Not So Bad After All....

That Unusual Meeting


The kiss lasted for only 5 seconds, but it felt like eternity.
My original plan is to smack him straight on his face or to step on his foot or anything that will inflict him pain but it didn't happen.
Arg. What is happening to me? I should be mad at him! For stealing a kiss from me but instead, I just stood there like an idiot while staring at the lunatic guy in front of me.
I heard a loud gasp from one of the power rangers girls and that snapped me back to reality.
"Um, t-that..." the girl in white shirt muttered, looking uncomfortable.
"Um, no. I mean, it was not--" I didn't have the chance to explain everything because the lunatic squirrel guy cut me off.
"I'm sorry for um, doing this in a wrong place but---"
"No, I think it's okay." a high-pitched voice cut in. "we shouldn't interrupt you."
I swear. I saw the two girls (the pink and yellow ranger) smiling weirdly at us and I don't like it. 
Crap! This is what I dreaded to happen! They were obviously thinking that I was making out with this guy!
"No miss, it's not what you guys thinking." I tried to explain, but their creepy smiles grew wider.
"It was really okay Miss." miss yellow ranger said "you can continue what you're doing earlier. But make it quick before somebody else could see you."
"NO! I--" 
But before I could protest, the three girls started to walk away from us with malicious smiles plastered on their lips.
When they were finally out of our sight, I quickly whipped around to face the guy that gave me the most embarrassing moment in my life.
These things wouldn't happen if I didn't help this lunatic squirrel guy earlier or better yet, if I didn't go in this stupid restroom.
And just by thinking about the lies that I said to Chung Ae, the fake acting that I did earlier, and her concerned and worried expression  and also the stupid smiles I got from those girls make me feel...frustrated...
So frustrated that I wanted to cry... I just embarrassed myself with a thing that I didn't really do.
And I know that no matter how I regret the things that happened, it will still be nonsense.
If I could just turn back the time...
"I know that you're really mad at me, but can we leave first?" the squirrel guy asked after a few minutes.
I shot him a glare that made him look scared.
"You see, can we--" 
"We'll talk later. We just need to get out of here now."
"I'm really sorry."  The annoying lunatic squirrel guy said for the umpteenth time and I felt more frustrated.
I was walking aimlessly, still thinking about the things that happened but this guy kept following me and I was starting to lose my temper again.
"I don't have any bad intention. I just did that so they would leave and---"
"SHUT UP!" I suddenly yelled angrily. "JUST SHUT UP OKAY? And leave me alone!"
My loud voice startled him, making him stopped from walking.
I finally lost my patience and I would like to yell at him with all my might but I stopped myself when I got aware by the stares that the people around us were throwing at us.
We were still in this mall and I don't want the humiliation and embarrassment that I feel to get worse so I controlled myself. Even if  I wanted to go crazy.
"I just wish that I didn't help you." I hissed at him. 
"I-I am really sorry, I---"
I really felt bad. I just... I don't deserve this. I helped him right? I save his life. I did everything to protect him. To not put him in shame but what did I get? A stupid kiss from a stranger and a complete humiliation that I would never forget.
Feeling that I would cry in any moment, I bit my lips and clenched my hands tightly as I started to walk away.
And thank heavens. This guy finally stopped following me.
When I realized that I'm already far from him, a familiar voice called my name. Making me stopped from walking.
"Hey, where have you been?" Chung Ae asked, putting her arm around my shoulder. "I already checked the restroom but you're-- hey, are crying?"
I immediately brought my hands to my cheeks and they were wet in tears. Wiping the tears away, I shook my head vigorously, denying Chung Ae's question "No. I'm not crying. It's just uh,"
"How are you feeling now? Do you want to go to the restroom again? By the way..." she paused, digging her purse as she searched for something. "I bought some medicines for you. Come on, take it."
"I don't need it Chung Ae-ah." I answered meekly.
"Why? Is it getting worse? I'll take you to the hospital now!"
"Chung ae, thank you for your concern but I'm fine now."
"But you were crying and--"
"I lied Chung Ae."
"Lied? What--"
I took a deep breath and readied myself to explain everything to my friend. "That was just a lie Chung Ae-ah. My stomach doesn't really hurt."
I pushed open the door of the familiar restroom and stepped in lazily.
With a droopy eyes and a slightly blurred vision, (because of sleepiness) I went to the sink and opened the faucet absent-mindedly.
Chung Ae was in her shopping-til-you-drop syndrome again and the mall will close in a few minutes but my friend doesn't seem to care.
I peeked at my watch to check the time. 9:45 pm. 9:45 in a Saturday evening and we were still in this mall instead of lazing around in my house. 
I miss my bed already.
Anyway, I couldn't reject Chung Ae's request for coming here with her because she said that she still feels bad about what I did to her last two weeks.
Yeah. Two weeks. Two weeks have already passed since that humiliating incident and Chung Ae can't still get over with it.
When I told her about everything, I mean EVERYTHING (including the kissing part), I thought that she would be mad at me (because I fooled her) but instead, she burst out laughing, and that made us look like crazy idiots in the middle of a shopping mall.
She said that I should not worry too much about it because it was just an accident and that poor guy didn't really like what happened. 
