
Just Because of A Simple Letter


   “Haish.That test is so bothersome! After we pass this test we have to do another test. I’d rather fail!” Joohyun and her best friends were very stressed by the test that their teacher gave.

   “I really hate the new ‘studying’ system.  It is so stressful and with all the projects that we have to do, there is no time to relax. We also have to go to our trainings. And now we have to send a letter to someone and if that someone doesn’t answer, we fail. “One of her friends, Park Jin Young said.

“I’ve got an idea, how about we just fail so that we don’t have to do any other test.”  Lee Harin a.k.a HL suggested.

 “How?” Jang Geu Rim asked, slightly interested.

“How about we write letters to idols? They will be too busy to reply.” HL said with a slight smirk.

“You know, we could just not write the letters. And did you forget who our siblings are? They can just easily reveal us.” Geurim stated in a cold tone.

“You are right, Rim. But, if we refuse to write the letter, we will be scolded by those teachers. But if did and didn’t get any replies than the teachers won’t be mad at us. And we can just beg them not to reveal anything.” Jin Young said with her soft voice.

“What do you think, Jian?” HL asked Joohyun. “Why are we calling her Jian again?” Geurim asked with her eyebrows raised. “Because Jian is my version of Jiānhùrén which is a mandarin word and the meaning is guardian or Suho.” HL smirked and looked at Joohyun who was lying on her back on the bed.

“Earth to Jian. I asked you a question.” HL said, punching Joohyun’s arm.

She sat up, startled. “I’m sorry, what?” She asked with a confused expression.

The three snickered and said, “You were thinking about Suho, right?” at the same time. Joohyun blushed and shook her head from left to right. “Okay, we’ll stop teasing, for now.” Geurim said with an evil smirk.

 “I asked you, whether we should follow my idea or Geurim’s idea.” HL asked again. “Although I’m not sure what the idea is. I have learned that when it comes to Geurim and HL, it’s better to choose HL. Sorry, girl.” Joohyun said, ‘wisely’. Geurim glared at her but silently agreed.

“So what’s the idea?” Joohyun asked, still not knowing anything.

“Let’s write to idols so that they won’t answer and we will fail. After that, we don’t have to do another test.” Jinyoung explained.

Joohyun’s jaw dropped open. “Are you crazy?! What if our siblings found out about it? They will totally be mad. You know how they are when it comes to educational issues.” *Although Yeol oppa never even cares.*

 “Then we have to use our secret card. Cry and then say stuffs about how teenagers these days have it rough.” Jinyoung said with her rare smirk.

“So we have to act?”Joohyun’s lips were starting to curve upwards. She loved acting. Well, she’s a major in acting. The other three nodded, knowing that she will agree with them after that. “Then I’m in. How about we write the letters together? I’ll go take some papers.” Joohyun said and hurried off to find some papers.

They were at her parents’ house to find some peace. “I sometimes worry about her. You just include the word ‘act’ in your sentence and she will agree to do anything that you ask her to do.” Geurim said, shaking her head.

“Yeah.” The other two said and high fived.”Okay, let’s start!” Joohyun said when she came back to her room. They lay on the floor and took one piece of paper each. “So to whom shall we send it to?” HL asked with her ‘proper’ voice.

The others rolled their eyes. “I pick Key!” Jinyoung said excitedly. “Then I pick Dongwoon.” Geurim, the ice princess said quickly. “Can I write to Block B’s Zico?” HL said.

The others nodded in approval. They knew that she had a crush on him ever since he debuted and the fact that her sister was Zico’s close friend made them close too.

“How about you, Jian?” Jinyoung asked. Joohyun blushed and looked away, muttering the words ‘I don’t know.’

“It’s obvious that she wants to write to Suho. She just doesn’t want to admit it.” Geurim teased.

“That’s not true!” Joohyun objected. “Okay, let’s play rock, paper, and scissors. If I win, you have to write to Suho but if I lose, you’re free to write somebody else.” HL said, holding her hands out. 

Joohyun bravely held her hands out and both of them shouted ‘rock, paper, scissors’ out loud. Joohyun held out scissors while HL held out a rock. Joohyun’s jaw fell and her eyes widened. The others smirked and covered their ears with their hands.

“Oh ttttttttt!” Joohyun shouted in a dramatic manner.

The three girls high fived each other and laughed at her misery. “You know you want to.” Jinyoung said. “Fine, I do. But what if he found out about my feelings.” Joohyun said worriedly. “Then that will be great!” Geurim said.

