
Need You Now




*Da Hye*


She couldn’t sleep. It was a quarter past one according to her bedside clock.

She sighed. It was gonna be one of those sleepless nights. She could hear the song on the radio.

She got out of bed and crossed her bedroom to the nearest light switch. In a couple of seconds, light flooded the room.

She figured there was no hope to fall asleep at this time and fixed herself a cup of hot tea. 

As she slowly dipped the tea bag on the hot water, she turned around and saw the reason for all her sleepless nights.

Their pictures were still scattered on the floor just as she left them a few hours ago.

She sipped the hot tea before contemplating on looking at the pictures again.

Soo Ri, her best friend said it was stupid to dwell on the past. Nothing ever happened with the fact that she’s been obsessing about him for the past few days.

She silently picked up one of the pictures scattered on the floor.

In the picture, there were two smiling faces seemingly trying to annoy her.

The girl in the right, with the chic top and blonde hair was her. A very different girl from who she was now.

You’d never think she was the same person if you met her at present.

The lousy ponytail and fluffy orange slippers proved it.

But once in her life, she considered herself y, even hot. At least, that’s what he said.

And the guy at her left in the picture, that was him.






He took another shot of whiskey. The hot liquid came down easier than his first few shots.

He sighed as he looked at his two best friends flirting with two girls in the corner. It was gonna be one of those drunken nights.

He turned to look at the door one more time. A group of girls came inside the bar giggling. 

He spotted one with bright blonde hair. 

He shook his head to get the alcohol out of his head.

He stared at the girl one more time. No, it wasn’t her.

He got back to downing one more shot.

He was definitely going to get drunk tonight. 

It was just one more night without her.




*Da Hye*

She sipped the last of her green tea before placing the "I love TV" cup on the table.

She carefully slipped out of her sitting position and walked towards her room.

The first thing she saw hanging in her open closet was the dress.

She stared at it before removing it from the hanger.

It was what she wore the first time she met him.

It wasn’t like anything she had ever worn before.

Yet Soo Ri said it brought out her figure. 

She even allowed Soo Ri to style her hair. A few strands of auburn framed her face.

When she got inside the bar, he was the first thing she saw.

A guy in a white v-neck shirt with blue blazer and acid wash jeans was staring at her from one of the stools next to the bar.

She stared at him with a confused look on her face. A guy like him could not possibly be looking at her.

She took a deep breath when she saw him walking towards her.

She couldn’t believe it. He asked her to dance and they danced the whole night.

And that’s what happened the next few nights. They met in that bar every night. They never actually talked too much. 

They just wanted to be close to each other.

That’s the reason why he never knew that the person he thought was her, was fake.

She could never tell him that the real her was different from the girl he met at the bar.

She was just a boring office secretary who didn’t even know how to dress up. He’d never like that.

She was content to be that to him until the day he found out.

And she just couldn’t show herself to him anymore.

Still, every sleepless night, every time she was all alone, she thought of him.

And she wondered if she ever crossed his mind.




He was thinking about her again. He knew he was a little drunk and he was being stupid.

There were lots of other girls inside the bar that he could just have one night with.

Yet he knew all he wanted was her.

He thought about the last time they had danced together.

She was wearing these black tube top and skinny jeans. She always looked so perfect.

But when they danced, there was something different about her. 

She always seemed out of place and fidgety. As if she wasn’t used to a man’s attention.

But he didn’t care. It was all for the better. He always felt as if she was just his.

Yet one day, she just disappeared. She never came by the bar again.

He waited for her every night but she never came back.

He wondered if he ever crossed her mind.

He said to himself that he wouldn’t call her, but he lost all control and dialed her number.

Her phone rang.

She fought all control but she just couldn’t do it. 

She reached for it and saw his name on the screen and answered his call.


"Da Hye-ah, it’s me…" the deep voice said.

"I know." She answered.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"At home. Where are you?" She asked, hearing the loud background music at the other end.

"At the bar." He answered in a slurry tone.

"Are you drunk?" she asked him with her brows together.

"No. Well, maybe a little." He said with a low chuckle.

"Why did you call?" She asked, with a hurt expression.

"Da Hye, I need you." his voice droned at the other end.

"Channie, I’m just not sure you understand…" she tried to explain.

"I don’t care Da Hye. I need you. Now." He said.

"It’s late. I’ll just call you later." She said before hanging up the phone.

It was 2 in the morning and she knew it was stupid but she was still there.

She didn’t bother to put on any make-up and she didn’t fix her hair. She put on a black t-shirt and jeans and walked inside the bar.

He was waiting for her.

"You came…" he said, staring at her.

"Yeah. I guess I’d rather hurt than feel nothing at all." She mumbled.

"What do you mean?" He asked, in a confused tone.


"This, this is the real me Chanyeol. Not the girl you met before." 

"Da Hye, what makes you think that’s who I want?" he asked her.

"Well, who wouldn’t want her? But can’t you see? You liked me because I was her. It’s just… I can’t keep pretending to be her anymore." She said.

"Da Hye-ah, I don’t like you because of your clothes." He said, matter-of-factly.


"Then you still want me?" She asked.


"I don’t just want you Da Hye. I’ve realized these past few nights without you how much I need you. It’s just not the same without you." He said.


He pulled her into his arms for another dance.


"Wow, you’re stupid, Chanyeol. You should have chosen her." She said with a funny expression on her face.


"What do you mean? I still have her…right here." He said while drawing near her lips for a kiss.


"Now, can you please shut up? I just wanna stare at you all night." He said, before pulling her closer in his arms.





Yeeyy . That's all . :))) I know , Lame . -____-

It's just a random idea that pops in my mind . *sigh*

Anyway , Thanks for reading my Oneshot Story :)

See you in my next EXO BIAS story . ILOVEYOU :** EXO LOVE :D

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Chapter 2: DAEBAK~! :))
Chapter 2: Aigooo...such a cute Yollie!!! (✽˘⌣˘✽)
Cute :3 ...~

Great job ~