gave up

Hello to my self


hear the song from here


Hello, this is June 2012

Do you know what?i’m here all alone, like yesterday, like usual

I’m Hyukjae, a boy who have a dream to become a dancer.

But where am i? how close am I to the dream that I wanted so bad?

It’s so far, too far for me to reach it.


I walked to my class, the lunch time is almost over, I don’t have a friend, not even one..

My school is an art and entertainment school, but I’m the only one who didn’t have a talent here.

I arrived at my class, I was about to sit on my chair when one of my classmate approached me

“hyukjae . Mr. Park want to see you in the music’s room” he said and left before I could even say  ‘thank you’

I hurriedly go to the music room, I hope something bad not gonna happen to me.

I knocked the door and standing nervously in front of the door, Mr. Park opened the door and let me enter the room.

“Hyukjae” Mr Park called me seriously

“yes sir”

“I’m sorry but I have to tell you this”

“what’s wrong?” I asked him nervously

“Hyukjae, you have to pass the next exam because if you are not, I’m afraid that you should leave this school” I frozed.

“I know that your scores in theory is really good, but it’s not enough Hyukjae.. you know this is an entertainment school, so your performance is more important”

“i… but-..” I felt my lips trembling

“the next exam is in three weeks.. we’ll have a mini showcase, prepare yourself hyukjae and find a partner because this is going to be a duet performance”

“partner?” my whole world is falling down, I don’t have a friend . no one want to be my partner. I’m always alone in every performances and I kept failing again and again.

I could feel my tears brimmed in my eyes, I bit my lips.

“hyukjae I know you can, you can pass it! Trust yourself” I shook my head

“I can’t sir..”

“then just gave up hyukjae” I heard Mr. Kim said it. I just realized he was here sat near the piano.

“just gave up” he said again

I can’t hold my tears anymore..

“come with me hyukjae” I bowed to Mr. Park and followed Mr. Kim to his room


Mr. Kim stared at me seriously, as I’m crying hardly.

He took me to his embrace and patted my back

“hyung..” I sobbed

“hyukjae, don’t be like this. Hyung don’t want to see like this. You promised right? You promised me and appa that you will show us you are going to be a dancer.”

“heechul hyung..”

“ you should trust yourself and show the others that you can, or else just give up and back to appa” I cried hard and hugged heechul hyung tightly.

Yes heechul hyung is Mr. Kim. He is a music teacher here..


“Dad I want to go to Seoul Entertainment school” I said

We were in the living room. My father , my brother and me always spent our time together. My mother left since I was ten years old. My brother said she left because she want to pursue her dream, she is a singer, I don’t know where she is now.

Dad looking at me sternly “are you serious hyukjae? Dad didn’t allow you to go there”

“oh please dad, I beg you I want to go there, I want to pursue my dream dad, I want top become a dancer”

“No! are you want to become a famous dancer then you will leave me like your mother ?”

“Dad! I’m not going to leave you !”

“NO! your brother want to become an actor too, why all of you want to be famous like your mother? Didn’t you want to become like me? A business man?” Dad was so upset.

“Dad please, it’s my dream to become a dancer”

“are you have a talent to dance? I never see you dance hyukjae. No I’m not going to let you! You will go to the business school!” I’m starting to cry. I know that I don’t really good at dancing, but whenever I saw people dancing I always feel so happy and energized, it’s like boosting my mood.

“Dad, just let hyukjae be..” I heard heechul hyung said

Dad sighed, “Alright. I’ll let you. But you must prove that to me that you can be a great dancer, if you fail I’ll bring you back and you should listen what I want, you should become a business man.”

I nodded “thank you dad, I love you “ I hugged him tight


to be continue

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257471 #1
Chapter 4: hope hyuk and hae will pass the final...looking forward :)
MeinAltire2 #2
Chapter 4: Oooh poor hyuk, don't worry hae will help you...
waiting for the next update
barani #3
Chapter 4: ohh hyukii don't say that donghae help you to pursue your dream don't give up. ..
thanks author nim
please update soon
MeinAltire #4
Chapter 4: Owwww hyuk please don't be sad...You can do it!!
can't wait for the next update, good luck
cloud_melo #5
Chapter 4: hyukkie dear please don't give up you still have a chance just be confident with yourself and you'll doing good,,,,
Chapter 4: i want you become business man and dancer hyuk... XD
I always feel sad when a parent don't have inheritance..
risehyuk86 #7
Chapter 4: hi im new reader here, i like this story, cant wait for next chapter!!
Chapter 4: hyukkie should be more confidence about his talent and stop being so shy, glad to know that hae was there to help him~~
Update author-nim.
hyukbb #10
hyukkie, have some confidence in yourself!~~