Chapter 1

A Living Drawing? Absurd


Ugh, I hope that there won't be too many people here... I awkwardly walked into my local art store, feeling nervous. I wasn't exactly what some people would label as 'social'. The world was a very scary place, and I didn't go out too much because of that. I just loved to express my feelings through pencil paper and that's what brought me here now. It was pretty late tonight, which worried me even more than usual. 

I found myself roaming throughout the paint isle. There weren't too many people here at the moment. Actually, I think that I was the only one at this place. I smiled to myself. Now I could explore this whole entire place without feeling frightened. 
I nearly screamed whenever I picked up a bottle of paint and read the price tag. Thirty bucks just for one bottle! I just got out of college and still had loans to pay, so this was way out of my price range. It must be really high quality stuff then. I sighed loudly to myself. 
"Oh my, my! Someone looks mighty upset," a voice cackled out from behind me. I jumped and turned around, only to find a scrawny, old woman. I could feel myself getting hot. I couldn't communicate with strangers, yet alone people, very well. "Umm...," I started, but she stopped me with her hand. "Poor girl. Can't afford it? Come with me."
I blinked several times to fully register what was happening when she suddenly grabbed my arm and began pulling me somewhere. 
Eventually, she stopped. I realized that we were in the back part of the store. It looked like a huge library, except filled with art supplies and not books. She wandered over to a table and moved a few books, revealing an old, dusty sketchbook. "Ah! Here we are!" she exclaimed while holding it up for me to see. "O-oh," I stuttered out as she gave it to me. She proudly beamed at me. "Now, you take good care of that."
I gave her a bewildered look and nodded. "Thank you," I spoke out and bowed. As soon as I stood up properly, the lady seemed to disappear. Maybe she was just fit for an old woman and left really quickly. I shrugged, then let out a yawn. I guess that I better get going.
I exited the store with the sketchbook at my side. Maybe all people weren't too bad.
I sat the book down on my bed when I arrived at my apartment. I pretty much forgot about it after I took my shower. After I finished drying off my hair, I found it laying right where I had left it. "Hmm...," I let out. "Well, I guess that it wouldn't hurt to at least look at it." I plopped down on my bed and opened it. This thing was weird. On the back of the front cover, I noticed some gold writing, so I read it. 
 Guild lines for the Book of Vita
1.) Draw only what you wish to come to life, nothing else.
2.) Do not damage this book in any way, unless you want to suffer the consequences.
3.) This book must only be opened and seen by the owner. If drawn in by another; the book automatically becomes their's.
4.) Keep drawings away from liquids and other hazardous materials at all times.
5.) If you are drawing a specific person or thing, please label their/its name at the top of the page, so it knows who it's addressed as. 
I laughed at this. What's 'Vita'? The author? Psh, I guess that it's some sort of child's toy. I flipped through the blank pages of the book. I probably still could make some good use of it, considering these pages look legit. 
I flipped on the TV. "Oh, it's a U-KISS concert," I told myself, feeling rather interested. The song was DoraDora and Dongho had just started rapping. Dang, he was so cute, even while performing this y dance. "Why're you so younger than me?!" I screamed out in frustration. I paused the TV when he was the only one shown. Hmm.
I frantically searched for a pencil on the desk next to my bed as I settled myself under my covers. I quickly found one and began to draw this beauty. 
As soon as I finished the basics, I began to study my creation. I had to admit, my drawing did look pretty much like the real thing. I proudly beamed to myself. Strangely, my mood suddenly worsened and I began to think about my parents. 
It's been pretty lonely ever since mom died. That was only a couple of weeks ago, too. How am I still so happy? Am I still experiencing shock, or do I...? No, I don't even want to think about something like that. I rapidly shook my head when I found my eyes growing moist. Tears suddenly began to stream down my cheeks. "Mom's funeral is coming up soon, too," I whispered to myself.  No, I shouldn't be acting like this. My eyes settled down on Dongho. "I don't want my puppy seeing me like this," I muttered as I closed the book to prevent my tears from getting on it. 
I glanced over at my alarm clock and noticed that it was way later than I thought that it was. I placed all of my utensils down on the floor, along with my sketchbook. 
I wiped my face off with the back of my hand. Maybe a night's rest will help me feel better. 
And with that, I fell asleep.