Joohyun finally gave in and said, “Let’s just start writing. Wait, we’re forgetting someone. Where’s Junsung?”

“He went shopping with the girl that he was crushing on. Tough luck, he just have to do the letter all by himself.” Geurim said with a poker face but she was laughing evilly inside. *Serves you right for ditching us for another girl that doesn’t even deserve you.*

“Okay first, we tell them that we aren’t being obsessed fan girls and then we tell them our reason of writing the letter. And then you can write whatever you want. Maybe a love confession.” HL said and smirked at Joohyun.

Joohyun hit her head and said, “Speak for yourself.”

They started writing the letter in silence and after that they searched for envelopes to put the letters in. All of them walked to the buildings that the idols lived in and passed the letters to the person who does the errand for the idols and they went back to their own home to rest.

After freshening up, Joohyun laid on her bed thinking about the letter that she sent to Suho. *I hope he doesn’t tell Yeol oppa about the letter. Why do I have such a stupid brother? All he cares about is himself.* She sighed and tried to get some sleep.

At the EXO Dorm (8:15 am)

Loud shouts of happiness were heard all through the dorm.

“We’ve got letters!” Baekhyun and Xiumin shouted in excitement, waking up all the other members. “You guys are so noisy, we need to sleep. How dare you bother us on a resting day?” Luhan roared.

He definitely was not a morning person. Xiumin was unfazed by his temper because he was always like that in the morning but Baekhyun was a bit scared but since Xiumin was there with him, he was less scared and just ignored Luhan too.

The others woke up and sleepily went to the living room to see what all the commotion was about.

 “Why are you guys so loud? You interrupted Kai’s sleep. You know that he slept very late last night because of practice. Go apologize.” Kris said and pointed to Kai’s bedroom where he was trying to go to sleep again as he slept at 4 in the morning after practicing a lot.

The three went to Kai’s room with their head hung low and apologized to him.

Kai didn’t really care and just asked them to let him sleep. They went to the living room and saw the others going through the mass pile of fan mails and presents. They squished into the circle and started searching for their presents and letters too.

Chanyeol who was really excited searched the pile very carefully, trying to memorize the fans’ names.

*Wait, Park Joohyun?* He thought when he saw an enveloped letter. It was for Suho so he thought that it was just a coincidence that the fan had the same name as his sister. “JoonMyun hyung. This letter is for you.” He handed the letter to Suho without a second glance. Suho took the letter happily and thanked him.

*Park Joohyun?! Is it her? Maybe it’s just a coincidence.*he secretly glances at Chanyeol who was too busy fan girling over the presents.

He was slightly hoping that the Joohyun that gave him the letter is Chanyeol’s sister. He had felt some kind of attraction towards her when they first met. He wasn’t sure what kind of feelings it was.

He was jealous when he saw her with other guys but he gets annoyed by her sometimes because she always seems to be avoiding him.

He continued collecting his letters and presents silently, deep in thoughts.Sehun was in a good mood and helped Tao put Kai’s presents and letters away so Suho and Kris, the leaders, didn’t have to worry about it. All the members claimed some private spot for them to check the presents out and Suho chose the dorm’s mini library.

Well it wasn’t actually mini and the dorm wasn’t actually a dorm either. It was more like a semi big bungalow. He opened the presents first and took his time admiring them. He was thankful that he had supportive fans but he was a bit worried that those fans would turn into obsessive ones.

But he had a motto that he wanted to stick with and it is, ‘I won’t care about the pass and I won’t care about the future, I will just care about now.’

After opening all the presents he started reading the letters but saved the Joohyun one for last.

He read all the letters with full affection. And when it came to the Joohyun one, his heart did a flip and his hands became cold. He slowly opened the letter and experienced the shock of his life. The letter read;

Dear Suho Oppa,

Before I start, I would like to say that I’m NOT one of those obsessed fan girls who have nothing to do but go all stalker on you every day. I’m just a normal fan girl that will change from one fandom to another without thinking twice about it.

So the reason that I’m writing you this letter is to show my support to my brother’s band mate. Actually, I’m bluffing. The real reason is; I have a test and it requires us to send a letter to someone and if that someone answers our letter, we pass the test. But that’s the thing, I don’t want to pass. I can’t take it. So I and my friends decided to send letters to idols so that they won’t answer us because of their busy schedule. So please don’t answer this letter. Wait; do you know who I am? Stupid me, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Park Joohyun, Chanyeol’s younger twin sister. I’ve been to the dorm a couple times but I don’t know if you know me. Oh who am I kidding, I go there almost every week.

