Rooftop of Hope


"That rooftop was the most unusual place to stay, but unexpectedly, I found my character on this place. Thanks to this guy!"

Eunice (you) is an ill-tempered college student who usually gets frustated everytime she's unable to meet her parent's expectations. She almost lost hope when suddenly, on one unusual day, she met a wierd talented guy named Chanyeol, who plays in a band. He helps her out by composing songs until she realize her life's importance, and probably fall for him. 

A/N:I'll be putting my author's note here. Another EXO fanfic, guys! Thank you everyone for the comments on my previous one shot stories! *showers everyone with hearts* That was my first time but your comments helped me! And I hope you read this! XDD About the "capture a Stare", I'll still be thinking about the sequel you wanted. XDD but this time, I'll practice writing more stories and I'll start on this! :))) I don't know how this'll be like when it's done. I'll be editing this description and the characters if there will be changes on the plot (or maybe the title), so watch out~ XDD


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NiKhao #1
Commenting again now~
I hope your/my(?)dad is okay! xD
And to meet Chanyeol again, I wonder what he is up to!
Anyway, great update~ n___n
NiKhao #2
This chapter was too cute! Chanyeol you're so cheeky!~
I look forward to more :D <3
SHINexoBLAQbang #3
Hehe, cute c: