part 4

Hello to my self

Some of the students already performed in front of the judges who are their teachers as well. The other students who was waiting for their turn staying at the back stages. Some of them keep practicing and some of them just praying. Hyukjae trying to calm himself, he is not alone now, he has Donghae, and he can’t let Donghae fail.

Hyukjae looked at Donghae who always beside him all along, he feel so touched because it’s the first time someone support him beside his family. He is wondering why Donghae sacrificed himself for him. For Hyukjae the loser in this school.

“Hyuk, it’s our turn” Donghae said. And at the same time, he felt his hand trembling so badly, cold sweats started dripping on his face and his breath quickened. This always happened to him whenever he is going to perform, he tried to put the suggestion on his mind trying to put an idea on his mind to make him thinks that no one else is in the room beside Donghae in himself. But he can’t. Damn!


Hyukjae didn’t know how he managed to walk to the stage, it’s probably Donghae who dragging him along. He can see how many audiences there. And people started whispering something to their friends. Should I say that this is the most anticipating performance in this period. ‘The loser and The prince stage’

‘okay this is it Hyukjae!’

Music started playing. A soft melody now ringing in Hyukjae’s ears. He can see Donghae start dancing his part. Pumping his chest when the music turned in to the upbeat one. Donghae really talented, every dance step screams awesomeness. He looks so charming no wonder he is the prince.

Hyukjae gulped when Donghae moonwalking to him. It means that It’s Hyukjae’s turn.

Hyukjae started dancing, he tried to dance like how he did it during the practices with Donghae, he moved along with the music.


Now they were at the waiting room, all the students waiting for the announcement. The teachers or the judges here will tell them how are their performance today. Eventhough it’s just the pretest, they all are so worried,

One by one being called, some of them went back with the smiles on their face, some of them looking down.

“Lee Donghae and Lee Hyukjae” Donghae looked up when he heard his name being called, he pulled Hyukjae’s hand and started walking to the room where the judges are.

Donghae and Hyukjae standing in front of the judges.

“Okay.. we already watched your performance earlier, and as you all know. If you want to pass the performance test, you need a good concept, great performance, and a good team work” Mr. Shin the judges from Dance department said.

“Right, and Donghae, like usual you doing great, your dance and your knowledge toward music is really no joke. You’re really talented.” Now, it’s Ms. Han from music department. The other judges nodded, agreed with Ms. Han.

“Hyukjae.. it’s good to see your dance improving”

“Ah yes.. Donghae help me to learn a new steps”

“I see.. But, there’re still so many things you have to learn. You need to be more confident too, I can see that you missed the rhythm when you’re dancing. You missed some dance steps too. And I’m really sad to announce that both of you are failed in this pretest. Donghae is great, but this is a duet performance so you need a good teamwork to pass.” She said

Hyukjae lowered his head, and Donghae bit his lips.

“I hope both of you learn from this pretest, and we are here expect to see your good performance in the final test” Mr. Lee or Heechul as the judges for their performance said.

“Now, you can leave the room”


Well.. news spreads really fast, Hyukjae walked to the school and he can hear people whispering behind him, something like ‘see.. Donghae failed because of him, uuh I can’t believe it Donghae have a bad luck because of him’

He tried to ignore them and walking fast toward his locker. But more people whispering behind his back, he bit his lips and opened his locker, taking some books and walked to his class.

He just take a few steps when he suddenly hear a music ringing on his ears, he looked up to find Donghae putting his headphone on him. “Ignore those people” he said while taking his hand and pulling him to the school garden.

“Donghae, we have a class” Hyukjae said

“We don’t have any lesson left right? So we don’t need to attend the class. Let’s just take some time to refresh your mind and practice”



Donghae laying on his back, under the tree that protect him from the sun. Hyukjae sat beside him.

“I’m sorry..” Donghae looked up when he heard Hyukjae apologizing

“What for?” he can’t help to ask

“You failed because of me”

“It’s just a pre-test Hyukjae, not the real test. And stop it! You didn’t do anything wrong”

Donghae said, getting irritated.

Hyukjae closed his eyes, feeling the fresh air that blow to his face.

“I always like dancing and music since I was a little” he said.

Donghae hummed to tell him that he was listening.

“Probably it because of my mom. Dad didn’t like my decision to enter this school. He always want his sons to be a business man like him. My brother become a music teacher, so my father’s hope is only me. But, when I said that I want to be like my brother, he was so upset. I love my father, I really love him since he was the only parent I have. But still I want to pursue my dream so I begged to him.”

Hyukjae now lying beside Donghae

“eventually he said yes. Agree with my decision. He said ‘go pursue your dream and make me proud but if you’re failed you have to follow my wish to be a business man’”

Hyukjae can feel that his eyes watered, and before he know it he sobbed.

“I think, I was born to be a businessman not to be a dancer”




A:N: "Hides*


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257471 #1
Chapter 4: hope hyuk and hae will pass the final...looking forward :)
MeinAltire2 #2
Chapter 4: Oooh poor hyuk, don't worry hae will help you...
waiting for the next update
barani #3
Chapter 4: ohh hyukii don't say that donghae help you to pursue your dream don't give up. ..
thanks author nim
please update soon
MeinAltire #4
Chapter 4: Owwww hyuk please don't be sad...You can do it!!
can't wait for the next update, good luck
cloud_melo #5
Chapter 4: hyukkie dear please don't give up you still have a chance just be confident with yourself and you'll doing good,,,,
Chapter 4: i want you become business man and dancer hyuk... XD
I always feel sad when a parent don't have inheritance..
risehyuk86 #7
Chapter 4: hi im new reader here, i like this story, cant wait for next chapter!!
Chapter 4: hyukkie should be more confidence about his talent and stop being so shy, glad to know that hae was there to help him~~
Update author-nim.
hyukbb #10
hyukkie, have some confidence in yourself!~~