the start of endless tears

A little too nice

You were talking with Junhyung when Joon came to the room. You flash him your sweet smile, hoping he'll reply but he didn't. He walks pass you and sit far from you. It's been days since he ignored you and since the practice for MBLAQ and BEAST is over, you decided to talk to him.

"joon oppa, we need to talk." you said as you stand in front of him. 

He stared at you coldly.

"okay. Let's talk outside." he said and went outside. You followed him to a big room.

"speak."he said with no interest.

You were hurt by his attitude but you start to talk.

"why are you being so cold? That day, until that day, you were the closest people in my life. You kissed me for God's sake, oppa." you said with a soft voice.


"Oppa, did something happen?" you asked him again.

"how many times do i have to tell you?" he said with the coldest expression.


"I told you yesterday, i don't give a damn about you anymore. I told you the first time the kiss was a joke. well let me tell you this time. I HATE YOU JINA.and don't try to get near me anymore. i don't want to see your face." he said, and left you standing, alone in the room.

You fell on your knees, shocked to hear what Joon had said to you. You feel like crying but you wiped it off, look into the mirror to make sure your eyes is not red and went out of the room with a smile.

"Hey jina do you want to go with us? we're going to eat at the restaurant next to this building." Doojoon asked you when you get back inside the practice room.

Everyone is looking at you right now, waiting for your answer, except Joon. You smile and shook your head since you think that Joon won't like it if you're around.

"naah, i'm kinda tired. i'll just stay at home and sleep." you said and pack up your things.

"you want me to accompany you?" junhyung asked.

"No! don't... you should hang out with the rest. I'm gonna sleep anyway. See you guys!" you said and left the practice room.


Jiyong is sitting on the couch when you came home. He looked at you and hug you tightly.

"miss you lil sis." he said, kissing your forehead.

"Miss you too, oppa.. so how's life?" you asked him as you sit next to him on the couch.

"tiring... keke... what about you? you look kinda sad Jina..." he said as he rest his head on your shoulder. He always do that to you ever since you were a little kid. 

"I'm fine.. Been having a great day oppa. I'm not sad i'm just... tired.. I just finished my practice session with BEAST and the rest of MBLAQ..." you said tiredly.

"jinjja? why don't you go sleep? by the way, where's the rest of MBLAQ?" he asked you.

"They're going to eat dinner with BEAST..." you said reaching for the remote.

"You're not going with them?" he asked you, confused.

"no. i'm tired. Beside, if i go, you'll be alone for another hour..." you chuckled. 

"yah..." he said but smile as he watch TV with you.



"it's been a long time since we did this kind of thing huh? watching tv, talking," you said as you sigh.

He sits back up and stared at you.

"you're having some troubles?" he asked you.

"hahaha no oppa, i'm just saying ... i'm gonna go shower first. Are you gonna sleep here tonight?" you asked him as you stand up and walked to your room.

"No, i have to get back in half an hour..." he said from the other room.

"okay..." you replied and quickly went to the bathroom.

You sighed heavily when you locked the bathroom. You the shower, letting it wash your body. And that time, you cried. You cried silently because of Joon's cold attitude towards you. He's been your best friend. And to have him hate you suddenly just doesn't make any sense. 

You went out of the bathroom after you make sure you look okay. You were wearing boxer and loose t-shirt. 

"I have to go now jina. I'm so sorry." jiyong said to you with apologetic look.

'i'm alone again..' you thought but you smile.

"it's okay oppa. Good night, love you." you said and hug him and kiss him on the cheek before he left.

You went to your room and lie down restlessly. You can't sleep. But you don't have anything to do. So you decide to go to the kitchen and cook some cookies.

'i'm gonna give this to BEAST and MBLAQ oppa tomorrow...' you said as you put the cookies that you had bake into a box and you yawned. It's 11 PM. You can hear MBLAQ just got home. They're laughing outside. You smiled bitterly and went to sleep.


2011/02/14 monday

By seoulchae



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#1 much mary-sueness
i can't even
Saemiy #2
Chapter 20: Omooo. He kissed her suddenly.
Made me yelp a bit. ><
thanks for the lovely comments :'D
falling_stars258 #4
I love your story ! Its explains a lot of what is going on. I'm also happy that she ended with Joonie ! :)
Very good job ! :)
incensed #5
Reading this in 2012 yay ~ :D
Awesome story! I really love the ending.
They just had to be together since they make such a sweet couple.
xbabieveex #6
I didnt know which one she was going to be with joon, JunHyung, or jonghyung...I kinda wanted her to be with someone other than joon because she went through so much for him, too much. But he's happy in te end at least ^^
that was such a SWEET ENDING!!
Cute ending =)
Lol thankss :)
I actually finished this a long time ago xD<br />
The ending was no nice and simple, I likey! <3 And hopefully we got marriedd!! XDDD<br />
I was kinda rooting for Junhyung since he's my no.1 bias but oh well, Lee Joon's my bias in MBLAQ so I was okay. ^_^<br />
So many obstacles during the whole glad they made it through!