. 
Going into a shop would probably help, too. I stopped at the nearest clothing store and looked in the display window.
The store was obviously meant for men, considering many suits and men's dress shirts were the highlight of the display. Did Dongho really not have any other clothes than the ones that I drew him in? I guess not. Well, I guess that some of the items would indeed look nice on him... Why not go in and look around?
"Come on, Dongho," I told him as I opened the door to the store.
He helplessly followed me with a confused look on his face. 
As we entered, I noticed many girls and their boyfriends shopping together. I scowled at them, considering I was convinced that love was just a waste of time. 
I had never dated before, nor did I really want to. I couldn't help but wonder what it would happen to be like to be in a relationship with someone, though. Holding hands, going out on dates, getting dressed up just for him... I had always secretly wanted to experience dating. I wasn't exactly the most appealing girl out there, though. I was always terribly shy in my younger years (and even now) and I wasn't exactly the prettiest girl out there. I just didn't know how to put on makeup, do my hair, etc, etc. My mother wasn't exactly around that much to help, so I just never learned. Nor did I have any friends to help me do so, either... I guess that I'm just a lost cause.
I started to take a look around and Dongho followed obediently behind me. I was relieved to notice that he wasn't wandering around. 
A cute cardigan caught my eye.
I decided to pick it up and start a pile of clothes for him to try on. I found myself picking up many things. Dongho literally would look great in everything that I decided to pick, so why not have him at least try on a few things?
At least 10 items were in my hands whenever I requested a changing room from one of the lady employees. Soon, we both arrived at an unoccupied room and I ushered Dongho inside.  
"Just come out whenever you're done changing, okay?" I commanded to him through the door. 
At least a good 5 minutes went by and Dongho still hadn't notified me that he was done. What was taking him so long? I didn't really want to barge in, but... Maybe he just didn't hear me the first time. 
"Dongho?" I questioned as I lightly knocked on the door.
I heard yelp and then a thump come out from the dressing room that he was in. Soon after, I heard Dongho whine out, "Master... I need heeelp."
Oh god. I face-palmed outside of the door. How could I just waltz right into a boy's dressing room? I couldn't. Everyone around here was looking at me ever since they heard Dongho's pleading. No, I just couldn't. I'd look a major ert.
"Dongho, I can't come in there. Just try your best, okay?" I felt like a mother.
He let out a sigh. "I jus--where do my arms go through in this thing? And how do I--," he was interrupted by a loud thud sound. I could immediately tell that something not good had just occurred, but I really didn't want to go and look. I decided that I might as well should, though. 
I squeezed my eyes shut as I turned the doorknob and entered the changing room. 
There lay Dongho sprawled out on the floor, the shirt caught on his arms with them still over his head. I could feel my inner pedo-noona want to come out, but I suppressed it to the best of my ability. As my eyes fell upon his chest though, something seemed off-putting.
He had no s.
There was just a blank, white rectangle for his chest. How come it was like that?! Then it hit me; I hadn't drawn what was underneath...his clothes. 
I quickly went back to my senses and helped Dongho up and put the shirt on properly. He dusted himself off after getting up to his feet and grinned. "Thanks, Master! You're so good at this! You should help me every day!" he chirped out, making the mood become some what awkward for me. I began rubbing my temples. Every one here probably heard what he said.
Dongho literally looked like a model practically in every thing that he wore. In one outfit, I got him a cream-colored sunhat along with some suspenders. Let's just say that I had a very hard time controlling myself. The small space that we were both in probably didn't help much, either.
We arrived at the cash register after a brutal hour of me trying to suppress my urge to not pounce and cuddle on Dongho while he was trying things on. As the lady began ringing up the clothes for Dongho, I opened and looked at the inside of my wallet.
Only a couple of dollars were in in there and I began to panic. It was obvious by the number on the cash register that the ten dollars that I had were not going to cut it. I started frantically going through multiple compartments of my wallet and I soon came across my stash of credit cards that my father had gotten me. 
I preferred not using his money and just using my own, but he always insisted that I use his. That's one more thing that I hate about him; he always throws money around as if it's nothing to him. Ever since he got that promotion at his new company, he's been seeming even more and more distant lately. Sometimes I wonder if he still is the father that I once knew... 
