New start and big trouble!

A new place same life?

It had been a few weeks since you and Seunghyun had bought a house and started a new life.

You had to admit this was better then the life you used to have, running a candy store didn't pay as much as your job at the company but it paid enough to pay the bills.groceries yet always have a little extra money just in case.

And you had more the enough customers, little children and even elders came to buy from the candy store, your prices being quite cheap compared to the other candy store in town.
Sometimes you'd get a curious person who would ask if you had a boyfriend and when replying that you indeed have a boyfriend they would ask where he was and you'd tell them that he works at night then the new shipments come.

Seunghyun had insister on working the night shifts atleast to receive the candy and handle the paperwork for the stock,seeing that if you would handle that aswell you would never get enough sleep, it was quite hard to convince you to go to bed each night as you each time whined to Seunghyun that you would help and at one point he had to literally toss you into bed and wrap you in the blankets in such a way that you couldn't get up even if you tried.

Sometimes on rainy days he would work during the day but only during the time it would rain, the people would compliment him and tell you you had such a caring boyfriend that he would work two shifts, he would just smile in return and help them with putting the purchased items in a bag.

Today however it was a calm day, the rain softly trickled on the window, just once in a while there would be a customer buying a few things,buisness was slow.

You were about to decide to close to store for the day when you noticed a small child had stepped into your store, never seen the child before you asumed it was new" Hello can I help you?" 

The child turned to you and walked over' I just moved here and I got a gift for you!" She handed you a piece of candy, but it was candy you didn't sell in your store" thank you, then you can have this one" You gave her another candy in exchange, the child smiled and walked out" Be sure to eat it! it's best eaten right away!" 

You smiled and waved at the child, closing the door behind her" Well might aswell" You took the candy out of your pocket and when unwrapping it you saw it had a sapphire like color" pretty.." You smiled and ate it but as you swallowed the candy you felt a cold feeling creep all over your body..numbing it slowely.

" Seung..hyun..." 

You fell to the floor with a loud thud, the world going black infront of your eyes seeing seunghyun's worried face before you passed out.

Seunghyun had heard the child come in but had a feeling something was wrong..when his feeling was confirmed he rushed to your side only to see you close your eyes, not knowing how to wake you up,He carried you up to the bed and tried to wake you up by standard methods.

This being, a kiss...waking you up with water..all sorts of things but it didn't work, as time passed and your vital signs were still dangerously low, he was starting to panic" Come on..I can't be losing you..not yet....." He looked around" I'll..find a doctor.....I'll be back soon" He didn't like the feeling of leaving you alone in your current state but he had to, Running out of the house and into the rain he went to search for the town doctor.

He stopped people in their tracks asking them for one and after a few tries finally got directed to one, when arriving there his clothes were completely soaked and it was still raining,he pounded on the door a few times " PLEASE! Open the door!"  after a few minutes an old man opened the door when seeing the look of complete panic on his face he understood" bring me to where she is boy" He gathered a bag of supplies and was carried there by Seunghyun as he races back to the shop.

Once there he carefully put him down by the bed"Alright now youngun tell me what happened.." 

" I don't know..I was upstairs resting while she was running the store....and then this child gave her some candy.she ate it and..this happened..please make her better her heart is hardly beating!" 

the man examined you for a bit and shook his head' Youngun..there is no cure for this..only true love..can heal this...the candy she was given...was a spell candy...this to knock out the consumer....if he or she has any doubts if their love can work out,even the littlest subconsious thought can do this....this is a battle the two of you must face to her..reaffirm with her that your love for her is real and that all will work out...if you fail..she will slowely die....i'm sorry..there is nothing I can do" The man bowed in an apologetic manner and left leaving Seunghyun sobbing by your bed.

A/N: sorry X_X

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Chapter 4: Eeep! so good!! I love happy endings. very well done. salanghae!!!! XDDD
YAY! Sequel!