I heaved out a long yawn as soon as I got out of bed. I had woken up pretty early today for going to sleep really late last night. 
As soon as I got all of my basic necessities done, (brush teeth, put on makeup, brush hair, etc, etc) I sat down on my couch and let out a sigh. 
I was probably going no where today, as usual. Might as well work on Dongho. I trotted over to my room and picked up my sketchbook, along with a pencil and a few other things. I worked on him for a while and then stopped, wondering if I should color this or not. I decided to do it, did so, and called him done...Something wasn't complete about it, though. I thought back to those odd rules at the beginning of the book. Maybe I should write his name at the top. I mean--it couldn't hurt anything, right?
I wrote his name at the top of the page in fancy lettering. Suddenly, my stomach let out a loud growl.
I ran into my kitchen, only to find that I had almost no food. I sighed when I realized that I hadn't gone to the store in over three weeks. I searched for my keys, put on my shoes, and headed out the door to the grocery store. Hopefully, those free sample ladies won't pester me too much.
I fiddled with my keys as I tried opening the door. Through the door, though, I heard a loud smashing sound. Was there a robber in my apartment? I was suddenly stricken aback by this. I couldn't handle normal, kind strangers, so how in Earth could I handle a robber? 
I took a deep breath in as I mustered up the courage to turn the key and open the door. I quietly side-stepped over to my coat rack and fished out an umbrella. I held the umbrella like a bat and cautiously entered the living room. "W-who's there?" I yelled out, beginning to shake from fear.  
As if on command, a voice screamed out, "Master!"
I found myself cocking my head to the side. Holy crap. It is a burglar.
Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I let out a yelp as the person, obviously a male, nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. 
"Ahh!" I screamed out. The man seemed startled by this abrupt screech, so I took the opportunity given to me and I kicked him in the groin. He did let go of me, but he didn't fall onto the ground in pain, he just stood regularly as if nothing had happened. He was even smiling. 
Oh god. 
As I got a better view of his face, I knew exactly who he was... Shin Dongho.
"D-Dongho?" I questioned to him and he continued smile, he even had those cute eye wrinkles that Dongho had whenever he grinned. 
"What're you doing in my house?" I asked him immediately, the umbrella still in my hand. He chuckled ever so cutely and took a step forward. "I can finally touch you," he uttered, beginning to extend his arm. 
I just stood there, absolutely paralyzed as he caressed my cheek with his thumb. I stared up into his big, brown eyes. "Your eyes are so puffy," he softly whispered. I felt completely entranced as he continued to massage my cheek with his fingers. Abruptly, he pulled me into an embrace. "I'm here now, so no more crying," he cooed.
My phone hastily went off and I had mixed feelings about it doing so. I looked at it and gasped whenever I noticed that it was my father. 'Dongho' snatched my phone away and answered it. "Dongho speaking! What business do you have with my Master?" he chirped as I tried to grab the phone. 
"You give me that phone right now!" I yelled out.
Surprisingly, he gave it to me just like that. One simple command and he did it. As soon as I got my hands back on my phone, I frantically apologized. 
Who was that, Eun Mi? A friend of yours?
"Oh yeah! He's from next door!" I responded. I can't believe that I just covered for this man. He did look like Dongho, though, he really did.
Why did he call you 'Master'? Are you two roleplaying, or something?
I face-palmed. "Umm...We're working on my acting skills right now. I've always talked about me wanting to be an actress, haven't I?"
No...Well, I've called to tell you that they company's going to build another resort and this time in the states! Aren't you happy for me?
My facial expression darkened. "Oh? Sure, of course!"
I'm coming home later than expected... I'll call you later whenever I find out from my boss. Eun Mi, I know that you wanted me to come home and stay a while, but I just can't this time. Appa is sorry.
"It's fine. Be safe, okay?"
Of course I will. I'll get in touch with you soon. Bye.
I bit back my lip, "Bye."
He was always like this. To tell you the truth, I haven't seen my father in over a year. He's not even coming to mother's funeral...Probably too busy with his new girlfriend.
"Master, are you alright?" 'Dongho's' voice snapped me back to reality. I turned to face him. "No, you're still here. Leave," I replied sourly, pointing at the door. This time, he didn't follow my command. He pouted at me. He was way too innocent to be a burglar. "I can't leave you, Master. I love you too much~."
I felt my cheeks grow warm. "I don't even know you! Why're you calling me that name so much?" I scowled in the boy's direction. "Well, I could call you Noona, Princess, or maybe the occasional Darling. Which one do you like the most, Master?" I just merely sighed. I had to admit, I always found myself wondering what it would be like to experience Dongho calling me Noona. I couldn't let this Dongho look-a-like know that, though. 
"You look like Dongho, but you aren't him. Fess up and tell me your real name."
"But my name is Dongho! You of all people should know, Master!" he retorted, shaking his arms around like a five year-old. "Fine! I'll show you!" He stomped off into my bedroom. "Hey! What do you think that you're doing in there?!" I questioned.
He emerged from my room, my sketchbook in hand. 'Dongho' flipped to the first page and presented it to me.
There was nothing there. The picture that I drew of Dongho from U-KISS was no longer there. I marched up to him, took the book, and flipped through the pages. There was no picture of him. So, this boy right in front of me was the picture version of Dongho that I happened to draw last night? I took a good look at his face, noticing a spot on his cheek. I had accidentally gotten pen on Dongho's cheek in my drawing.
"So you came from there?" I pointed to the book and he nodded. I knew that lady was bonkers. 
I grabbed Dongho's hand, making his gasp from the sudden movement. "We're taking you back," I informed him.
"Ooo~! So we're going on a trip?"
"Yeah--you could say that it's like that."


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Chapter 3: update soon!!!! love the story!
NicLuvGuiLun #2
Chapter 3: PLEASE UPDATE >_< it's getting sooo exciting xD
Hope you'll update soon!~~ love your story btw ;)
New reader here!!
AdinaAin #3
Chapter 2: Can you actually update this? ):
Chapter 2: Oh my, this is sooooo cute! Kyaaaaaa! X3
Very very interesting.... I LOVE IT!! Please update soon
bean98 #6
So cool!
bean98 #7
This is