 Anyways, nice to meet you! ^__^

By the way, I go to Korea National University of Arts too. I also major in acting. Room 2-1. Mr. Moon JoonSu.

                                                                                                                          Sincerely not yours,

                                                                                                              You know my name.

He had mixed feelings while reading the letter. Happiness; because she was the one who wrote it. Anger; because she is not being serious about her studies. And annoyance; because she thought that he didn’t know her.

Because she didn’t notice that he was looking at her almost every minute whenever she came to the dorm.

He got up and went to Chanyeol, bringing the letter with him. Without a word, Chanyeol read the letter. After reading it, he sighed and rubbed his temples.

Stress was starting to build up inside him. “I’ll call her over immediately.” He said with his deep, stressed voice. He wiped his phone out and died her number. After the third ring, she answered with a bored tone.

“What do you want? I’m kind of busy.” She said, making an excuse. Truthfully, she just lied because she was too lazy to talk to her brother. She can feel him smirk on the other line. He snorted and roared, “Busy doing what?! Failing?!” .She was very surprised and just kept her silence.

“Park Joohyun you come over right now!” He demanded. She sighed. *Suho probably showed him the letter.* “Okay, just wait a few minutes.” She disconnected the other line and shut the TV off before making her way to the front door and into her car.

She raced to the dorm because Chanyeol sent her warning messages telling her to hurry up.

 Once she stepped into the dorm, long arms pulled her into the living room quiet harshly. “What the hell do you want from me?” She asked with her unusual cold tone. Chanyeol raised his hand and slapped Joohyun across the face. The 10 other boys who were also in the room were quiet surprised and mortified. Suho especially. He felt really guilty for bringing this upon her but all he could do was to stare.

To be honest, Chanyeol was too. He had never slapped her before and he couldn’t believe he did. Joohyun’s tears were already falling- not because she was sad, but because she was angry.

She slowly looked at Chanyeol with a death glare. She didn’t have to look up that much because she was only 15-17 cm shorter than he was.

“How dare you touch me? All 20 years of my life, no one has touched me like that before, not even our parents!” She shouted.

“So who are you to do that to me? You’re a stranger who only comes home 4-5 times a year. And your house is not even that far. I was the one that I had to go searching for you whenever I wanted to see you! You know nothing about what’s going on in my life! All you care about is your ing career! Do you remember my favorite color? My favorite number? Do you even know my ing name?!” She continued, hatred dripping from her voice.

Chanyeol was hurt by all her accusations but he knew that they weren’t really accusations because they were real except for the name one of course.

Tears were slowly dripping from his eyes. “That’s not it, Joohyun-ah.” He tried to deny it, just because he was selfish. Joohyun who couldn’t take it anymore pushed him to the floor with all the strength that she had and punched his face over and over again. “Don’t deny it, you bastard! You’re like ignoring me one moment and then you’re all hysteric the other because of my studies?!” The boys finally couldn’t just watch them and pulled them away.

“Stop it Park Joohyun!” Suho shouted to stop her from struggling. He was hugging her waist from behind to stop her from going to Chanyeol again. At his voice, she stopped. Suho took the chance and lifted her up and brought her to his room to cool her down. He sat her on his bed and she took a deep breath to calm herself down.

After a few minutes of silence, she got up and said, “I’m leaving. Tell him to never come home again. Well, if he ever planned to.”  Suho was debating in his head, whether to make her stay or not. He was already sure of his feelings for her when he saw her crying. It broke his heart.

He knew, someone wise probably would not confess during a moment like this but he just had to. So he asked her to stay.

“Joohyun-ah, I need to talk to you.” He said softly but she heard it anyways.  

She almost instantly spun around and looked at him with wide eyes, “About what?” She stuttered a bit but managed to calm down. “Sit down.” He patted the space next to him and Joohyun sat down.

“I’ll apologize for Chanyeol; it’s just that he is very strict when it comes to education. It’s because that he doesn’t have the time to go to school and live like a normal teenager so he really envies you. Besides, denying is the only way that he can forgive himself.” Joohyun just stared at the door. *I know, he told me that before. But he shouldn’t just get mad at me just because of a letter.* She thought.

