Chapter Two

The Student

You walked out of the office with Baekhyun. You walked a few steps before hearing a knock on the glass panel. Turning around, you and Baekhyun saw the principal mouthing the words "Fighting!" and "Good luck!" with actions. You continued walking at a slow pace and Baekhyun slowly catched up with you.  

Walking past the classrooms, you could hear the whispers and rumors going around again. You were about to walk another way which was quieter so as to prevent unwanted attention when Baekhyun called you out.

"Miss Nam?" You turned around. 
"My name isn't Miss Nam. It's Nam Jihyun." Baekhyun shrugged. "Since we didn't have time to introduce ourself just now, why not we go to the canteen and have a small talk?"
"Sure. Lead the way Mr Byun." Baekhyun chuckled. "It's Byun Baekhyun." You nodded your head and walked towards the canteen. 

"Gosh, why are you acting like i have some disease, walking so fast away from me? Girls would die to be in your position. I'm Byun Baekhyun, the school kingka, Miss Nam." Baekhyun shouted to you. You didn't care. You were totally immune to kingkas because of your cousin. You had to thank your cousin sincerely for once in making you immunce to kingkas and boys. It's not that you're weird or anything. You have no interest in boys right now.

"Because i like walking fast!" You retorted back. Baekhyun had no choice but to quicken his pace. He wasn't going to lose him playboy charms that easily. 

You sat at the bench and stared at your shoelaces. Baekhyun was still taking his own sweet time walking. You were deep in your thoughts, thinking of all the evil curses you could give the principal for his horrible idea when a voice broke your thoughts.
"I'm sure my face looks way better than your blue shoelaces." There Baekhyun was, seating next to you. 

"So teacher, let's start our conversation! I'll do the introductions first. I'm Byun Baekhyun from class 2D. And since you'll be my teacher till year 3, i'm sure i don't need to list down my personalities because you'll get to know more about me sooner or later." He winked at you but you didn't move a inch. 

You smiled at him. "I'm Nam Jihyun from class 2A. My personalities and everything, will be revealed sooner or later. Don't be shocked if i'm not like your fangirls. I'm immune to kingkas." You looked down at the floor, embarrassed of what you've said. Baekhyun on the other hand just smiled. "I'm born in 6 May and you're born in?" 

"10 August."
"Perfect! Since you are 3 months younger than me, call me OPPA." Baekhyun looked at you cheekily.
"But we are both born in the same year, which makes me the same age as you! And you're not my boyfriend or brother, so no way." You were totally against the idea of calling Baekhyun oppa. You were going to be his teacher afterall. 
"Still, you're 3 months younger than me. It's a form of respect."
"I'm going to be your teacher. So that's impossible."
"It's possible. When you're not tutoring me, you must call me oppa. When you're tutoring me, you don't have to call me oppa." Baekhyun shrugged and acted as if this was this simplest thing on earth. 
You snorted. "First the principal and his crazy idea. Now it's you and your call-me-oppa-idea. I'm not going to do that Baekhyun." You folded your arms and looked at the opposite way.
"Fine, suit yourself. I'm going to tell the principal that you're not willing to tutor me and your grades will drop and drop and drop." He stuck his tongue out at you. You turned around and faced him, the word absurd spelt across your face. 

"This is blackmail." 
"Nope it isn't. It's a form of respect. Take it, or leave it."

You sighed and raised your hands up in defeat. "Fine Baekhyun."
"You forgot the word O P P A, oppa."
"Oppa what?"
You rolled your eyes. "Baekhyun oppa." 

He smiled widely and did a victory sign. "Give oppa your number, we need to contact with each other for tutoring sessions." You took out your phone at the same time as him and numbers were exchanged. "Look here Jihyun, give me a smile!" 

*Wow, she's beautiful.* Baekhyun was busy staring at your picture and he didn't notice your empty presence. He looked up and saw you walking towards the classrooms block.

"Jihyun! At your house or at my house?!" Baekhyun shouted loudly. You could swear that everyone in SM Academy could clearly hear the words Baekhyun just said. 
At your house or at my house. 

You were too embarrassed to answer him and walked faster to prevent further embarrassment.
"JIHYUN!" You whipped out your phone and texted him.

To : Baekhyun
From : Jihyun
Don't shout! I'm sure the whole SM Academy could hear your voice just now. We don't study at any house, we study in the school library.

Beep. Beep.

To : Jihyun
From : Baekhyun
Awww. Is my dongseang embarrassed? Keke~ Why are we studying in the library? Fine, meet there tomorrow at 3.30.

To : Baekhyun
From : Jihyun
I'm not embarrassed! It's just ... Never mind. Okay, see you there. Goodbye.

To : Jihyun
From : Baekhyun
You are embarrassed, admit it~~ 

To : Jihyun
From : Baekhyun
Yah, Jihyun, are you there? Why aren't you replying oppa?

To : Baekhyun
From : Baekhyun
Shush. I'm studying in class now. 

To : Jihyun
From : Baekhyun
You forgot to add oppa but since you're studying, i'll forgive you. Study well! ^_^

Baekhyun looked out of the window and realised that his classroom was opposite yours. You were studying intentively while Baekhyun was examining your looks. All of all sudden, you looked out of the window and you saw Baekhyun staring at you. He waved to you and you did the same thing back to him. 

"Go and study!" You mouthed these words to him and ignored him for the rest of the days and for his and for your own good.


Second chapter up! Hopefully it isn't boring.. I'm still learning and trying ^^ I'm planning to make Baekhyun a friendly playboy/cassonova, someone that is friendly and gets the girls easily since i'm not ready to create/write a cold character right now. 

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lee_Mun-Ah #1
the last chapter was ok~
so dont worry anymore unnie~
update soon ^.^
Haha cute fic, update soon oWo
lee_Mun-Ah #3
you're story is so great~~ <3 <3 <3
kyuyeon14 #4
Update soon!!!