I reluctantly handed the woman the card. Before I even knew it, we were out of there and walking back to my apartment once more.
I couldn't believe that I was about to do this. "D-Dongho! Come here!"
As if in an instant, he appeared and sat on the floor in front of me with his legs crossed. He gave a cute salute. "YES, MASTER! WHAT DO YOU NEED?!" 
I lifted an eyebrow at him and he abruptly responded with, "I was watching a show on that thing that you told me about. What was it called again...? A tele... teler... tempa--,"
"A television?"
His eyes squinted and seemed to smile along with his mouth. "Yep! Gosh, Master, you're so smart!"
I sighed. "Okay, we have some rules to go over, mmmkay, Dongho? Nod if you understand where I'm going."
He followed as instructed and stared at me intently afterwards.
"Good." I picked up and presented a list that I made on a white board. "Now, rule number one: no more of calling me that name!"
Dongho gave me that cute, questioning look that he usually gives me whenever he was confused. "'Name'?" he asked and then paused for a moment. "Oh! Master!" 
I nodded at him. That retched name always got people looking at me weird. Not like I wouldn't get attention from being seen with a famous Korean idol, or anything, it just made me feel strange whenever he would call me that. I kind of got the feeling as if I was some some creepy kind of old woman who liked role playing with little boys. 
A thought came to my mind whenever I thought about it, though. I still really would like to have him call me noona, though. It wouldn't really harm anything, wouldn't it? A lot of girls my age have guys a couple of years younger than them call them that.
I couldn't believe that I was about to do this, but I did it anyways. "You can just call me 'Noona', okay Dongho?"
"Noona... Noona.... Noona! I like it!" he said enthusiastically
I shyly grinned at him and continued, "Next rule is: no going out and looking like yourself in public! Wear sunglasses and hats at all times when out!"
"Why can't I, Noona?" He began to pout.
I really didn't want to tell him that I drew him to look like someone else. I wanted Dongho to feel like he was the only person in the world that looked like him. He should feel like his own individual person. 
"Don't question what I tell you to do!" I demanded. "Rule #3: no going off with strangers and only go out when told!"
He nodded, signifying that he understood.
"Okay, rule #4: always listen to what I say! There will be no hesitation, you'll automatically do it!"
I think that he got the just of it.
"D-Dongho, pu-pull your shirt up higher," I stammered out to Dongho, trying to hide the fact that I was blushing. 
Currently, I was trying to draw the rest of Dongho's body that I left out. I had found the sketch pad and was working on his chest. I couldn't do this. I just couldn't, but I still was doing it. I remembered what a man's chest looked like from anatomy class, so I just went from there. 
As I draw lines on the paper, the same exact lines started appearing on the boy right in front of me. I had to erase off the clothes that I previously drew him in beforehand. Surprisingly, the left no marks on his body. No matter how hard I drew on the paper, as long as I erased it, there would be no trace of any marks that I made. Good thing that it did, considering I found myself messing up a lot.
I finally finished with his chest. Next was just the... OH, GOD, NO.
I didn't even really remember what one of those things looked like from class. I wasn't too keen on really paying any attention whenever we got to that chapter in our text books.
Should I just leave it out? No, I couldn't. It would be too degrading for a male to not have one... I could always just look up how one of them looks on the Internet... Yeah, I'll just do that.
"AH! AH! NOO!" I could hear myself screech out as I slammed my laptop closed in a hurry. 
Dongho came running over to me as soon as I screamed. "Are you alright, Noona?! Did someone hurt you? Where are they? I'll beat 'em up!"
I was too shocked to even speak. Wh-why did I even do that? I should have know that something like that would've shown up!
Dongho wasn't helping out all that much, either, considering he had my laptop in his arms and was threatening to punch it. 
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Chapter 3: update soon!!!! love the story!
NicLuvGuiLun #2
Chapter 3: PLEASE UPDATE >_< it's getting sooo exciting xD
Hope you'll update soon!~~ love your story btw ;)
New reader here!!
AdinaAin #3
Chapter 2: Can you actually update this? ):
Chapter 2: Oh my, this is sooooo cute! Kyaaaaaa! X3
Very very interesting.... I LOVE IT!! Please update soon
bean98 #6
So cool!
bean98 #7
This is