
That Unusual Meeting


"Ah, there you are." Chung Ae heaved a sigh when she saw me leaning in the mirror. "I thought you left me already."
She patted my back lightly as she the faucet and washed her hands under the running water.
"A-are you done shopping?"
"Hmm..not yet. I still haven't found the right thing that I should give to him!" she whined.
"Uh..err...really? umm.." I completely ignored the possibility of a few more hours of shopping because I was thinking of a way to make the squirrel guy escape from this restroom.
Then, an idea hit me like a speed of light. I placed my hand in my stomach and prentended to whimper.
She quickly looked at my direction and turned off the faucet. "What's wrong?"
"Arg. I-I...My stomach..it hurts..." I closed my eyes and whimpered dramatically.
I felt a pair of cold hands touching my bare arm, making my eyes fluttered abruptly. "D-don't touch me! Your hands are still wet!"
"It doesn't matter." she fretted. "You said that your stomach----"
"Oh." I almost forgot. I should be pretending that I'm in pain. "Ahh... It hurts... so much."
"W-what should I do? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" She asked, her face full of worry and concern.
"N-no." I walked a little forward, placing both of my hands above the sink. "I-I mean, urg... I guess, I-I can handle this."
"Huh? But---" she brushed some hair that was covering my face, making me shiver at the coldness of her wet hand. "You don't look good."
[i]I don't really look good because there's a strange guy that was trapped in one of this room's stalls and I'm waiting for you to get out of here so you wouldn't see him because I know that you're just going to build some nonsense exaggerated assumptions.[/i] Oh, how I wish I could tell her what's on my mind.
Anyway, I need to think fast! Come on, I'm a genius right? I am one of our school's top students. This thing should just be easy, like a piece of chocolate cake.
"I-I think... I need to use the toilet for a while." I declared, not really sure why exactly I said that.
"What? But I think we should get out of here. I'll bring you to the hospital or in your house." She tugged the hem of my shirt. "Come on."
"N-no...I mean...I think I have---"
"You have what?" she half-shouted in panic. "Let's go now!"
"Chung Ae-ah.. Just relax okay?" I groaned in fake pain. "I guess...I just have LBM..."
"LBM." I repeated.  "Loose Bowel Movement."
"Wait, what---"
"ARG. DIARRHEA. A condition in which faeces are discharged from the bowels frequently and in a liquid form." I explained impatiently.
Chung Ae stepped back a little, raising her hands like a traffic enforcer. "Too much information."
"Yeah." My voice got gruffer. "Honestly, the reason why I went here is because---"
"You don't need to tell everything. I get it already." She cut me off.
A smirk formed in my lips. I know Chung Ae doesn't like to hear this kinds of things. "Actually, my stomach hurts badly, and I need to, you know go to the toilet fr---"
"Okay, what do you want me to do?" she sighed, maybe in relief because my "condition" was not that serious as she thought.
"I think, you should buy me some medicine."
"Okay." she grabbed her purse quickly. "Just...wait here. And..um, if you need to discharge, um. Just make sure that no one is around because that was---"
"Just go already." I hissed, trying my best not to burst out laughing.
"I think I need to use the toilet again."
Why, I am such a great actress. Maybe I should try to audition in some talent search in tv programs.
Maybe I will be discovered by a famous company. And become an idol. Ah, that sounds great.
Anyway, I saw her wrinkling her nose in evident disgust as she went to the door of the restroom.
But before she could open the it, I heard a rustling sound from somewhere.
I instinctively turned around to check what it is.
But before I knew it, the only occupied stall, the stall that I dreaded to be found out who's inside, the stall where the strange guy who asked for a tissue paper, burst open.
And then the squirrel guy emerged.
And I wanted to bang my head against the wall.
Holy mother of pearl.
HAHAHA. 10 subies :D Wow, Thank you for subscribing and for commenting :D Glad that you like the first chapter . kekekekekeke~ :D
Hope you like this too :D
I, too laughed like an idiot after I finished the first chapter.lols.
Okay, I leave you with this second chapter ;DD
Disclaimer: Picture not mine :D credit to the owner :D
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final chapter T.T huhuhu.


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i hope i can see baro's face :333
This is so cute ;-;
Chapter 6: And in the end, he still didn't wash his hands.
Chapter 6: So awkward. e_o"