“So can you make up with him?” Suho asked. At that time, Chanyeol went into his room,

“Hyung, I wa- “he stopped talking when he saw Joohyun. “Aish, my throat really hurts. I’m going to go get some water.” Suho said and rubbed his neck. *I guess I’ll just have to do this another day.* he thought. He was silently cursing Chanyeol but he knew he had to let it go.

When Suho left, silence invaded them.

“I’m sorry.” Both of them said at the same time. They got up and got all emotional, hugging each other and crying their eyes out asking each other if it hurt when they hit each other. All the other EXO members where secretly watching from the door and were rolling their eyes at the two.

After they pulled away, Chanyeol promised to go home every month even every week if he was not busy with his schedule.


After 3 months

Suho’s P.O.V

Hmmm, I miss Joohyun. Ever since that day, she only comes to the dorm when EXO M is also there, basically, once every 2 months. And when she comes, she comes to me and asked how I was doing and went to Kris, hugging him and stuff.

I was jealous but I couldn’t really do anything.

Chanyeol seemed cool about it, though.

Today, we’re having a free day. EXO M is with us so we went out to a nearby hangout spot. We wore things that could cover up our face so that our fans wouldn’t recognize us and we succeed! When we reached the place, we saw a girl, crying while squatting and hiding her face. Her friends were in a circle and were trying to comfort her. Suddenly, I felt the boys pulling me to a hiding spot. Wait, are we going to eavesdrop on them? Ooo, I like this.

No one’s P.O.V

After Joohyun ended the phone call with her best friend’s brother, tears started to drop from her eyes. A lot of thoughts were going through her head. *Why didn’t he tell me? Why did I have to hear from his brother?*

After a few seconds, she had already started sobbing and her friends tried to comfort her without noticing that there were 12 boys looking at them.

A male voice interrupted them. Junsung.

“Hye, guys. Why is she crying?” Joohyun’s friends got up and hissed at the male. “It’s because you didn’t tell her that you were getting married! She just had to hear from your brother!”  The male softened and gently pulled the girl up. She was looking down and tears were still flowing.

He lifted up her chin with his index finger and looked in her eyes.

He knew, she wasn’t crying for another reason, but it was just because that he was her best friend ever since they were little kids and she was the last one to know about something so important.

“Why didn’t you tell me? I just had to hear it from your jerk of a brother.” Joohyun asked with her voice slightly raised. “I’m sorry. I thought that it wasn’t important.” Joohyun practically blew up, “Not important?! Who the are you trying to kid?”

“Park Joohyun, your language!” Geurim shouted.

“Okay, I know I did something wrong. I apologized didn’t I? What more do you want from me?”  Junsung said with a begging voice.

Joohyun stopped crying and looked into his eyes, “You’re right. Why am I crying?” All of them sighed in relief. Junsung and Joohyun hugged each other tightly and said ‘I’m sorry’ to each other. It was a requirement that they agreed on. Every time they fought, they would apologize to each other and hug tightly.

“Joohyun!” A very familiar voice called. All of them looked at the direction of the voice and saw Kris smirking at them. “Ayo wattup Kris?!” Joohyun hollered in excitement. “Ayo wasssuuuup.” He said with another smirk.

“Guys, come out from there.” Joohyun said and looked at the bush behind Kris.

 Chanyeol stood up and waved at her. “How did you know, baby girl?!” He asked excitedly. “Dudes, you guys do realize that that bush is like only ¼ of your height, right? I can see your heads peeking out even when you’re squatting like that. Especially you Yeol!” she said and giggled after seeing the other members get up with leaves all over their clothes.

Her eyes caught sight of Suho who was frowning in disapproval at the sight of Junsung and Joohyun holding each other like that. She immediately blushed and let go of Junsung and coughed awkwardly. Her best friends silently smirked at her and all of them greet Suho at the same time.

“Hey guys! Jian here was just talking about you guys a couple of hours ago. Right guys?” HL said.

 “Yeah, we were watching Music Bank and you guys performed and she was like acting all proud of her twinie.” JinYoung said and smiled ‘innocently’ at Joohyun.

“Twinie? LOL, stop lying. She was spazzing over Suho. Auch!” Geurim yelped as Joohyun hit her hand ‘lightly.’