She also said that it was a strange and funny accident, that I should just laugh at it. And if she was in my place, she would probably forgive the poor guy and just forget everything that happened.
That actually made me think and I realized that she actually have a point. 
I guess... Baro really feels sorry. But I pushed his apologies aside because I was mad. And when I remember his expression when I yelled at him, a guilty feeling started to grip on me. Sigh. I guess I overreacted. Again.
Since there's a 99.9% chance of meeting him again, I guess it is just right to forget everything.
But there's one thing that was hard to take off my mind.
The kiss.
I know it was just a kiss without any emotional attachment. But I couldn't understand myself why I kept thinking about it.
Yeah, it was not my first kiss. But it was different from all the kiss that I got from my ex-boyfriends.
And it really...confuses me.
I let out a heavy sigh and washed my hands in the running water when I jumped in surprise.
The water was freakingly cold and it did a great job in making me awake and snapping me out of my reverie.
"." I cursed to myself as I pulled a wad of tissue paper to my left when I noticed something in the reflection of the big mirror in front of me that caught my attention. 
A women's restroom shouldn't have urinals attached to the wall.
My eyes popped in sheer horror.
Couldn't it be..?
I swiveled around, slowly, confirming my assumptions. That they were real. That it's not just a reflection.
But when I realized that I'm not dreaming. That the reflection in the mirror was true, I almost bang my head against the mirror.
I was in men's restroom.
Mother of jellybeans.
"idiotidiotidiotidiot" I muttered to myself nonstop as I hastily grabbed my purse without bothering to dry my hands off.
I almost stumble down when I ran towards the door.
Good thing that I'm the only person in this restroom or else I really don't know what to do.
Whaah. What the hell is wrong with me? I was not thinking properly so I got here! 
No, I'm too sleepy to notice the sign and...damn it!
Thoughts of blaming myself and for being stupid kept running in my mind as I fumbled with the doorknob.
I didn't have a hard time opening the door because there's someone who pushed it open from the outside.
Oh my god! No one should see me here!
But it's too late to hide now because the door opened widely, revealing a guy that made me almost faint.
Cha Sunwoo. Baro. 
The squirrel guy. The lunatic squirrel guy! The guy that gave me my most embarrassing moment in my life was standing in front of me in the doorway of the men's restroom!
I felt my heart speed up and my face redden in horror. "I-I-I---"
I tried to say that I made a mistake but I couldn't utter a proper word.
This is not happening.
Someone should save me from this nightmare.
"This is the men's restroom." His familiar deep voice echoed, pointing to the sign in the door that said "Men"
"I-I k-know I-I just----"
And then he smiled. A kind of smile that made me forgot all the bad things that happened last two weeks. A kind of smile that made him look like a real and sane human and not a lunatic squirrel guy. A kind of smile that basically took my breath away. A kind of smile that made me think about the kiss as my heart does flip-flops.
And a kind of smile that gave a clear reason why I was still thinking about the kiss even two weeks has already passed.
Because I was attracted to him.
My face blushed even more so I looked down, trying my best to hide my face from him.
"What are you still thinking?" he asked, "Come on, get out of there already before someone could see you." 
He pulled me by the arm without giving me a chance to say anything.
And after a few seconds, I was already outside the restroom and Baro was still smiling.
"I-I-" I sighed in defeat. "I'm sorry. I mean, I'm such an idiot and---"
"You don't need to apologize. It's natural for people to make mistakes, right?"
It took me a minute to answer because I was staring at his face. I just realized that he was really handsome. His big round eyes, his nose, his lips....they were, perfect. "Yeah, um. Right. And about what happened last two weeks," I took a deep breath, focusing on what I wanted to say instead of his face. "I also want to say sorry for um, saying improper things to you I---"
"Let's just forget about it. Can we?"
I gave a hesitant nod in response.
He gave a hearty laugh as he plowed in "But I still want to know your name, you are----?"
A smile suddenly tugged on the corners of my lips. Glad that he was still interested to know my name after everything that happened. 
I extended my hand for a shakehand as I introduced myself in a more formal way.
I guess...meeting him is not so bad after all.
A/N (hope you read this)
So this is the last chapter. First of all, sorry if you find this chapter disappointing D: I planned for a funny ending but decided to change it into a (quite) serious one for some reason, but I still hope that you would like this.
Second, finally! This fic was finally completed and I had so much fun writing this and reading your comments. I know that this wouldn't be considered as a good fic (because of grammar glitches and failed crack) but still, thank you for spending your time in reading this! XD And I will try to improve more! XD
Lastly, I hope that you could check my future fics xD And the fics that I already posted here XD once again, thank you guys for reading, commenting and subscribing! XD you can send me a pm or post in my wall if you want to ask me or something! You guys are daebak ! XD


Discalimer: cr sendmean-mir for the main picture :D

I know that it didn't suit to the story but I couldn't find any other picture that will fit Baro's description here .lols.

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final chapter T.T huhuhu.


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i hope i can see baro's face :333
This is so cute ;-;
Chapter 6: And in the end, he still didn't wash his hands.
Chapter 6: So awkward. e_o"