“Girl if that leaves a bruise; you would totally not see the sun tomorrow.” She warned and Joohyun nervously smiled.  “Suho hyung? Why?” Sehun asked with a hint of mischievousness in his eyes. “Ah, no weird reasons, it’s just because he’s a member of my brother’s group. Don’t worry maknae, I spazz over you too, sometimes.” She said, stuttering a bit.

 “Don’t be fooled by her answers. She was indeed, spazzing over Suho and his awesomeness. Trust me, she messages me every time.” Kris confirmed.

Suho who was just silently listening was blushing really hard. *Maybe she’s just thankful for the advice that I gave. Or maybe she likes me too! I prefer the second one though.* “Gosh Kris, you’re such a jerk. You promised me that you won’t say a word.” Joohyun said.

“Wait, what is going on? Why are Kris and Joohyun so close? Why is Kris saying that Joohyun likes Suho?” Chanyeol thought out loud.

 “Whatever. I’m hungry so let’s go eat, girls. You guys want to join us?” Junsung asked. Sehun shamelessly accepted the offer and walked with Junsung, starting a conversation.

Suho held Joohyun back as the others walked to a nearby restaurant, not even realizing that they were gone.

“Joohyun-ah.” “What is it, Joonmyun oppa?” “I’ve wanted to confess this for awhile. Please don’t get mad at me and hate me.” “Why would I, oppa? What is the thing that you want to confess?” She lightly giggled; her heart was feeling restless for some reason.

“Listen carefully, please. I thought this was just another crush but when this feeling didn’t go away, I knew it was more than just that. I was jealous when I saw you with Kris, with any other man to be exact. Is it obsession? I’m not even sure anymore. I get restless whenever you’re not near me. But I don’t care anymore. All I know is I wanted to be with you. I know we don’t have enough moments together but I feel this attraction towards you. Park Joohyun, I like you, I love you, I’m obsessed over you and I can’t stop so please, be mine.”  He ended his confession with a small smile and red cheeks.

Joohyun’s eyes were wide open and she looked as if she couldn’t breathe.

*Is this really happening? Am I dreaming?* She thought.

After a few seconds of shocked, she replied, “I-I will. I like you, love you, obsessed over you and I can’t stop too, Suho oppa.” She said sweetly and blushed.

Suho grinned widely and cupped her face, slowly pulling it towards his. They locked eyes and were a couple of cm away. *She’s so cute.* he thought. Their eyes closed and their lips softly touched the others.

They kissed passionately and parted away after a very enjoyable minute. They looked into each other’s eyes and said, “I love you.” “Let’s build beautiful memories together.”Suho suggested. She just nodded and pulled him into another passionate kiss.

Cheers were heard and the two parted away, looking at the source of noise.

The EXO members and Joohyun’s best friends were cheering like little kids.

“Thank god you confessed to her. If you didn’t, I would’ve taken her away.” Kris hollered with a mischievous smirk.  Chanyeol narrowed his eyes at Suho ‘dangerously’ and said, “Since when did you start to have feelings for my twinny? You better treat her well or I’ll give her to Kris ge!” He warned. The new couple laughed and smiled lovingly at each other. No words needed to be said, they knew their feelings for each other.

 12 years later

Joohyun and Suho’s relationship was still going strong, even with their busy schedule.

Joohyun had debuted a few months after their relationship started, with YG Entertainment and this caused them to see each other less but they stilled went on with the relationship with much effort.

They loved each other so why would they want to part?

After their 6 year anniversary, Suho had asked for her hand in marriage after discussing it thoroughly with his and her parents.

They agreed to let him marry her even though Chanyeol was against it at first. He said that Joohyun was too young to get married but he was already married to a girl of a foreign country and already had a child with her, Yong Chan so he agreed after his wife talked to him for hours.

Joohyun and Suho now have a pair of twins and they are planning to have more children.

They are living a happy life in a village because they liked the air better there.

Looking back to the day that they expressed their love for the first time, they shared laughter and wondered why they were so damn nervous at that time.

Why were we nervous to confess our feelings to each other when we loved each other? That was the line that they would always say when they think back to those times.



Lol, my first one shot and it . Sorry and thanks for reading ^^

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Hmm... I didn't really understand what was going on half the time because I was only focusing on when the name Chanyeol comes up. BTW, I love the name Yongchan. Seems like that'll be a cute name for a son. =)
Puhahahaha!! I was laughing all the time, but only because I know it's you.

It's okay but it needs a lot of im,proving, mwahaha! There are some misspells and grammar mistakes so, be more aware.